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Jessica Caudill

Student Teaching
26 January 2015
Kindergarten Writing Lesson Plan: Sentences
Common Core:
With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add
details to strengthen writing as needed.
Unit Outcome:
TLW be able to write a complete sentence.
TLW use punctuation at the end of the sentence.
TLW use finger spaces between words.
TLW use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and lowercase letters for
the rest.
Rational/Purpose of the Lesson:
For students to learn and apply the conventions of writing a sentence.
Formative assessment by walking around and conferencing with students about their writing.
Summative assessment by collecting their writing to check for understanding.
Resources/Materials Required:
My Writers Checklist
Smartboard page of writing sample to correct
Single sheets of writing paper
Students writing folders
Show an example of a poor writing sample and ask the students if it is quality kindergarten
Mini Lesson:
1. Ask the students to turn and talk to a friend about what is wrong in the sample
2. Lead a discussion with the students to list all the things wrong with the writing

3. Once the students are done with making corrections write a new sample of the
writing below the poor writing sample.
4. Open the My Writers Checklist and point out that they already listed everything
that is on the checklist. Explain to them that they will use the checklist when they return
to their seats to write.
5. Keep the My Writers Checklist open on the board and give each child one to
keep in their writing folder.
Independent Work:
1. Have the students return to seats and begin writing. They may use the checklist
for their new work or for their previous writings.
Ask a few students to share their stories with the class. Choose students who used the
checklist to make their writing be their best.

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