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Savana Gregory


To obtain a Fashion Stylist position in the fashion industry with my keen eye to details seeking to
expand my knowledge in fashion. My goal is to introduce a unique fashion statement that will
make my models/clienteles stand out from amongst the crowd.

Work Experience
MPS Recreation 4141 N 64th St, Milwaukee, WI 53216
July 2013-August 2014
Monitored the hallways
Set up different activities
Basketball Camps
Soccer Classes
Hair Braiding Classes
Escorted kids/adults to classes

Alabama A&M University Normal,AL
Apparel, Merchandising and Design Bachelor's Degree
Anticipated date of Graduation, May 2018
Morse.Marshall High School Milwaukee,WI
Graduated June of 2014

Other Activities
Track & Field Morse.Marshall Eagles
Varsity 2010-2014
Team Captain of 2013-2014
Special Education Volunteering
Provide help for the Special education kids
Helped with group projects
Played different games
Traveled with the kids to camp sites and malls
Help the kids with work and activities
Talk to the kids about their problems
Home problems
Bullying Problems

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