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Sexual Orientation Extra Credit Assignment

Based on your textbook readings and the Sexual Orientation and Activity video,
please respond to the following questions:
1. Describe the difference between sexual orientation and lifestyle. Sexual
orientation is the point of origin of a humans sexual arousal, if the
case is a homosexual the origin is a person from the same sex, if its a
heterosexual, then a person from a different sex and if its a bisexual
person then the origin is either sex. A lifestyle is a choice a human
makes as to how he/she wants to live, so for example a homosexual
can decide to live an openly gay lifestyle, in contrast to another who
decides to live in the closet.
2. What factors have been found to be associated with sexual orientation?
Factors associated with sexual orientation are genetics, studies with
identical twins, fraternal twins and adoptive brothers, state that the
more genetically close brothers were the more likely it was for them
to be both gay. Also hormones have been studied as to the exposure
to sex hormones during the prenatal environment. Feminine behavior
during childhood development, and posterior expression of
homosexual orientation.
3. Explain whether you tend to agree or disagree with the research presented in
your textbook that describes the extent to which sexual orientation is nature
(biological) and/or nurture (learned). Since us humans are so diverse and
so different I think I agree with what I have read. I have personally
known many friends who are gay, straight and bisexual. And when
asking them about how they explain the nature of their orientation
they all have different explanations to their experiences. As human
experiences are so diverse, the roots of their pleasures, fantasies and
desires are equally diverse. Nature vs. nurture has and will always
will be a questions with many answers.

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