Sefl-Evaluation Final

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NURS 253 STUDENT SELF-ASSESSMENT EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE OCCURS AT WEEK 13 (FINALS) NOTE: Students who ae experiencing dfulis tat coud result an “unsaefactory in Week? or Week TS be expected to doa selfevahiation and receive ‘preceptor and facil evaluation mn Week 4 andlor week 11, reauled. jent: Charle Ryan Paguel ‘Student Number: 822-851-358 Preceptor: Date: April 16,2015, PLEASE CIRCLE §=SATISFACTORY ND = NEEDS DEVELOPMENT —_U = UNSATISFACTORY ‘CONPETENT AND SAFE PRACTICE WITHIN/ALEGAL™~/ Week¢ SND U~— Cornments [AND ETHICAL FRAMEWORK NA 1. Modelsae,compstnt and ethkal pectin n | Suse receptor signature and date compliance with teal and rogultory ameworks land the policies and procedures ofthe practice | N@®K7 SND U Comments setting ‘Siodont signature and dae ‘Procopiar signature ana date |. Comply with regulatory standards, relevant egitation 7 cere and the practcesoting’s policies and procedures. Week 1 § DU Comments ii -Aetina professional responsible, ehieal ang ‘sccountable manner. Student signature and date Precoptor signature and date J, Use the thee factor and decision making tamewerks "Weeki YU ‘Comments to detormne eengihs and imitations and when to | collaborate and consult vith other professionals + As a student integrating into nursing profession! eared how to follow rules and Iv. Inearate evidence formed practee anda heory _‘Fegulations within the workplace setting to deliver a safe, competent, and ethical based approach ino nursing care Practice by knowing the workplace environment, ana being prepare for any possible Ze end EL eae aaa ain ee v Kechepeckes oat morainestooheand eit nhart ete gone fea mena rca. Sitcron onesie nt onacnee Seu smo int Givin din wok steam vi Ghaonendry oon arcaand Shanon Sey beaut reer noe eee Uy a Eercbeercieernacrancmentmersse8 rico omen | al et ctr mente ete et ne edi age gan ieee ra in dealing with confit by being unbased and not being judgmental ‘x, Demonstrate understanding about the oe of he nurse ze oer Pe wthn health ere | a Lj sunzpots x 5 jatar and date Preceptar signature and date ACCURATE AND RELEVANT COMMUNICATION. 2. Communicate using strategies and technology to sifect accurate and timely ifemation sharing Including data, research, and other information. CContibute team sharing and ascussons Document cleat, accurately, concisely ately ‘manner using wiiten and electron methods Use effective communication techniques when ‘reporting relevant information and proving feedback to he appropriate members ofthe inter professional heath cate tear, Evaluate and ef techniques used to communicate and share information wih ents and he intr professional health car team. Ensure privacy and confientalty Use technology to retrieve informaton including feaearch and ofr date ano obtain and forward Ieformaton btn wihi and ouside the practice seting Weeks 8 ND U Comments | Shidentstnature and date Preceptor signature ac date Week? SND U—~ Comments Student signature and date Weoktt 5 ND U Student signature and date Weeks BU receptor signa and date Comments Procoptor signature and date ‘Comments Working in SBSU I earned the importance of documenting residence behavior hourly using Dementia Observation System, a documentation tools used by nurses And oer healthcare provider to establish plan of care forthe residence. Thats why itis very important to document clearly and concisely for accurate care plan earned how to communicate with every healthcare provider within the unit their ‘observations when doing care when documenting on DOS for accuracy. When doing post fall assessment itis very important to record and follow-up every hhour using Glasgow coma scale, level of consciousness, vital signs, Range of, ‘motion, and any residence change in physical health after a fall must be address, "ight away for further assessment. “Taamed how to dociment on PCC all important information or behavior observed In every shi forall heakhcare providers what to expect and when meeting withthe residence family itis good soutes of information tobe shared asa basis of any Interventions. For example, tthe residence need fo increase or decrease thelr drug dosage. “Twas able outlize the used of E-AIAR when giving medications treatments, pain ‘assessment and followup, skin assessments, and restrain procedures and | protocols, in addition | also learned how to transcrbe physician medicalons order Through EARaR. a | CARING RELATIONAL PRACTICE ‘3. Engage in relational practice that i caring, compassionate and tespectul. Esabich tempeutc carn, compassionate, and Cuurally safe elaorshipe with dents and healthcare team members Establah a caring envionment that supports clients ‘eating hei need snd outcomes, managing their ess, or experiencing a peaceful death [Demensrate herapest use of self to foster cont wet bein, Uz clatonal knowledge an skill, and ethical pineples te support cents nd to interact with healt care provers Use set awareness to ently the ellects that belts, values, and personal experiences have on relational practice Colaborate wth cents, members of he Interprofessonal and health care teams; and, consult appcopr ately. Uphold practices and sysioms that support he diversity of oients and ofthe iterproessional neath care tam Provide efectve cient education, Wook#S NOU Comments Stertsigatre and date Praceper sonst ne ce Wook? S NOU Comments ] Shident sonet ad ate Proctor sat and date Weok1t $ NOU Comments | Stren sonar and ate receptor sant ae te Week 14 § U Comments Working in behavioral unitis very challenging because of the residence special ‘hoods, and one thing that! learned isto gain the residence trust, and care for them as they are not diferent from others, ays giving them a clear direction when they are boing confused, and always orentating them by caling their name. have given the ‘change to enhance my communications skils by using diferent approach wien ‘communicating oa confused residence; i requires alt of patience and repetitive ‘oealzations. “Offering a helping hand to other health care team ke PSW, kitchon staff, physiotherapist. Registered Nurse and activation therapist show Ym a team player. “Working in SBSU I learned how to manage my time by alvays thinking abead, and ‘establishing a routine practice everyday for productive shift For example, taking Vital signs before giving high alert medication for hypertension, capillary blood ‘gkicose before giving insuln and understanding siding scale for safe dosage. ‘Working with residence diagnosed with dementias very challenging; however, after | ‘spending some time caring Tor them {learned how to aiftuse their mood swing by providing thelr basic needs with gentle persuasive approach. For example, food, Water, juice and anything they Ike to eat or drink, explaining every step when ) Droviding care, and medication. | Z | bakit . ~Pracopior signature and date LEADERSHIP AND Apvocacy 4. Act as alate andan advocate to empower ‘cents, sll, the inter-prefessional healthcare team and to further the profession, |. Evaluate and refine leadership kl to develop solutons, resolve conf, create a posiive werk ‘envenment and organizational clr, and sstengihen advocacy role Provide feodback o peets and ecept feedback from peers and members ofthe te-professional heath care tea. |i, Advocate for lent, self others, and quay practice Suppot ion sgh for elt-leterminaion ana ceheice, ¥. Respond appropriately to uneafe, unacceptable, and unprofessional behaviors, Demonstrate pubic protection and actngin he Interest of the public through collaboration and Consultation wih other members oft nor profesional hein care teams. CContrbute tthe creation of qualty practice strategies ‘and solutions. ‘Assign, superis, teach as appropiate, and provide {ecaback 1 unregulated care providers (UCP) n ‘alleboraion wih te inter professional heath care ten | Beinga leader nursing profession as observe wit my preceptor, In professional standard set by the acy, and college of nurses fro Weeks SND U ‘Student signature and dato 73ND U Student signature and date Week tt § ND U comments Comments receptor signature and date Proceptor signature and dato Comments receptor signavsre and date Comments my pre-gtad experience by being postive thinker for alllearning opportunites, being a rte model, and being alvays professional i ‘esolving confict within te work place. For example, when a staffs being asked Abouta residence behavior that tts not tre, confit with my own observation, ‘ot being judgmental, Asa leader I voice my own opinion in a professional manner ‘by explaining the rationale to the staff why itis very mpertantto provide a truthful ‘cbservation forthe wellbeing ofthe all residence. “Being a leader lalways ma hand when needed. always visible in the lor, offering a helping ‘Being a leader Ian work independently with confidence, and | always accept ‘egative feedback that can further develop my knowledge, and ski ineny fre Working in a behavior unt requires repetitive action, and when the residence say no {or any nursing care, re-approach strategies fs necessary in meeting thelr neods. For ‘example, giving medications explaining why they need acertam modication and IS ‘mechanism of ation. practice. For example, medication administration by always checking new doctor ‘orders and abways following the 10 rights of medication administration. (by (PrbFe _uneas _Probepfor apna and dato | PLANS OF CARE: MEET CLIEWTS’ NEEDS AND MUTUALLY | AGREED EXPECTED OUTCOMES 5. Integrate the nursing process into allaspects of | nursing care andacross dWverse practice settings. iL Formulate cficl judgments that mest cents! unique and changing health need and pitites, outcomes, and over ‘condition and incorporate these into evolving plans of eae | Devise evidence-nformed plans of cae hatare hele snd efent centered li Use clinical judgmentto assets cllens, prize neods, ‘outcomes, and nursing interventions. | plans ote Safely and competenty perform teatrents and use techniques, and tednology autonomously and in colaboraton wih clets and members ofthe interprofessional heats care team CColaberate wih the allonts across tho fespan and with ‘members ofthe interprofesiona healthcare team to create | ‘lent centered pla of care at arculated it ‘competence both in wring and orally Use awarenets of ovm knowledge ands, the tee factors ofnuree, cent and envronment andthe practice

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