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Civil Rights and a Political Shift 8-7.

1860 Presidential Election. 1998. Web. 19 June 2014.

Changes in the United States during the late 1900s and early 2000s made the economy stronger
and changed much of traditional society and politics. To understand the response of South
Carolina to these changes, you should be able to explain the changing politics in South Carolina.
This includes the role of Strom Thurmond, the shift from a Democratic state to a Republican
state, and the increasing participation of both African Americans and women in politics.
The Federalist Party was Americas first major political party, but as it began to decline the
Democratic-Republicans became the dominant party. Later, they would be known simply as the
Democratic Party and would be the dominant party in the South. When the Republican Party
was established in the mid 1800s to oppose the expansion of slavery, they were opposed by the
southern Democrats. When Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the South
seceded and the Civil War began. In the years after the war, the victorious Republicans tried to
reconstruct the South, but the southern Democrats refused to cooperate and eventually
redeemed the state for white Democrats. The solid South was a result of the southern
Democrats sticking together.

1. Do you think this comparison drawing was most likely done by a

Southerner or a Northerner? Why do you think that?
Two Platforms. 1880. Web. 19 June 2014.

Democrat Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman support for civil rights laws and
desegregation angered southern Democrats. In response, southern Democrats founded the
Dixiecrat party and Strom Thurmond ran for president. After his loss, they returned to the
Democrat party.

2. Why do you think southern Democrats would be alarmed to hear the above
quote from President Roosevelt?
Franklin Roosevelt Civil Rights Quote. 2002. Web. 19 June 2014.

Supreme Court decisions such as Elmore v Rice and Brown v Board supported integration, but
southern Democrats led by Strom Thurmond resisted the changes in a variety of ways. When
President Kennedy and President Johnson (both were Democrats) worked to pass the Civil
Rights Act and the Voters Rights Act, southern Democrats withdrew their support from the
party. Thurmond and other southern Democrats began to change to the Republican Party,
leading much of the South to become solidly Republican during the mid 1960s.

3. What does the chart show about the changes taking place in how Southerners
voted in the mid 1900s?
Republican Shift In the United States. 1995. Web. 19 June 2014.

As a result of civil rights legislation being passed by Democrats, African Americans began to
change from Republican to Democrat. While they have enjoyed local success with voting, they
have had a limited impact on presidential elections as they make up only 28% of South
Carolinas population.

4. Why do you think the shift in African American political party has not
changed in so many years?
African-American Party ID. 2004. Web. 19 June 2014.

The Civil Rights Movement also led to women taking a more active role in politics. Many
women have served in congress, state legislature, and even governor.

5. Why do you think it took so long for South Carolina to elect our first female
Nikki Haley Campaign Photo. 2010. Web. 19 June 2014.

In order to ensure economic growth, South Carolina passed the Education Improvement Act of
1980. The results have shown improvement in graduation rates and achievement as more
students have gone to college. While funding for education has not always been even and some
districts have more money than others, but a minimum level of educational opportunity has
been established.

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