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DOALNARA Restoration
Society Philippines
Multi-Purpose Cooperative

QC Celebrates
Earth Day 2013

Sindaw Philippines
Performing Arts Guild


The Premium Health,Travel and Lifestyle Newspaper


# 4291 Emilia St., Brgy Palanan, Makati
City.Mobile Numbers:0918-385-8571
& 0917-857-4493

OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014 Vol. V, Issue No. 7


By: Alexander B. Estoesta II
Acknowledged as one of
the more chronic diseases
among humans, Diabetes
Mellitus or simply Diabetes is
an illness which occurs when
a person does not produce
sufficient insulin coming from
the pancreas or when the
body cannot properly utilize
the insulin that it produces.
Insulin is a hormone that
regulates blood sugar levels.
Hence, high blood sugar levels or Hyperglycaemia are
associated with people who
are suffering from Diabetes.
Eventually, Hyperglycaemia can lead to serious damage that may gradually affect
the normal functions of bodily
organs and systems, especially to the heart, kidneys, nerves
and blood vessels.
Types of Diabetes
According to the World
Health Organization (WHO),
there are three (3) types of
Diabetes. These are Type 1
Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and
Gestational Diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes occurs
when a persons body fails
to produce insulin. The deficiency in insulin production
requires the patient to be
administered with sufficient
doses of insulin on a daily
basis, either through injection
or an insulin pump. This form
of Diabetes was also known
before as Insulin-dependent,
Juvenile or Childhood-onset
Type 2 Diabetes is a condition which results when the
body becomes resistant to the
insulin it produces and the
cells fail to properly utilize
the insulin. Type 2 Diabetes is

known as the more common

form of Diabetes as 90% of
people who suffer from the
disease are diagnosed with
the Type 2 variety.
The third type is Gestational Diabetes, which occurs
among pregnant women who
develop a high blood glucose
level during pregnancy. This is
often diagnosed through prenatal screening.
Additionally, people who
are suffering from Impaired
Glucose Tolerance (IGT) and
Impaired Fasting Glycaemia
(IFG) are also at risk from
progressing to Type 2 Diabetes.
Common Symptoms
All three Diabetes types
have almost the same symptoms. For a person afflicted
with Diabetes, symptoms may
include polydipsia or excessive thirst, polyuria or excessive urination, fatigue, vision
changes, constant hunger and
weight loss.
How To Prevent
and Treat Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes cannot be
prevented as based on medical accounts. However, the
more common form of Diabetes, which is Type 2, is usually
influenced by a persons lifestyle. By preventing and delaying the occurrence of Type
2 Diabetes, people should do
the following adjustments to
their respective lifestyles:
-Engage in exercise and be
physically active.
-Eat a balanced and
healthy diet that includes intake of three to five servings of
fruit and vegetables. Reduce

consumption of food containing large amounts of sugar

and saturated fats.
-Avoid smoking as it increases the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.
-Maintain an ideal body
The primary treatment of
Diabetes is through lowering
and moderating blood glucose
levels. Medication includes
giving insulin to patients with
Type 1 Diabetes while those
with Type 2 Diabetes may be
given oral medication but may
also require insulin depending
on each medical case. Blood
pressure control is also key in
controlling Diabetes.
Other related preventive
methods for people with Diabetes include screening for
early symptoms of Diabetesrelated Kidney diseases and
for retinopathy (which causes
blindness) as well as controlling Lipid levels in the blood
to regulate cholesterol.
Global and Local
Diabetes Information
As per the WHO, here are
some helpful and viable information regarding Diabetes
- 347 million people
worldwide have Diabetes.
-In 2004, an estimated
3.4 million people died from
consequences of high fasting
blood sugar.
-More than 80% of Diabetes deaths occur in low and
middle-income countries.
-WHO projects that Diabetes will be the 7th leading
cause of death in 2030.
-Healthy diet, regular
physical activity, maintaining
a normal body weight and

avoiding tobacco use can prevent or delay the onset of Type

2 Diabetes.
In the Philippines, reports
from the National Epidemiology Center of the Department
of Health (DoH) consider Diabetes as the ninth (9th) leading cause of death among
Filipinos from the years 1999
to 2002. As of 2005, one in
every 25 Filipinos was diagnosed as having Diabetes.
Also, according to Dr.
Danilo F. Baldemor, diabetologist and immediate past
president of the Philippine
Association of Diabetes Educators (PADE), Diabetes affected the lives of 9.7% of the
total adult population in the
whole country in 2012. This
brings the utmost necessity
to incorporate to both young
and old Filipinos the importance of adopting a healthy
and maintained lifestyle in order to avoid the complications
of the disease.
World Diabetes Day
First starting in 1991 as
an initiative of the International Diabetes Federation
(IDF) and the World Health

Organization (WHO), the

World Diabetes Day (WDD)
is an annual event celebrated
every November 14th. This
campaign is spearheaded by
the IDF and member associations in advocating and creating awareness about Diabetes among the global community.
World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in 2007, in recognition as an important vehicle
in disseminating important
information and issues regarding the growing concern behind Diabetes to the
general public. The event is
celebrated on November 14,
which also marks the birthday of Frederick Banting, the
Canadian scientist and doctor
who alongside with Charles
Best, conceived the idea that
led to the discovery of insulin
in 1922.
For years 2009 to 2013, the
central theme for the annual
World Diabetes Day celebrations is Diabetes Education
and Prevention. Activities that
are associated with the observance of World Diabetes Day
include press conferences,

sports events, radio and television appearances, newspaper articles, free Diabetes
screening and workshops
which are organized by the
various member organizations of the IDF and associated groups worldwide.
Here in the Philippines, the
observance of World Diabetes
Day is headed by the Department of Health alongside
with local affiliates of the IDF
and Non-Government Organizations that cater to Diabetes awareness and prevention. Usual activities include
free blood glucose monitoring and testing, sports events
such as fun runs and talks and
seminars to the Filipino public
about basic Diabetes information and care.
html (World Health Organization
Diabetes Factsheet) (International
Diabetes Federation)
ph/index.php/2012-05-23-07-4636/2012-05-24-00-03-06/5803-Diabetes-and-the-filipino-diet (Philippine Council for Health Research
and Development-Department of
Science and Technology)



It has been a common knowledge that Filipinos love good food. Aside from appreciating the finer points of cooking and food artistry, it is
through partaking of a sumptuous meal that Pinoys alongside their families and friends bond, whether it be on a special occasion such as
birthdays or weedings, or just simply relaxing after a stressful day at the office or school.
In the heart of Valenzuela City in
Northern Metro Manila lies a dining establishment that has a refreshing ambiance and also serves good and delicious
culinary dishes hot off the grill. A perfect
venue for those who want to momentarily escape from the hustle and bustle of
the metropolis all the while enjoying a hot
meal and perhaps a cold bottle or two as
Located in Barangay Lingunan, Valenzuela City, Villa Marcelina prouds itself as
the citys biggest and finest restobar and
grill. Opened just last December 2012, Villa
Marcelina has managed to establish itself
as one of the more prominent dining establishments in Valenzuela less than a year
of its operations.
The Early Beginnings
of Villa Marcelina
According to the restaurants operation
manager Arnold Amado, Villa Marcelina
was a brainchild of his childhood friend
Jun Paler. Engaged in the auto supply
business while based in California with his
family, Mr. Paler disclosed to Mr. Amado
his plans to build a restaurant during one
of his visits in the Philippines back in 2004.
Nagkita kami dati ni Jun (Mr. Paler)
sa isang bar kung saan ako nagtratrabaho noong bumisita siya dito sa Pilipinas
noong 2004. Sinabi niya sa akin na once
bumalik na sila ng pamilya niya dito sa
bansa at mag-settle down for good, ang
balak niya ay magtayo ng restaurant. Doon
na nagsimula ang pagpaplano para sa Villa
Marcelina. shares Mr. Amado.
Further, Mr. Amado discloses that Mr.
Paler has a fondness for food and eating while in the company of family and
friends, thus the concept behind this business endeavor.
The plan eventually bore into fruition
when Mr. Paler and his family moved
back to the country in May 2012. Choosing one of his lands in Valenzuela City as
location, Villa Marcelina opened its doors

OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014


to the public in December 2012 after three

months of construction. The restaurants
name is in tribute of Mr. Paler to his mother Marcelina.
Given his background in overseeing
the operations of restaurants and bars
having worked as an area manager and
supervisor of several dining establishments before, Mr. Amado was tapped by
Mr. Paler to be Villa Marcelinas operations
As proof of their commitment to make
the restobar more better, the two friends
openly discuss matters and share their
ideas and suggestions regarding Villa
Marcelinas activities to each other on a
daily basis. Through this reciprocation of
thoughts, Mr. Paler and Mr. Amado are
able to chart various marketing and promotional activities that helped enhanced
the image of Villa Marcelina in enticing
more people to visit the restobar.
Culinary Line-Up
Acknowledged as Valenuelas biggest grillery and restobar, Villa Marcelina
prouds itself with a full-fledged menu that
aims to capture even the most distinctive
of tastes.
Mr. Amado credits Mr. Palers nephew,
Michael Celis, for coming up with the
restobars menu. Celis holds a degree in
Culinary Arts. In addition, there are also
some items in the menu which were contributed by the restobars current cook and
kitchen staff.
Describing Villa Marcelinas line-up of
dishes, Mr. Amado describes them as a fusion of Asian dishes, which includes traditional Filipino meals as well as Chinese
and Japanese variants. He cites the restaurants grilled food items as the best sellers
in the menu, singling out the Seafood
Platter composed of Tuna Belly, Mussels,
Prawns and Pusit Lumot (Squid) as one
of the more popular dishes among their
Among the restobars dishes sampled
turn to page 10



Despite her more than 30 years
in promoting health and wellness
in the Philippines and abroad, Superlady Dr. Winie R. Elfa still feels
that she needs to leave a legacy behind that will ensure that her advocacy will be followed by the next
generation of Filipino people.
In an exclusive interview granted to Great Philippines Expedition, the 63-year old Naturopathic/
Alternative Medicine Doctor shares
her thoughts about her planned
legacy to be given to this countrys
citizens, with emphasis on a proper and healthly lifestyle to people
coming from all walks of life.
Basically, I plan to leave behind
a lasting legacy for all Filipinos,
especially to our senior citizens.
I want them to be in the pink of
health and free from any sickness
especially during the latter years of
their life. In turn, they will be able
to acquire savings and give these
assets that will benefit their next of
kin. says Dr. Elfa.
In principle, according to Dr.
Elfa, this type of succession is proper and ideal since the main beneficiaries would be that of the future
generations and securing a better
tomorrow for them. Explains Dr.
Elfa: We should not think of ourselves alone but that of the welfare
of future generations as well.
To prepare for the future, she relates that all Filipinos should have
a series of plans for his/her respec-

tive family. Correspondingly, these

plans should center on emphasizing awareness in terms of health
and wellness for each member of
the family, since the doctor firmly
believes that a proper family planning is equivalent to good health
for all.
I also advise each Filipino to
plan their lives well. Basically,
health is ones utmost priority. Life
is the most precious possession but
most people take it for granted,
Dr. Elfa notes. Man gets sick and
most accidents happen because of
She also adds: The process of
ageing and degeneration cannot
be avoided. Given this fact, people
should practice preventive measures to avoid being stricken by
In detail, Dr. Elfa tells about
her plans to spread the goodwill of
health and wellness to the whole
Filipino community. According
to her, she wants this to be accomplished not only thru word of
mouth but in deed.
Introducing the Superladys Macrobiotic Lifestyle
Namely, there are two purposes
which Dr. Elfa hopes to influence to
the people who will be following
this mode of healthy lifestyle. One
is for them to remain healthly and
the other is to avoid debts and liabilities by those sick individuals

that will be passed to their families.

These are achievable goals, she
says, if these individuals wholeheartedly subscribe to the Superladys Macrobiotic Lifestyle, Dr.
Elfas specific plan of action to advocate health and wellness to all
Emphasizes Dr. Efa: If a patient
follows my regimen 100%, I will
assure them that this method will
lessen their agonies and help them
to live longer without pain.
Under the Superladys Macrobiotic Lifestyle regimen, the procedure to follow include the laboratory testing of the prospective client
or patient before and after the regimen is completed.
This set-up has patients accommodated by Dr. Elfa on a 24 hour
period in which they will be subjected to a diet of foods that are
considered as pagkaing gamot
(healing foods) which can heal a variety of illnesses. The patients are
confined to her care in her clinic/
office at West Insula Condominium
in Quezon City, wherein they will
be given the necessary treatment
and medicinal products based on
their illness.
For those patients who have
been diagnosed as having chronic
illnesses, Dr. Elfa recommends that
they stay for seven (7) days under
her hospice with proper treatment
and diet from the Superladys Macrobiotic Lifestyle regimen. After-

wards, they will be able to see the

difference and notice the improvement in their health. They will be
healed if they properly follow my
protocol in relation to their treatment. says Dr. Elfa.
An Invitation to Promote
Health and Wellness
In order to fully realize this objective, Dr. Elfa is urging investors
and medical practitio-ners to help
her in purchasing several units of
the West Insula Condominium to
be converted into a small health facility that concentrates on promoting her health and wellness objectives. She also plans to utilize her
5-hectare lot situated in El Nido,
Palawan as a model community for
the Superladys Macrobiotic Lifestyle regimen.
Alongside these plans is her invitation to individuals who want to
be one of the Superladys Macrobiotic Consultants and be part of the
team who will help in carrying out
and promote the health and wellness programs of Dr. Elfa.
All of these, Dr. Elfa says, will
serve as her lasting legacy to the
whole Filipino nation. Sa ganitong
paraan ay hindi masasayang ang
aking mga efforts. Dumaan ako
sa hirap at batikos mula sa medical community pero ito naman ay
nalagpasan ko dahil meron akong
mga pasyenteng natulungan na gumaling sa kanilang mga sakit. I was

also able to improve the condition

of people with terminal illnesses
within the seven day management
of my health program. shares Dr.
Onwards, Dr. Elfa is hopeful that
Filipinos will be able to adapt her lifestyle wellness regimen and by being
committed to it will reap significant
benefits for them later on. Magpalusog, magpalakas, magpaliksi, magpahaba ng buhay ng hindi aray ng aray.
Ang hindi maiiwasan mapigilan,
mamatay ng nakangiti, hindi nakangiwi. Huwag magiwan ng utang
sa mga kapitbahay. quips Dr. Elfa
as her parting message in inspiring
people to keep healthly and strong in
order to prolong their lives as well as
investing towards the future in safekeeping health so that debts may not
be incurred to the family to be left
Listen to Dr. Winnie Superlady
R. Elfa s Radio Program: Radyo
Kalusugan University in the Air
Health Seminar which is aired on
Radyo Veritas 846 KHZ Monday to
Friday from 2:00 to 3:00 am and every
Thursday from 1:00-2:00 pm. Her program is also aired on DZME Radyo
Uno 1530 KHZ Monday to Friday
from 4:00-5:00 am and Sa-turday
4:00-6:00 am. Visit her office at West
Insula Condominium, West Avenue
corner EDSA, Quezon City (near
Paramount Theater and SM North

Alexander B. Estoesta II

DOALNARA Restoration
Society Philippines
Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Cooperative Profile
Doalnara Globally:
A movement seemingly quiet
and simple is arising. Nevertheless
all who see and hear of it become
overwhelmed with hope as it embraces us with refreshing amazement. This movement is spreading
domestically and overseas as well
and has recently become a point
of major interest.
This is the moment that Doalnara Restoration Society is developing for what is called (Global
Environmental Restoration Movement). This movement that had
slowly begun in 1980, was established as Doalnara Restoration Society in 1994 and had then
started to carry out organized actual operations.
Presently Doalnara Restoration Society Philippines has many
sister organization, with its headquarters located in Uljin, South
Korea, with 10 other branches
in Korea located in Chongsong,
Sangju, Bongwa, Pyongchang,
Jangheung, Jungju, Sanchung,
Wonju, and Jinchun. There are 11
internationl branches: in USA, Japan, Australia, Russia, China, Taiwan, Canada, Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, Kenya and Philippines.
Global Environmental
Restoration that Doalnara
The dream behind Doalnaras
slogan village where dreams come
true is to make a [ Healthy Society
Without Diseases] as well as [ A
happy world where everyone has
become one family]. This is the
very dream that Hannong Restoration Society has been striving
to fulfill through Global Environment Restoration.
Then what is this movement of

Global Environmental Restoration that Doalnara Community strives for?

Firstly, it is the movement
of Restoring the Diseased
Lands. It is known that in
this vast universe living substance exists solely on this
Earth. The root of the earths
environment is soil, and soil is
the mother of all living substance.
With this belief, in order to restore the lands diseased by various kinds of environmental pollution, Hannong uses what is called
the triple agricultural methods
through natural organic farming
methods without ever using agricultural products but we have
developed a movement that also
restores the diseased lands.
Secondly, it is the movement
of Restoring the Diseased Body
Although science and medical
science is continuously developing, mankind is suffering from
diseased more than ever. The
way for mankind to be freed from
their diseased bodies is not to
put harmful poison into the body
but to consume healthy foods
that maintain our health. With
this belief, Hannong uses detoxifying foodstuffs and produces agricultural products that have been
produced with non-poisonous
methods from non-poisonous
soil. With the intake of this nonpoisonous agricultural products
and through health laws and
natural healing methods, we not
only heal our diseased bodies but
we are also able to prevent catching disease as well.
Thirdly, it is the movement of
Restoring the Diseased body.
Although science and medical
science is continuously advan-

cing, modern conveniences make

a convenient lifestyle possible for
our world. However, the heart
gradually becomes diseased, and
the result is the increase of crime
and deterioration, as well as the
crumbling of moral principles
and ethics. Through demoralization, lack of moral standards, and
lack of sense of values that do not
destroy but rather increase each
others happiness, we are unable
to break away from the shadows
as we progress towards a dark
future. Through Hannongs alternative education this purpose is
being fulfilled and has become a
subject of great interest in the education system. Hannongs school
of alternative education has been
televised several times through
the media. Here in this school bullying, alienating fellow classmates,
violence, smoking or deviation can
never be found. It is a site of education for the whole mankind and
has become the center of great interest.
Consequently, people whose
heart are firm and unchanging as
stone have gathered together to
study and educate the Environment Friendly Agriculture in order
to fulfill and expand this practices
domestically and internationally.
By fulfilling Global Environmental Restoration on the whole
through domestic and international interchange and public information, our goal is to contri-


bute toward the fulfillment of the

welfare of the farming villages and
the true happiness of mankind.
What is Doalnara?
DOALNARA is a worldwide
organic community, joined together with the single purpose of
growing organic produce and fostering an organic heart.
To make a happy farm community that is eco-friendlywith
people physically and spiritually
healthy. Thus, restoring man in the
image of His Maker.
To make a [A Healthy Society without Disease] as well as [A
happy world where everyone Has
become one family]
At the foot of the two foggy mountains, Mt. Lumot and
Mt.Balatukan, at Sitio San Roque,
Brgy. Aposkahoy, Claveria, Misamis Oriental, Mindanao island,
Contact and visit Catherine Bautista at 3rd Floor, Victory Mall, Caloocan City Mobile Nos: 09294052523
and 0927-8310483

OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014


OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014



A Visit to Cavites Blue Bali

Health Spa and Restobar


Massage is a luxury one cant afford to miss. And in

search for this kind of pleasure, Great Philippines Expedition found this place located at Mercedes Village in Dasmarias City, Cavite. Blue Bali Health Spa and restobar
in the heart of the Southern Luzon province portrays a
whole unique relaxation experience for a perfect getaway.
The Amenities
The place has an alluring aura to any guest
or visitor. The reception area to its main facility, offers a blend of
tranquility and a sense
of authentic ambience.
"Blue is for men and
Bali itself means Bali
Indonesia." Mr. Albert
Montoya the man behind Blue Bali, shares
the story after its name.
When it comes to work,
he believes that men
are more stressed than
women. Men always
come for massage to
soothe their body pains.
His long time dream of
visiting Indonesia also
led up to this concept.
This also explains how

the spa's furniture and

decors look like as well
as the interiors of the
walls and ceiling and
the design of the rooms/
treatment area. To add,
there is also a boutique
of specialty products
that all came up to paint
an Indonesian inspired
He was personally
in charge of the selection of style and designs,
every little detail of it
including light fixtures,
curtains and plants. A
cozy specialized area for
couples or the couple's
room is also offered. The
harmony and privacy of
the environment only
adds up to the signature
service they offer for a

complete package.
Purely Massage
"What makes Blue
Bali different is that we
provide pure massage
pleasure only. Clients
come to us because we
are known as a very
wholesome establishment," says Mr. Montoya. He stands by his
principle of working
hard to obtain dignified
therapists and strongly
believing in doing what
is right. The proprietor's
commitment to providing reputable and excellent customer service
explains why he never
tolerates a therapist who
renders extra service. He

values his staff as much

as the clients.
The Staff
In regards to his staff
in Blue Bali, Mr. Montoya shares:"Four of my
therapists are scheduled
to leave the country and
undergo training in Kuwait and return back
here afterwards so we
can send another batch
to train as well." The
personnel here are not
only friendly and accommodating but they
are also professionally
trained to cater superb
massage treatment to
melt away all the tension and stress of a
heavy day's work.
Footprints of an
In his two years in
this field, Mr. Montoya
went through the ups
and downs of his business. "There are a lot of
problems, but I made
it," says Mr. Montoya.
His message of advice

to those who want to attain success is to follow

one's happiness: "Ang
negosyo, kung sa tingin
mo tinapos mo doktor
pero hindi ka masaya,
huwag ka doon. Kung
mas masaya ka magtinda ng isda, kalimutan
mo propesyon mo. Piliin mo iyon. Chef talaga
ako, akala ko iyon na
pero mas masaya ako
dito (Blue Bali). Siguro
40% stress, 60% masaya
ako sa ginagawa ko lalo
na nakakatulong ako
sa mga therapist ko.
Tinuturing ko na din
silang mga anak." He
believes in the significance of happiness in
relation to being successful. According to
him, it is also necessary
that one must know
how to save money.
That is why he is thankful for his friends in the
administration unit that
act as his accountants. It
is through them that he
has learned the value of

Why Massage
People occasionally
seek relief from head,
back, neck, shoulder and
body pains. A soothing
massage can be a perfect treatment for such.
Not only does it provide muscle relaxation
but boost one's health
as well. Massage (the
power of touch) is good
for the body, mind and
soul. To enjoy all of these
benefits, one must do a
Spa visit and Blue Bali is
a perfect choice for such.
The Spa's combination
of different therapy and
massage comes in reasonable prices and are
cost-friendly. You can
also choose from their
various beauty products,
all organic and chemical
free. A total health package for stress management, rejuvenation and
recreation. So do drop
by and enjoy the services offered by Blue Bali
Health Spa and Restobar.

The Premium Health,Travel and Lifestyle Newspaper

Suite 201 Chelsea Bldg.,

Chateau Valenzuela,Lingunan,
Valenzuela City, Philippines
Mobile numbers : 0917-8574493
& 0932-6641028
Managing Director/ Editor-in-Chief
Rodel T. Rabara
Section Editor
Alexander B. Estoesta II
Graphic Designer/ Layout Artist
Joy Bernadette Sanchez
Advertising Assistant Officer
Giselle Marie J. Gutierrez
Circulation Assistant Officer
Elmer P. Patubo
Advertising Executives
Toni Barsana
Rudy Cudal
Randy T. Rabara
Charlie D.Elona
Leonila Garcia
Alexandra Louise Flores
Rey-An Santelices
Adrian Caballero
Jason Soriano
Paul Richard Martin
Field Assistant to Senior Executive
Ronie M. Diata

OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014


It is only but human
for one to experience
a multitude of hardships in life. It can
range from as simple
as one being suddenly
retrenched from work
to the more complex,
such as an individual
growing up in an environment deprived not
only of sustenance
but of any parental
care as well.

help us get past through

this challenge in life.
And this is where the
presence of families and
friends come in. The family is considered as the
backbone of a person,
so always expect a ready
response if one is to seek
help from a family member
given the close-knit quality of Filipino families. The
same principle applies to
friends also, especially
those who one has grown
up with in which the relationship is almost similar
to being siblings among
And strangers also can
help during times of hardship. How? People are
known to show compassion to his or her fellow
man during times of suffering. In dire situations
such as the recent calamity
that has struck the Visayas
and the armed strife that
has displaced many in
Zamboanga City, there are
countless persons who did

Though it may seem

true that certain forms
of problems supposedly
act as building blocks in
strengthening ones character as the years go on, it
is definitely not applicable
to everyone. Mere humans
that we are, we are prone
and susceptible to emotions whenever we encounter a difficult and painful
situation. Most of the time,
we may need support to



A numbing incident
which happened last
October 15, 2013 has
left hundreds dead
and hundreds more
either injured or dispossessed of their
housing and material
belongings . Furthermore, it has left a
whole nation terrified
on the aftermath of a

The 7.2 magnitude

earthquake that has hit the
Visayas area, in particular
the provinces of Bohol and
Cebu as well as surrounding areas, in the morning
of October 15 has been
described as one of the
more destructive natural
calamities in recent local
history. Aside from leaving
scores of people lifeless,
the earthquake has also
pulverized and destroyed
several historical sites,
mostly heritage churches
which have been built several centuries ago.
Given that the Philippines lie in the Pacific Ring
of Fire area of the planet, it
makes the country susceptible to volcanic eruptions
as well as frequent earthquakes and tremors. With
this fact, it is important
that each Filipino know the
finer points of disaster pre-

paredness and emergency

evacuation, especially during times when the earth
is making violent and rapid
An online article by
the National Geographic
shares key information
about Earthquake Safety.
This includes having an
earthquake readiness plan,
building your house with
the help of a professional
who will guide you to make
the structure earthquake
proof, keeping an emergency kit that has an adequate supply of food, water
and medicine for the whole
family and also turning off
immediately the electricity,
gas and water lines once
disaster strikes.
In addition, the article
also suggests about what
people should do in the
middle of an earthquake
activity. These are:
-Drop down; take cover
under a desk or table and

not hesistated to share a

part of themselves to help
in channeling relief to the
needy, be it in the form
of giving donations or by
physically volunteering to
assist in various medical
and rescue operations in
different areas of concern.
It can be remembered
that in Catholic teaching,
the corporal works of
mercy entice each one
of us to feed the hungry,
clothe the naked, give drink
to the thirsty and visit the
sick, among others. Its is
through performing these
acts do we receive an accomplishment in life and
fulfillment in spirit as we
have wholeheartedly rendered these duties to our
fellow man and in the eyes
of our Heavenly Father.
So wherever you can,
whenever you can, always
try to extend a helping
hand to others. By becoming a blessing to them, it
will also open the avenue
for others to assist you
when a dire time is at hand.
No matter how big or small
your form of help is, it matters greatly to the person
that you are helping.
Have a good day, everyone. And continue to share
your blessings to others!

-If outside, go to an
open area where there are
no obstructions that might
hurt you and others in the
midst of aftershocks.
-Stay away from standing furniture or appliance
that can fall on you.
-Stay away from windows since they might
shatter and you might
get injured by the flying
shards. (broken glass)
-If you are in a moving
vehicle slow down, find an
open area and get out.
Remember that the key
word here is to remain
calm and not panic regardless of the catastrophic
situation. Being calm
will enable you to think
clearly and straight so that
you may be able to save
yourself and others in the
process as well. There
are countless times that
people are overwhelmed
by panic that it results in
creating a more troublesome situation such as in
the cases of stampedes or
drowning in sea disasters.
Avoiding panic will ensure
not only your personal
safety, but to other people
as well. Continue to be
safe, everyone!

Given that the Philippines lie in the

Pacific Ring of Fire area of the planet, it
makes the country susceptible to volcanic
eruptions as well as frequent earthquakes
and tremors.

OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014

hold on.
-Stay indoors until the
shaking stops and youre
sure its safe to exit.

Reference: http://environment.


Perfect teeth, beautiful

smiles the MRC way
Text and photos By Leony R. Garcia

"I hope to see the

day when children no
longer have to wear
braces." starts Dr.
Gamaliel Urbi of Myofunctional Research
Co. (MRC) Clinics.
The dentist is
talking from experience having been in
the dentistry business
all his working life.
He said most parents
save hard for the kids
braces while the kids
brave it out to endure
the pain of wires.
when parents worry
and seek medical
help especially for
their kids with crooked or crowded teeth.
And they are advised
by the dentist to just
bring them back
when they are 12 years old at the
time when an orthodontic treatment like the brace could now be
fitted to their teeth.
This is traditional approach
-- through brace. However, by
12 years old it may be too late as
a childs jaw bones may be fully
formed as well as permanently out
of its supposed shape, Urbi says.
Fixed braces cannot effectively
develop the jaws and extraction of
multiple permanent teeth is often
required. Full-fixed braces may
also bring Other problems such
as enamel and root damage. Urbi
In short, hinintay muna maging malala yung problemang

bago gamutin. By that time masakit para sa bata ang solusyon

bubunatan siya ng permanent
teeth at lalagyan ng maraming
wires at mas magastos. He says.
With modern technology, parents and children dont need to
wait until these ages. In fact, according to Urbi its better to start
treatment early and correct the
underlying causes of the problem (incorrect muscle function of
the lips and tongue) commonly
cause by mouth breathing, tongue
thrusting, reverse swallowing and
thumb sucking (also known as incorrect myofunctional habits).
interceptive dentistry
As a fellow of the International
Association of Orthodontics, a
professional association primarily
consisting of general and pediatric
dentists, Urbi was introduced to a
new dental technique that would
be able to address misshapen jaw
and teeth of young kids aged between 5 and 12.
What we do here at MRC Clinic is to observe the concerned child
first. Putting any corrective instrument on the childs teeth should
come later because we found out
its the childs habit that should be

addressed first. Urbi says.

He explains that a childs mannerisms have a huge impact on
shaping his/her face.
If the child breathes through
the mouth instead of nose, bites
the lip, thumb sucks or uses the
tongue to push the teeth, these
actions could put pressure on the
childs jaw and cause not only
misshapen teeth but also face.explains Urbi.
The soft tissues in the mouth
control dental position and should
be treated in conjunction with any
orthodontic appliance therapy.
Treating the soft tissue inside the
mouth is highly important as research shows the position of the
teeth is determined by the lips and
tongue. Also, positive facial growth
depends on correct
function and correct breathing.
When the permanent teeth erupt
at 6 to 8 years of
age, the childs appearance often becomes worse.
The MRC Clinics approach is to
evaluate the child
from 5 to 8 years of
age, looking for the
causes of crooked teeth, and suggesting treatment for these causes
right away.
Correcting these incorrect myofunctional habits at an early age
allows for the child to develop
correct arch development, good
dental alignment, improved jaw
growth and overall a better looking face.
Training Activities
MRC Clinic teaches the child
several activities meant to improve
his/her habit.
Called MRC Trainer Activities, these series of exercises are
meant to retrain the muscles of the
tongue, lips and cheeks to function correctly.
The clinic uses easy-to-understand 3D animations to show
parents and their children how
the facial muscles influence tooth
position, and how the combination of MRC Trainer Activities
and MRC Trainers are specifically
designed to retrain the muscles
of the tongue, lips and cheeks to
function correctly.
This is the only time we examine the childs teeth and determine which type of MRC Trainer
(dental appliances that straighten
the teeth and jaws) fit the childs
turn to page 10


Sindaw Philippines Performing Arts Guild

as it was called, premiered their fulllength production on March 2002
entitled SAYAW showcasing an
array of published Philippine Folk
Dances ranging from the forceful
Cordillera highlanders all the way to
the tapestry of exotic Mindanao and,
the highly spirited dances of the Rural
low-landers as well as the elegance of
Spanish influenced dances.
Inspired by the Ramon Obusan
Folkloric Group under the tutelage
of the National Artist for Dance
Mr. Ramon Arevalo Obusan, the
group was officially registered in
year 2002 with Mr. Randy C. Guevara as the Artistic Director. In the
same year, the group was chosen by
the Department of Tourism (DOT)
to be the official emissary to the Pacifico Yokohama, Japan. The group
participated in the Taipei International Travel Fair held in World
Trade Center in Taipei, Taiwan
as an Ambassador in promoting
the WOW Philippines Project of
then DOT Secretary Richard Gordon in 2002 and 2003.
DOT once again sent the group
to the world-renowned MIDO-SUJI
Parade in Osaka, Japan where they
captured the 1st Prize International
Award (2003) and in 2004, from
among 15 participating countries,

the group received the prestigious

International Award, which placed
them into the Hall of Fame. Another
invitation that took them to take
centerstage in the Singapore Heritage Festival, a Singapore Holiday
event held in the astonishing Mall of
Suntec City. In 2005, the group performed a special Philippine repertoire and selected Asian Traditional
songs in the Asia Pacific Economic
Forum held at the Coconut Palace,
CCP Complex. The Singapore Tourism Board worked with the group
in the Philippine event of Uniquely
Singapore Festival 2005 at the Podium, Ortigas Center. Moreover,
in May 2006 the group showed
that they were not only bounded
in Asia when they were invited
to take part in the Fund Raising
Program for the benefit of The Virlanie Organization and The Bantay Bata Foundation together with

Prince Albert of Monaco as one of

the distinguished guests held in
Monaco, France. In June of the same
year, the group showed grace and
beauty in their outstanding performances for the Philippine Independence Day Celebration of the Filipino
Community-Taipei, Taiwan. Sindaw
delighted 3 major conferences in
November which includes the 9th
ASFAA Congress, the 23rd ASEAN
Senior-Amateur Golf Championship, and the 12th REAAA Conference. Various outreach programs
has been extended in Cannosa High
Sta.Rosa, Laguna and Cavite to form
part of their quest to propagate Philippine dances and music. On November 2006, Sindaw attended the
Hongkong Travel Fair 2006, and
China International Travel Mart
held in Shanghai, P.R.O.C. to promote the scenic places of the Philippines. In October 2008, Sindaw par-


ticipated in the Asia Month Festival

2008 in Fukuoka Japan along with
performers from other countries.
For the year 2009, Sindaw has been
invited to perform in the ASEAN
Tourism Fair in Naiigata, Japan,
Sakai Festival and Naniwa Philippine Day in Osaka, Japan and ASEAN Culture and Tourism Fair held
in Seoul, South Korea.Year 2010 Busan International Travel Fair Korea.
Korea Travel Fair Korea June 2011.
Asian Month Festival in Fukuoka
October 2012. India Asean Summit
December 2012.
March 6 to 12 2013 Guangzhou,
China. August 18 to September 10 Philippine Food Festival in
Crowne Hotel in Guangzou and
Hilton Hotel Shanghai China,
Sindaw received the award for the
Best Folklore Group at Busan International Travel Fair 2013 Korea

September 5 to 10, 2013. The group

also participated in the Sari-Saring
Sayaw, Sama-Samang Galaw- an
annual cultural event featuring various leading folk dance groups
organized by the Cultural Center
of the Philippines in the year 20042007. They have also invitational
performances at the Open Auditorium of Rizal Park, Manila for the
Concert at the Park aside from
regular performance in corporate
events and various occasions. Truly, the group never ceases the advocacy of promoting the Philippine
culture thru dance and music. As
the Maguindanao word Sindaw
the group will always have this promise: To continually light the fire of
our commitment to promote Arts
and Culture through Dances and
Reference: Mr.Randy Carlos Guevarra-Director


Destined & Determined For Stardom

By: Renacelle Cruz-Punzalan

She may be a typical teen who

dreams of making it big as a performer. What sets her apart is she has
loads of talents to back her dreams up:
she sings, raps, composes songs; she
plays the drums, piano, guitar, flute,
lyre, keyboard, violin, ukulele and
xylophone. All that is wrapped up in
this lady named Julie Anne San Jose.
She started young. Her musicality
became evident at the tender age of
2 and a half when her mom, Marivic
heard her humming Habang May
Buhay. Not long after, she was singing Donna Cruzs version of the same
song, right lyrics, melody and all.
Like most of our well-loved actresses
did, little Julie Anne joined Eat Bulagas Little Miss Philippines and windup winning first Runner-up when she
was 3. In the contests interview portion, she said she wanted to become
an artista. That was the first step to
her dream.
Fast-forward to 8 years after, with
the prodding of her lola, she auditioned for Popstar Kids, QTV 11s
singing contest for kids aged 7 to 11.
Lola was right. Julie did not only pass
the auditions she landed as one of the
five finalists. Second step was also a
I joined Popstar Kids and then
ayun na, di ko rin ine-expect na
matatanggap ako sa screening. Parang I just wanted to try if makakapasa ako. The weekly contest helped
all five of them to develop into versatile singers. Ballad, Dance, RnB,
Pop are among the song genres they
would perform. With this versatility,
the network saw their group to be
promising. GMA decided to give us
a contract as a group, which was Sugarpop. Tuloy-tuloy na, Julie recalled.
The group became a regular in the
networks Sunday noontime musical variety show, SOP Rules. Sugar
pop released a self-titled album,
consisting of ten songs. It was later
repackaged and three theme songs
from GMA soap operas were added.
Tapos na-disband din kasi nag-aaral
pa rin kaming lahat. Hanggang sa ako

na lang ang natira na nagpursue.

You Tube sensation
for Super Bass
After several years in the business,
Julie Annes break seemed elusive. It
was like thinking shes just one of
them aspiring singers. Siguro during
those times, sinabi ko na lang sa sarili
ko na mag-aaral na lang ako, kasi parang walang nangyayari sa akin. Her
dad Jonathan wanted her to quit from
showbiz. He was against it in the first
place. The determined Julie literally
begged and cried to him to allow her
to go on. Kasi bihirang magkaroon
ng mga talents na ganito, kailangan
i-treasure especially those God-given ta-lents, parang pinili ka ni Lord
para gawin mo ito (your mission),
she quips.
While waiting for the break and
to further hone her singing, she then
made a lot of Ustream videos, covers
of the songs of her choice. Noong
ginawa ko nga yung Super Bass, that
was the time na na-recognize ako
as me, not as a performer from a TV
show but as a YouTube girl. Julie said
with humility. No, she wouldnt call
herself a sensation for she feels shes
only done a few videos.
Its up to the people na lang if
they want to call me a sensation but
for me personally I dont call myself
as one. Yung Super Bass ang parang
nag-hit talaga and I wasnt really expecting and Im really thankful and
blessed na umabot sa ganoong level
yung views.
Last year, GMA Records met up
with its team to work on her debut
album simply titled Julie Anne San
Jose. It had 11 tracks, 2 of which are
her compositions plus 2 remakes. 3
songs in the album have been theme
songs to 3 Koreanovelas, also in
When referred to as one of todays
most popular teens in show business,
the label came as a surprise as if its
the first time she heard somebody
hailed her as such. She shyly uttered,
hindi naman po. Why not, I said.

In an era when piracy is the #1 threat

in the progress of the music industry,
her debut album managed to hit the
quadruple platinum mark in combined actual album sales and digital/
virtual downloads via iTunes, a feat
even seasoned artists cant easily
achieve nowadays.
Julie has similarly been the voice
of many themesongs of GMA shows
like Dyesebel, The Last Prince, Pilyang Kerubin, Sisid, Dwarfina, Broken Vow, Paroa and Teen Gen. She
recorded a number of GMA Station
ID jingles along with Songbird Regine
Velasquez and Elmo Magalona.
Love Team and Movies
The Julie Anne and Elmo Magalona partnership began as an experiment via a song & rap number
in Party Pilipinas. The tandem impressed the audience because of their
on-screen chemistry, its following
builds up every performance week.
JuliElmo, as they are called, also
starred in several short films collectively called the Red Mask trilogy.
Moreover, a special musical patterned
after Shakespeares Romeo & Juliet
was created for them, the Julie Anne
& Elmo: A Wazak Love Story.
Their tandem was not limited to
singing. Julie and Elmo starred in
various sitcoms like Andres de Saya
and Daldalita. JuliElmo were the lead
stars in the weekly teen drama show,
Together Forever. Their first lead role
in a full length movie, Just One Summer, was their fans most anticipated
project in 2012.
Locally, the Asias Pop Sweetheart dreams to fill the Araneta
Coliseum for a concert, to show
the different side of Julie Anne and
maybe perform a duet with her idols
Lea Salonga or Mariah Carey or
Chris Brown. She also dreams of a
tour in Europe and would like to go
to Greece, Germany, Bahamas and

Higantes Festival is Angono

Rizal's annual joyous celebration in
honor of San Clemente, the patron
saint of fishermen. The parade of the
colorful paper-mch Higantes is
part of a two-week long celebration
of the Angono's Town Fiesta. This
year, several activities were lined up
for the Higantes Festival. One of the
highlights is the Higantes Grand Parade on November 17, 2013 which
usually starts around 7:00 in the
morning. The parade is scheduled to
start in front of Angono Elementary
School going around the town's residential roads and ends at the town

Up Close and Personal

turn to page 8


Another must-see is the celebration of Angono's Town Fiesta
on November 23, 2013, the Feast
Day of San Clemente. There will be a
procession of the image of San Clemente. It will be so much fun as
there will be a fire truck that will
sprinkle water to the townsfolk. It is
believed that it is a sign of blessing
when you get wet during the procession.
h t t p : / / w w w. p i n o y a d v e n t u r i s t a .

jUliE aNnE
OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014

Travel industry gears up for Health promotion

1st Philippine Tourism Week
caravan done
The Philippine Tour Operators
Association (PHILTOA), in partnership with the Department of Tourism, is set to mount festivities for the
first-ever Philippine Tourism week,
which is scheduled on September
1-8 at the SMX Convention Center
in Pasay City.
Boarding for ASEAN
Integration 2015
Among the highlights of the
week-long celebration is the 1st
Philippine Tourism Forum, which
will bring together major tourism
industry playersboth local and
regionalto discuss the issues and
implications of the impending ASEAN tourism integration.
Done in partnership with prestigious business and tourism organizations such as the Management
Association of the Philippines and
the ASEAN Board Advisory Council
of the Philippines, the 1st Philippine
Tourism Forum will also feature the
industry's first-ever Tourism Town
Hall meeting. The event will set the
private sector's general direction for
2015, laying the groundwork for the
industry's compliance to regional

Aside from the business forum, PHILTOA will also organize the Philippine Travel Exchange
(PHITEX)a travel trade initiative
to promote inbound tourism to over
90 international buyers originating
from Europe, U.S.A. and Asia. This
is part of the promotional efforts to
support the Department of Tourism
in meeting its target of 10M inbound
tourists by 2016.
Tourism Creates Jobs
In line with honing the industry
to regional standards, the event will
also include Trabaho sa Turismo, a
job fair for those interested in exploring job opportunities and career
growth in the tourism industry.
Some of the biggest challenges
faced by the tourism sector lie in
finding talent and developing a
competent workforce, says Cesar
Cruz, PHILTOA President. With
their youth-specific training effort,
PHILTOA seeks to secure the industrys future manpower supply.
The Philippines is On Sale!
Staying true to the PHILTOAs
main thrust of promoting domestic

tourism, the 1st Philippine Tourism

Week will include the 24th Philippine Travel Martthe largest and
longest-running local travel trade
show. Scheduled on September 6-8,
2013, the expo will feature over 350
local exhibitors showcasing destination and tour products from all over
the country.
The event will also see the unveiling of exciting new destinations
for travelers of all types. Up for grabs
in the annual Sale ng Bayan are the
Island Getawaysjoint group tours
that cover destinations across various parts of the Philippines, sold at
discounts of up to 70%.
The Philippine Tour Operators
Association (PHILTOA), Inc. is a
non-stock and non-profit organization of tour operators and allied
members actively involved in the
advocacy of responsible tourism.
The membership includes travel
agencies, hotel, resorts, transportation companies, handicraft stores,
and other tourism-oriented establishments and association. For more
information on the 24rd Philippine
Travel Mart, please visit

BAGUIO CITY The Baguio City hall grounds was

the venue yesterday for the Karadkad Health Fair in
partnership with the Lakbay Buhay Kalusugan (LBK)
with Department of Health (DOH) Assistant Secretary
Enrique Tayag as guest.

Secretary Tayag is DOHs ambassador for health lifestyle and is popular

with his dance moves in health advocacy programs. Tayags message
included prevention of non-communicable diseases through exercise,
healthy diet and no-smoking policies was interspersed with dance moves
which stirred up the audience.
LBK is a comprehensive health promotion caravan through the DOH
National Center for Health Promotion, with a medical outreach mission
where nearly two thousand individuals were benefited.
Other activities of the LBK and medical mission were the breastfeeding program with a demonstration of lactating mothers; with City Health
Officer Dr. Florence Reyes and nurse Purificacion Serna supervising.
The negative effects of smoking were also dramatized by community
heath teams, staff and health workers.
A tableau with the different health districts as participants was presented and judged by Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
Baguio City Director Evelyn Trinidad; CSC Atty. Emily Balungay; Dr. Ma.
Soledad Antonio of DOH, Manila; Joel Javella of DOH, Manila; and, Roderick Osis of the Baguio Correspondents and Broadcasters Club.
Information on safe motherhood, child health and nutrition and family
health were also featured. Other features include exhibits, health classes,
and storytelling sessions.
The program is supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
A press conference followed the program while the medical mission
went on, with Dr. John Tinoyan in charge.
The activity is part of Baguios 104th charter day celebration, and is
also anchored on the theme, Steadfast Service to the City. -juliegfianzaq

Julie Anne...

from page 7
Eldest in a brood of 3 girls, Julie declares
to be a regular teen at home. Before po I do
household chores nung di pa ako nagsho-showbiz, kasi di pa busy. But now, sobrang limited
lang time sa family, para sa sarili and sometimes
I cant go out because of work. Also as an older
sister kailangan mag set ng good example, kasi
kung di ko gagawin yun, magiging unfair sa
ibang kapatid ko.
Books by authors Cassandra Clare, Scott
Thoreau, Sydney Sheldon, Charles Dickens and
Nicholas Sparks are among Julies favorites. She
is fond of watching comedy, action, inspirational films and science fiction. When schedule
permits, she works out at home to keep fit and
strengthen her stamina. Her bucket list is filled
with aspirations in extreme fields from becoming a director to being a scientist or astronaut.
If given the chance to do her dream movie
role, it will definitely be an action film. I like to
try other stuff that is out of the box, not typical
for a girl. And maybe have Tom Cruise as my
leading man. she laughs.
Orange is her favourite color because Julie
feels its something youthful and full of life.
Anything orange, thats my collection. Serve
any fish dish, as long as its not fried, she will
love it. Add to that her regular serving of salad.
Weird food cravings? Julie considers it her comfort food: milo on rice or bread, banana and
cheese on bread, mangoes dipped in or sprinkled with sugar, noodles with steamed hotdog,
to name a few.
Her personality strength? Macho, she exclaimed, hindi yung sa physical characteristics,
its about how strong you are and how you carry
Being under the sign of Taurus she admits to
be, yes, a bull. Fearless, medyo pasaway ako.
Kahit wala na akong pahinga, I give everything
for work. I dont give a damn about anything but
I dont mean to hurt and offend any feelings or
anybody. Siguro kasi ang insecurity ko is that
my best is not always good enough. To ease myself, I pray, I listen to music. It is my only companion every time I am alone, I feel alone and
empty. I get to invigorate and loosen up, Julie
A tough exterior but soft inside, Julie admits
that though she rarely shows her weakness, she
is a very sensitive person and is really vulnerable. Negative vibes will either make you stronger or it will just weaken you. What I do is just
spend time alone and talk to God, I ask for guidance from Him. Sometimes the experience gives
an inspiration to write a song, and I always pray
to God before I compose a song, for Him to give
me strength to compose the perfect lyrics and

OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014


the perfect melody.

Regular Student
Now a Mass Communication junior in Angelicum College, a course she chose because Id
like to be a broadcaster. It would be a good feeling to be able to deliver the news, at the same
time being able to travel and see the way people
spend their everyday lives. Julie reveals. When
in preparatory, she wanted become a lawyer,
but now she vaguely sees herself pursuing that
path and with a clear vision, no, I dont want
to involve myself in politics. Id rather help thru
The fame she gained, she sincerely acknowledges the fans. Where I am right
now, I really owe my supporters and followers. And I treat them as friends, its one way
for them to feel na importante sila sa akin.
Much more than making MyJaps always a Twitter-trending topic, her fans are also a bunch
of storytellers and writers and she is aware of
most, if not all of them.
Nakakatuwa they give so much effort, parang dun lahat naglalabasan ang talino nila. Its
not just like yung may maisulat lang, but theyre
very creative. Kaya pag may mga offers like mga
soap opera or movie, kung anong magandang
story, sabi ko kumuha sila sa fanfictions kasi I
bet maraming magaganda, she proudly says.
Of course thankful ako kay Lord. Ganoon
din sa GMA Network, theyve been giving me
a lot of opportunities and chances to prove myself, to all the people I work with, yung naniniwala talaga sa kakayahan ko, adds Julie Anne.
Further, the young star is cognizant of her
status as a budding celebrity, and the responsibility that comes with it. Being a celebrity is
not just about the money or fame. Its all about
hardwork, determination, discipline and sacrifice. You really have to put yourself into it and
do whatever it takes just to prove everyone that
you deserve what you have. Masarap siya pero
bago mo makuha yung sarap, kailangan mong
maghirap. You just dont try but you have to do
your best.
When you hear the song Written in the Stars
by Tinnie Tempa, know that Julie feels its the
best song that describes her and what she went
through, that she wont be affected by people
who try to put her down. Or maybe Brand New
Me by Alicia Keys speaks of her stronger persona now. Her parents always remind her to keep
her feet on the ground and to be forever guided
by this passage: For
everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
[Luke 14:11].


LAZADA is on its way to becoming Southeast Asias number one fashion shopping destination

More than 20,000 fashion items already available

Features 700 well-known local and international fashion brands online (among them Nike, Marc Jacobs, RayBan, etc.)
Supports local designers and smaller brands through LAZADAs unique fashion marketplace model
Lazada, the leading online
shopping mall in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand
and Vietnam, today announces the
launch of its brand-new fashion
marketplace in Lazada ID, Lazada
MY, Lazada PH, Lazada TH and
Lazada VN.
Lazada, which initially offered
categories ranging from consumer
electronics to household goods,
toys and sports equipment, now
adds to their extensive category
range more than 20,000 fashion
accessories like watches, bags and
shoes with apparel to follow soon.
The fashion assortment consists of
more than 700 local and international brands including Nike, Adidas, Crocs, RayBan, Timberland,
Hush Puppies, Pepe Jeans, Casio,
Aigner, Marc Jacobs and Mango.
Lazada also supports local designers and upcoming brands by
offering the unique opportunity

to create their own online shopin-shop. Through this marketplace

model, brands can leverage on
Lazadas popularity and operational expertise, as well as reach
customers beyond the traditional
offline infrastructure. Smaller retailers benefit from Lazadas traffic
through Lazadas strong customer
base as well as from specific campaigns like the Lazada fashion
week where local designers are
able to present their products to a
broad online audience.
We are very proud to announce the launch of our new
fashion marketplace today. This
marks a huge step forward on our
way to become Southeast Asias
shopping destination with the
broadest assortment available on
one platform. We saw a growing
demand for fashion items and responded to this need right away.
This is a logical step that follows

our customer-centric approach.

We want to serve our customers
needs in all areas of their lives,
says Maximilian Bittner, CEO of
the LAZADA group.
Boarding new brands like ZNg
by Jonathan Wong from Malaysia,
Co-founder and Fa-shion Category Manager Martell Hardenberg
said, We are proud of being able
to both enhance the range for our
customers and to contribute to the
online ecosystem in Southeast Asia
through our unique marketplace
model. This is a great achievement
as it is very important for us to give
young designers and local entrepreneurs a platform which helps
them to access the broad market.
Due to existing infrastructure,
LAZADA is able to grow the assortment very quickly. Many more
items, new sub-categories and new
shops are added every day to ensure customers will find all fashion

items they look for on LAZADA.

id,, www.,
www.lazada., is Southeast Asias fastest growing online
shopping mall, with operations in
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Thailand and Vietnam.
LAZADA is pioneering ecommerce across some of the fastest growing countries in the world
by offering a fast, secure and con-

venient online shopping experience with a broad product offering

in categories ranging from fashion,
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goods, toys and sports equipment.
LAZADA is always striving to
offer its customers the best possible offerings including multiple payment options, free returns
and extensive customer service
and warranty commitments. Onthe-go shoppers can conveniently
shop from the LAZADA Android
app, which can be downloaded

Pangasinan Foundation
Day in Lingayen 2014
Representatives from different towns and cities in
Pangasinan, north of Manila, celebrate its upcoming 434rd founding anniversary through parade of
different floats and street dancing at the provincial
capitol grounds.

Department of Agriculture Press Release

Senator Cynthia Villar (center), chair of Committee on
Food and Agriculture listens to Fitrite Inc. marketing
manager Christopher Carillo (right) discuss the global
demand for processed marine products at the five-day
ANUGA 2013 in Cologne, Germany. The Philippines,
through the partnership of the Departments of Agriculture
and Trade and Industry, showcased some of the
countrys homegrown products which have the potential
for market expansion worldwide. The ANUGA trade fair,
dubbed as the worlds leading food fair for the retail
trade, food service and catering market, is held every two
years. Assisting the senator are former Senate President
Manny Villar and DTI Usec. Ponciano Manalo.

(photo by AJ Jacalan)

Agriculture Secretary Proceso

J. Alcala (4th from left) and
Senator Grace Poe-Llamanzares (5th from left) cut a
ceremonial ribbon to open the
1st Philippine Natural and Organic Products Expo, October
17 to 19, 2013, which was held
in conjunction with the 10th
National Organic Agriculture
Congress, at the Philippine International Convention Center,
in Pasay City. The threeday organic agri expo and
congressspearheaded by
the Department of Agriculture
through the National Organic
Agriculture Program (NOAP)
and Bureau of Agriculture and
Fisheries and Products Standards (BAFPS)was attended by 1,000 farmers, organic agriculture advocates, resource persons, product exhibitors, DA
family officials and foreign guests. Also shown (from left) are: BAFPS Director Leo Caeda, Dutch Ambassador Ton Boon
von Ochssee, DA Undersecretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat, and DA Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service
Director Leandro Gazmin. (Photo by Kathrino Resurreccion, DA Information Service)



The Philippine Coconut Authority signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation to provide a stable
agricultural insurance program for coconut farmers in the country. It also
aims to enhance credit access for small coconut farmers.
In addition to facilitating agricultural production and agrienterprise
credit as well as microfinance for Small Coconut Farmers Organizations
(SCFO's), PCA proposed to insure 500,000 farmers of various organizations
for the year 2014. PCA will likewise allocate budget for premium insurance
cost specifically for the Term Insurance PackageAccident and Dismemberment Security Scheme (ADSS) of the said farmers. Furthermore, PCA will
also insure their assets and projects and among these are: PCA buildings,
Research Centers, Training Centers, Seedling Nurseries and Plantations of
In line with this, the PCIC resolves to support PCA's programs such as;
Rehabilitation through Fertilization, National Coconut Planting/Replanting,
maintenance of Coconut Seed farm/Seed garden, Farm Diversification/Intercropping and Kasaganahan sa Niyugan ay Kaunlaran ng Bayan (KAANIB).
They will also support Research and Development and Regulatory Services
under the Coconut Industry Development Roadmap.
PCA Administrator Euclides G. Forbes said the program is designed to
address the vulnerability of SCFO's from extreme weather events caused by
climate change. He added that the crop insurance will likewise protect the
farmers against losses due to pest and disease infestations, natural calamities and extreme weather events. The Administrator also emphasized PCA's
commitment to develop a sustainable and globally competitive coconut industry. He said that aside from ensuring financial protection to the coconut
farmers the MOU with the PCIC is also designed to improve agricultural
productivity and establish the development of the coconut industry.



OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014

Villa Marcelina...

from page 2

by the Great Philippines Expedition

staff are Pata Tim, which is braised
Chinese pork leg, Bulalo, a Filipino
beef soup with vegetables, Flaming
Chicken, which is grilled chicken
thigh and leg with gravy and choice
garnishings, Mixed Seafoods which
is a grilled variety of seafood specialties such as crab, fish, shrimp and
squid and Sinuglaw,a dish which
combines grilled pork belly (liempo)
with fresh fish fillet marinated in
vinegar and spices (kinilaw).
In addition, Mr. Amado says that
it is the owner, Mr. Paler, who troops
to the Farmers Market in Cubao,
Quezon City every morning to hand
pick the produce himself and deliver
these food items to the restaurant in
Valenzuela. This ensures the freshness and quality of the ingredients
for the different dishes in which Villa
Marcelina specializes in.
Siya mismo (Mr. Paler) ang nagpupunta sa Farmers Market arawaraw para mamili ng mga ingredients, mula sa karne, sa mga isda at
sa seafoods. Kaya siguradong sariwa
at maganda ang quality ng mga iniluluto namin na mga pagkain dito sa
restaurant. shares Mr. Amado.
Aside from the food being wellprepared and satiable to the senses,
another remarkable feature is the affordability of the food items in the
menu. The average pricing of the
dishes range from P100 pesos up,
with an average of P100-200 per serving which is already good to share
among several persons.

Perfect Teeth...

An Oasis in the Metropolis

Also worth mentioning is the location and venue of Villa Marcelina.
Although listing its address in a metropolitan city, the place is remarkably serene and spacious unlike some
bars and dining areas in neighboring
cities where they are cramped into
small nooks and movement is limited, especially when hundredes
of people frequent the place on a
regular basis.
The scene is different in Villa
Marcelina. Upon entry, the facade is a roofed and open- aired
dining area in which people can
have their choice of seating to watch
entertainers and performers sing
and play music every night. Or they
can choose to stay in one of the nipa
huts strewn across the back of the
restobar, immersing in a relaxed atmosphere while staring at the clear
night sky, a welcome respite from a
highly urbanized area such as Valenzuela City.
The cozy and tranquil atmosphere of Villa Marcelina is one of
the reasons why there is a growing
number of customers who patronize
the establishment. Aside from those
residing in the nearby areas, the
restobars diners also includes visitors from neighboring towns in
Metro Manila and Bulacan as well as
government officials from Valenzuela City such as Mayor Rex Gatchalian.
Sharing Success with Others
Aside from achieving its distinc-

tion of becoming Valenzuela Citys

main restobar and grillery, a more
important accomplishment of Villa
Marcelina is becoming a vital tool in
providing employment opportunities for local folk in the vicinity.
Noong ginagawa na itong restaurant, natutuwa si Mr. Paler dahil
magkakaroon na ng pagkakataon na
magkaroon ng trabaho ang mga kababayan namin dito sa Valenzuela,
notes Mr. Amado. Hindi lang naman kasi pera at kita lang ang dapat
na ihinahabol ng isang business pero
pati rin ang kapakanan din ng mga
tao. Sa pagkakaroon ng business na
ganito, naiprovide ni Mr. Paler ng
trabaho ang mga nangangailangan
nito dito sa amin. Sa ganitong paraan ay maipagmamalaki namin na
nakatulong ang Villa Marcelina para
sa mga taga-Valenzuela.
Mr. Amado also describes the
owner, Mr. Paler, as an approachable and kind boss. Kaya ganado
rin magtrabaho ang staff ng restaurant kasi mabait at madaling lapitan
si Mr. Paler kapag may problema or
concerns sila. Kaya sinusuklian naman ito ng aming staff sa pagiging
masipag nila sa pagtratrabaho. says
Mr. Amado.
He also adds that this noble objective has helped greatly in the successful operations of the restaurant
to this date, alongside the blessings
bestowed by Divine Intervention.
Looking Ahead for
Villa Marcelina
Planning for the future, the

mana-gement of Villa Marcelina is

looking at expanding their operations. Already in the works are plans
for a second branch as well as venturing into the catering industry by
next year.
According to Mr. Amado, he
and Mr. Paler are looking at several
prime areas alongside the McArthur
Highway in Valenzuela and Bulacan as possible locations for Villa
Marcelinas newest branch. They
are also preparing for the launch of
Marcelinas Seafood which will serve
grilled seafoods to go, an alternative from the usual fare of roasted
chicken and grilled pork.The restobar
will also engage in full-time catering,
providing additional services such as
having ornamental supplies and dining utensils aside from being a food
and beverage concessionaire. The full
package, as Mr. Amado tells it.
But most of all, the restobar seeks
to maintain its consistency in all aspects. Whether this be the quality
of the food served, ambiance of the
place and staff relationship, as long
as it results in customer satisfaction.

Ang mahalaga dito ay mamaintain

ang good standing with the customers, shares Mr. Amado. Kasi sila
ang tinuturing na buhay ng aming
business. As long na maganda ang
pakikisama mo sa kanila, ma-aacknow-ledge nila ito at icocontinue
nila na suportahan ang Villa Marcelina.
Indeed, as a business that concentrates on placing a premium on the
employees welfare and maintaining
a good connection with its customers while serving delectable cusine,
expect Villa Marcelina to continue on
with its successful run for the years
to come as a preferred dining spot in
this part of Metro Manila .
Visit Villa Marcelina Restobar
and Grill located at 576 F. Dulalia
Street,Brgy. Lingunan, Valenzuela
City. Considered as Valenzuelas Biggest and Finest Restobar and Grill,
Villa Marcelina operates from 10 am
to 2 am daily. Two band performers
are on board every night. Call 44479-13 for Reservations and Free Delivery.

Alexander B. Estoesta II

from page 6

condition. Urbi says.

Also called Myobrace, the MRC
Trainer resembles a mouthpiece which
is fully designed state of the art computer appliances which assist the correction of bad oral habits in the growing child. These appliances improve
dental and facial development and correct orthodontic problems earlier.
The Myobrace has a soft silicone
material with tooth slots to align each
tooth and a harder inner core to actively develop the jaws, making more
space for crowded teeth. It is designed
to fill an active role in the orthodontic
treatment for children to avoid extraction and braces. Urbi says.

Unlike a brace, which should be

worn at all times, the Myobrace should
only be worn for 8 hours while at sleep
and 1 to 2 hours while awake. The child
must also see the dentist once a month.
Most importantly, the whole procedure is just 50 percent lower than
what the childs parents will spend on a
brace. Urbi says.
First in the Philippines and Asia
MRC Clinic located on the second
level of Trinoma Mall in Quezon City is
the only clinic of its kind in the Philippines. Dr. Urbi underwent extensive
training as myofunctional dentist in
Australia under Dr. Chris Farrel who

developed the technology in 1979.

The Filipino dentist who is Davaobased and who has two dental clinics
in Davao and Cebu holds the license to
introduce and train other dentists in the
country and in Asia. For more information log on to
or email
Dr. Urbi is also the president of
Green Apple Dental Group whose
main clinic in Cebu is attracting foreign
clients from the US and neighboring
Asian countries thus promoting the
country's medical tourism industry.
Similar to other dental clinics, both
MRC and Green Apple also offers regular dentistry services as well.

Singing Tilt Keeps

Kundiman Alive
By: Rafael C. Caete
The fifty contenders in the
Search for the Hari, Reyna, Prinsipe, Prinsesa, Munting Prinsipe
and Munting Prinsesa ng Kundiman held at the Valenzuela City
Center for the Performing Arts on
September 4 were elementary and
high school teachers and students
who sang kundiman classics.
The competition repertoire was
composed of: Jose Corazon de Jesus and Resurreccion Bunyis Huling Awit, Deogracias Rosario and
Nicanor Abelardos Mutya ng Pasig,
Jesus Balmori, Deogracias Rosario
and Nicanor Abelardos Anak ng
Dalita; Jose Corazon de Jesus and
Nicanor Abelardos Kundiman ng
Luha, Nicanor AbelardosKung
Hindi Man; Servando de los Ange-


les and Nicanor Abelardos Bituing

Now on its 11th year, the competition is held by the Department
of Education (DepEd) -Valenzuela
City in observance of Buwan ng
Wika in August.
Kundim ans are traditional Filipino songs known for their complex
form and sentimental lyrics which
enjoyed popularity during the
Spanish era in the 1800s through
the American era in the 1930s.
It has always been a personal
advocacy to promote kundiman in
the present times, said Music, Arts,
Physical Education and Health
(MAPEH) District Supervisor Victoria Altoveros, who started the competition when she joined the local

OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014

A singing competition in Valenzuela City bucks trends with its rather traditional repertoire.
DepEd office 11 years ago.
In the 1950s through the 1970s,
efforts to revive the genre were undertaken by artists like Ruben Tagalog, Ric Manrique and the folk musical group Mabuhay Singers.


Veteran actress Armida Siguion

Reyna attempted to reintroduce
kundiman to the mainstream entertainment scene through her
show Aawitan Kita which aired
from the 1970s through the 1990s.

Today, kundiman performances

are largely limited to governmentsponsored cultural events such as
the Valenzuela singing tilt.
turn to page 11


QC Celebrates Earth Day 2013

This years Earth Day celebration, held last April 22, 2013 at
the Quezon Memorial Circle, was
graced by a number of guests from
the Quezon City Government,
headed by Mayor Herbert Bautista,
Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte and other
QC government officials, national
government agencies, event partners and sponsors 2013s Earth Day
event revolves around the theme
Ecogovernance, which was extracted from the root words Ecology
and Governance; with the intention
of creating an impact on todays societal judgment towards our ecosystem, and increasing environmental
awareness throughout the Philippines.
Earth Day is an annual worldwide event that the Philippines
takes part in, for the divine purpose
of showing concern for the environment. Each year, a city is chosen
to uphold the influential exposure
Earth Day has to offer, in order to
showcase the established change
that has prospered throughout the
elapsed year. Not only is it considered to be a huge honor to be selected as host for Earth Day this year,
but it is also privileging for Quezon
City to be highlighted as one of the
most ecologically-governed cities in
the Philippines.
In addition to the resoluteness of
the main event were some booths
and Communal Food Sharing,
Hourly Religious Rituals/Chanting
for the healing of the Earth, Cultural
Shows, Advocacy and Musical Presentations, and many more. These
were all taken into account as esteeming the appreciation and value
we generally impart to the lessons
we carry out, in honor of our Earth.
Mayor Herbert Bautista expressed his gratitude to city resi-

dents and enumerated what our

beloved city has accomplished,
environmentally, and what there is
to expect in the coming years, both
with regards to the recognition as
the city with the most number of
enacted ordinances on solid waste
management. And for also being
the first city in Metro Manila to have
a 10-year solid waste management
plan, approved by the National
Solid Waste Management Commission.
Being endowed with the most
extensive expanse of open spaces
and greenery in Metro Manila,
which takes up about 1/5 of the total
land area of the city, we maintained
our role as the greenland of the metropolis, as a co-equal complement
of our economic development strategies. We are proud to say that we
have embraced the very essence of
sustainable development.
A multitude of people have been
informed about the elements and
details of Earth Day and its corresponding entities. Exposure to this
event gave them a sense of understanding to that of which not that
many have the means of acquiring.
The DENR representative gave
a speech about the contribution
the Philippines has provided to our
Mother Earth. He said that being a
key player in helping out the environment, especially with our correlated oceans, it is important that
people should know the best way to
protect and conserve resource is to
put value to it.
Once people are more environmentally conscious, they become
more environmentally responsible;
leading to following local government ordinances and It is an overwhelming experience, both personally and as a government employee.

It creates awareness throughout not

only, as said by some Quezon City
Hall employees.
Right after the Earth Day celebration, the inauguration of the
Refuse Derived Fuel Facility Project
was held at the Quezon City Sanitary Landfill in Payatas, and piloted
by Mundo Verde Corporation, a
joint venture of Lafarge Industrial
Ecology International, Pennies &
Pound Holdings, Inc. and Quezon
Citys Contractor on Solid Waste
Disposal IPM Environmental Services Inc.
The operation of the fuel-turning machine was demonstrated to
the audience that attended the inauguration. There were also foreign
representatives underlining the
international partnership between
the Philippines, USA, and France.
With the symbollic ribbon-cutting
ceremony, this project was thus
launched as a newfangled sustenance to development.
Not only does the Refused Derived Fuel Facility Project terminate
unnecessary pollution; but it also
embarks in great and honorable
courses of environmental initiatives.
Although we may have gone
through some setbacks like the unpredictable weather brought about
by climate change over the past
years due to pollution, we still have
the chance of regaining the unpolluted state we once had by simply
reconditioning our daily conservational habits.
This celebration was to initiate
the citys representation to help
make the world a better place to
live in. Step by step, little by little,
each of us can make a change. Each
small change can create a big leap
towards a better and harmonious

UNITED FOR MOTHER EARTH. Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista and Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte join representatives of national government agencies, non-government organizations,
civil society and religious groups in a show of unity for environmental protection during the
celebration of Earth Day that was hosted by Quezon City at the Quezon Memorial Circle. In his
speech, the mayor reiterated that Quezon City will continue to remain at the forefront of advancing environmental consciousness while sharing some of the citys best practices in environmental management not only locally, but also internationally. (PAISO)

EARTH DAY DANCE. Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista displays his dancing prowess as he
joins the Sayaw ng Sambayanan during the celebration of Earth Day at the Quezon Memorial
Circle on Monday. (PAISO)

Outstanding citizens feted Sept. 1

BAGUIO CITY For rendering

outstanding community service in
their own fields of expertise, nine
Baguio citizens including three in
the military service shall be honored 8AM today, Sunday, Baguios
104th charter day celebration, at
the Baguio Convention Center.
The awardees were announced
by Mayor Mauricio Domogan during the media Ugnayan at city hall
last Wednesday.
Oscar Cadelina, the founding
president of the Baguio-Benguet
Public Information and Civic Action Group (BB-PICAG), Inc. which
for 38 years has worked with and

for Baguiotes
during times of
calamities and
other occasions
shall receive the
award in Community Service.
also served the
through other
roles such as a
forester, businessman, researcher,
consultant, lecturer, professor,
member and Director of the Cordillera Executive Board (CEB), commissioner of the Northwestern Luzon Growth Quadrangle, and other
socio-civic memberships.
Pines City National High School
Principal Dr. Rachel Bugtong shall
also receive the outstanding citizen award for community service
and education. Dr. Bugtong as a
dedicated teacher makes sure her
students and teachers both grow
in education and profession, and
looks after their welfare within

and outside of the four walls of the

She also made extra effort to
make the physical surroundings
comfortable for students in her
school, oftentimes knocking on
doors of benevolent individuals
for this; and has linked with the
community during times of need;
through acts of kindness.
known as Jimmy Luzano, or Lolo
Doro on the airwaves is one of the
awardees; specifically for community service, in journalism. Working
as a broadcaster, reporter, scriptwriter, announcer, commentator,
program director and drama talent;
he became the Station Manager of
DzWX, and later the Area Manager for Northern Luzon of Bombo
Radyo Philippines. He has retired
from the radio station, but has now
partnered with Ecarta Media Productions and Promotions, and a
columnist with a daily newspaper
in the city.
In the 80s he has served as ne-

Singing Tilt... from page 10

The number of participants
each year tells me that there is still
hope for the kundiman, she said.
Though it was Bernadette Santos first times to join the search,
kundiman is nothing new to her.
Santos, a Filipino teacher in Karuhatan National High School who
was hailed Reyna ng Kundiman,
has been singing since she was
young and started singing the musical form in college.
Singing kundiman is very different from singing pop, Santos
said. Sa pop, mas malaya ka. Sa
kundiman, may sistema na da-

pat aralin ng singer. Palaging head

tones at chest tones ang ginagamit,
(With pop, the singer is free to interpret the song in whichever ways
she chooses; while with kundiman,
the singer has to learn a particular
way. She always has to sing using
the head tone and chest tone)
Competition judge and Valenzuela City Choral choirmaster Arthur Esguerra said a serious singer
of kundiman should pay attention
to the sudden shifts in tone in a
Kundimans are unlike pop
songs which you can learn to sing

by just one round of listening. It

sometimes takes a trained ear to
appreciate a kundimans musical
nuances, Esguerra said.
More than an art form, the
kundiman, which are often about
love, also reflects the colonial societys views on relationships.
Many think the sentiments in
kundimans are exaggerated. But it
was the simply the way back then.
A lover would use everything in his
employ to win the affection of his
beloved, including expressing his
love in beautiful words, Esguerra

gotiator for the release of military

captives in Abra. Earlier, he is a recognized musician and bodybuilder; and now an active civic leader
with community service through
different organizations, including
senior citizens groups.
Baguio Country Club General
Manager Anthony de Leon, is a
tireless worker, a passionate endorser and uplifter of tourism for
the city. An involved sportsman,
he supports golf, tennis, bowling,
boardgames and airsoft, a sport
with a group in Baguio he himself
De Leon is considered a bastion of the tourism industry as he
has successfully hurdled numerous trainings and development
programs for hotels, restaurants
and tourism endeavors, here and
overseas. He has also served the
community in various endeavors;
through the Philippine National
Red Cross, BB-PICAG, Silahis ng
Pasko, Outreach programs, Monday Afternoon Club, Barangay

Council, the Baguio Flower Festival

and the Hotel and Restaurant Association of Baguio (HRAB), the
Baguio Tourism Council.
Eye doctor and awardee
Marcelino Dizon, Jr. reaches out
through mission work and vision
programs; in schools, at the city jail
and the community as a whole. He
also does research on Amblyopia,
Istrabimus, Dilopia, Low Vision and
vision-related problems.
As the only sports vision specialist in Northern Luzon, Dr. Dizon, Jr. volunteered and is tasked to
train and improve visual needs of
national athletes.
Fred Fangonon who has pioneered eco-composting, and demonstrated this in Loakan Proper
also receives an award in community service. Starting young, Fangonon has planted trees in his
place of birth; and now produces
organic fertilizers to grow fruits and
luscious vegetables in his rooftop
turn to page 12

Search for the Hari, Reyna, Prinsipe, Prinsesa,

Munting Prinsipe and Munting Prinsesa
ng Kundiman 2013 Winners
Elementary and High School Teachers
Hari ng Kundiman: Noel F. Domigpe, Serrano Elementary School
Reyna ng Kundiman: Bernadette S. Santos, Karuhatan National
High School
High School Students
Prinsipe ng Kundiman: Rey Justin S. Cornelio, Dalandanan
National High School - Bagbaguin Annex
Prinsesa ng Kundiman: Abegail C. Perez, Canumay National High School
Elementary Students (Grades 3 to 6)
Munting Prinsipe ng Kundiman: John Vincent P. Cabagay, Karuhatan
West Elementary School
Munting Prinsesa ng Kundiman: Mariel Kaila D.C. Reyes, San Diego
Parochial School


OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014



OCTOBER 28, 2013 - JANUARY 27, 2014 Vol. V, Issue No. 7

WTM & Amadeus

Travel Suppliers
World Travel Market, the leading
global event for the travel industry, and
Amadeus can now unveil the shortlist for the inaugural Amadeus & WTM
Travel Experience Awards, recognising
those who are delivering the best in 21st
Century Travel Experiences.
The Awards cover ten categories,
rewarding tourist boards and travel providers for their best and most innovative
product offerings.
The core judging panel included;
Micaela Juarez, Head of Marketing and
Communications, WTM
Rob Sinclair-Barnes, Director of Marketing, Amadeus UK & Ireland
Trevor Harding, President, Institute of
Travel & Tourism
Lee Hayhurst, Editor, Travolution
The four core judges came up with
their shortlist for each category with the
help of expert judges from the various
The Best Destination for Accessible
Travel has three shortlisted contenders
including the German National Tourist Office, Tenerife Tourism Corporation
and Visit Flanders. The core judges and
expert judge, Brian Seaman from Access
New Business, were looking for destinations which offered disabled travellers
the opportunity to take part in an experience which they would never have
thought possible.
Truly memorable and exciting locations Tongabezi Lodge and Tenerife
Tourism Corporation made the shortlist
for their heart-racing challenges in the
Adrenaline Junkies category.
Those shortlisted for the best in Authentic Travel are Khiri Travel, Tongabezi
Lodge and Wilderness Safaris for Desert
Rhino Camp, all offering a real insight
into the community as well as making
a substantial contribution to a global
problem as judged by the core panel and
expert judge Jeremy Smith, Responsible
Travel Writer.
Threeonce in a lifetimeexperiences
that have been shortlisted by the panel
and expert judge Simon Mayle, International Luxury Travel Market, for the Blow
the Budget category are Jamaica Tourist
Board, Quark Expeditions and The Sarojin.
The best three City Breaks on a
Budget shortlisted with the help of Jane
Atkins from Superbreak are Liguria for
Genoa, Turismo di Lisboa and Visit Gent.
These cities offered the traveller the key
elements of a good choice of accommodation at affordable prices as well as a
variety of places to eat and plenty to see
and do during a long weekend.
The destinations most geared up for
cruise passengers have been whittled
down to Liguria for Genoa, Visit Guernsey and Jamaica Tourist Board in the
Cruise Destination category.
Top three Honeymoon locations
shortlisted, with the help of expert
judge Natalie Wingrove from Weddings
Abroad Guide, are Beaches Fort Myers
and Sanibel for Casa Ybel, Maxx Royal
& Voyage Hotels for Maxx Royal Turkey
and The Sarojin.
The locations that offered the most
unique view in the Room With A View

To all my relatives and friends in Bantay, Ilocos Sur.

-Milo & Celine Rabara Belarmino, from Las Vegas, Nevada
Binabati po namin ang aming mga kamag-anak, pamilya, kaibigan sa buong Pilipinas. Lalong lalo na ang mga kamag-anak
namin sa Limmansangan and Abour, Narvacan Ilocos Sur, at
sa Novaliches and Project 8, Quezon City & Fort Bonifacio
sana po at darating ang panahon na tayo ay magkita kita ulit.
God Bless to all of Us. - Michael, Cynthia and Miguel Caducio and Family from Richmond Hill and Toronto, Ontario,
To all DWCV Batch 83, my Mom and Sis. Como Esteis.Todos

category as shortlisted with the help of

Steve Dunlop, Travel Photographer are
Liguria for Hotel Vis a Vis Sestri Levante,
The Aurora Zone for The Aurora Bubble
Finland and Wilderness Safaris for DumaTau Camp and Tongabezi Lodge.
Three Stress-Free Family Holiday
holidays shortlisted by the core judges
and Julia Lo-Bue Said from Advantage
Travel are Beaches Fort Myers & Sanibel
for Pink Shell Beach Resort, Inside Asia
Tours for Inside Japan and Visit Guernsey.
The most memorable destinations,
which business travellers can enjoy with
only two hours to spare, are Hong Kong
Tourist Board, Sports Events 365 and
Visit Flanders in the Two Hours to Spare
on a Business trip category.
The categories and one overall winner will be announced during the award
ceremony in the Travel Tech Theatre TT185 on Wednesday 6 November at
4.30 pm and followed by a Reception.
The awards are to be presented by wellknown TV presenter Jenny Powell, and
in association with Travel Channel.
Each winner of the ten categories
will be promoted extensively and will
have the choice of hosting a press visit
by the WTM official video crew, who
will create a blog (video blog) for use on
the WTM website, social media and via
WTM Official Media Partners.
Amadeus, who are partnering with
the inaugural Travel Tech Show at WTM
and supporting the events VIP lounge,
have also co-hosted four round table
discussions on travel technology-related
subjects with conjunction with WTM,
with a White Paper produced for each
event. One concluding White Paper will
be revealed at WTM, before the Amadeus & WTM Travel Experience awards
on Wednesday 6 November.
The Travel Tech Show at WTM Head
of Marketing and Communications Micaela Juarez said: We were delighted
with both the quality and quantity of
entries we have received for the Amadeus & WTM Travel Experience Awards.
It made the judging extreme difficult.
I look forward to presenting these
awards with Amadeus during WTM and
congratulating the winners on their top
21st Century Travel Experience.
Amadeus Director of Marketing, Rob
Sinclair-Barnes said: These inaugural
Amadeus and WTM Travel Experience
Awards aims to recognise the best in
class travel supplier who is defining and
evolving the new standards for the travel
industry to better service and deliver the
21st Century Travel Experience.
The Amadeus and WTM collaboration has worked incredibly well
throughout this year and I look forward
to presenting the comprehensive White
Paper and Travel Experience Awards on
the Wednesday of WTM.

- Virgie Pinto from Spain

Kumusta kayo amin dita, nangruna kadagiti kakabagyan ken

gagayyem dita An-annam Bantay, Ilocos Sur.
- Eddie & Melodie Pagaoa from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Regards to all relatives and friends in An-annam Bantay,

Ilocos Sur.
- Jose Pinto from Barcelona Spain

Kumusta kayo amin dita Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

-Imelda Castaneda Hawaii

Regards to everybody especially to the people of Narvacan,

Ilocos Sur.
-Lerma Jubilado from Rome, Italy

Regards to all my kababayan, especially Narvacaneos.

Hope to see all my relatives soon.
-Zenaida Cabanilla, from Portland,Oregon

Outstanding Citizens...

from page 11

garden, and teaches others to follow suit.

Though a graduate of political science, a former Overseas
Contract Worker, and a businessman, Fangonon is passionate
about being a farmer and environmentalist, which he shares to
the community through lectures, demonstration and technical
innovations of the Eco-Composting Receptacle (ECR). He presently maintains said ECRs in Loakan and other areas of the city.
The awardees were chosen by the Society of Outstanding
Citizens of Baguio (SOCOB), and in consonance with this years
theme,Steadfast Service to the City.
Three soldiers join the list of awardees; Colonel Romeo
Brawner, Jr, Major Daneck Dang-awan, and Police Superintendent Edgar Alan Okubo.
Baguio-born Col. Brawner, Jr., is a 1989 graduate of the
Philippine Military Academy, and has served the country for 24
years. He has seen combat in various parts of the country, and
has been instrumental in the decrease of strength of the New
Peoples Army. He has also joined in disaster rescue and relief
missions, and livelihood advocacy programs in areas where
he was assigned. His tour of duty includes being involved in
medical-dental outreach, blood-letting, anti-insurgency and
anti-criminality, and anti-drug campaigns in far-flung areas; and
infrastructure projects such as medical and birthing center, and a
two-classroom building.
Major Daneck Dang-awan is also a Baguio-born soldier

working in the chaplain service where he pioneered the prayer

walk, vesper divine services through music and neighborhood
host bible studies. Other programs include brotherhood projects
with Muslims, Mindanao street children ministry, Support a
child Save A Future ministry, Feeding program, and partnering
with the Serving Neighbors Network for Out-Of-School-Youth,
and the distribution of relief goods during times of calamities.
This is in addition to his functions as evangelical chaplain and
spiritual adviser to soldiers and their family and the community
at large.
A graduate of the Philippine National Police Aca-demy
(PNPA), P/Supt. Edgar Alan Okubo has served the government
for 22 years. His experience includes the pursuit of dangerous
lawless elements and eventual capture and prosecution.
P/Supt. Okubo involves the community in crime-busting, as
well as information and educational campaign through the calling-card project, the church and the faithful, and the Mag-aaral
Kontra Krimen Project. Checkpoints against dissidents were also
installed du-ring his watch resulting to arrest of armed groups
and confiscation of high-powered firearms; and the use of motorcycles for police officers riding-in-tandem projects, which resulted to easing of tension and peace of mind in the community.
The awardees shall be honored in the presence of Baguio
boy Associate Justice Mario Victor Leonen who is this years
charter day speaker. -juliegfianza

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