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The follow 3 points need to thought about before you create your lesson plan.

Important Facts:
Multiplication is repeated addition.
Arrays are an arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in columns and rows.
Students can make groups to show multiplication problems.
a. Key Concepts: Review multiplication facts and how to show multiplication facts in
various ways.
b. Skills students need for lesson and skills taught: Students need to be able to
demonstrate their understanding of what multiplication is and their multiplication
facts for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Students are taught how to make groups for each
multiplication problem and how to use grouping to answer the questions.




Demographic Information
The following should be given:
a. Student Teachers Name: Laila Ali
b. Grade Level: 3
c. Topic: Math
d. School: Geer Park Elementary School
e. District: Dearborn Public Schools
f. Lesson Plan Title: Multiplication Monster
g. Duration: (estimate how long your lesson will take to teach): 30
minutes-45 minutes.
SWBAT listed and should demonstrate the following:
- Define multiplication as repeated addition.
- Identify the products of various multiplication problems
- Identify various ways to answer a multiplication problem.
Common Core Curriculum
The following should be explained:
a. List the Common Core objectives used in the lesson
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-onone, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3
topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own
Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 7 as the total
number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example,
describe a context in which a total number of objects can be
expressed as 5 7.
b. Explain why you decided to teach this lesson and how it is theoretically
sound. Students are learning about multiplication and how to define a
multiplication problem. Students are learning how to use arrays and groups
to figure out multiplication problems and this activity fits in with what they
are learning. Students are finding the products of various problems and using
the products to figure out how to draw their monster.

c. How is the content relevant to students?

The content builds on what students are learning this week. They began
multiplication on Monday. This activity builds on what they have learned all
week. Students review what multiplication means and use groups/arrays to
find the product of various multiplication problems.

Learning Resources and Materials

The following should be explained:
a. List appropriate materials: list all items
1. Promethean Board
2. Multiplication monster worksheet
3. White board and marker
4. White construction paper
5. Pencil
6. Glue stick
b. List resources
Monster multiplication worksheet
Review multiplication game:
c. List technology: this could include computers, televisions, tape
recorders, calculators
1. Promethean Board
2. ELMO camera
d. Bibliography


Teacher Procedure/Lesson Development

1. Anticipatory Set- To motivate my students, I will ask them to take a
deep breath and exhale. I will have them get up and do a couple of
stretches with me and then ask them to sit down. I will begin by
saying, Ok boys and girls, before we begin our new lesson today, I
want to review what we have learned so far about multiplication. (I
will hold the orange cones and tell students that they will get one if
they answer the questions correctly). I will ask the questions listed
below. Students get an orange cone (which is equivalent to a piece of
candy at the end of the day) for each question they answer correctly.
2. How you will link the lesson to the students prior knowledge?
I will ask students review questions about Michigan. I will ask
questions like:
What is multiplication?
Give me an example of a multiplication number model.
Tell me a multiplication story problem.
What is an array?
Show me an example of an array.
b.Methods/Procedures (Lesson Development)

1. Essential Question: How can you use arrays and grouping to find
the product of a multiplication problem?
2. Lesson Described in Detail Step-by-Step
a. Begin by telling students, So what do we know about
multiplication? (Use review questions above and give each
student with correct answer an orange cone)
b. Once I review with them I will say, Well we are going to
practice making groups and arrays today..
c. Write a story problem on the promethean board: Two
students went to the store. Each student bought four candy
bars. How many candy bars did they buy in all?
d. I will say, How can you answer this story problem using an
e. Once they show the array, ask students if they agree with the
answer (thumbs up/thumbs down).
f. Now ask students, show me how you would make groups to
represent this story problem?
g. Once everyone agrees, have students tell you what the
number model is for that 2x4=8.
h. Introduce the multiplication monster worksheet/activity. Say,
So now that we have reviewed our multiplication strategies,
we are going to do a really fun activity. Each of you is going
to get a multiplication monster worksheet. You will use
dominos to figure out which two numbers you will use for
each multiplication problem. I want you to show me the
groups that are made by each multiplication problem (for
example 4x2 would be 4 groups of 2). As you complete this
worksheet, you will be uncovering the answers you need to
build your monster. Each monster will be unique and
when I come around and approve your answers, you can
begin making your monster. (Show them an example of a
i. Pass out construction paper, monsters worksheet, dominoes,
colored pencils and markers.
j. Walk around and check student work. Answer questions and
guide students who are struggling.
If students finish early, they can play a multiplication game on the computer:
k. Student work will be hung in the hallway.
3. Type(s) of Teaching Described
a. Direct Teaching: I will be teaching a new concept so
students will be taught through note taking, doing the
worksheet, and listening to me describe what a
multiplication is and how to model it. I will guide them
towards figuring out the answers to my questions using
context clues and the worksheet example.
b. Inductive/Inquiry Teaching: I will say, Using the
dominoes, find the factors that will determine the product (or
number of monster parts). Through this activity, students
are finding factors through picking a domino up randomly

and placing the numbers on the worksheet. They will be able

to see what their monster will eventually look like when they
complete the worksheet. Students will create the monster on
construction paper using the information they found.
4. Strategy/ies Listed and Explained (Best Practices)
The following strategies will be used in my lesson:
-Questioning: I will ask students questions that will help guide them
towards making accurate conclusions. I will ask them questions on what
they have learned so far and link that information to what they will learn
during this lesson. Students will be motivated to answer because they
receive candy for answering correctly.
-Scaffolding: I will model what I want them to do in terms of finding the
product using dominos. I will help students understand the material so that
by the end of the lesson, they will be able to fill in the blanks for the
multiplication problems. For students who are struggling, I will try to help
guide them towards the answer using inductive teaching (asking them
questions and having them use resources to find their answers).
-Finding products by multiplying factors: I will help students create
groups and find the factors for their multiplication problems. If they are
having trouble finding the product, I will ask them to draw an array or
make groups to represent the problem. It will help them visualize the
answer and understand math factors.
-Total Participation (Thumbs up/Thumbs down): This strategy helps with
making sure each student can hear and understand what I am saying. I want
students to be focused and this method allows me to see who is paying
attention and who is not. It also gives students who are shy a chance to
participate without speaking.
1. Method of Practice
a. Guided PracticeStudents will answer the fill in the blank
questions while I walk around to see what they have written
down. I will also have students circle Michigan on the map
and point to the state, while I walk around to see that they
have done so. I will provide feedback to students who do
well by saying, Good job! and help students who are
struggling by giving them clues (Use your notes)
b. Independent PracticeStudents will have to answer the
questions on the worksheet and create a monster that fits
with their answers. This is done independently and then we
will come together as a class to review them. Students are
practicing their math skills and how to creatively design their
own monster using their findings.
2. Your RoleMy role is to guide students to figuring out the answers
to my questions and using their notes for help. I want students to be
able to use the resources given to them to make informed decisions.
Students will be taught about multiplication and how to model it in
various ways. I will give them the information they need to
understand their multiplication facts.
a. Modeling: I will create a multiplication monster and model
how to find the first question using the dominoes. I will keep
my model under the ELMO camera so that students can refer
back to it.

b. Facilitating: I will go around and observe how students

answer the multiplication questions. I will explain to
students who are confused. I will monitor and guide them
through the lesson.
3. How Will You Implement Varying Perspectives?
I will ask students, Who knows how to represent this multiplication
problem in a different way? How does your monster differ from
another students monster and what affected that result? This will
give me an idea of what students already know and where to begin.
4. How Will You Integrate Across the Curriculum?
Students will be speaking and listening. They will learn how to participate
in classroom discussion and write informational notes in their journals.
This will help cover their language arts skills and also cover content in
1. Closure
a. How you will help students summarize what they have
The activity will conclude what we reviewed in class. I will have students share
their monsters and how they solved their equations. I will say, So can some of
you share what you have created? Please tell the class one of your equations and
how you showed that using the grouping method. (Once two or three students
present I will conclude by saying) Great job today boys and girls. To practice
your multiplication factors at home, go to this website: Play the
games and let me know what you think about it. We will now get ready to go to
lunch, so put your notebooks away and turn in your monsters.
b. What are you doing to help students
summarize/synthesize what they have learned and
prepare them for the next learning activity.
I will connect what they have learned so far to the new
material on multiplication, arrays, and grouping. I will
remind them of how they have already defined
multiplication and created arrays in class and how now they
will practice answering equations and using the grouping
Communication with Parents: I will post on the classroom blog what students covered in math
during this lesson. Parents will be aware of the resources I used and students can access the
worksheet and review website (game) through the links on the blog.
Students are using the interactive Promethean board to fill in
make arrays and groups for various multiplication equaitons.
I used various websites to prepare for my lesson. I found
resources that have the worksheet already made and I used a
review website I found on the Internet. These websites are
educational websites that can be used for supplemental
material for any subject area.


Yes, I used the Promethean board to engage them in my lesson. I
used it to review the definition of multiplication and how to create
arrays. I had one student come up and create arrays for a specific
multiplication problem. I wanted to use the board because it is a
technological tool the students are used to using in the classroom. It also
helps to enhance the lesson. It allows me to model how the worksheet
should be done. It is also interactive in that students could come and
write on the board as well.
c. Accommodations/Adaptations
1. Are there any safety issues that you need to address/ If so
No, there are no safety issues, other than reminding students to keep
their hands and feet to themselves.
2. How will you differentiate instruction to accommodate your
students individual strengths, interests and needs? What
adaptations in the environment, materials, equipment, teaching
strategies or lesson objectives will be made when implementing
the lesson?
-Visual learners: Students have various visual representations of the
material (notes in math notebook, math worksheet, my example). Their
monsters will be colored. It helps students see the express their creativity
and the dominoes help differentiate instruction.
-ESL learners: Students can use the word definition cards as reference.
The cards include the definition, an example, and a picture for each
word. Students can better understand the vocabulary this way. I would
also translate the words to Arabic for them.
-Gifted Students: These students would help their peers if they finish
ahead of them. They would be my helpers. They can help guide their
table partners if they are having problems understanding the directions or
how to do something. I could even ask these students to answer math
problems with factors other than numbers 1-6.
1. Describe the criteria by which you can assess/evaluate student
I will assess/evaluate student performance based on observations made
during the lesson. Since this is a quick review on multiplication facts, I
will use the orange cones as a way to see which students understand the
material and which do not. I will also use the thumbs up/thumbs down
strategy to assess which students are paying attention and who is
struggling. I will also assess students based on what they have written
down for their answers to worksheet and their drawing. If they have the
correct answers and a drawing of a monster, they get excellent. If they
have any mistakes, I will give them good, developing, or poor
accordingly. The rubric for assessment is below:
Criteria for grading
Student has all five equations





correct. Student has five groupings

that are correct. Their monster is
complete with all parts and
colorful. Handwriting is neat and
Student has four equations correct
and can understand what they have
written. The groupings are correct
(except for one). The monster is
colorful and has the correct parts.
Handwriting is neat.
Student has 2-3 equations correct
and does not have a clear
understanding of the material. The
groupings are somewhat correct,
but the student does not know how
to explain their work. Handwriting
is not neat. The monster is
somewhat incomplete.
Student has 0-1 answers for the fill
in the questions. Student
handwriting is not neat or legible.
There is no monster on the
construction paper.

2. How were the objectives/outcomes reflected in the students

Students were able to meet my objectives through questioning and
reflecting on the material. Students identified many of the things I
listed on the objectives through questions I asked at the beginning of
the lesson and throughout. Students also met the objectives through
completing the worksheet.
3. Did the criteria support the learning objectives?
Yes, the criteria did support the learning objectives. The criteria is
based on what students were able to do in the lesson. If students met
the criteria listed, then they met the objectives of the lesson.
Methods of Assessment and Evaluation utilized, such as (these are suggestions):
a. How will you monitor learning using some of the examples above?
I will monitor learning through questioning. I will have review previous material
through asking questions and giving out extrinsic rewards. I will observe to see
how many students get the questions correct and which students are still
confused. I will also observe students as they answer the math equations and use
the rubric to grade the worksheet and drawing.
b. What did the students learn? How do you know?
Students learned about multiplication arrays and grouping. They learned
about what multiplication is and how to model it using grouping and arrays. I
know this because I will question students on this material and ask them to
answer mathematical equations using grouping. I also know this because I
monitored their responses throughout the lesson and reiterated the material.

c. Did assessment and evaluation provide evidence of student learning (e.g.,

oral/written report, visual representations, or viewing a technology
Yes, the worksheets provide evidence of learning. Students are answer the
mathematical questions based on numbers they randomly pick out using a
domino. Each student gets a differentiated lesson but they are all reviewing their
math facts and how to use grouping to answer a multiplication question. I will be
able to see what they have written down and assess which students have
understood the material and which students did not get it. Students are also
visually representing what they have learned through creating the monster from
their answers.
d. How you will give feedbackis it written, is it verbal?
I will give verbal feedback throughout the lesson. I will tell students Great
Job if they are on the right track and help students who are struggling. I will
give individual feedback (verbal) when I walk around to see what they have
written down for their answers to the questions. I will try to guide students
towards the right answer without giving it away.
e. How will you help students summarize what they have learned and
prepare them for the next lesson?
I will use the worksheet to summarize what they have learned in the lesson.
After I see each individuals answers, we will come together as a class and
review the correct responses and explain why they are correct. Then, I will
wrap up the lesson and explain that they will learn about how division relates
to multiplication.
f. Does your evaluation match your objectives?
Yes, my evaluation matches my objectives. My evaluation covers the
material that was covered previously and helps them review their math facts
in a fun, educational way.

Teacher Reflectiondone AFTER teaching the lesson to help you gain insight into
your practice and help you make adjustments in your teaching.
This is completed after teaching the lesson and is meant to help you gain insight into your
a. Reread your objectives. Were your objectives supported by the
outcomes you observed?
b. What do you think worked? Why?
c. What did not work? Why?
d. What could you do differently to make the lesson more successful?
e. Which student teacher standard/standards did you demonstrate during
the lesson?
f. Did some things happen for which you were not prepared? How did you
g. Identify three things you think went well with the lesson and why.

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