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English 9 Final Exam
Read all of the instructions carefully before you answer each section. Be sure you bubble in each
answer completely. If you do not know the answer to a question, skip it and then return to it. Do
not leave any questions blank!
Character Identification:
1. Huckleberry Finn
2. Rev. Parris
3. Hester Prynne
4. Duke
5. Rev. Hale

a. The minister of Salem who fears factions plan to usurp him

b. A young hustler who thinks he is an actor and a preacher
c. A rapscallion who travels down the Mississippi River
d. A minister who has expertise in identifying witches
e. Accused of adulterywears a scarlet letter as punishment

6. Pearl
7. Tituba
8. Jim
9. King
10. Abagail Williams

a. Elf-like childdirect result of adultery

b. Manipulative girl who had an affair with John Proctor
c. Escaped salve. Father figure to Huck
d. Slave who knows how to conjure spirits
e. Older conman, claims to be the dauphin of France

11. John Proctor

12. Dimmesdale
13. Chillingworth
14. Pap
15. Tom Sawyer

a. A level headed man quick to spot hypocrisy

b. Minister of Boston; Hesters paramour
c. An abusive drunkard; tells Huck not to go to school
d. Hucks adventurous friend who gets shot in the leg
e. Hesters long lost husband; also known as a leech

Multiple Choice: Do NOT leave any question blank! If you do not know the answer, skip it and
then RETURN to it.
16. An allegory is
a. A confusing complicated story
b. A poem or story that symbolizes something else
c. A type of poem
d. Is used by authors to comment on different ideas or issues
e. Both b and d
17. The Crucible was written by
a. Arthur Miller
b. Arthur Miner
c. Miller Arthur
d. Mildred Author
e. Author Miner

18. The Red Scare was

a. A time period where red dye was made from hazardous chemicals
b. Fear of the rise of communism
c. Animosity between the USA and Russia
d. When rust from the water pipes turned water red
e. Both b and c
19. What is McCarthyism?
a. Making inaccurate accusations of treason without evidence
b. Acting like you know everything
c. Fearing the unknown
d. Dislike of Canadians
e. Making true accusations but nobody believes you
20. Identify the speaker: I have given you my soul; Leave my name!
a. Giles Cory
b. Hester Prynne
c. Arthur Dimmesdale
d. John Proctor
e. Jim
21. Identify the speaker: He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him.
a. Elizabeth Proctor
b. Hester Prynne
c. Widow Douglass
d. Pearl
e. Huck
22. Who is the first person accused of witchcraft?
a. Abagail Williams
b. Elizabeth Proctor
c. Goody Nurse
d. Tituba
e. Goody Putnam
24. After John Proctor confesses, Danforth insists he post his confession
a. On the front of his home
b. In the town hall
c. On the church door
d. None of the above
25. An example of hysteria is.
a. Students in 5th hour saying that there is a quiz and every student in seventh hour panic
and frantically ask Ms. Baker many times if they have a quiz.
b. Running to class because you are afraid to be late.

c. Being excited to watch a movie in class

d. The entire class groaning when they are assigned a huge paper over the weekend.
e. Eating all of a sweet treat when someone brings it to class because you never can at
26. The people of Salem would accuse others of witchcraft because
a. They wanted land
b. They resented their neighbors and wanted revenge
c. They were actually witches
d. Fear of the unknown
e. Both a and b
27. The word that best describes Abigail Williams is
a. Kind
b. Generous
c. Caring
d. Insecure
e. Manipulative
28. What is the one commandment that John Proctor couldnt remember?
a. Thou shalt not steal
b. Thou shalt not take the lords name in vain
c. Thou shall honor thy mother and father
d. Thou shalt not commit adultery
e. Thou shalt not covet
29. Parris was reluctant to tell anyone that Betty may have been bewitched because he
a. Fears that Bettys reputation will be destroyed
b. Firmly believes that witches do not exist
c. Knows that Betty will cast a spell on him
d. Fears that the members of the community will attempt to ruin his reputation
e. He is secretly a witch
30. The play may have been named The Crucible because
a. It means a test or trial
b. Is symbolizes the witch trials
c. It symbolizes the moral trials of John Proctor
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
31. An example of hypocrisy in The Crucible is.
a. Abagail dancing in the forest
b. John Proctor cheating on his wife while condemning sinners
c. Reverend Parris fearing factions
d. Marry Warren giving Elizabeth a poppet
e. Goody Nurse helping Betty

32. What were Giles Coreys last words?

a. You are all fools!
b. There are wheels within wheels
c. Martha!
d. More weight
e. I will not.
33. The quote There are wheels within wheels, and fires within fires! may refer to
a. A massive fire in the Salem colony
b. A crash involving two wagons carrying expensive Chinese fireworks that exploded
c. The complicated relationships between people in Salem
d. A curse word that Parris let slip during a sermon
e. Abigails last words
34. What was the evidence used to accuse Elizabeth of witchcraft?
a. A black cauldron
b. A poppet
c. A yellow bird that landed on her window
d. A sewing needle left in a quilt
e. Abigail saw it in a dream
35. Why did Elizabeth lie in court?
a. To convict John
b. To prove her innocence
c. To protect Johns name and honor
d. To accuse Mary Warren of witchcraft
e. To send Abigail to jail
36. Why isnt Elizabeth executed for witchcraft?
a. She confesses in court
b. She is absolved of her sin
c. She dies of natural causes
d. She is pregnant
e. All of the above
37. Who is the author of The Scarlet Letter?
a. Nathaniel Hawthorne?
b. Hawthorne Nathanielson
c. Nathen Hawthorne
d. Nathaniel Hale
e. Natalie Harris
38. The author of The Scarlet Letter wrote it in response to:
a. His disgust with the Puritan religion
b. His grandfathers guilt in the Salem Witch Trials

c. The mistreatment of women during the age of Puritanism

d. The beliefs of the Puritans
e. The Blue Letter, written by his grandfather.
39. Why does Chillingworth become Dimmesdales doctor?
a. He is the only one with medical knowledge in Boston
b. He is learned in both European and Native American medicine
c. To extract revenge on Dimmesdale
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
40. The _____ comet falls in the shape of a ______
a. Blue, star
b. Red, star
c. Yellow, A
d. Red, A
e. Purple, halo
41. The people of Boston believe that the comet could mean
a. Adultery
b. Angel
c. Ascension
d. A and b
e. B and c
42. Hawthorne used metonymy many times to describe his characters. Which ones did he use for
a. The monster
b. The pale mare
c. The black man
d. The leech
e. Both c and d
43. What examples of metonymy are used for Pearl?
a. Rapscallion
b. Troublemaker
c. Doll
d. Elf
e. Angel
44. What is a symbol?
a. A person, thing or idea that stands for something else
b. A musical instrument
c. A poem that rhymes
d. a repetition of letters
e. A medical term for the welt Ms. Baker will give me if I get this question wrong.

45. What is NOT an example of a symbol seen in The Scarlet Letter?

a. The rose by the prison door
b. Dimmesdales illness
c. The scarlet letter
d. Pearl
e. The weather
46. What item do the people of Salem refuse to let Hester embroider?
a. Scarves
b. Jackets
c. Gloves
d. Socks
e. Wedding veils
47. What is the first clue that Dimmesdale is Pearls father?
a. He secretly meets with Hester and they discuss it at length
b. Pearl favors him when Hester delivers gloves to the officials house
c. Pearl calls him father when they are in the forest
d. Hester announces it when she is upon the scaffold
e. Pearl looks like Dimmesdale
48. What happens after Dimmesdale confesses and claims Pearl as his own?
a. He, Hester and Pearl live in his house from then on
b. The people throw rotten tomatoes at him
c. He collapses and dies
d. He and Chillingworth duel until Dimmesdale kills Chillingworth
e. Another comet falls from the sky
49. How is sin physically manifested in The Scarlet Letter
a. Pearl
b. Hesters embroidered A
c. Dimmesdales illness
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
50. Adultery is the sin of
a. Stealing another persons spouse
b. Extramarital sex
c. Hating your spouse
d. Having too many children
e. Never having children
51. Hester Prynne is buried
a. In the garden of her small house
b. In the forest next to her favorite tree
c. In a grave next to Dimmesdale marked with an A
d. By the prison door with roses on her grave
e. In England with the rest of her family

52. What is significant about Pearls name?

a. Hester found a pearl when her daughter was born
b. Pearl is precious to Hester
c. Dimmesdale gave Hester a pearl as a symbol of their love
d. Pearl is pale just like a pearl
e. She picked a pearl off the beach while out on a walk with her mother
53. Mark Twains real name is
a. Samuel Twain
b. Mark Clemens
c. Clemens McGee
d. Longhorn Clemens
e. Samuel Longhorn Clemens
54. Realism is
a. Being blunt and to the point
b. Portraying things in a realistic manner
c. Including dialect in writing
d. The opposite of fakeism
e. Both b and c
55. A bildungsroman novel is
a. The process of building in ancient Rome
b. A coming of age novel
c. A story within a story
d. A novel that stands for something else
e. A novel that tries to teach the reader a lesson
56. Huck knows Pap is still alive when he sees
a. Him behind Judge Thatchers house
b. He recognizes the cross in the boot of the tracks in the snow
c. Hears Jims hairball prophecy
d. Discovers his room is ransacked
a. Both b and c
57. How does Huck fake his own death?
a. He kills a pig and splatters the blood around his Paps cabin
b. He paints his face blue with berries from the forest and pretends to have suffocated
c. He hires some boatmen to pretend they saw him drown and report it to the authorities
d. Unearths a body of a boy his age and floats it in the river
58. Huck decides to fake his own murder so that
a. Everyone will feel sorry for how they mistreated him
b. Pap will be blamed for it
c. He can run away with Jim
d. No one will follow him after he escapes

e. He can play a prank on his Pap

59. Jim gets bitten by a rattlesnake because
a. He taunts a nest of them
b. He is cursed with bad luck
c. Huck put his mate in his sleeping-bag
d. He thought it would be good luck
60. When Huck and Jim get stuck in the fog
a. Jim becomes very upset
b. They both fall asleep
c. Huck pretends as if it never happened
d. Both a and c
e. Both c and b
61. The language in Huckleberry Finn is an example of Mark Twains
a. Realism
b. Racism
c. Eastern upbringing
d. Lack of formal education
e. Depression
62. When Huck plays a nasty trick on Jim, he learns how to be
a. Self-righteous
b. Deceitful
c. Mischievous
d. Humble
e. Cocky
63. Hucks moral battle is
a. to become sivilized or not
b. To run away from his Pap or stay
c. Turn Jim in or to help him to freedom
d. Join the Shepardsons or the Grangerfords
e. To go to school or to become a robber
64. The Grangerfords and the Sheperdsons are
a. Feuding families
b. Business rivals
c. Owners of the towns general store
d. Actors
e. Hucks favorite book characters
65. How do the Duke and King finally get caught?
a. Huck turns them in
b. Jim turns them in

c. They get caught in a scheme

d. Both a and c
e. Both b and c
66. What is a hyperbole?
a. A really exciting eating utensil
b. An exaggeration for effect
c. A story that represents something
d. A less effective form of symbol
e. An understatement
67. What is a picturesque novel?
a. A story in which someone rich loses everything
b. A novel where life is perfect

68. A thesis is
a. Really hard
b. An arguable statement
c. Written at the beginning of an essay
d. Restated in the conclusion paragraph
e. Everything EXCEPT a
69. A solid analysis essay usually needs at least
a. One quote
b. Two quotes
c. Three quotes
d. Four quotes
e. Five quotes
70. While writing an analysis essay, all quotes should
a. Support the thesis
b. Be properly cited
c. Be properly incorporated or introduced
d. Be explained and analyzed
e. All of the above
71. In the conclusion paragraph, what should you NOT do
a. Introduce a new idea
b. Restate your thesis
c. Sum up your body paragraphs
d. Both a and b
e. None of these

72. When you are writing an analysis, you should NEVER

a. Use first person
b. Use a contraction
c. Insert your opinion
d. None of these
e. All of these
73. Choose the proper in text citation
a. Quote," (page number, author).
a. (page number, author) Quote.
b. Quote, (page number).
c. Quote, (author, page number).
d. (author, page number) Quote.
e. (author) Quote, (page number).

74. The Ministers Black Veil is a(n)

a. Fable
b. Short story
c. Parable
d. Allegory
e. Myth
75. Small changes that can be made to improve essays
a. Elevated vocabulary
b. Sentence structure
c. Proof reading out loud
d. Rewriting the entire paper
e. Everything but d

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