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Step 1: Install your module.

Step 2: Verify Module installation successfully message on top of the page.

Step 3: Look Setting page and select the COD settings

Step 4: Go to Zip code panel and select the Manage zip code then Click the Add zip code.

Step 5: Fill Add zip code panel and click Add zip code button.

Step 6: Zipzode added in the Manage zipcode panel. Verify Zipcode added successfully message on the top of
the page.

Step 7: Click on the Import zip code link and browse the zip code file from your computer.

Step 8: Click Export zip code link and download the zip code file.

Step 9: Next move to Product zip code panel and select the Configure product zip link.

Step 10: In Product zip code page, Click the Import Prod-Zip Comb link.

Step 11: Browse the file from your computer.

Step 12: Click on the Import Prod-Zip Comb button after select the file.

Step 13: Verify the message on top of the page.

Step 14: In Product Zip code file, Select Export Prod-Zip Comb link.

Step15: Export the zip code file.

See the module in front office.

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