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End of Diploma CAS Reflections

These reflections should be made after you have successfully

collected evidence for all of the eight learning outcomes. If you
choose a method other than writing an essay, it should be
comparable in both length and detail, and address the guiding
remarks below.
I have chosen to reflect on my CAS experience by:
Writing an essay (500 words, word processed)
Making a scrapbook
Photo essay
Video/ DVD
Recorded group discussion
Notes from group discussion
Guiding remarks for CAS reflections:
Looking back at your self-review and personal goals you
completed at the beginning of your diploma; what do you think
about your thoughts and feelings at that moment in time,
compared to your thoughts and feelings now?
Did you encounter any difficulties while attempting to meet any
of the learning outcomes? Explain what the difficulties were and
how you dealt with them, giving specific scenarios from specific
Were some learning outcomes easier to achieve then others?
Which activities did you enjoy the most? Why? Which activities
did you not enjoy? Why?
Which activities do you think have given you skills which you will
use later on in life? What are those skills? In what way do you
think you will use them in the future?
Did you encounter any ethical issues during your CAS
programme? What were they? How did you deal with them?
What issues of global importance were encountered during your
CAS programme?
Why do you think CAS is included as such an important part of the
IB Diploma programme?

What would you do differently if you started your CAS programme

over again?

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