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Lunchroom Murder Report

Dylan Frazier

On a Thursday afternoon four men were eating at Ernies Lunchroom

and one of them were murdered by another. Ernie the only employee said
the only fact he could give was the murderer had leaned against the wall
while firing at point-blank range. After observing and going over all of the
evidence we determined the killer to be customer C.
The first thing I noticed upon arrival at the crime scene was the cash
register. It was rung up to $8.75, which can only be got by adding customer
B, C, and Ds checks together. Generally when people all pay together they
know each other. As I continued my investigation I looked at the handprint on
the wall, it was a right hand. Ernie mentioned the killer was leaning on the
wall while he shot; since this right hand was on the wall the killer shot the
gun with his left hand. Usually people shoot a gun with their dominant hand,
meaning our killer is left handed. A closer look at the crime scene shows that
everyone had their eating utensils to the right of their plate, all except
customer C, whose utensils were on the left side of his plate. Typically when
you have your utensils on the left side you are left handed, eating with your
dominant hand. Which shows that only customer C was left handed.
In conclusion, the evidence clearly proves the killer to be customer C.
being the only left handed person at the scene; it was obviously him since
Fannin was murdered by someone left handed. However, since customers B,
C, and D all knew each other customer C didnt work alone, he just pulled the

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