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Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ)

Presented To
Perry Barton
Course Number 41930 & Team Project MGMT 2215

Anna Claudia De Jesus

March 30th, 2015


Aristotle once said, Quality is not an act, it is a habit. Todays healthcare system has
pushed this philosophy into the minds of those investing in becoming professional workers in the
healthcare field by raising the bar in quality. What does it mean to provide quality in healthcare?
To many, this is easily defined as doing the right thing, the right way in order to accomplish the
best potential outcome. The demand for quality has always been top priority in the world of
healthcare, primarily because it demands dealing with the delicate lives of human beings. But
unfortunately the academic path towards becoming a healthcare business worker is still less
defined to those seeking a significant foundation into these inspiring jobs. Because of this reason,
many certification organizations like the National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ)
have been established. Along with many other organizations that focus on certifying
professionals who have on the job training along with years and years of experience. These
organizations have opened pathways for professionals who are seeking to increase their salaries,
become better satisfied with their jobs, and have better opportunities for recognition. The
healthcare quality environment quickly changes in the area of focus for healthcare quality so the
use of certification organizations have helped many healthcare professionals continue their
education and stay afloat with these changes. These new opportunities have allowed candidates
to increase their credentials and professionalism in order to meet the criteria for compliance and
professional depth of the healthcare workforce. As healthcare continues to evolve, so does the
demand for healthcare professionals to become more elaborate in quality. For this reason, it is
important today for healthcare professionals to seek certifications such as becoming a Certified
Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ). With the advances of certifications in todays
healthcare field, many professionals are investing in incorporating management and leadership,
information management, performance management and improvement, and patient safety by
becoming a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ).
First in the certification process is Management and Leadership. Management and
Leadership establishes one of the four pillars in the certification process of healthcare
professionals The certification process to becoming certified in healthcare quality demands the
skills associated with facilitating the improvement of leadership morals and obligations. During
the management and leadership certification, the professionals learn the skills to simplify the
assessment and progress of an organizations quality and philosophy. Meaning the professionals
exhibit expertise in identifying what philosophies are being implemented in the organization to
meet the criteria necessary for quality. In like fashion, professionals are taught as well the
importance in managing the development of mission and vision statement within the
organization. The importance of maintaining mission and vision statements clear and concise
within an organization allows for all personnel to work in unison. This further diminishes any
misunderstandings in protocols and guidelines towards quality of care. The leadership
knowledge learned prepares the professional in who to establish goals and objectives for the
organization. The tools of leadership learned go hand in hand with the management of an
organization, especially when dealing with a group of employees. These tools allow the
healthcare professional to promote motivation in achieving quality standards. Some of the
strategies taught enable the certified professional to link performance development activities
with strategic goals. By becoming experts on the motivation standards within an organization,
certified professionals are able to lead by example and promote others to exhibit greater
involvement with quality of care. Leadership aspects of the certification process also focus on
the capacity to observe the activities of specialists and determine lines of authority and


accountability. This skill allows for the healthcare professional to identify appropriate team
structure within the organization. Developing team structures play a vital role in the success of
an organization because it enables the leader through the decision-making process.
Second in the certification process is Information Management. Information Management
focuses on the management of the sensitive data associated with the healthcare organization. In
order to provide quality, healthcare professionals must be aware of the skills needed to
effectively manage the information within an organization. Some of the skills communicated
deal with the maintenance of confidential performance enhancement activities performed. These
performance improvement activities detail the areas within a healthcare organization that lack in
performance to meet the criteria necessary for quality of care. Learning to collect qualitative and
quantitative data allows for the healthcare professional to establish these performance
improvement activities. The management of the results is associated with the next skills to be
learned dealing with the incorporation of quality concepts and improvements. A very important
factor in the learning process of Information Management is the assessment of customer needs
and expectations within the healthcare organizations. The learned skill here is vital to the
healthcare professional especially because of the need to access highly accurate information in
order to ensure the health and well-being of patients. In all areas of healthcare, professionals
dealing directly or indirectly with patients are faced with the need to be extremely organized with
the information being obtained. The tools and processes learned allow for healthcare
professionals to comply with regulatory requirements, improve resource management, and most
importantly increase patient care and satisfaction. In turn, this promotes the skills needed to
develop benchmarking data, incident reports, and outcome data to support the decision-making
Third in the certification process is Performance Management and Improvement.
Performance Management and Improvement prepares healthcare professionals with the tools and
knowledge needed to support performance enhancement action plans and projects. Establishing a
foundation of skills and abilities that deal with the management of performance improvement
allows for the healthcare professional to coordinate processes that promote improvement in
quality of care. It also allows for the management of these performance outcomes to be
implemented in teams catered towards the improvement of quality and care to patients.
Furthermore, the healthcare professional will improve in ability to train for performance
improvement. By listening to the employees and using the data gathered to guide the employees
in improving their performance. Skills learned will be associated with development and
evaluation of the credentialing process within an organization as well. The importance in
Performance Management and Improvement is largely dealt with the fact that constant
evaluation and data gathering on the services being provided allows for verification of outcomes
that are not meeting the standard of quality care. Knowing how to analyze the data and utilize the
outcome to manage performance assessments is vital in the success and growth of the
organization. Leading into making sure that the learned skills is being applied in order to
maintain good standing in customer service and good practice in the improvement process.
Organizations such as the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), acts as a nationwide
flagging system that allows state licensing boards, hospitals, and other registered healthcare
entities to monitor the competency and quality of care of professionals. So learning the skills


needed to maintain the proper risk management and prevention within an organization can
reduce the likelihood of having negative remarks posted about the healthcare organization.
Fourth in the certification process is Patient Safety. Patient Safety can be very easy to
define as it deals with the safety of patients. This part of the certification process is based more
so on the facilitation in the development of the organizations patient safety culture. With the
remarkable changes over the years in the healthcare environment, becoming a certified
professional in quality allows for an increased awareness and accountability of healthcare
professionals when it comes to patient safety and quality of care. The certification process
teaches professionals the essential tools for identifying patient safety goals along with
implementation of the goals. Professionals are equipped as well with the learned skills and
abilities to develop a safety program for patients. These goals are linked to the strategic goals and
objectives professionals learn as well during Management and Leadership. Another key skill
learned in Patient Safety is the ability to integrate the concepts of patient safety within an
organization. By integrating the patient safety concepts, the healthcare professional can develop
management activities based on the findings dealing with patient safety. Healthcare professionals
are also equipped with the ability to develop a safety written program plan in order to facilitate
and promote patient safety within the organization. The roles of the professionals leading the
quality of care for a patient continues to grow more complex as do the efforts of guidelines that
are being established. With the certification, healthcare professionals can learn the proper
guidelines to follow in providing the upmost patient safety and quality of service.
To further illustrate, becoming a certified healthcare professional can add on many
benefits to a professionals career. Becoming certified can help show the value of the
professionals knowledge, skills, and ability. The certification process allows for the individual to
demonstrate that their knowledge, skill, and ability is up to date with the advances in the
healthcare field. To the employer, a certified professional is a valuable asset as they can be
considered for promotional progression. It can also show the employer that the professional is
willing to learn and be part of the team to further the quality of care for patients. Another added
benefit of the certification process is the fact that being certified allows for a marketing of the
professionals skills. By being certified, a professional can show dedication to their job along
with demonstrating that they are valuable resource to the organization. Going through the
certification process allows the professional to earn valued proof of the expertise they have
obtained. Furthermore, being certified allows the professional to improve in the earning
potential. By earning a certification the professional has a huge advantage when it comes to the
competitiveness of the healthcare field. Certified professionals have an upper hand in
demonstrating to their employer the skills, knowledge, and ability they have in providing the
upmost patient care and safety. Professional certification can add as a distinction that sets you
apart from other professionals in your field. Investing in a career by applying for a certification
shows employers, customers, and co-workers that you are committed to the profession. The
American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management has offered many healthcare
professionals a gateway to the certification process in the healthcare field. Many business majors
in the healthcare field are dealt with obstacles when it comes to applying for jobs in the
healthcare related positions. With the advances today in these certification programs, many
professionals can establish a good foundation in order to demonstrate their skills and abilities to
perform the job at the highest quality. Earning a certification can further help professionals to
build an advantage in maintaining their current positions and prospective employers.


Consequently, the investment of becoming a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality

(CPHQ) can lead many professionals into jobs that are extremely well paid, satisfactory, and
available. Certified professionals have an opportunity to obtain salaries ranging from $50,000 to
$140,000. These salaries range by the job positions the professionals hold within a company. The
lower range of the salary holds the title of a Quality Improvement Coordinator, which is usually
held by Registered Nurses. The average range of the salary holds the title of a Quality Manager.
As for the higher range of the salary holds the title of Vice President (VP), Quality. These salary
ranges can very as well based on education and degrees held. The degrees can range from a
Bachelors Degree to a Master of Business Administration (MBA). Another interesting fact as
well that studies show is that most of these jobs are extremely satisfying. Whether it has to do
with the extensive use achieving a higher quality for others in the job duties required or just
simply the number of years these professionals have in performing their jobs. The average
number of years most of these certified professionals hold are between 10 to 20 years or more.
Popular cities in which these jobs are readily available include Phoenix, Arizona, New York,
New York, Miami, Florida, and Los Angeles, California. The companies that hold opportunities
for certified professionals to become employed are reliable well situated companies. For
example, Humana, Inc, Vibra Healthcare, and UnitedHealth Group are both companies in which
certified professionals can apply to. These companies do tend to focus more so on the Healthcare
aspect of the certification process but there are many other professions outside of the healthcare
system, which are in demand for certified professionals. Many business analysis are seeking
professionals who are certified. For example, the number of business analysis job today is
expected to grow by 19 percent in the next 20 years according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics. Professionals who invest in this certification can secure their careers by being
reassured that the demand for certified professionals in business analysis is available.
To summarize, the certification process for professionals in the healthcare field has
furthered the knowledge of professionals in Management and Leadership, Information
Management, Performance Management and Improvement, and Patient Safety. Management and
Leadership knowledge has allowed for the professionals to display skills in managing the morals
and obligations of the organization. The importance in the development of morals and
obligations within an organization allows for the professional to build an environment catered
towards patient safety and quality of work. Leading into the leadership role of promoting
motivation within the organization and keeping everyone involved in their duties. Managing the
development of the organizations mission and vision is also a skill certified professionals will
implement through being certified. The establishment of the mission and vision will allow for
those involved in the organization to have a clear and concise picture of what the organization is
striving for and the quality in which the work is to be performed. Information Management
comes into to play once the professional advances into the focus of managing information within
the organization. The management of information is vital in the skills and abilities of the certified
professional. The main reason for this is the fact that the information being dealt with is sensitive
and confidential. Dealing with patients information can be a huge responsibility for
professionals in the healthcare field. By becoming certified, a professional can demonstrate the
learned skills in the use of the information data and the safety in handling the information. Some
of the data many certified professionals will deal with are geared towards the performance
assessment and competency assessment. The data collected from the performance and


competency assessment can be utilized in many effective manners to benefit in providing

excellent service to the patients. For example, by using the information data form these
assessments the certified professional can develop activities that will promote an enhancement in
the behavior of those within the organization. Learning to collect qualitative and quantitative
data allows for the certified professional to develop new activities that will develop the skills and
abilities of the professionals within the organization. Leading into the Performance Management
and Improvement process of the certification program. The management of performance is very
important because it allows the organization to evaluate the pros and cons of an employees work.
The information obtained in a performance evaluation can be used by a certified professional to
guide employees in areas that need improvement. The skills taught in this segment will further
the certified professional to improve in the quality of the care being provided to the patients. The
certified professional will be able to measure the learned skills and make sure that they are being
applied in order to meet outstanding customer service and patient safety. By implementing
performance evaluations and improvement activities, the certified professional can ensure that
the negative feedback is being reduced within a company. This is especially important because of
the access patients and the public has today to flag organizations in the healthcare field. The
National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) is a nationwide feedback system established for the
monitoring of the competency and quality of care of professionals in the healthcare field. In
addition, the Patient Safety segment allows for the certified professional to incorporate the skills
of dealing with the patient and their safety. Certified professional are taught the importance of
developing a culture within the organization based on patient safety. The environment in which
the patient is cared for must abide by the protocols and guidelines outlined in the healthcare
field. The certified professional learns the ability to integrate the concepts of patient safety in
situations that demand the upmost quality in customer service. Safety programs can be developed
by the certified professional in order to meet these standards in patient safety and quality. In
conclusion, becoming a certified professional has allows many professionals to improve their
earnings and increase the potential recognition for advances in their current jobs or with
prospective employers. It has also allowed for certified professionals to expand their skills and
expertise through continuing education. The network that the certified professional will have
access too also adds as an advantage to the certification process. The certified professional builds
an access to other peers in their influential group through the certification designation.
Furthermore, it builds greater recognition to the quality and expertise of the skills the certified
professional possesses. This will allow for a competitive advantage in the ever-growing
healthcare field. Certified professionals benefit in the high salary amount investing in becoming
a certified professional holds. Having the demand for these certified professional in many
popular cities also allows for easier job placement. Not to mention the overall satisfaction most
certified professionals get to experience when investing in becoming a certified professional.
Becoming a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) in todays advancing
healthcare field will incorporate the skills needed to advance in todays job market.


Works Cited
Veazie, Judy I. "Pass The Test: Prove Your Professional Skills Through Certification." Health
Care Collector: The Monthly Newsletter For Health Care Collectors 28.6 (2014): 5-8.
Consumer Health Complete - EBSCOhost. Web. 21 Mar. 2015.
Garman, Andrew, and Linda Scribner. "Leading For Quality In Healthcare: Development And
Validation Of A Competency Model." Journal Of Healthcare Management 56.6 (2011): 373382. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 21 Mar. 2015.
Jordan, Lorraine, M., Jihan, A. Quraishi, and Jason Liao. "The National Practitioner Data Bank:
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Web. 21 Mar. 2015.
Jihan, Quraishi, and Lorraine Jordan. "Quality And Performance Measurement: National Efforts
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