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The rainforest

By: Kentley
wright, caleb p.,
jada Granger,
Jackson Thorton

The rainforest has lots of

different animals

According to,
rainforest are in very
serious danger, mostly
because of humans leaving

At least 40,000 acres of pollution is caused by humans

each year and is killing hundreds of animals or marking
them very sick and then they die.

I have found out you can

identify the rainforest by
looking it up and paying
really close attention to the
things you see

The rainforest ecosystem

is in danger by pollution
and people cutting down
animal habbitats

We can fix this this pollution and people cutting down trees. We can go around and pick up any trash
we see, and by telling people that your destroying an inisant animal by doing this.

There are living

animals like birds
and there are non
living things to like

The rainforest is changing because of pollution and new animals are being
discovered. Like these for instant.

Ask yourself this

How are the rainforest and regular forest similar
What can you draw about this powerpoint
What can you do to protect this ecosystem

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