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INLIFE a eA Ue HUMAN BODY? cy Introduction... Chapter 1 Vitamin D3 1.1 Health Benefits of Vitamin D3... 1.2 Results of Vitamin D3 Deficiency. 1.3 Food Sources of Vitamin D: 1.4 Need for Vitamin D3 Supplementation... onan Chapter 2 Vitamin B12 2.1 Health Benefits of Vitamin B12....0eevene 2.2 Results of Vitamin B12 Deficiency. 2.3 Food Sources of Vitamin B12... 2.4 Need for Vitamin B12 Supplementation. zoos Chapter 3 Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3, 6 and 8) 3.1 Health Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids 3.2 Results of Essential Fatty Acids Deficiency 3.3 Food Sources of Essential Fatty Acids.. 3.4 Need for Essential Fatty Acids Supplementation. u 13 14 14 Chapter 4 Antioxidants 4.1 Health Benefits of Antioxidants. 16 4.2 Results of Antioxidants Deficiency...e.ocnnnnnne 18 4.3 Food Sources of AntiOxidant.on remem 18 4.4 Need for Antioxidants Supplementation 19 Chapter 5 Pre and Probiotics 5.1 Health Benefits of Probiotics. 5.2 Results of Probiotics Deficiency... 5.3 Food Sources of Probiotics... 5.4 Need for Probiotics Supplementation. Chapter 6 Chitosan 6.1 Health Benefits of Chitosa 26 6.2 Results of Chitosan Deficiency. 28 6.3 Food Sources of Chitosar 28 6.4 Need for Chitosan Supplementatior 29 Chapter 7 CoenzymeQ10 7.1 Health Benefits of CoenzymeQt0. 31 7.2 Results of CoenzymeQ10 Deficiency. . 33 7.3 Food Sources of Coenzyme(10... 34 7.4 Need for CoenzymeQ10 Supplemer 34 Chapter 8 Glucosamine with MSM 8.1 Health Benefits of Glucosamine with MSM............ 36 8.2 Results of Glucosamine Deficiency. 8.3 Food Sources of Glucosamin 8.4 Need for Glucosamine Supplementation... : 38 Conelusion....... INLIFE Introduction Vitamins are a group of materials that are important for normal cell function, growth, and development. They play important roles in bodily functions like immunity, metabolism and digestion. There are 13 essential vitamins, including vitamins C, A, D, K, and E and B vitamins such as folate and riboflavin. Each of the vitamins has a major job in the body. A vitamin deficiency occurs when one do not get enough of a certain vitamin. Vitamin deficiency can cause health problems. According to the researchers, the best way to meet the vitamin needs is to eat a balanced diet containing a lot of healthy foods. Vitamins are mainly grouped into two categories: There are nine important water-soluble vitamins. The body should use water-soluble vitamins right away. Fat- soluble vitamins are primarily stored in the body's fatty tissue. The four fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins D, A, K, and E. In this E-book we have taken up the 8 most important nutrients and explained about their benefits in detail along with what difficulties and health hazards might arise in the case of its deficiency. EE a The body must have vitamin D3 to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Too little vitamin D3 results in misshapen bones in adults (osteomalacia), soft bones in children (Fickets). You also need vitamin D3 for several other important body functions. Vitamin D3 prevents colon cancer, breast cancer, depression, prostate cancer, heart disease, weight gain, and other diseases. According to scientists, men and women with higher levels of vitamin D3 have a lower risk of diseases. Health Benefits of Vitamin D3 According to scientists activated vitamin D3 is one of the most potent inhibitors of the growth of cancer cell. It stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin. It also regulates the immune system. High Strength ‘ne Vitamin D3 sf sutabie tr vegetarians «f Contains pure hgh skengh Vian of Recommended by heath emerts , Promotes bone health Vitamin D3 is used for treating and preventing rickets, a disease that is mainly caused by not having enough vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is also used for treating the problems of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bone's quality and density are reduced rapidly. In this medical condition, the bones become more fragile and brittle, and a chance of fracture is immensely enhanced. The bones become weaker because they rapidly lose density. During menopause, the decreased level of estrogen can cause bone loss and to ensure bone health the body primarily needs Vitamin D3 and calcium. Vitamin D3 enhances the absorption of calcium in the gut and maintains adequate phosphate concentrations and serum calcium to enable mineralization of the bones and to prevent hypocalcemia tetany. Vitamin D3 is immensely effective in treating bone pain (osteomalacia), bone loss in men and women with a serious condition commonly known as hyperparathyroidism, and a genetically acquired disease (osteogenesis imperfecta) in which the bones are easily broken and extremely brittle. It is also utilized for preventing fractures and falls in men and women at risk for osteoporosis and preventing bone loss (renal osteodystrophy) and low calcium in men and women with kidney failure. [LT Helps heart health The Renin angiotensin system (RAS) is a hormone system that plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure. An overactive RAS can enhance blood pressure and increase the risk of hypertension. Many Studies have shown that vitamin D3 can directly lower expressions of the RAS and therefore can lower the risk of future hypertension. Scientists have found vitamin D3 receptors on the cells in the vascular smooth muscles (VSMC). The body sometimes produces many new VSMCs that can lead to the creation of plaques in the arteries of the heart. Many new studied have shown that through binding to these cells, vitamin D3 is able to lower the risk of overproduction of VSMCs and subsequent plaques. Vitamin D3 supplementation has been shown to improve the endothelial dysfunction. Endothelial dysfunction is the imbalance between dilating and constricting matters created by the endothelium (the inner lining of blood vessels). The Imbalance can be both a contributing factor and a symptom of conditions like hypertension, coronary artery disease Helps Prevent diabetes In recent times, diabetes that is also known as diabetes mellitus has become one of the largest harmful chronic diseases across the world. The main causes of diabetes are the modem sedentary lifestyle, genetic susceptibility, obesity and lack of physical activity. According to researchers approximately 383 million people throughout the world were suffering from diabetes in 2013. Diabetes increases the risks of stroke, heart attack, foot ulcers, eye damage and kidney failure. Many scientific studies have shown that men and women who have the lowest vitamin D3 levels in the blood are at an enhanced risk of developing diabetes later in their life. They also notice that men and women newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes often have lower vitamin D3 levels than people without diabetes. Recent scientific studies have shown that vitamin D3 supplementation can help control blood glucose levels and help improve insulin sensitivity in those with type 2 diabetes, cc a ncn Results of Vitamin D3 Deficiency If one shun the sun light, suffer from severe milk allergies, or adhere to a vegan diet, one may be at risk for vitamin D3 deficiency. Symptoms of muscle weakness and bone pain can mean you have a vitamin D3 deficiency. However, for many people, the signs are subtle. Even without signs, too little vitamin D3 can pose many health risks. Low blood levels of vitamin D3 have been associated with the following: Cognitive impairment in older adults + Increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease Cancer * Severe asthma in children + Hypertension + Multiple sclerosis * Glucose intolerance Food Sources of Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that is present in very few healthy foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. It is also produced enormously when ultraviolet rays from sun rays strike our skin. Vitamin D3 obtained from food; sun exposure and supplements is biologically inert and must undergo two hydroxylations in the body for activation. Foods that contain vitamin D3 include: + Sardines + Margarines + Shrimp + Beef + Salmon + Cheese + Egg yolk + Swordfish + Milk + Orange juice + Yogurt + Cereal Cod liver oil + Tuna fish [NE eT Need for Vitamin D3 Supplementation ‘The body must have vitamin D3 to absorb calcium and promote bone growth. Too little vitamin D3 results in misshapen bones in adults (osteomalacia), soft bones in children (rickets). Scientists suggest vitamin D3 treatment might be found helpful in preventing or treating autoimmune disease, autism, cancer, depression, chronic pain diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, flu, osteoporosis and neuromuscular diseases. Vitamin D3 helps regulate the neuromuscular system and the immune system. Vitamin D3 also plays important roles in the life cycle of human cells. Vitamin D3 is so important that the body produces it by itself but only after skin exposure to sufficient sunlight. Dark skin absorbs less sunlight, so men and women with dark skin do not get as much vitamin D3 from sun exposure as do fair-skinned people. This is a major problem for African-Americans in the northern U.S. If one wants to be Bulletproof, supplementation is a great start. Handicapping oneself by ‘only getting nutrients from food’ is not a great idea, even on the Bulletproof Diet. Vitamin D3 is usually included in most multivitamins, usually in strengths from 60-100 international units (IU). It can be found as capsules, soft gels, liquids and tablets. The new 2012 recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 600 IU for those 1-68 years of age and breastfeeding or pregnant women, and 789 IU for those over 72 years of age. 12 INLIFE ent ead Vitamin B12 is one of the major water soluble vitamins that help keep the body's blood cells and nerve healthy and immensely helps produce DNA, the genetic substance in all cells, Water-soluble vitamins completely dissolve in water, Vitamin B12 also helps prevent the kind of anemia commonly known as megaloblastic anemia that makes men and women weak and tired. The body can store vitamin B12 for many years in the liver. Health Benefits of Vitamin B12 There are several health benefits of Vitamin B12. Here we have jotted down a few common health benefits. Reduces the risk of pernicious anemia Vitamin B12 deficiency is not directly attached to anemia. Pernicious anemia is a medical condition where vitamin B12 is not absorbed by the human body properly, resulting in overall illeffects of deficiency. ee ee wramcsscas' — “Teahisodcris . @ * o8 . 5 e e « a a The common symptoms of pernicious anemia are ~feeling weak and tired, numbness and tingling in hands and feet, and a bright, smooth red tongue. However, with vitamin B12 shots and supplements, there is a good opportunity that the body can be protected against pernicious anemia. Symptons of pes eo. ‘nom ane eyes Dizinoss “Yetiowng Fantng skin Blood vessels Paleness [row Se Low blood press Yelowing Heart Respiratory Shorness of eet Museuae ‘Changed Fights fatigue Since vitamin B12 is immensely required for the formulation of RBCs (red blood cells) its deficiency is directly linked to fatigue and overall weakness. Red blood cells are the major elements of blood. Their main task is to transport oxygen to the body's tissues in exchange for unhealthy carbon dioxide; that is carried to and eliminated by the lungs. Several scientific studies suggest that vitamin B12 INLIFE INLIFE Oat oa Ue Olas Helps lower the risk of heart disease Sufficient levels of Vitamin B12 are vital to lower the levels of a compound commonly known as homocysteine. It is directly linked to risk of stroke and heart attack. According to new scientific studies enhancing dietary intake or supplementation of vitamin B12 along with essential fatty acids, can significantly lower the possibilities of heart disease and blood clot formation (resulting in a stroke). Improves mental health The role of vitamin B12 in cognitive and mental improvement has been studied extensively and it was found that, increased levels of homocysteine (the compound propagated by vitamin B12) are not only linked to heart diseases but also to cognitive impairment or gradual decline in the functions of brain, Recent scientific studies have suggested that B12 supplementation can play an immensely important role in improving the signs and symptoms that indicate delirium: Reduces the incidence of birth defects Vitamin B12 is immensely important for synthesizing DNA of our cells. Hence with decreased levels of vitamin B12, DNA defects can result. The immense importance of vitamin B12 in the body becomes vividly evident when defects in DNA are expressed as birth defects. Recent scientific Studies have linked vitamin B12 deficiency with higher risk of Down's syndrome in children and neural tube defects (NTD). Boosts Hepatitis C Treatment Vitamin B12 is widely known for its role in boosting immune-function. This function was vividly indicated by a scientific study published in the journal Gut; that assessed role of vitamin B12 in patients with hepatitis C infection. Out of 85 patients with HCV infection, the ones who directly received vitamin B12 supplements along with a good treatment for hepatitis C showed enhanced response rate against the virus after completion of the medical treatment. The main vital response was reported to strengthen by 35 percent. Protect Against Cancer Keeping in mind the important role of vitamin B12 in DNA synthesis and repair, many researchers explored the association between cancer and Vitamin B12. One of them was a study by Slater and colleagues that found that high intake of vitamin B12 along with Vitamin B6 decreased the risk of colon cancer by 30% to 40% in participants having genes that can enhance the risk of cancer in them. INLIFE INLIFE Penta Might Help to Reduce Depression A study by Bolander-Goalie C and Copper A showed that decreased levels of vitamin B12 are also intimately linked to clinical depression and mood disorders. Further, it has also been observed that low levels of B12 interfere with the appropriate response to treatments with antidepressants. The recent scientific studies suggested that the supplementation of vitamin B12 can help to improve outcomes in persons with mood disorders. Protect Against Alzheimer's Disease There is specific evidence that enhanced vitamin B12 levels can prevent Alzheimer's disease by reducing the levels of homocysteine in the body. A recent scientific study highlighted that with every picomolar enhance in the level of active vitamin B12 decreased the risk Alzheimer's by three percent. ™ us Results of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency may happen if you have certain conditions, like: pernicious anemia, atrophic gastritis, surgery that removed portions of the small intestine or stomach, including weight loss surgery, conditions affecting the small intestine, like celiac disease, Crohn's disease, a parasite or bacterial growth, heavy drinking, immune system disorders, like lupus or Graves’ disease and long-term use of acid-lowering drugs. Low blood level of vitamin B12 has been associated with the following: + Weakness, tiredness, or lightheadedness + Pale skin + Rapid heartbeat and breathing * Sore tongue + Stomach upset and weight loss + Easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums + Diarrhea or constipation Food Sources of Vitamin B12 Though vitamin B12 is absorbed in small amounts by the body, it is necessary for us to get sufficient of this nutrient from the diet. Foods that contain vitamin B12 include: + Cereals + Eggs + Dairy products + Meat + Seafood INLIFE INLIFE ARE SUPPLEMENTS REALLY IMPORTANT FOR HUMAN BOD * Yogurt + Turkey + Beef + Pork Need for Vitamin B12 Supplementation Vitamin B12 exists in various forms and retains cobalt, compounds with vitamin B12 activity are commonly known as "cobalamins". 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin and Methyleobalamin are the important forms of vitamin B12 which are active in human metabolism. Recommended dietary amounts are 2.4 micrograms daily for ages 15 years and older, 2.8 micrograms daily for breastfeeding females and 3.1 micrograms daily for pregnant females. Those over 50 years of age must meet the RDA by eating healthy foods reinforced with B12 or by taking vitamin B12 supplements. Supplementation of 35-100 micrograms \regularly has been used to maintain vitamin B12 levels in aged people. Vitamin B12 is found in all multivitamins. Dietary supplements that contain only vitamin B12, with nutrients like folic acid and other B vitamins are also available. A pharmacist and a doctor should be consulted for use in other indications. 10 Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3, 6 and 9) INU! FE Ooo uu ir The essential fatty acids (Omega-3, omega-6, omega 9 fatty acids) are extremely important components of cell membranes and are precursors to several other matters in the body like those involved with inflammatory responses and regulating blood pressure. There is rising support for these fatty acids in protecting against heart disease, and itis known that they have immense anti-inflammatory effects, which can be important in this and other diseases. The body immensely requires these essential fatty acids but cannot synthesize them by itself. Health Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids There are several health benefits of these essential fatty acids. Here we have jotted down a few common health benefits. Prevents Heart Disease A diet high in monounsaturated fat and low in saturated fat and polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3, omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids) helps prevent fatal heart disease. Fish oil has been shown to lower arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), chance of stroke and helps treat and prevent atherosclerosis (narrowing and hardening of the arteries). Fish oil supplements regularly taken after a heart attack decreases the risk of having another heart attack. Improves Blood Cholesterol Levels Cholesterol is described as a waxy, fat ike compound that is found in most body tissues including the nerves and the blood. Cholesterol helps make the outer coating of different cells, makes up the bile acids that continuously work to digest foods in the intestine and also allows the body to make hormones and Vitamin D. High cholesterol increases the chances of stroke and cardiovascular disease. There are two types of cholesterol- LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol) When much cholesterol is present in the blood, plaque - a thick, hard substance can form in the arteries of the heart. According to recent studies walnuts, fish, fish oil (high in omega 6, omega 3 and omega 9 fatty acids) can decrease the levels of triglyceride. Helps Prevent Diabetes In recent times, diabetes that is also known as diabetes mellitus has become one of the largest harmful chronic diseases across the world. The main causes of diabetes are the modern sedentary lifestyle, genetic susceptibility, obesity and lack of physical activity. According to researchers approximately 383 million people throughout the world were suffering from diabetes in 2013. nN INLIFE Peo ut eu icy Diabetes increases the risks of stroke, heart attack, foot ulcers, eye damage and kidney failure, According to recent scientific studies, people who consumed the essential fatty acids are 43% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people who didn't. It is recommended that you must eat fish thrice a week. Regulates important physiological functions Some recent studies suggest that these essential fatty acids play an important role in the production of prostaglandins that are known to promote important physiological functions such as blood clotting, nerve transmission, blood pressure, allergic responses, etc. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Causi Nay. Helps Improve symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis Various scientific studies have found that fish and fish oil supplements DHA and EPA significantly reduced joint pain and stiffness related to rheumatoid arthritis. They also seem to increase the efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs. Increases Bone Strength The essential fatty acids may help enhance the levels of calcium in the body thereby improving the strength of bones, although not all results were positive. Men and women with deficiency of essential fatty acids GLA and EPA may have more bone loss than people with normal levels of these fatty acids. Reduced intake of the essential fatty acids is closely associated with enhanced risk of dementia. Scientists believe that omega-6 fatty acid DHA is protective against dementia and Alzheimer's disease. It is best to include supplementation from an early age that works as an effective prevention. 12 INUIFE Pot occ ec raes Reduces the Risk of Cancer The essential fatty acids rich diet seems to lower the risk and prevents worsening of colon cancer. Women who regularly eat foods high in omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids over many years are less likely to develop breast cancer. Low-fat diet including omega-3, omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids from fish oil or fish helps prevent the development of prostate cancer. Improves High Blood Pressure \ High blood pressure is a serious medical condition that can cause heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, kidney failure and other serious health problems. The common signs of high blood pressure include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, vision changes and nose bleeds. Regular intake of 4 or more grams fish oil regularly reduces blood pressure, and it is helpful to those suffering from hypertension. Results of Essential Fatty Acids Deficiency Among other things, the essential fatty acids are responsible for the health of the hair, skin and nails. When deficient in these essential fats the health of the hair, skin, and nails suffers. ‘Symptoms of Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency + Premenstrual breast pain/tenderness + Dry skin + Allergy + Dandruff or cradle cap + Soft, fraying, splitting or brittle fingernails + Dry eyes, mouth, throat + Menstrual cramps + Stiff or painful joints + Inadequate vaginal lubrication 13 INLIFE INLIFE Perot ca cco read Food Sources of Essential Fatty Acids Foods that contain the essential fatty acids (omega 9, omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids) include: + Flaxseed + Sardines + walnuts + soybeans + beef + shrimp + tofu + cauliflower + Brussels sprouts Need for Essential Fatty Acids Supplementation The average Indian consumes about 2.1 grams of essential fatty acids daily. In Indian diets, men and women eat about nine times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega°3 fatty acids. These huge amounts of omega-6 fatty acids come from vegetable oils such as sesame oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, and walnut oil. Because omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids compete in the body, benefits can be easily reached either by lowering omega-6 intake or enhancing omega3 intake. People who do not eat fish or other foods high in essential fatty acids should consider taking an omega-3 supplement of 550 mg every day; Recent scientific studies suggest that men and women who have already had a stroke can benefit from higher doses of omega-3 and omega 6 supplements (basically, double the 500 mg), so if you do have heart disease, consult your doctor about whether taking a higher dose of omega 3 and omega 6 makes sense for you. 14 INLIFE Pot ca Cc eo ii Antioxidants are natural or man-made substances that may delay or prevent various types of cell damage. An antioxidant is a small molecule that inhibits the oxidation of several other molecules. Oxidation is an important chemical reaction that usually transfers electrons from a molecule to an oxidizing agent. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals. In turn, these free radicals can commence chain reactions. When the chain reaction occurs in a particular cell, it can cause death or damage to the cell. Antioxidants effectively terminate these chain reactions by removing the free radicals. Health Benefits of Antioxidants Free radicals are propagated directly on exposure to environmental factors like radiation, pollution, pesticides and cigarette smoke. They can attack the cellular DNA and induce various changes in the cell membrane. Antioxidants work like free radical scavengers that protect the cells from getting damaged. They do not treat a specific disease but help in the reduction of risk and prevention of a lot of chronic conditions and diseases. Reduce the Risk of Cancer Because of the power to attack the DNA and other cells, free radicals can cause cancer by inducing mutations. Antioxidants are, therefore, immensely helpful to prevent cancer. To confirm if dietary antioxidants are helpful in increasing the protective effect of the immune system, laboratory analysis and scientific studies on humans have been conducted. According to the international Cancer Institute, till date 12 studies have supported the view that dietary antioxidant supplements lower the risks of cancer in humans. Reduce Inflammation Various immunological conditions like joint problems and arthritis result in inflammation responsible for pains and aches. Antioxidants are natural antiinflammatory agents that protect one against these minor pains and improve mobility. Protect against Heart Disease Free radicals can cause inflammation on the walls of the arteries and contribute to fatal heart disease. Apart from directly destroying the free radicals, antioxidants also prevent the oxidation of LDL (the bad cholesterol) and helps in lowering the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. One of the most popular antioxidants Vitamin E has been closely associated with decreased risk of heart disease in men and women suffering from type 2 diabetes. Slow Down the Aging Process Antioxidants slow doing the aging process of the body by neutralizing oxidants and free radicals ~ and can protect you from various types of diseases while they are at it. Recent studies have found that antioxidants also improve the appearance and health of the skin. While antioxidants should not be treated as a cure-all or a panacea, they certainly deserve the attention that they are receiving 16 INLIFE aS Boost Immune Function The immune system is immensely reliant on accurate cell-cell communication for the optimal functions, and any severe damage to the signaling systems involved will result in a damaged, impaired immune responsiveness. The oxidant-mediated tissue injury is a specific peril to the immune system, since the phagocytic cells produce many reactive oxygen species as part of the human body's defense against various types of infection. Adequate amounts of neutralizing antioxidants are immensely required, therefore, to prevent damage and destruction to the immune cells themselves. Prevent Macular Degeneration Not all but particular minerals and vitamins that work as antioxidants help to prevent eye diseases. According to a recent study primarily conducted by the National Institutes of Health, beta-carotene, vitamin c, vitamin E and zinc are closely associated with slowing down the development of the age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in men and women who showed early symptoms of the disease. They decreased the risk of vision loss in study participants by 30 percent over a period of 6 years. Reverse Memory Loss Antioxidants significantly reduce the oxidative stress in brain cells and protect against memory loss, decreased mental energy and reduced concentration. They also immensely help in the development of the cognitive domain. Regulates Important Physiological Functions Some recent studies suggest that antioxidants play an important role in the production of prostaglandins that are known to promote important physiological functions such as blood clotting, nerve transmission, blood pressure, allergic responses, etc. Improves Peripheral Artery Disease Low antioxidant levels contribute to enhanced blood pressure during exercise for persons with peripheral arterial disease, according to researchers at Vascular and Penn State Hershey Heart Institute. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) affects approximately 10 thousand Indians every year and enhances the chance of death from a cardiovascular event. Decreased blood flow causes pain in the legs and enhances blood pressure in people who have Peripheral arterial disease (PAD). However, the causes of this disease are still unknown. 17 (NT Results of Antioxidants Deficiency Among other things, antioxidants are responsible for the health of the hair, skin and nails. When deficient in the antioxidants the health of the hair, skin, and nails suffers. ‘Symptoms of antioxidants Deficiency + Dry skin + Stiff or painful joints + Cognitive impairment in older adults + Increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease + Cancer + Hypertension + Eye disease + Poor concentration power + Rapid heartbeat and breathing Food Sources of Antioxidants According to researchers, the total antioxidant capacity of the healthy foods does not necessarily reflect their health benefits. Benefits mainly depend on how the food's antioxidants are absorbed and used in the body. Foods that contain antioxidants include: ‘Small red bean + Sweet potatoes Blackberry + Tea + Prune + Whole grains + Strawberry + Fish + Apple + Potato Prune + Sweet cherry + Cranberry + orange + Red berry + Black plum + Purple, green and red grapes + Nuts + Dark green vegetables 18 INLIFE ee tenes Need for Antioxidants Supplementation 2012 analysis using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey estimated the amounts of antioxidants adults in India get from supplements and foods. ‘Supplements accounted for 55 percent of vitamin C, 65 percent of vitamin E, 15 percent of alpha- and beta-carotene, and 15 percent of selenium intake. People who do not eat antioxidants rich foods daily should consider taking an antioxidants supplement of 450 mg every day; Recent scientific studies suggest that people who have already had a stroke can benefit from higher doses of antioxidants supplements (basically, double the 450 mg), so if you do have heart disease, consult your doctor about whether taking a higher dose of antioxidants makes sense for you. 19 PRE & PROBIOTICS INLIFE [een Probiotics are organisms like yeast or bacteria which are believed to improve health. The digestive system is the main home to more than 450 types of bacteria. They help keep the small intestines strong and assist in digesting food. They also help the immune system. According to scientists, probiotics play a major role in treating various problems in the stomach and intestine. The Prebiotic, a different type of plant fiber immensely helps nourish the healthy bacteria already in the large colon. The body itself can not digest these plant fibers; instead, the fibers work as a fertilizer to propagate the growth of many of the good bacteria in the gut. Health Benefits of Probiotics There are several health benefits of probiotics. Here we have jotted down a few common health benefits. Treating Diarrhea Probiotics health benefits primarily include improvement of the digestive system. Diarrhea describes bowel movements that are extremely watery and loose. It causes irritation, fever, loss of skin elasticity, absence of saliva and sunken eyes. Diarrhea is the most common side effect of antibiotics. It can be decreased through the consumption of natural yogurt, the best effective probiotics supplement. Antibiotics can disrupt the crucial microbial balance in the intestine, but according to new scientific studies the delicate balance can be restored through probiotics that immensely reduces the chance of diarrhea. Brain Function The brain sends essential signals to the gut; that is why various types of stress and emotions can contribute to gastrointestinal signs. Brain function is notably different among people who consumed probiotics from yogurt regularly. Women consuming probiotics show great connectivity between important brainstem regions called the periaqueductal gray and portions of the prefrontal cortex, and they usually experience less activity in both the somatosensory cortex and the insula. The somatosensory system is the most important complex sensory systems. The processing mainly occurs in the primary somatosensory portion in the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex and essential information is sent via sensory nerves to the brain. Cholesterol Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is commonly known as bad cholesterol as they can transport the content of fat molecules into artery walls of the heart resulting in clogged arteries and can enhance the chances of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Cardiovascular disease is a serious medical condition that involves blocked or narrowed blood vessels, which can lead to heart attacks, chest pain, and strokes. It has been proved that actobacillus Reuters NCIMB 30242 helps reduce the levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Lactobacillus Reuters NCIMB 30242 aids immensely in maintaining healthy cholesterol metabolism and propagates healthy lipid metabolism too. 21 INUIFE ici a ag! Infection Infection is primarily caused by invasion of the host organism's body tissues by disease causing microorganisms that lead clinically to evident illness. The signs of infection include loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, night sweats, fever, aches, and pains. Probiotic bacteria protect the body from the attack of bacterial infections. Lactobacillus salivarius helps prevent listeria infection. Lactobacillus salivarius is an essential probiotic bacterium that improves the digestive system and also promotes the growth of beneficial organisms Helps Control High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is a serious medical condition that can cause heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, kidney failure and other serious health problems. The common signs of high blood pressure include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, vision changes and nose bleeds. The new scientific studies found significant benefits among people with high blood pressure who regularly consumed probiotics in products like milk and yogurt Probiotic consumption helps lower the systolic blood pressure. When the heart beats, it pushes and contracts blood through the arteries of the heart to the rest of the human body. This force creates pressure on the arteries. This is called systolic blood pressure Boost the Immune System Probiotics immensely help maintain a strong immune system. In societies with very good hygiene, researchers have seen a sharp enhance in allergic and autoimmune diseases. It may be because the immune system is not being challenged by the pathogenic organisms. Introducing friendly healthy bacteria in the form of probiotics is believed to properly challenge the immune system of the body in healthy ways. Improves Irritable Bowel Syndrome Many people find taking probiotics daily helps to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Probiotics are mainly dietary supplements that product manufacturers claim can help improve digestive health. They contain healthy friendly bacteria that can supposedly restore the natural balance of the gut bacteria when it has been disrupted. 22 INLIFE (NE a TED Results of Probiotics Deficiency One can not be at peak of health if one has a probiotic deficiency. The symptoms of a probiotic deficiency vary from man to man but can include one or more of the following + Constipation or diarrhea + Incomplete digestion + Indigestion + Heartburn + Lactose intolerance + Excess gas and bloating + Weak immune response (frequent colds and infections) + Low energy + Fatigue + Food allergies + Muscle weakness Food Sources of Probiotics There is a broad range of probiotic supplements that immensely help in enhancing the number of friendly micro-organisms in the gut, but it is obviously better to consume natural probiotics rich foods like kefir and yogurt for better results. Foods that contain probiotics include + Yogurt + Miso soup + Sauerkraut + Soft cheese + Kefir + Sourdough Bread + Soy Milk + Tempeh + Sour pickles + Kombucha tea + Milk + Dark chocolate + Kimehi + Poi 23 (Na ST Need for Probiotics Supplementation Probiotics are healthy, friendly bacteria that are similar to organisms that usually occur in the digestive tract. Certain types or strains of probiotics have been linked to various types of health benefits, from helping with traveler's diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome to boosting the immune system. They are many times used with antibiotics to combat the problems of diarrhea that can result from taking antibiotics. According to new scientific studies probiotic supplements, can be more convenient for some people and can provide higher levels of probiotic. One can prevent and treat some illnesses with supplements containingcertain kinds of health-improving bacteria called probiotics. An estimated 110 trillion microorganisms inhabit every healthy, normal bowel, where they keep pathogens (harmful microorganisms) in control, aid nutrient absorption and digestion, and immensely contribute to the immune function. If these gut-dwelling bacteria become drained—usually because of stress, disease, poor diet, or medications like antibiotics—health problems can result. 24 NE TST Chitosan is a carbohydrate polymer that has similar structure to sugar, Chitosan is a chemically processed form of the chitin and is usually obtained from the hard, rough outer skeleton of shellfish, including lobster, crab and shrimp. It is widely used for medicine. Chitin can also be found in yeasts and mushrooms. Squid pens, are the waste shell by-products of squid processing and are an inexpensive and renewable source of chitosan. Chitosan is widely used in water purification plants to absorb oils, greases, toxic substances and metals and itis also used in the fabric and cosmetic industry. Health Benefits of Chitosan There are several health benefits of chitosan. Here we have jotted down a few common health benefits. Reduces the Risk of Anemia Chitosan deficiency is directly attached to anemia. Anemia is a medical condition where chitosan is not absorbed by the human body properly, resulting in overall ilLeffects of deficiency. The common symptoms of anemia are -feeling weak and tired numbness and tingling in hands and feet, and a bright, smooth red tongue. However, with chitosan shots and supplements, there is a good opportunity that the body can be protected against the anemia. Cholesterol Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is commonly known as bad cholesterol as they can transport the content of fat molecules into artery walls of the heart resulting in clogged arteries and can enhance the chances of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Cardiovascular disease is a serious medical condition that involves blocked or narrowed blood vessels which can lead to heart attacks, chest pain, and strokes. It has been proved that chitosan helps reduce the levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Aids Weight Loss Chitosan is a great source of fibre. High fiber in the body helps you to feel full and hence aids in weight loss. Chitosan is also known as fat binder. When a high fat meal is consumed by a person, chitosan already present in the body will bind the entire fat and allow only the essential nutrients to absorb in the body. The fat is then removed in the form of sweat and bowl movements. 26 (NE a Prevent Infections Infection is primarily caused by invasion of the host organism's body tissues by diseases causing microorganisms that lead clinically to evident illness. The signs of infection include loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, night sweats, fever, aches, and pains. Chitosan protects the body from the attack of bacterial infections. Chitosan improves the digestive system and also promotes the growth of beneficial organisms. Helps Control High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is a serious medical condition that can cause heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, kidney failure and other serious health problems, The common signs of high blood pressure include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, vision changes and nose bleeds. The new scientific studies found significant benefits among people with high blood pressure who regularly consumed chitosan supplements. Regular chitosan consumption helps lower the systolic blood pressure. When the heart beats, it pushes and contracts blood through the arteries of the heart to the rest of the human body. This force creates pressure on the arteries. This is called systolic blood pressure Protect against Crohn's Disease There is specific evidence that enhanced chitosan levels can prevent Crohn's disease by reducing the levels of homocysteine in the body. Crohn's disease is a chronic disease of the small intestine. The reason of Crohn's disease is unknown. Crohn's disease can cause severe ulcers in the small intestine, colon, or both. Diarrhea, Abdominal pain, vomiting, ever, and weight loss are the main symptoms of Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease of the intestine can cause severe obstruction of the small intestine. Crohn's disease is associated with reddish tender skin nodules, and inflammation of the joints, eyes, spine, and liver. A recent scientific study highlighted that with every picomolar enhance in the level of active chitosan reduced the risk of Crohn's disease by three percent. 27 (NE a TST Helps Improve Insomnia Insomnia is defined as an irritating sleep disorder that is mainly characterized by difficulty falling and or staying asleep. Waking up during the night and having great troubles going back to sleep, Feeling tired upon waking, difficulty falling asleep and waking up too early in the morning are the major symptoms of insomnia. Chitosan supplements immensely help reduce the symptoms of insomnia. Results of Chitosan Deficiency One can not be at peak health if one has a chitosan deficiency. The symptoms of a chitosan deficiency vary from man to man but can include one or more of the following: + Obesity + Constipation or diarrhea + Incomplete digestion + Indigestion + Weak immune response (frequent colds and infections) + Low energy + Fatigue + Food allergies + Muscle weakness + Insomnia + High blood pressure + Heart disease Food Sources of Chitosan Itis mainly processed by removing the shells from shellfish such as shrimp, lobster and crabs. It is found in yeast and some fungi. It is evident that consumption of bones and shells is not possible therefore; supplementation is the only option in this case. 28 INLIFE RO eo a ue rag Need for Chitosan Supplementation Few weight loss supplements are clinically examined for efficacy, yet their proliferation continues. Chitosan-based supplements are mainly sold as fat trappers and fat magnets. They purportedly block fat absorption and cause weight loss without the restriction of food. Researchers quantified the effect of a chitosan product on fat absorption. In pharmaceutical manufacturing, chitosan is utilized as a filler in tablets. Itis also used as a carrier in controlled-release drugs; to improve the way various drugs dissolve and to mask bitter tastes in the solutions taken by mouth. The standard dosage of chitosan is 4 to 7 g per day, to be taken with healthy foods. It can be found as capsules and tablets. Chitosan can deplete the body of various minerals. For this reason, when using chitosan, it can be helpful to take supplemental vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals. 29 INLIFE ene aa eet Lccukd Coenzyme Q-10 is a naturally occurring quinone which is found in aerobic organisms from bacteria to mammals. Coenzyme Q10 is commonly known as CoQ, Coenzyme Q, CoQ10, Ubiquinone-Q10, Ubiquinone, Vitamin Q10 or Ubidecarenone. The most important Coenzyme Q in human mitochondria is CoQ10. The 10 denotes the number of isoprene repeats. CoQ10 is ubiquitous in human tissues, though its level is variable. The level of Coenzyme Q10 is the highest in important organs with high rates of metabolism like the kidney, heart, and liver (113, 65.5, and 53.99/g tissue, respectively), where it mainly unctions as an energy transfer molecule. Health Benefits of CoenzymeQ10 There are several health benefits of CoenzymeQ10. Here we have jotted down a few common health benefits. Enhances Fertility in both Men and Women, Anumber of recent scientific studies have critically examined the role of Coenzyme Q10 in relation to male fertility and have observed positive results. According to researchers, men with lower-than-normal levels of Coenzyme Q10 in their seminal fluid tend to have sperm with low motility. Researchers also found that by supplementation of CoQ10 (190 mg/day), resulted in significant enhancement in sperm motility. Another study examined the results on sperm health on men supplementing 200 mg of CoQ10 regularly. In addition to a significant enhance in sperm motility, this study also indicated some benefits to both morphology and sperm count. Powerful energy producing activity of Coenzyme Q10 is the mechanism by which the ingredient benefits female fertility. a! a With the growing age, the naturally occurring levels of CoQ10 reduce, the high energy consuming processes associated with embryo development and fertilization become less efficient. According to a recent scientific study, older women taking up to 590 mg of CoQ10 regularly experienced an improvement in both subsequent fertilization rates and egg quality. 31 (NE re TS Fights Aging €0Q10 (Coenzyme Q10) is an important component of mitochondrial function. It is effectively incorporated into cells’ mitochondria throughout the body where it regulates and facilitates the oxidation of sugars and fats into energy. Aging persons have been found to have over 60% less CoQ10 on average compared to that of young adults. This finding makes CoQ10 one of essential nutrients for men and women over 35 to supplement with. About 98% of cellular energy is produced in the mitochondria. he mitochondria are the body cells "energy powerhouses” and various maladies have been referred to as mitochondrial disorders. The scientists link a deficiency of CoQ10 to agetelated mitochondrial disorders. Maintains Healthy Heart The heart has the highest concentration of Coenzyme Q10 of all the tissues in the body, and it seems logical because of its immense energy necessities. CHF (Congestive heart failure) is one of the first conditions that immensely improve through the use of Coenzyme Q10 supplements. Cognitive heart failure can result from a variety of reasons and can be related to either secondary forms or primary cardiomyopathies of heart failure. New scientific studies have found that CoQ10 supplementation immensely helps improve survival for even the most severe heart failure patients while radically lowering incidences of hospitalization. CoQ10 supplementation helps restore deficient CoQ10 levels in affected patients with moderate-to-severe heart failure, extend the lifespan, and improve the quality of life. Boost Metabolism Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), is an antioxidant synthesized by the body and a cofactor in important metabolic reactions.CoQ10 is essential for metabolism and energy because it helps form adenosine triphosphate, commonly known as ATP. in the body. ATP is the form of energy one gets from fat and carbohydrates for use by the cells. Researchers associated deficiency of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) with a less efficient energy metabolism. A recent scientific study has found that obese people had significantly lower CoQ10 levels than normal-weight subjects. 31 [Nr ST Helps Control High Blood Pressure High blood pressure or hypertension, as it is more commonly known - affects over 2 million adults in India. High blood pressure is one of the most critical medical conditions that can cause a heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, kidney failure and other serious health problems. The common signs of high blood pressure include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, vision changes and nose bleeds. Cardiovascular disease is reaching epidemic proportions in the nation. Of the controllable risk factors, hypertension obviously deserves especial focus, since it affects so many persons. CoQ10 can be safely offered to hypertensive patients as an alternative treatment option. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure in various human clinical trials. Results of CoenzymeQ10 Deficiency Coenzyme Q10 is made naturally in our body, but deficiency can occur due to low dietary intake, disease or high Coenzyme Q10 use by the body. Depending on the cause of the deficiency, supplementing Coenzyme Q10 or enhancing dietary intake may be effective. + Heart failure + Hearing loss High blood pressure + Heart attack + Age-related macular degeneration + HIV/AIDS + Aging + Infertility + Alzheimer's disease + Parkinson's disease + Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) + Antioxidant + Asthma + Breast cancer + prostrate Cancer + Cataracts + Chest pain + Chronic fatigue syndrome + Cocaine dependence + Coronary heart disease + Cystic fibrosis + Dry mouth + Fibromyalgia + Gum disease 33 INLIFE cca ncn L Cea Foods that contain coenzyme Q10 include: + Meat + fish + soybean, sesame, and the rapeseed Oil + Nuts + seeds + Fruits and vegetables Need for CoenzymeQ10 Supplementation CoQ10 is available as a supplement in various forms, including capsules, soft gel, hard shell capsules, oral spray, and tablets. CoQ10 is also added to several cosmetics. Coenzyme Q10 in the body can be enhanced by taking CoQ10 supplements. Don't give Coenzyme Q10 to individuals under 19 except under the supervision of a health care provider. For adults 20 years and older: The recommended dose for Coenzyme Q10 supplementation is 30-100 mg, 200mg need to be given to those people who have low sperm count. 300 mg is prescribed to all people of age 60 years and above and people who have undergone bypass surgeries. Soft gels usually tend to be better absorbed than capsules or several other preparations. Higher doses can be recommended for particular conditions. Coenzyme Q10 is fat-soluble, so it must be taken with a balanced meal containing fat so the body can absorb it. Taking CoQ10 supplements twice a day increase the blood flow in the muscles, making it more available to the heart. 34 GLUCOSAMINE WITH MSM (NF a TST Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance that immensely helps renew and develop cartilage (the hard connective tissue primarily located on bones near joints in the body), and keep it lubricated for flexibility and better joint movement. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a naturally occurring form of sulfur that extremely helps upport tendons and muscles in the body. The combination of glucosamine and MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is used to aid in maintaining healthy joints. It is also widely used as a nutritional supplement in men and women with osteoarthritis or other inflammatory joint disorders Health Benefits of Glucosamine with MSM Glucosamine is one of the most important dietary supplements for the treatment of osteoarthritis. It is available in combination with MSM (methylsulfonylmethane). Here | would like to share some information with you about glucosamine, MSM, and their health benefits. Helps in Osteoarthr Osteoarthritis (loss of cartilage) is the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disease, primarily characterized by slow loss of cartilage covering the bones and completely worn out resulting in a “bone against bone” joint, pain and reduced motion. Osteoarthritis primarily affects the weight-bearing joints like knee joints and hip. This condition is mainly treated by replacement of the joints by a synthetic joint, often made by ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene and a stainless steel alloy. Common osteoarthritis treatment primarily focuses on the therapy of signs such as pain reduction, to regenerate the cartilage and to delay cartilage degeneration Glucosamine is an amino sugar; a chemical found in the human body that supports the structure and function of joints. Glucosamine MSM is a precursor of glycosaminoglycans that is a major component of joint cartilage. But natural glucosamine levels drop as men and women age and leads to gradual deterioration of joints. MSM (methylsulfonyimethane) is an essential element for the synthesis of collagen, enzymes and, immunoglobin. Hence, Glucosamine supplements are widely recommended to influence the cartilage structures and help alleviate the osteoarthritis. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Ulcerative Colitis IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease) involves long-term inflammation of part or all of the digestive tract. Examples of IBD include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. IBD is extremely painful and can be debilitating and many times life-threating if there are complications. P 36 ‘NE a Glucosamine is an amino sugar; a chemical found in the human body that supports the structure and function of joints. Glucosamine MSM is a precursor of glycosaminoglycans that is a major component of joint cartilage. But natural glucosamine levels drop as men and women age and leads to gradual deterioration of joints. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is an essential element for the synthesis of collagen, enzymes and, immunoglobin. Hence, Glucosamine supplements are widely recommended to influence the cartilage structures and help alleviate the osteoarthritis. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Ulcerative Colitis IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease) involves long-term inflammation of part or all of the digestive tract. Examples of IBD include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's, disease. IBD is extremely painful and can be debilitating and many times life-threating if there are complications. Ulcerative colitis affects area of the digestive tract while Crohn's disease may cause inflammation in any portion of the lining along the digestive tract, and frequently spreads deep into the affected tissue. Researchers in a pilot study concluded that N-acetyl glucosamine (GleNAc), a glucosamine like dietary supplement, showed great promise as a non-toxic and cheap treatment in severe inflammatory bowel disease for people who did not respond well to other treatments (treatment-resistant inflammatory bowel disease). be The scientists wrote in the journal ‘Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics”; it has the potential to be helpful in stricture disease. According to researchers from Juntendo University, School of Medicine, glucosamine is an outstanding agent for IBD. Multiple Sclerosis Scientists at the University of California, Irvine, observed that N-acetyl GleNAc(glucosamine) supplements suppressed the damaging autoimmune response that usually occurs in multiple sclerosis(MS). In The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Dr. Michael Demetriou, Ani Grigorian and colleagues explained that glucosamine inhibited the function and growth of abnormal cells which mistakenly make the multiple sclerosis patient's immune system attack and devastate central nervous system tissue that insulates nerves (myelin). Dr. Demetriou explained this sugar-based supplement; glucosamine corrects a genetic defect which induces cells to attack the human body in multiple sclerosis, making metabolic therapy a rational approach that differs from currently available treatments. In their experiment, they utilized laboratory mice with multiple sclerosis-like autoimmune diseases. The scientists observed that when the mice with leg weaknesses were given glucosamine orally, the supplement effectively suppressed T-cell hyperactivity and autoimmune response by increasing sugar modifications to the T-cell proteins. 7 INLIFE Pa oe ea iaas Results of Glucosamine Deficiency \ \ 1 \ “ KX Ne One can not be at peak health if one has a glucosamine deficiency. The symptoms of a glucosamine deficiency vary from man to man but can include one or more of the following: + Osteoarthritis + Joint pain + Lower back pain + Cartilage injury + Low bone density + Morning stiffness Food Sources of Glucosamine There are no major natural food sources of glucosamine, so one must get it from various supplements. Most supplements are made from chitin, the hard outer shells of lobsters, shrimp, and crabs. Several Other forms of glucosamine are available for men and women who are allergic to shellfish. Need for the Glucosamine Supplementation Some recent scientific studies have found that the glucosamine supplement greatly reduces knee pain in men and women with moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis. Glucosamine sulfate is a widely used supplement that can help ease joint pain in persons with osteoarthritis. Glucosamine has also been used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and several other conditions, such as asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic venous insufficiency, allergies, temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ), sports injuries, chronic lower back pain, and many others. For osteoarthritis, the actual dose of glucosamine used in most scientific studies was 510 milligrams of glucosamine sulfate taken two times a day. Ask the doctor about specific dosing. Many experts recommend taking glucosamine with meals to prevent stomach upset. 38 INLIFE oa neues Conclusion This E-book deals with the various health benefits of some of the most important nutrients vital for maintaining the functions of the body and how supplementation of those nutrients is helpful. When it comes to chronic diseases - vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are the best way of prevention without the use of medication. Some of the worst wide spread chronic disease that can be prevented and controlled using these nutrients are Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Cardiovascular Diseases, Cholesterol and Cancer. It is true that nothing can replace the goodness of natural sources of vitamins, minerals and nutrients ~ fresh vegetables, fruits, fish and dairy, but with the rising trend of hybrid and GMO foods, most of us don’t have access to the pure, organic products and therefore it is best to rely on supplements to utilize the benefits of the nutrients. In spite of decades of intense mass education, 45 percent of all adults and children in India do not eat the recommended five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day for good health. Regular intake of supplements helps us immensely to combat the problems caused due to the deficiencies of vitamins and minerals. Unlike drugs, dietary supplements are mostly self-prescribed with no input from informed medical sources like doctors, nurses, or pharmacists. But it is important to choose supplements from a reliable source that guarantees about the quality and purity of the product, so that it doesn’t cause and side effects. This E-Book is presented by INLIFE H INLIFE Group, Since 1973 Itt SOCIAL EMAIL PHONE +91 8008 700 222 WEBSITE, 39

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