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Maggie Kortis

Mrs. Barnes
English 112
24 March 2015
Annotated Bibliography
"Everywhere in (supply) chains; Modern slavery." The Economist 14 Mar. 2015: 61(US). Global
Issues in Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. The author of this article explains how to reduce
bonded labor and human trafficking throughout the world. The author uses specific
events,examples, ideas of others, and of his own to evince his claim. They exemplify
their supposition by quoting well-known and respected people like Pope Francis. They
also brings in personal cases such as Sony Sulekha, one of the plaintiffs in the largest
human trafficking event ever brought to America. They refer to these cases and ideas
while contributing his own ideas to the piece. Anyone interested in putting a stop to this
form of oppression would enjoy the article.
"Nation must improve response to human trafficking: Expert." Pioneer [New Delhi, India] 24
Apr. 2012. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. The author of this piece
suggests how to put a stop to the modern form of slavery, human trafficking. They began
their explanation by using facts and definitions to help the reader fully understand the
topic. They use distinct examples of cases where there are people trying to put a stop to
human trafficking all around the world. Their careful yet determined words pull the
reader in and make the situation at hand known. They incorporate personal stories and
facts to
make the reader want to do something about this disgusting form of abuse.

"SA attends world conference on trafficking; subby." Independent on Saturday [South Africa] 12
June 2010: 9. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. Tanya Waterworth and
Carvin Goldstone explain what was said about human trafficking at the world
conference and how it is impacting different civilizations. They explain where it is
occurring most often and where the problem can start being fixed. They give facts about
the conference itself and then jumped into the complication at hand, the solution to
human trafficking. The authors also uses quotes from the attendants and applies their
ideas to his central theme. They make great use of his resources and his own mind
to make an absorbing read about this subject.
"Sex trafficking exists, here in America." CNN Wire 9 Mar. 2015. Global Issues in Context.
Web. 24 Mar. 2015. John Cornyn and Amy Klobuchar explain how human trafficking
robs people of their rights, and some of their childhood. They give specific examples of
people who have been held captive, have escaped, and shared their stories. They use the
heartbreaking stories to demonstrate how our society has also broken. They also use
particular events to show how they are trying to make this problem more public and put a
stop to it. The authors work personal stories and political events to pull the reader in and
inform them of what is really happening in spoiled, privileged America.
'They said I wasn't human but something that can be bought'; Reportage." Times [London,
England] 14 Oct. 2004: 6. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. Joan Smith
explains what human trafficking is like in third world countries and how it is affecting
their societies. She uses real victims stories to show how they were treated and how they
adjusted back to their routines.She doesnt look to any other articles on the topic, but her
own reasonable ideas and arguments to reinforce her thoughts. She uses different stories

from different countries such as Britain and India to support her claim of how it is a huge
problem. She used her knowledge of the subject and personal experiences to help the
reader believe this is really happening everywhere.
"We Need Concerted Effort to Overcome Modern Crimes - Busingye." Africa News Service 23
Mar. 2015. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015.

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