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Anna Tsai
Mrs. Barnes
English 112
25 March 2015
Annotated Bibliography
"Child Trafficking." Gale Student Resources in Context. Detroit: Gale, 2013. Student Resources
in Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. This resource primarily focuses on child trafficking. It
talks about what it is, how it happens, and the impact that it has on society. Later, it goes
on to talk about ways to combat the issue. I will be using this resource to help explain the
way children are affected, and the impact it has on the world.
Haelle, Tara. "Child Sex Trafficking Victims Easily Missed by Doctors, Social Workers: Study;
Victims 'hide in plain sight,' experts say, and survey finds more training is needed."
Consumer Health News [English] 17 Mar. 2015. Student Resources in Context. Web. 23
Mar. 2015. Tara Haelle, the author of the article, explains how children who are victims
of sex trafficking often go unnoticed by doctors and social workers. She provides many
statistics and surveys, and shows how training is needed to help the victims. This article
will be used to show how victims are hiding, and are not easily noticed by those who can
"Human Trafficking." Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Ed. John Hartwell Moore. Vol. 2.
Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. 134-138. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24
Mar. 2015. This resource provides evidence from numerous sources, including the United
Nations, and clearly defines what human trafficking is. It later goes on to talk about
human trafficking all around the world, not only in the United States. This resource is

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very factual, and gives no opinionated statements. I will use this resource to talk about
how this issue is affecting countries around the world.
"Human Trafficking | Polaris | Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery." Human
Trafficking | Polaris | Combating Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery. Web. 6
Apr. 2015.
Tsin Yen, Koh. "Human Trafficking: Overview." Points Of View: Human Trafficking (2015): 1.
Points of View Reference Center. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. The author of this article, Tsin Yen
Koh, is a doctoral student at Harvard University. She explains to the readers the different
types of human trafficking, the history of it, and how its changed over the years. She
provides many statistics to make her information accurate. This article will be used to
explain exactly what human trafficking is, and will help to expand my knowledge on the
Veenstra, Michelle. "Trafficking of Women." Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Ed. Fedwa
Malti-Douglas. Vol. 4. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007. 1472-1473.Global
Issues in Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2015. Michelle Veenstra, the author of this article,
includes information on the motivations and recruitments of human trafficking, and
different laws against it. She also gives different forms of human trafficking. I will use
this resource to explain how women are brought into the business of human trafficking.

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