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KIM Chart Journal Club

Name: Molly Harbottle

Reading: Nurturing the Inquiring Mind Through the Non-Fiction Read-Aloud

Author: Tony Stead
Date: 2014
Complete the following chart, based upon the five most salient Key Concepts in the reading for you.

Key Concept
List the key concepts discussed in
the article, one concept per for.

What to Look for When Selecting

Informational Literature to Read to Students

Guidelines in Reading Informational

Literature to Students

Responding to Informational Literature

What information will help you remember this concept?

Books need to engage the reader right from the start

Have students help rate the material to provide feedback on choices
Use the librarian to help select a text
Use a variety of materials (i.e. magazines, newspapers, etc.)
Varied text structure

Most teachers are not very experienced in reading informational literature

to students
Teachers need to integrate them into the literacy block
Information can be read in a random order (organized into categories)
text can be read in various order and duration.
Put expression into your reading
All children should be able to hear your clearly

Dont have students list facts boring!


Memory clue
Draw a visual that
will help you
remember this key
concept. (NOT

Deepening Thought Through Powerful


R.A.N. Strategy

Level one questions can be found in the text

Level two questions are those that have obvious answers but cannot be
explicitly found in the text
Level three questions are not easily inferred or found in the text
Teacher think aloud between each level
Reading and Analyzing Nonfiction
Excellent organizer for independent student research
Categories What I Think I Know, Confirmed, We Dont Think
This Anymore, Exciting New Information, Wonderings

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