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Teaching with Technology: Online Modules

Emily Barton
EDIS7010 Final Project Checkpoint

Project Update
Teaching with Technology: Online Modules
Module 1: Copyright and Fair Use
Module 2: Technology Integration
The product from this project is a set of two online modules to try an
alternate delivery method for some of the Teaching with Technology course content.
Originally, I identified two topics, online communication and copyright/fair use. In
planning to module content, I elected to change the online communication module
to a topic with more static information. Likely, the modules will need to be updated
as new information becomes available. However, online communication is such a
rapidly changing landscape that the module could be outdated before its use in
September. I replaced online communication with a module on grounded technology
integration using activity types from Haris and Hofer (2009).
I began by developing the copyright and fair use module. That module is
currently out for user testing with a former Teaching with Technology student. I
asked her to give me feedback on the clarity of content and delivery method, as
well as the usability of the module (navigation etc.). The students feedback will
inform revision on the fair use module as well as the development of the grounded
technology integration module. The grounded technology integration module is
currently in progress and will go to another former student for user testing and

Revised Timeline
Week 1 (April 5 April 11): Planning and content collection, Draft Modules 1 + 2,
Begin Module 1
Identify contributing content/resources from previous classes on topics
Supplement class resources with information if necessary
Draft overall concept for modules
Begin executing Module 1 in Articulate Storyline 2
Status: Complete!
Week 2 (April 12 April 18): Complete Module 1 for user testing, Begin Module
2, Checkpoint
Frame entire Storyline story for both modules
Complete Module 1 as fully as possible for realistic user testing with former
3450 student

User feedback will inform Module 1 revisions in Week 3 and

development of Module 2
Begin development of Module 2 while Module 1 is out for testing
Complete checkpoint assignment
Status: Complete!
Week 3 (April 19 April 25): Complete Module 2 for user testing, Revises Module
Complete Module 2, informed by first user feedback, in order to send to a
second user for testing
Revise Modules 1 + 2 based on combined feedback from both users
Status: Pending
Week 4 (April 26 May 2): Refine Modules 1 and 2
Refine Modules 1 and 2 while planning presentation
Execute project presentation
o Brief introduction to the context and content of the project
o Screen capture within storyline as the modules are created
o Overview of user testing and creation process
Upload all materials to class website

Submit: May 3

The working version of the Fair Use and Copyright module and the overall structure
for the modules can be found on my website for this class.

Harris, J., & Hofer, M. (2009). Instructional planning activity types as vehicles for
curriculum-based TPACK development. In Society for Information Technology
& Teacher Education International Conference (Vol. 2009, pp. 40874095).
Retrieved from

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