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‘Trainee: Hickey, Katherine -Page 2 EVALUATION OF COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT ‘SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Trainee:_katherine Hickey Semester: Fall Year: 2013, Field Experience: __X Practicum ___ Fieldwork Field Placement District: Oceanside School: Libby Elementary Field Supervisor: Nicole Pablo University Supervisor: Dr. Joey Nunez Estrada ‘Area |. Core Knowledge Base and Foundations Brief Sar of Feld Pacement Acie Practice of Ethics outlined by ASCA ethical Standards. Reviewed schoo! SARC for Libby and what that can mean for the schools future. ~ Read and reviewed educational acronyms. Discussed and explored school/ cammunity resources. = Currently enrolled in School Counseling Program. = Ecosystems class to understand the whole student = Shadowed and observed school counselor for three months. ussed and reviewed RTI & Schoat Counseling model ~ Practiced confidentiality with students when meeting for the frst time. = Weeldy counseling secezslons to address personal/soeiai/academic student sus + Weekly discussions around counseling issues surrounding Ethics, and students perconi/sodal/behavioral/academic irnprovemenss = Review of Aeries and cumulative fi ‘Toured and explored: = Common core readings Learning Labs — (C5, Document ASC and CASC Membership. Discussed participation in professional groups and networking key fo evelopment Development Rating: 0 - Not Seen; 1 - Emerging; ’- Established; 3 - Integrated Evaluation Rating: 1~-Concern; 2 - Satisfactory; 3~ Commendable tation, Reporting) Self Evaluation ‘Supervisor's Evaluation $70.37 FOUNDATIONS OF THE SCHOOL COUNSELING PROFESSION Develop [val | Develop | val Professional understanding of the state and national history, philosophy, 2 2 1 2 theories, principals and trends of the school counseling profession ‘Knowledge and understanding of developing, implementing and evaluating @ 7 2 T z comprehensive and developmental school counseling and guidance program ‘Knowledge and understanding of the domains of educational counseling T 2 z z including academic, career, and personal and social development. “Aware of how school counseling programs and services are devised to 7 z 7 2 promote student development, learning and achievernent ‘STO.48 PROFESSIONALISM, ETHICS AND MANDATES Recognizes the importance of ongoing education as part of professional z z z 3 srowsh ‘Awareness of current trends in education and the Impact of these trends on 7 7 T z professional identity Knowledge of State and Federal egal requirements, constraints and a i i z dota 277/13 ‘Trainee: Hickey, Katherine -Page 1 EVALUATION OF COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT ‘SCHOOL COUNSELING PROGRAM, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Instructions This evaluation form parallels the CALIFORNIA TEACHING COMMISSION (CTC} Standords of Quality and Effectiveness for Pupil Personnel Services Credentials (PPS) for Schoo! Counseling. This form requires both the self-evaluation of the SDSU trainee and evaluation by the field-based supervisor based upon these CTC standards. ‘Trainee instructions: 1. Provide a brief summary ofthis semester's activites in each of the program areas. 2. Provide a self-evaluation of your competency development in each area, with commentary. 3. Discuss your self-evaluation with your field supervisor; obtain field supervisors evaluation. 4. Make copies for yourself, your field supervisor, and your university supervisor; Submit original to the Program Oifice to be placed in your cumulative fle, Field Supervisor Instructions Review the trainee self-evaluation and discuss with her/him. Provide your evaluation ofthe treinee’s competency development. + Please provide comments in support of your evaluation, especially if you have concerns or commendations, or if your evaluation differs from the traines/intern's self-evaluation, We recognize that professional competencies are developed over time and across multiple settings. Therefore, we ask you to provide two types of ratings for each competency area: Degree of Competency Development Rating Descriptor Definition 0 Not seen No opportunity or not yet demonstrated/observed in this setting 1 Emerging Beginning to show this knowledge/still 2 Established ‘Basic knowiedge/skils attained and demonstrated routinely 3 Integrated Uses knowledge/skls flexibly as part of an overall repertoire (not expected in first year) Evaluation of Competency Development for Stage In the Program Rating = Dexcriotor Definition 1 Concern Stronger development expected; Focus for futher development 2 Satisfactory Development consistent/appropriate with expectations at this stage in the program 3 Commendable Above and beyond expectations at this stage in the program ‘Student completed ECO’s are due to the site supervisor atleast two weeks prior to due date at university ‘Completed evaluations are due to the University Supervisor and Program Office by date of Final Exam each semester. ‘These weitten eval semester. tions are extremely important and must be submited prior te obtaining a grade forthe fleld experiance thie update 7/13 ‘Trainee: Hickey, Katherine - Page 4 ‘Self Evaluation ‘Supenisor’s Evaluation. 'STD.19 ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT Develop | Eval | Develop | Eval Knowledge ofthe application and rationale of state adopted curriculum 1 2 T 2 standards and frameworks for academic development ‘Knowledge of and skill in improving pupils self-concept as learners, pride im 2 z 7 2 achievement, motivation to learn, and development of attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning (understanding of learning styles, acceptance of mistakes as essential to the learning process, and skils in goal setting, test taking, problem solving, decision making, and communication) ‘Knowledge of and kiln hal ping pupils achieve school suecess, including: 2 2 T 2 taking responsibilty for their own actions, working independently and cooperatively, being dependable and productive, and sharing knowiedge, Interests, and abilities ‘Understands high school graduation requirements and demonstrates Skil In 0 2 0 2 equitably assisting pupils in developing appropriate academic plans. ‘Knowledge of guidance curriculum that suppor learning and skil in using T 2 2 2 classroom guidance techniques ‘Knowledge of and skill in accessing admislon requirements for public and a 2 0 2 private coleges and universities, vocational and trade schools, and cther post-secondary training opportunities 'STD.20 CAREER DEVELOPMENT. ‘Knowledge of labor market information, employment trends, career clusters z 3 ° 2 {and pathways, career choice theories, and schoo- and technology-based career development programs ‘Knowledge of and sklsin using assessment instruments, techniques, and 3 3 T z resources relevant to career planning, decision making, and educational ‘assessment, planning, and evaluation ‘kiln using school- and technology-based career development programs and 7 2 T 2 strategies, and ability to teach and develop essential employability skills such 235 teamwork, problem solving and organtzational skills Trainee’s Comments: ‘While working in my Master Class - 3 graders under Mrs. Garcia, | ave had the opportunity to better understand students’ academic development, Each week when in my master class ~ students are working on thelr math curriculum. At the beginning of the year the students were working on number placement and addition and have now moved on to multiplication. ‘There are three students in particular that | have had to emphasize independent work, staying in thelr seat, and rasing their hand to request help, rather than getting out oftheir seat and pulling on me for attention. There were two particular students in the ras working with that would qulckty become discouraged in the work they wore doing. | would be sure to sit with these suudens, be patient wth them, and encourage them to stay on task ané work through the problers. Both students were very +0 develop my career development skis 2s 2 schoo! While working at bby have noe gut ier thelr team members more fulflied ang satisfied nthe work they were contributing. ‘Trainee: Hickey, Katherine - Page 3 ‘egulations impacting school counselors and pupils (confidentiality, child abuse reporting, pupil record, State requitements for academic progress and high schoo! graduation) ‘Applies ACSA ethical standards and practices to counseling situations z z z 2 knowledge of benefit of state and national school counseling professional 1 2 1 2 ‘organization membership ‘Utlizes resources from professional organizations T 2 i z Trainee's comments: During the initia part of the school year or fall semester ! believe we were given the opportunity to build a solid foundation around the school counseling profession and learn about professionalism, ethics and mandates. This was ‘demonstrated through many of our assignments. Our summer course realy emphasized the ASCA model, the implementation of ‘comprehensive school counseling program, and mesting set standards. Once the fall semester launched and entering our schoo! site at Libby Elementary we were given strong knowledge of the schools SARC (School Accountability Report Card), the local community resources, and constant review of ethic scenarios presented In our Ethie of Counseling. Our discussions around the Ethical standards were always through provoking. What seemed to be a concrete standard became a question of, “what would ‘you actually dof you were In 2 particular situation?” These conversations emphasized the need to work on our documentation to be sure we are protecting ourseives the school, and our students. Through the reinforcement of the importance of documentation, | weekly provided a documentation form to my supervisor outlining weekly meetings with students ‘Supervisor's Comments: Katie's development in Area I. Core Knowledge Base and Foundations has been evaluated as mainiy emerging. As she actively participates in learning labs such as CPS/Mandated Reporter Information, group discussions regarding schoo! counselor role and responsibilities, and our Law and Ethics text, Katie's knowledge of the foundations ofthe school counseling profession have been ‘observed as an area she is working to better understand. Katie has also shown emerging development for the ethics and ‘mandates standard. Katie demonstrates a commendable recognition of the importance of ongoing education through her Voluntary work on top ofthe counseling program with the CARES grant, where she Is required to regulary attend seminars and learn about a specific population of students. Katie has also exhibited this standard through her active participation in case study discussions and applying appropriate confidentiality to files and counseling sessions with those she works with. | would encourage Katie to share any ofthe resources she recelves, especially formation from her CARES grant, that would help benefit her understanding and practice, as well as her teams. ‘Area Il. Academic/Career Domains of School Counseling and Guidance ‘Brief Summary of Field Placement Activities: = Reviewed and went over with students college wall in counseling center. = Promotion of College culture and forward thinking througth each class having flags representing different Universities. = Collaborated and presented Veterans Day guidance curriculum ~ focus on future career possiblities. ~ Collaborated and presented Anti-Bullying guidance curriculum. = Shadowed Meet your school counselor guidance curriculum, = Collaborated on stealing guidance curriculum, = Read and discussed implementation of new Common Core Standards, = Discussed teachers different use of technology — IE: using !pads. = Review of ASCA standards for Academic/career development. = Workin mater class with individual students on working independently. Observed different class management techniques through observations of a Math Class, PE class, and Reading time, = Discussed with Case Study importance of academic achievernent. = Reviewed PRIM interventions for students strugging with academic achlevements. ~ Discussed the shift to common core curriculum and the implications it has for students and school counselors. Creating and analyzing pre/post tests. Interview of school Psychologist = ASCA Guidance lesson plan template Development Rating: O- Nat Seen; 1 Emerging; ?- Established; 3- Integrated Evaluation Rating: 1 - Concern; 2 Satisfactory; 3 Commendable Undated 279/28 ‘Trainee: Hickey, Katherine - Page 6 office for misbehaving, or receiving an ouch card, When confronted about the issues, the student would not quickly admit to his faults but after easing Into my questioning he would open up and shere what's actually happening or what took place. When \working on setting goals with my student he recognized the need for the following two goals: to keep his hands to himself, and follow teacher instructions. During times on drop in counseling secessions with students needing confit resolution | was able to ‘mediate between the kids, offer differing perspectives to the situation, ang help the students reconcile their isues. The reason | gave myself mastly one’s in this category i feel while I have been exposed to many situations | wouldn't have prior to this semester, | stil have alot of growth to doin handling conflict situations and coming up with interventions for my individual counseling students. Most of this semester was dedicated towards building rapport which | believe will be useful in the next steps ‘of working through students’ behavioral and personal/social development, ‘Supervisor's Comments: Katie has shown steady development in Area Il, Personal/Social Domain of School Counseling and Guidance. She has helped plan and facilitate classroom guidance lessons and school-wide awareness activities that target the personal and social development, such as the anti-bullying month and Red Ribbon Week activites, which encouraged students to think about Signature Date ‘SUervisor: Please indicate your recommendation for this individual's next phase of experience: Fall Semester Ifor Spring ‘Spring Semester for Next Yea] X Continue inthis phase of fled placement as planned _OTHER: Please call, phone number(s) Advance to next phase of field experience as planned Ready to advance to fulltime placement Ready to work asa credentialed school counselor péata 2/7/33

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