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Megan Johnson

Client #5525
D: Client began the session by talking about being desperate. Her college lacrosse coach told the
client two days ago that she was to be kicked off of the team. Client reported this was because
she failed a drug test and had been missing practice. She explained the coach said she had
behavioral issues. Client said when she told her parents over the phone her father started
screaming and her mother refused to speak to her. Client stated that she was under a lot of
pressure because if she loses her scholarship through the lacrosse team, she will not be able to
remain in school. The client began crying and stated she was desperate to make things right
with her team so she doesnt have to leave the school. She explained that she also needs to have a
discussion with her family about their relationship. When asked by the case manager if she was
considering hurting herself or someone else, she said not really. She explained further that if
she cant get her family to understand her situation and disorders, she might lose it. When
asked for a self-rating of harm by the case manager, she said a 3 on a scale from 1-10, with ten
being extremely suicidal and 1 not at all suicidal. Client previously considered suicide (see
intake form).
A: In the way the client was wringing her hands and crying, it seemed she was feeling a lot of
pressure. Case manager reflected this feeling and the client began crying while stating that she
feels like no one is on her side. Case manager lightly challenged this belief by stating that she
cares and that there must be others who do. The client said her roommate (also on the lacrosse
team) had always been there to talk to her. Case manager later asked if her family would be
willing to attend counseling together, and client stated she would ask them. Both client and case
manager agreed it would be beneficial to talk to them one at a time, in person.
P: In collaboration, client and case manager decided it would be beneficial to talk to first her
roommate in their dorm room so the conversation would be comfortable. Client said she would
do this immediately following the conclusion of the session. Client will approach her coach and
work towards a compromise that includes agreeing to impromptu drug tests, setting up contact
with teachers to track progress, and she will not miss any more team activities. Lastly, client will
call parents and update them on progress. During the next meeting, client and case manager will
discuss the reasons behind clients drinking and substance use in social situations. The next
session is scheduled for 11/21/2013 at 9:45 A.M.
Anna Rastatter

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