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Luke JD

Abdul H


1.Why hybrid and electric cars are better than

gasoline cars.

1.(Picture of hybrid car and electric car next to each

other, with title page)

2.But first a little history,

2.(Picture of a old world map, with a hybrid car in the

3. (Picture of Robert Anderson and the first electric

3.In 1832 a guy named Robert Anderson makes the

first electric vehical
4.but unfortunately its didnt work
5.In 1889 William Morrison made the first sucsessful
electric car that went on to boost the elctric car
7.Fun Fact: was called the woman's car because it
was quiet, it didn't smell and was easy to drive.

4. (Picture of a sad smiley face with a charge symbol

next to it)
5. (Picture of William Morrison and the first
successful electric car with a thumbs up emoji next to
it/ him and the US country outline in the background
and a hybrid car in the front)

8. Ferdinand Porsche made the Lohner-Porsche

Mixte, the world's first hybrid electric car

7. ( Picture of a old/ first hybrid with a classy woman

next to it)
7. (Picture of a woman driving the car)

9. Then the Model T a gasoline car, takes the market

away from the hybrid and electric cars.

8. ( Picture of the world's first hybrid electric car

made by porsche with Ferdinand Porsche next to it)

10.Now you know how hybrid and electric cars

started lets talk about why we should bring them

9. ( Picture of Model T a gasoline car in the front and

the hybrid and electric cars in the background)
10. (Title picture)

11.Most people know about climate change and even

if you don't believe in it isn't nice to just have a happy
healthy earth.
12.Environmental Protection Agency says that the
average passenger car puts out around 9,737.4 lb of
CO2 per year.

11. ( Picture of a weather climate change map and

hybrid car with a smiling earth)
11. (Picture of nature and a lot of grass, show a
healthy earth)
12. ( Picture of the E.P.A logo and the quote with a
car putting out CO2 )
12. (Picture of a old gasoline car polluting the streets)

13.You can have a clear conscience when you use

an electric car because they let out no pollution whatso-ever
13. ( Picture of electric and an equal sign to a happy
person with an electric car)
14.Hybrids arent as healthy, but Toyota claims that
13.(Picture of a car polluting with a big X on it.)
its Prius puts off 90% less pollution than average
passenger cars.
14. ( Picture of a Toyota Prius and an equal sign to
90% less pollution than average passenger cars.)
15.Thats around 973.7 lb of CO2 per year
14.(Picture of a old gasoline car in the dumpster)
16.Not only is it better for the environment and your
health, it performs better than gasoline cars.

15. ( Picture of a Toyota Prius and an equal sign to

90% less pollution than average passenger cars.)

17.Because of the dual engines hybrid cars don't

have to rely on gas and tend to have better mileage
than gasoline cars

16. ( Picture of a a Toyota Prius with grass and

flowers, and a gasoline car in the back with trash
around it)

19.The electric engine creates a large amount torque

(AKA the amount of kick in a vehicle.)

17. ( Picture of the dual engines in the hybrid car with

a happy face pointing to it)

18. ( Picture of a muscle emoji next to the dual

20.and the gasoline engine creates a large amount of engines)
horsepower (AKA the the power to stay at a certain
19. ( Picture of electric engine and showing where it
creates a large amount torque)
21.Electric and hybrid might be more expensive, and
tend to have less range, but they save you money by
making you pay less for gas
23.Other than the battery most things in hybrid and
electric cars are cheaper and just as easy to replace.
24.So what are you waiting for go buy one.

20. ( Picture of a car speeding/ going fast)

20. (Picture a speedometer on a high speed)
21. ( Picture of an electric car with dollar signs
around it, with an equal sign to a big money bag)
22. ( Picture of electric car with dollar signs around
it, with an equal sign to a big money bag)
23. ( Picture of hybrid car with a battery right next to
24.(Picture of a electric and hybrid car with dollar
signs around it and a happy face and thumbs up

Statistics Cited
Average Annual Emissions and Fuel Consumption. October 2008. Publisher. 6 March 2015.
Hybrid car facts. January 2005. Hybrid Car Organization. 6 March 2015. <http://www.hybrid-car.org/hybridcar-facts.html>
The History of the Electric Car. 15 September 2014. U.S. Department of Energy. 6 March 2015.

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