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Unit 2 Test

The following questions are True/False. Please choose A. for True, B. for False.
1. The President is told by the Supreme Court what their decision is before it is released to the American
2. Cases reach the Supreme Court through original jurisdiction only.
The following questions are matching; please match the correct item with its classification in the box to the

Chuck Norris murders Mr. T in Eustis, FL

A Russian spy is caught in Salt Lake City, UT
George Clooney sells nuclear secrets to North Korea
Barack Obama punches Joe Biden

7. Graffiti (in a bathroom stall)

8. Stealing a shirt
9. Murder
10. Sexual Assault
11. Battery

A. Federal Court Jurisdiction

B. State Court Jurisdiction

A. Misdemeanor
B. Felony
C. Both

The following questions are multiple-choice. Please choose wisely.

12. How many people are on the Supreme Court?
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11
E. 12
13. What is judicial review?
A. The power of the judiciary to overrule presidential elections
B. The power of the judiciary to overrule judicial appointments
C. The power of the judiciary to overrule laws and executive orders
D. The power of the judiciary to overrule county elections
E. The power of the judiciary to overrule ambassadors
14. On average, how many cases are heard by the Supreme Court?
A. 80
B. 200
C. 1,000
D. 9
E. None
15. What is a brief?
A. A written order from the Supreme Court for the lower court to send a case up.
B. A written argument for why a particular side is right.
C. When the Justices of the Supreme Court get together to discuss and vote on cases.
D. The governments lawyer.
E. When lawyers argue cases in front of the Supreme Court

16. Who is the solicitor general?

A. A written order from the Supreme Court for the lower court to send a case up.
B. A written argument for why a particular side is right.
C. When the Justices of the Supreme Court get together to discuss and vote on cases.
D. The governments lawyer.
E. When lawyers argue cases in front of the Supreme Court
17. What is the Supreme Courts Conference?
A. A written order from the Supreme Court for the lower court to send a case up.
B. A written argument for why a particular side is right.
C. When the Justices of the Supreme Court get together to discuss and vote on cases.
D. The governments lawyer.
E. When lawyers argue cases in front of the Supreme Court
18. What are Oral Arguments?
A. A written order from the Supreme Court for the lower court to send a case up.
B. A written argument for why a particular side is right.
C. When the Justices of the Supreme Court get together to discuss and vote on cases.
D. The governments lawyer.
E. When lawyers argue cases in front of the Supreme Court
19. What are amicus curiae?
A. A friend of the court brief to help one side of the argument or the other.
B. A written argument for why a particular side is right.
C. When the Justices of the Supreme Court get together to discuss and vote on cases.
D. The governments lawyer.
E. When lawyers argue cases in front of the Supreme Court
20. What was the effect of Gibbons v. Ogden?
A. The states do not have to listen to the national government
B. The national government is not allowed to contradict state law
C. The national governments laws are superior to state law
D. The states must follow the Bill of Rights
E. The Supreme Court has judicial review

21. The following cases created well know phrases and or stands concerning the Constitution. Please match
the phrase with the correct case.
22. Schenk v. US
A. Clear and Present Danger
B. Private Organizations can keep membership secret and closed to some people.
C. All criminals are entitled to an attorney.
D. Race can be one of the criteria when admitting students to a university
E. Separate but equal
23. Gideon v. Wainwright
A. Clear and Present Danger
B. Private Organizations can keep membership secret and closed to some people.
C. All criminals are entitled to an attorney.
D. Race can be one of the criteria when admitting students to a university
E. Separate but equal
24. NAACP v. Alabama, Boy Scouts of America v. Dale
A. Clear and Present Danger
B. Private Organizations can keep membership secret and closed to some people.
C. All criminals are entitled to an attorney.
D. Race can be one of the criteria when admitting students to a university
E. Separate but equal
25. Regents of University of California at Davis v. Bakke
A. Clear and Present Danger
B. Private Organizations can keep membership secret and closed to some people.
C. All criminals are entitled to an attorney.
D. Race can be one of the criteria when admitting students to a university
E. Separate but equal
26. Brown v. Board of Education
A. Clear and Present Danger
B. Private Organizations can keep membership secret and closed to some people.
C. All criminals are entitled to an attorney.
D. Race can be one of the criteria when admitting students to a university
E. Ending separate but equal
27. Which of the following cases increased people right to privacy?
A. Roe v. Wade
B. Marbury v. Madison
C. Gideon v. Wainwright
D. Miranda v. Arizona
E. None of the above
28. Which of the following cases lead to the police saying You have the right to remain silent?
A. Roe v. Wade
B. Marbury v. Madison
C. Gideon v. Wainwright
D. Miranda v. Arizona
E. None of the above
30. Short Answer Section
32. Explain Judicial Review, Marbury v. Madison and the effect both have had on the Supreme Court.
33. Justices can interpret the constitution of the United States many different ways.
A. Define Judicial Restraint
B. Define Judicial Activism

C. Choose one of the Supreme Court justices and explain why they practice judicial restraint or
judicial activism
34. Choose one of the Supreme Court cases we covered in class and answer the following;
A. Describe the cases
B. What is the constitutional question?
C. How did the Supreme Court decide?

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