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January 7th, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my great pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Patrick Whipple. Over the
past year, I have seen Patrick transform in my Chemistry classroom. He is extremely
determined, hard working, and always a team player. Patrick has the impeccable ability to
help his peers when they are struggling while continuing to help himself when he is
struggling. Patrick will be a great addition to any college campus and will enhance any
work environment he joins.
Patrick squares off his problems and set backs with determination and perseverance. He
stays positive and motivated even when the material is most challenging. He does not let
past failures slow him down and continues to look ahead to make the most out of the next
Looking ahead, I am excited to see what Patrick sets out to accomplish, as I know he will
not only succeed but also excel. He will share his passion, kind heart, and determination
with his work and classmates.
Kyla BradyLong
Chemistry Teacher
Windsor High School



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