Monthly Budget Worksheet: Income

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Monthly Budge

Fill out the per month amount. You need to fill out amounts for the (*) item

Employment income (NET income after deductions)
Working at DeDutch 35 hours a week.
Other income
Working at Premium Label Outlet 35 hours a week.

Total Income
Fixed Expenses
1 room, 2 bathroom, garage, kitchen.
Subaru Outback 2.5L 4-Cyl. Limited Edition Sedan.

*BC Medical
Apartment Insurance
*Utilities (electricity and gas)
*Telecommunications (cable, Internet, telephone, cellphone)
Total Fixed Expenses
Variable Expenses
*Food (groceries, eating out, coffee's, etc) min $200
*Household (cleaning, maintenance, furniture, etc.) min $25
Gas (make sure your gas is listed here and separate from your vehicle)
Health care (contact lenses, glasses, dental, medications)
*Clothing (you might not buy every month, but you do need to average) min $20
*Personal care (toiletries, hair care, make-up, laundry, etc.) min $20
Recreation (movies, games, music, DVD/videos, clubs) min $10
Gifts and charitable donations
Total Variable Expenses

Total Expenses (fixed +variable)



onthly Budget Worksheet

out amounts for the (*) items.

Living on Your Own (Mandatory)

Per Month

Living at Home (Optional)

Per Year

Per Month






























ing at Home (Optional)

Per Year amount will fill automatically

Per Year





Totals will fill automatically


Budgeting & Savings Questions

Please answer each part of the question. Answer in complete sentences or short points
(dont give just one word answers).Please answer each part of the question. Answer in
complete sentences or short points (dont give just one word answers).
1.) INCOME Where are you getting your income from job, parents, student loans, etc? If
working, how much per hour and how many hours do you plan on working? If you needed
to, are there any options to increase your income? (get a second part time job, dog walking,
Answer: I'm working two jobs at part time which will switch to full time once im out of school
so that means 10 mre hours of work every paycheck. I'm also working of my hip-hip albumn
which could bring in at least 2.50$ per CD. If I still need extra cash I'll resort to the labour
downtown for 100$ a day in cash.

2.) EXPENSES Have you spent everything you have earned? If you have a deficit, how
difficult do you think it would be to lower your expenses to balance your budget? What
expenses could you lower to increase your savings? If you have extra money left over at
the end of the month, what would you do with that money?
Answer: I have not spent everything I've made and i never plan to, a man that expects no
unexpected fees is a man with no expectation to live in this world. Hell i could get mugged
for my cash. I save all my extra money and try and make it double.I could starve myself and
walk everywhere to save money if needed.

3.) Does this seem like a realistic budget (or was this a useful exercise)? Please explain your
answer. Do you think you are the type of person who could follow a budget? What makes
you think this?
Answer: This budget seems pretty legit, I am not worried about my money situatiuon at this
point in time. I could easily follow a budget, If i need to do something to survive happily i will
do what is needed. I am determined to be rich.

4.) On the Internet, research three reasons why you should save money.

4.) On the Internet, research three reasons why you should save money.

Answer: Who needs the internet? Spontanious parking tickets or speeding tickets, getting
robbed for your money or phone. Getting in a car accident. Breaking a bone. Realative

5.) Did you know that if you save $50 a month starting when you are 15 you will be a
millionaire when you retire! Do you think its reasonable for a young person to start saving
money in high school? What categories of items are you willing to go without/cut back on
to free-up some money for savings? When do you think you will begin to save? What are
the advantages of starting now?

Answer: I have heard this. Quite the inspirational statement. Of course you should start
saving as a toddler if anything. C.R.E.A.M. (Cash Rules Everything Around Me). This is the
world we live in and we have to adapt to it. I'm will to go without clothes, gas, internet,
phone, as long as I have a home to live in.

Visit to play around with the numbers if you would like to
save more (or less) per month.

r short points
n. Answer in

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If you needed
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hip-hip albumn
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get? What
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would like to

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