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A church with open arms, loving hearts, and a desire to bring glory to god

Faith Christian Church News

How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension!
The LORD supports the humble, but he brings the wicked down into the dust. Psalm 147:5-6

Join us this Sunday!

As we will have Pastor Randy Goodwin preaching and Frances Woody
playing the piano. Bring a friend with you and join us at 10AM!

Mark Your Calendar!

CLT wants to hear from YOU!

Do you have any ideas, concerns or
would like to get involved at FCC? If so;
please contact one of the CLT members
before our next CLT meeting on 5.5.15.


April 19-Guest Pastor Randy Goodwin

April 26-Holy Communion
May 10-Mothers Day
June 21-Fathers Day

Was a huge success!

Thank you Stephanie Gordon for putting together
the Easter Egg Hunt and crafts; over 700 candy
filled eggs were hidden. Thank you to the CLT for
providing delicious meals on Good Friday and
Easter Sunday! And a special Thank YOU to the
congregation for inviting your family, friends, and
Volume 3, Issue 19

April 2015

Whats in FCC News this week?

Join us this Sunday!

CLT wants to hear from You! 1


Mark Your Calendar

Mothers Day

Our Extended Church


Message from Pastor Reid

Thank You Card

April Celebrations

Altar Flowers

Prayer Concerns

Meeting place address:

4630 Blanchard Road
Burlington NC 27217

Postal address:
P. O. Box 1731 Burlington NC 27216
Church website:

Mothers Day
Join us as we honor and remember
our Mothers on Sunday, May 10th.

Contact Information for Pastor Reid

Home Telephone(336) 447-4445 Cell Phone(336) 214-1065

Have you liked our Facebook Page?

Or checked out our website!
Click on FCCs logo and Facebook icon to visit our page and website

Message from Pastor Reid

Celebrating the New Life We Have in Christ!
By the time you read this article the church will have celebrated the new life we have in Jesus Christ through his life,
death, and resurrection! The pivotal event in all of history is the resurrection of our Lord from the grave. The darkness
and gloom of Good Friday stands in stark contrast to the renewed hope and brightness of resurrection morning only
three days separate the most challenging (Jesus death on the cross) and the most rewarding days of history.
Life is abounding all throughout the creation. The grass is turning green bulbs are coming out of the ground in glory
Bradford pear and dogwood trees are enhancing the landscape. In the midst of the new life we are seeing warming
temperatures and longer days. The birds are returning and singing their songs of joy! All that we see and reflect on in the physical
world is an expression of what God is doing in the spiritual world. Life is good all the time. Ecclesiastes tells us, There is a time
for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (verse 1). Gods timing is perfect and as we keep him in the center
and focus of our lives the beauty of what
he brings will be evident to us.

Our Extended
Church Family
Hassell and Becky Corbett-

712 Jeffries Cross

Road Burlington
NC 27217
Ervin and Polly Stanfield6403 Union Ridge
Road Burlington
NC 27217
Victor Newcomb1413921 M C I
P. O. Box 506
Maury NC
Hannah RichWestern Carolina
University 245
Memorial Drive
Suite 8054
Cullowhee NC

It is evident God is at work to get us into a permanent facility. The discussions with Hopedale Christian Church are
continuing. There are still many aspects of possibly merging two congregations that leaders in both churches will need
to work on. At this point I strongly encourage you to seek Gods heart. Pray over Revelation 3:7, .What God opens no
one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I am confident as we pray God will reveal to both us and the people
of Hopedale his will and purpose. I am committed with sharing with our Church Leadership Team and the congregation
on developments.
I am grateful for the freedom you are giving me as a congregation to stay close to God. I am committed to studying so I
can effectively preach and teach Gods Word. I also am committed to supporting you spiritually in the challenges you
face. The Church Leadership Team and I are working together to lead in a manner that brings honor and glory to our
God. We cherish your prayerful support.
I pray Gods blessings on you, our families, and the kingdom work we are engaging in for our Lord. Pastor Reid

Thank you card

The church has received thank you card from the Joe Walters Family for the floral
arrangement sent at Joes passing.

April Celebrations!
Happy Birthday!
12-Eddie Lewis
18-Connor Rich
22-Vickie Stanfield
22-Herbert Whitfield

Leadership Contacts
Leadership Team
Eddie and Vonda Lewis
336- 516-2454
Jon and Stephanie Gordon
Jerry and Sharon Madden
Jeff and Melissa Blanchard
Lisa Oakley 336-229-9436
Sandi Gordon 336-578-3533
Greg Oakley 336-229-9436
Wilbur Gordon 336-578-3533
Homer Whitaker 336-227-7778
C Tejeda 336-585-0076
Richard Terrell 336-229-0203

Pastor Reid Dickens


Luke 1:14 And you will have joy and

gladness, and many will rejoice at his

Happy Anniversary!
30-Mr. & Mrs. Everette Lewis

1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does

not know God, because God is love. (NIV)

Altar Flowers
Would you like to put
flowers on the altar in
memory or in honor of
someone? Contact Pastor
Reid to purchase and put a
message of your chosen in
the bulletin.

Prayer Concerns

Keith Roach Family, Beatrice Jenkins Herbert and

Nancy Whitfield are the contacts
Louisa Farrell Family Louise Whitaker is the
Pat Cathey Addressing physical health concerns
Gladys Oakley Under a doctors care and awaiting
test results
Carl Woody Family Dawn Goodwin is the contact
Janet Hughes Recovering from surgery and will
begin cancer treatments soon
Kay McCall Still addressing back pain issues
Hassell and Becky Corbett Hassell recovering from
sickness Becky recovering from surgery
Ervin and Polly Stanfield Polly continues to address
physical health issues
Frances Woody Is adjusting to life apart from Times
Louise Whitaker doing better in the wake of
physical health challenges
Makenzie Chambers, Dolly Buckner, John Crawford,
Mark Pell Sherrie Lassiter is the contact
Debbie Rice Family Sherrie Lassiter and the Lewis
Family are the contacts
Carol and Wesley Scott, Pam Barber Everette and
Cheryl Lewis are the contacts
Bobby Pitts James and Donnie Scott are the contacts
Nancy Whitfield Underwent a test recently and is

awaiting results
Allie Pinkerton, Jerry and Mary Porter, Victor
Newcomb Mitchell and Ellen Price are the contacts
Lonnie Foster, Clara Jordan Family, Bonnie Atkins
Family Linda Atkins is the contact
Todd Thompson Family Bonnie Page is the contact
Sherry Teer Family June Gregory is the contact
Rodney Walker Sharon Madden is the contact
Bill Cook Family, David Smith, Louise Dodson
Family Greg and Lisa Oakley are the contacts
Jerry Oliver Family Mary Reagan is the contact
Bessie Lassiter, Sara Underwood Gladys Oakley is
the contact
Joe Walters Family Pastor Reid is the contact
Lorraine Wilson Family Wilbur and Sandi Gordon
are the contacts
Ellen Price Recovering from a recent hospital stay
Buck and Betty Jean Dickens, Cindy Riffe Pastor
Reid is the contact

These are the concerns we have lifted in prayer during the

previous month. You prayer concerns are welcomed on the

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