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teen!) The wizdlom cage Generation 9p ‘starting B Yexd tse comments made by people of diferent generations. Do you know anyone ‘Point who thnks this way? Do you agree wi any of tye statement? Why or why n [rama eee cineoa acannon {ar eee Pe ag “fmsshontn peat [Rann B Pair work What do older people you know typically sy about younger people? ‘What do younger people unl say about oer ple? Ty elues anc tits discussion A Maich cach word with ts opposite. What other words do you know to descibe people's walus or tits? Can you ad any more pairs of your own? Sosedminded — beral optimistic unconventional feomervative modem pessimist unreal conventional old fhioned! realise ‘mtoleran ‘open minded tolerant B Pair work Which words in Exercise A would yon chose o describe these people? Explain your choices My best hen ivr optimistic. He alanys your befriend your parents ‘hint hor hings wil tu at OX Your grandyarents Your teacher 70 (ait grammar focus Zw grammar discussion In nese sefoncas, fer the cuss to ou te so hat bs oy don eect a elses, tee shame that seal ous so much a he pos. ‘A. What do you think about the slaements below? Intoauce cach statement ‘wth an appropiate expesion. spparent likely obvious smd ashame ue unfortunate 1. Mls characters stongly influenced by his or her parents. Jt apparent thot wei character Homer ao ely that there ae ote 2. A happy person makes a better parent 3. Age doesn't ala bring wisdom 1. Mis eta people dink the word was a better place when they were young 45. Many teenage ave afi they sy grow up 4 be hike ther parent {6 Mont people Have lend all they need to hnow by thetime hey ate 20 Now write thre sentences about young people and thee sbout older people ‘sing the expressions from Exercise A. Compare with partner Use tes vs 0 coor hopes on belts hope cha schol wl do seting bout tacing espe. live (a hes satin we can ea ot the post ‘Write to statements these people might make about their hopes or bei Compare wilh a partner B® 1. ep thet pple il pend 1 more mongy on education 2 2. 2 ‘Changing beliefs Group work How hive your bei oF opinions changed in the hak ve ten yeas? Think of at lest vo bi fag i nt ‘ropiions you hold bow dat you tol before beer mee Frcs pen . tea that you need 0 save money Compare withthe hor members of your group. fee et ai Lesson B ” Mstening A er Listen w Crsina, Vince, and Brian ulking about people who have had an iniluence on thet. Who is each perso talking about? What hey learn from | thse people? Whe Wot ny learned B Pair work Which older poople have had an influence cn Your Ife? Why? What Kind of people were they? Ask and answe allow up questions ‘A: My aunt had a big influence on me, 4h; Why? What wa she Uke? A; Wel se war avery pen minded woman, A. Combi te vcs on the left withthe nouns on the right, Can you think of any ‘more nouns to go with these vero? BB Pale work Write senences using the phrases you made n Esarcie Ato describe relations between younger people and olde people 1 ble thot parents shod tan example hi chile 72 (wait reading A. Pair work Discuss these questions wi «partner. Then read the arte 10 compare yet eas withthe autor, 1. How would you define mide age? 2, What adjectives do you think of when you think of mide age? ‘3. Do you think mileage sa more or less tren ime than youth? Why? 4. What hogan middle-aged people give o do that younger people can't? IFS WOT $0 Bad TO Be MUOLE-AGED oe mileage om cg at ‘itn ing ye done Mchngetan May owcot spt ee hanya The cy ric egemsiy ie inclorenoth of inti aie Setelag: New tng ome im ne when pl ban aii armileagecne tc tne cle Sa em tes pp For Cf, filo nth and evepnen—Mpot a ml ro Nori howler anno aduypric feng ce lyn cd ine at ee see ee eee ers teacher during wilde ge Sorcha san oh ow pec hl yc ek mc ga? Om cere ersten tree nemgy Pus ish wai yeti Ix ee eee sn ge alng with my wie. amy hii ‘ach major change dee oe 3 va fucmideoged people srs much kex "Foo op ac yy Sr, sd poe regal se eet etek wi hn yop png a oh ra eng he mien rome Aes ny i Ge ning a rhs ie Mie Sm altima 2 from smorepocil Aran) ‘Ny enn mori and pp in ear eee et eel eee [evhat inpenootton Tome | St ee oe cecal you Ue eee em eer Kon itonie pe wan!hm. Soma aig he Noval meen apteonvicomioes bean ccnp an meng ie or tldeage mrt thom ik theyre anya es Spon Terwn'5 any tathn chines en tm mh rd id yo ‘heya beneen35unJ 70 Areznuney po ide? Ln kan coun fend thc pple dine uae y ding ou have dane 4 j | { a j B Group work Discuss these questions Then share your answers withthe clas, Ny it 1. Can you summariar the main idea ofthe article in one oe evo sentences? 2 Can you think of ether examples of older penple who help Younger people? [8 Wha sort of naences do yu think you'll have on young people when youve se? Why? SOOT 72

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