C S Lewis

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Ruth Ocampo
Mrs. Hohl
CP English 4
Period: 3
3 March 2015
C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis was a prolific author of fiction and nonfiction. He was mostly known for
being the most influential in writing non-fiction christian apologists. He started writing his
novels in the later Middle Ages. C.S. Lewis wrote most of his novel on his faith because he
wanted to make a reasonable case for his Christian faith. although many people did criticised
him, those comments never affected him. He was known for other styles he has written like
science fiction. In all his styles of writing there always has to be a theme of Christianity to them.
C.S. Lewis was also known for being a poet, lecturer, lay theologian, essayist and broadcaster.
C.S. Lewis was great friends with novelist, J. R. R, Tolkien. They both met at Oxford University
where they both use to teach English. They were both in a literary group called the Inklings.
The Inklings were a group which helped C.S. Lewis with his writing and his faith. The Inklings
were a group of literary friends that J. R. R. Tolkien, Nevill Coghill, Lord David Cecil, Charles
Williams, Owen Barfield, and C.S. Lewis brother Warren Lewis were in. They helped him on
his faith because they were the reason why he caved in to Christianity when he was atheist. They
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kept insisting and tellings him bible scriptures and reasons how God is real and how He is alive.
Finally, after many days of talking to C.S. Lewis, he finally believed it and made his way back to

Clive Staples Lewis or more known as C.S Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland on
November 29, 1898. He also had a nickname, which was Jack Lewis. Thats the name his family
often called him by. Rarely would they call him by his birth name. His father was Albert James
Lewis and his mother Florence Augusta Lewis, who died on August 23, 1908 when C.S. Lewis
was only ten years old. A year later he gets a bit better and decided to enroll at Cherbourg House
and thats where he decided to abandon his Christian faith. Since Lewis was born and raised in a
Christian family that attended the Church of Ireland every week, the decision he made to leave
his beliefs were rather shocking. When he was just 15, not only did he made the decision to leave
his Christian faith but to also become an atheist. Lewis said according to C.S.Lewis.com, that he
was angry with God for not existing. He only had one sibling, an older brother named Warren
Hamilton Lewis. C.S. Lewis and his brother loved to read. Even as a little boy, Lewis use to
write and illustrate his own stories. Since his house was full of books because of his dad, it was
really easy for Lewis to find a book and read. A month after his mothers death, Clive was sent to
the Wynyard School in Watford, Hertfordshire, England. 2 years later he enrolled as a boarding
student at Campbell College which was located where he was born, Belfast, Ireland but sadly he
had to leave that school due to respiratory problems. In 1916 he won scholarship to University
College, Oxford. He decided to attend Oxford College in 1917. After 6 months of
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attending the college he decided to enlist in the British army during world war 1. He became
wounded on April 15 during a war battle but soon recovered and in October returned back to the

army. In December 1918 he became discharged and thats when he decided to focus more on his
writings. From 1924 through 1925 he had the privilege to be a philosophy tutor at University
College. He got called to be a tutor at his old college, Oxford University and he accepted it. After
being an English Language and Literature tutor for 29 years there, he decided to attend
Cambridge University in 1954. In 1931, he decided to convert back to Christianity after having a
large conversation with his brother and best friends. C.S. Lewis, according to wikipedia, did
receive a first in Honour Moderations (Greek and Latin literature) in 1920, a First in Greats
(Philosophy and Ancient History) in 1922, and a First in English in 1923. In 1954, he accepted
the chair of medieval and Renaissance literature at Cambridge University. He loved being in city
of Oxford so much that every weekend he would go there to visit. In 1956, he married Joy
Davidman whom after 4 years later died of Cancer at the age of 45. Joy Davidman was married
before getting married to C.S. Lewis to an author named William L. Gresham, whom she has 2
sons with. Joy divorced William because of domestic violence in her relationship. Joy was a
writer who was Jewish and she was also a communist before converting to Christianity. One day
she was complaining about her hip and went to go get it checked out and came back with the
devastating news that she had terminal bone cancer. C.S. Lewis and Joy were both devastated
that they refuged in God and tried to make their relationship as Holy as possible. Since she was
divorced before getting married, they had to have a good Christian relationship since divorce
isnt allowed in Christianity. David and Douglas were Joys children whom then became C.S.
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Lewis stepsons. After Joys death, C.S. Lewis still continued to look after her kids. Douglas
Gresham decided to convert to Christianity thats why Lewis and him had a stronger bond than
his other stepson, David Gresham. David Gresham decided to follow his mothers faith which

was Orthodox Jewish. Even though, C.S. Lewis didnt have children of his own, he considered
his step-children as one of his own. After the death of his wife, Joy, C.S. Lewis wrote a memoir
on her called Surprised By Joy.

C.S. Lewis was known for making the greatest Christian novels of all time. According to
an article on BeThinking.org, most of the country of Czech Republic is among the most atheist
countries in the world. Most people that live in Czech Republic are not interested in religion and
very rarely read Christian literature. There is an exception though and that is C.S. Lewis novels.
Czech atheist really enjoy reading his books but the question is why? Why do atheist enjoy
reading his Christian books? Why did he become an apostle of the postmodern era. According to
the article, it says, C.S. Lewis style of thinking and literary technique have little to do with
abstract speculations like "Metaphysical Evidence for God" or "A Treatise on Moral Absolutes".
He used literary means and genres, rarely found in the field of Christian apologetics: poetic
language, symbolism, myth, science fiction, novels, fictionary correspondence. Probably the
most characteristic feature of Lewis literary style is his usage of metaphor, symbol and
mythopoetic language. In his particular use of language, Lewis was able to employ his expertise
in literary theory and history of literature, the field of scholarship which was his secular
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occupation. C.S. Lewis used a wrote in a variety of genres. He has written from poetry to
science fiction and he also writes to defend the Christian faith. C.S. Lewis was influenced by
many such as Phantastes by George MacDonald, The Everlasting Man by G. K. Chesterton, The
Aeneid by Virgil, The Temple by George Herbert, The Prelude by William Wordsworth, The Idea
of the Holy by Rudolf Otto, The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius, Life of Samuel Johnson

by James Boswell, Descent into Hell by Charles Williams and Theism and Humanism by Arthur
James Balfour. But its extremely obvious, since he is a Christian author he was most influenced
by the Holy Scriptures, The Holy Bible. His writing were mostly affected by his faith. He
believed that by reading the bible everyday and having a relationship with God would make him
a better person and a better writer. He wrote frequently about the christian faith because he
wanted everybody to know the Gospel. He frequently referred to a verse in the bible where it
says, He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation - Mark

C.S. Lewis wrote many novels that caught the attention of many people during his time
period. Today his novels still continue to have a huge impact and influence all around the world.
Some of his majors works include: Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letter, The Great Divorce,
The Dark Tower, The Abolition Of A Man, Spirits in Bondage, Dymer, Launcelot, The Nameless
Isle, and The Queen of Drum, The Four Loves and the most popular novel that most people have
read and recognize is his famous The Chronicles of Narnia. The novel that caught the most of
my attention is The Screwtape Writers. It is an christian apologetic novel that is written in
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satirical style. The Screwtape Writers is about how demons can affect a Christians life.
The book is in a series of letters in which Wormwood, a junior devil, and his uncle, Screwtape,
talk about how one can ruin and manipulate the life of a Christian. Screwtape writes to
Wormwood and tells him in specific detail how he can destroy his patient or the person he has
been assigned, to commit sinful acts and destroy his life and lead the person away from God and
into the place where all demons live. In the novel, Wormwood never replies but from the letters

that Screwtape writes we can get an idea on what he is telling Screwtape. C.S. Lewis wrote the
novel in the demons perspective because he wanted Christians to see how important it is to see
the truths of being a Christian. Some Critics opinions on this novel were: Jul 19, 2013, Jessica
Journey - In a short, inefficient word that must suffice: wow. No book, short of the Bible, has
ever done so much for my relationship with God. This is powerful stuff, a story of opposites.
Viewing our world from the dark depths of hell, from the hateful eyes of a demon, emphasizes
incredibly the light of heaven and love of God. I was moved to tears nearly every time I sat down
to read a few chapters. He, God, loves me. I have never understood that so fully as when Lewis
allowed me a glimpse of what life might be like if He didn't. The Screwtape Letters has made me
wiser; more discerning. And perhaps more importantly, even: more thankful. Every Christian
needs to read this book. Another was, Lisa - This was my first C.S. Lewis book - I kept
meaning to read the Narnia Chronicles, but never got around to it. Now I'm completely addicted
to his writing, and plan to read many more of his books. The Screwtape Letters is written from
the perspective of an advanced demon (Screwtape), writing to his nephew, Wormwood. It takes a
minute when you start the book to wrap your brain around the point of view - but once you
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realize what is going on, it really makes you think from different angles. I knew Lewis
was brilliant - this book is really amazing when you think about how you'd have to just immerse
yourself in this train of thought to write a book like this and to follow all the rules it sets up for
itself. It's short, it's a quick read, and it will make you think - I recommend it to everybody.
According to wikipedia, another person who had a good experience reading the novel was David
Foster Wallace. Wikipedia said, he praised the book in interviews and listed it first on his list of
top ten favorite books. U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia read the book and had an

interview in New York magazine, and had to say in exact words according to wikipedia, "The
Screwtape Letters is a great book. It really is, just as a study of human nature. This novel
represents the author in many ways. Since this novel is referring to Christians and how everyday
the devil tries to tempt you and make you fall, it relates to C.S. Lewis because he too is a
Christian. So by writing this novel he was writing about his own experiences which is why it
makes the novel more touching and interesting, since every Christian who reads it can relate to it.
The authors worked to the public was received very well since most of the critics opinions
talked very highly about the novel. Mostly Christian believers took this novel to heart and had
great things to say about it, but the non-believers didnt have such great things to say, since they
cant exactly relate to what the novel is trying to express.

C.S. Lewis wrote many great inspiring books but thats not the only thing that he is
known for. He is also known for his inspirational quotes. Some of his quotes are, To love at all
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is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If
you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap
it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the
casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will
change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is
to be vulnerable. Another one is, To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because
God has forgiven the inexcusable in you. My favorite quote of his is, I believe in Christianity
as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything

else. One of his most famous novels, Mere Christianity, has a famous saying and it is one of his
most famous quotes that Billy Joel loves and it is, I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the
really foolish thing that people often say about Him: Im ready to accept Jesus as a great moral
teacher, but I dont accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who
was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He
would either be a lunatic on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg or else he
would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of
God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him
and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come
with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to
us. He did not intend to. This quote is a very deep saying because some Christians call
themselves Christians but they dont believe that Jesus is the son of God. C.S.
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Lewis is saying in this saying that you must either make a choice, you must believe that
Jesus is the son of God or you shouldnt believe anything at all.

In the month of June year 1961, C.S. Lewis first became ill and was suffering from
inflammation of the kidneys which then after resulted to blood poisoning. Him becoming ill
affected his whole life in a way that he had to miss his autumn term at Cambridge University.
Although he did manage to return back in 1962 because his health was getting better according
to some of his friends that used to attend Cambridge with him. In 1963 Lewis has completely
recovered and became himself. On July 15 1963 he became really ill and was sent to the hospital.

The next day after he was sent to the hospital, at 5:00p.m. he suffered a heart attack and was in a
coma. The next day he woke up unexpectedly at 2:00p.m. After sometime of being at the hospital
he was finally able to go home and was discharged. He resigned from Cambridge and his job
because his health had been failing and he was becoming worse. In mid-November he was
diagnosed with end-stage renal failure, which is Chronic Kidney disease. One week exactly
before his birthday on November 22 at 5: 30p.m, C.S. Lewis Lewis collapsed and soon after
died. He was buried at Holy Trinity Church in the churchyard which is located in Headington,
Oxford. His death was really not known because on that same day he died president John F.
Kennedy was assassinated and also on that same day the death of Aldous Huxley. C.S. Lewis has
become a legacy in our world today. He has been ranked 11th on the list of, 50th greatest British
writers since 1945. He has made an impact and has affected and influenced many
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upcoming authors such as, A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken, Daniel Handler's A
Series of Unfortunate Events, Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl, Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials,
and J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter. Since C.S.Lewis has inspired many people all over the world,
people have named organizations after him, mostly Christian organizations. C.S. affected many
people in many ways but the greatest way that he has affected people is by converting people
into Christianity. Most people may have not converted by reading his novels but they knew about
Christianity and how God sent his son to die for us because He loved us. Finally, his life may
have had struggles and problems like we may all have in our lifetime. We even doubt at times if
God is real, C.S. Lewis did go through that, but I know that God had a special plan for his life
because after the trial of his mother passing away he became very devastated and he blamed God
for not being there and not having mercy on her. But God knew that if He didnt do what He did,

C.S. Lewis wouldnt have been the great Christian that he was, also he wouldnt have impacted
the world like he did.

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