Eldredge Complaint

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State of Minnesota , County of Washington 5 District Court Complaint m Court File Ne AMENDED COMPLAINT. ‘TAB CHARGE PREVIOUSLY FILED. [S2cr TS ‘TE OF File #. MINNESOTA, F WASHINGTON COUNTY PLAINTIFF, 1 DISTRICT COURT 1 Warrant E APR 1 6 2015 vs. D COURT At ISTRATOR “WANE: Fit, Middle, last ~ Ta OT Nathan Nigel Anthony Eldredge L E D 4165 Odegard Avenue Stillwater, MN 55082 9/22/1990 con _ DEFENDANT = _ GE] StaateType J Offense] — Statute Number & Deseripion [Offense] MOC] GOC | Contraling | Controt Date | Level ‘Agencies | _ Numbers T [Share] On oe about | — 00.1 Bib Ny Marder Bd P| Wa Was Apt Degzee= With Intert-Not 21s Premediated Penalty 609.19 Subd. (1) Murder - 2nd | Degyee- With Iten-No _ Premed = EC Your complainant is a licensed peace officer in the State of Minnesota, and is employed by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. In that capacity, and based on the investigation by the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (hereinafter BCA), the Oak Park Heights Police Department, and the Washington County Sheriff's Office your complainant states the following to establish probable cause: (On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 the BCA was requested to assist the Oak Park Heights Police Department with a death investigation at 14655 62 St,, Apartment 3, Oak Park Heights, Washington County, MN. The investigation has revealed the following: N.C.J., DOB: 02/22/1976, resided alone at 14655 62” Street N, Apt. 3, Oak Park Heights. N.C.J. was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic and worked at the McDonald's on Highway 36. N.C.J.'s mother, D.A.J. and father, own the apartment, however it was held in trust for their son. As of Sunday, April 12, 2015, D.AJ. had not heard from or seen N.C.J. since Thursday, April 8". D.A.J. reported that it was unusual to ‘not hear from her son, so she went to 14655 62 Street, Apt. 3, to check on his welfare. When she arrived, she attempted to open the door of the apartment with her set of keys, but the door was chained shut. As she pushed the door, someone on the inside pushed back slamming the door shut. D.A.J. retumed to her home to call the police as. she was concerned for her son, N.C.J. Nathan Nigel Anthony Eldredge Complaint Supplement Page 2 ‘On Sunday April 12, 2015 at 10:33 am, Officers Givand, Croft and Hicks responded to the residence, where they met D.A.J. D.AJ. attempted to open the door again, but it was pushed shut. Officer Croft announced, “police” and the door was opened by a male NATHAN NIGEL ANTHONY ELDREDGE, DOB: 09/22/1990, herein defendant. The defendant stated that N.C.J. was not at the apartment, but that he and a female, DESTINY JOY PHILLIPS, DOB: 08/26/1994, had N.C.J’s permission to be there. Officer Croft checked the interior of the apartment and nothing appeared out of order. Officer Givand did see in the second bedroom closet a pile of clothing partially concealed by a dresser. The defendant told Officer Croft that N.C.J. had been at the residence the evening prior, but had left on foot. The defendant stated that N.C.J. had given him permission to stay at the residence and to use N.C.J.'s truck. The defendant admitted that he had stayed at the residence Friday evening, and that he had taken N.C.J.’s truck late Saturday morning and driven to St. Francis to retrieve Destiny Phillips and that the two of them had returned Saturday evening. That N.C.J. had not been in the apartment when he returned, that he had actually not seen N.C.J. since Friday night, As Officers were talking to the defendant, a neighbor, B.F.B.. approached and told Officer Croft that he. had heard a loud sound coming from the apartment at approximately 7:00 am Saturday Morning. The defendant admitted that he was in the apartment at that time, claimed he had the TV on at the time and knew nothing about a loud noise. Officers directed the defendant and Destiny Phillips to leave the property. The apartment was locked and the keys given to D.A.J. for safe keeping. Later that afternoon, as N.C.J. was still missing, Officers decided to locate the defendant and Destiny Phillips and ‘question them again. The two were found walking near Walgreen’s in Oak Park Heights. They were questioned separately. The defendant stated that he had arrived at N.C.J.'s apartment Friday night, and that N.C.J. had given him permission to sleep at the residence Friday night and to use his truck the following day to pick up Ms. Phillips. ‘The defendant claims that around 9:00 pm on Friday, the defendant left on foot. Contrary to this statement, the Oak Park Heights Police Department also received information from S.A, D.0.B. 06/01/1976 who advised that N.C.J. was at his residence of 3790 Hazel trail Unit C in the City of Woodbury MN at approximately 9:00 pm on April 10, 2015, and that N.C.J, then left in his truck to return home. The defendant continued: On Saturday morning, N.C.J. had not returned home, so the defendant took N.C.J.’s truck and drove to St. Francis to retrieve Ms. Phillips. They returned around 10:00 pm. N.C.J. was still not in his apartment, $0 the defendant and Ms. Phillips watched T.V., ate some snacks, hung out and ultimately slept there over night. On Sunday moming, he heard someone attempting to open the door and yell, “Hey, Nils, you there?" He didn't know who it was, 50 he held the door shut. Ms. Phillips was also interviewed and reported the following: The defendant had come to St. Francis to pick her up on Saturday afternoon and they had returned to the residence in question. The defendant told her it was his apartment and that he was renting the truck as he had been in an accident with his vehicle. The defendant added that his roommate had moved out a week earlier, and that the knock on the door was his ex-roommate's mother who was not mentally there so he didn't want to deal with her, so he held the door preventing her from entering, On Monday April 13", 2015, D.A.J. went to the police department to report that her son was still missing. On ‘Tuesday, April 14”, 2015, N.C.J. was still missing, so Officers returned to N.C.J.’s locked residence. As Sat. ‘Anderson searched the apartment, he noticed a strong odor emanating from the residence. Sgt. Anderson entered the second bedroom, used as a gaming room, and noticed a pile of clothes in the closet concealed behind a dresser. Sgt. Anderson moved the clothing, and immediately recognized a deceased male seated upright underneath the clothing. He immediately froze the scene and contacted the BCA for assistance. The BCA Forensic Crime Scene team arrived to process the scene and gather evidence. They discovered a deceased male, identified as N.C.J., DOB: 2/22/1976, siting upright in the closet, undemeath a pile of clothing, and behind a dresser. Officer Givand confirmed that this pile of clothing had not been disturbed and was in the same condition it appeared when he checked on Sunday morning, N.C.J.'s hands were bound by tape and a plastic bag ‘Nathan Nigel Anthony Eldredge ‘Complaint Supplement Page 3 was covering his head and taped around his neck. His eyes and mouth were covered by tape. N.C.J.'s body was ultimately transported to the Ramsey County Medical Examiner and autopsied. The Medical Examiner concluded that the death was as a result of homicide and that the cause was exsanguination due to blunt force trauma with a secondary cause of asphyxiation. N.C.J. had ten large lacerations to the skull as a result of the blunt force trauma, Located in the residence was the following: In the victim's bedroom, the blood stained mattress had been flipped ‘over, there was high velocity blood splatter on the wall, a pair of bloody jeans (too small to fit the victim) behind the headboard of the bed, a pair of handcuffs, and a PR-24 side handle baton (commonly known as a billy club). The sheets had been stripped off the bed and the mattress covered in a comforter that did not belong to the defendant. There was a large stain on the carpet in the bedroom next to the bed that was covered by a towel. In the second bedroom, where the deceased was found, investigators found tape matching the tape that had been used to bind the victim. The washing machine and dryer had recently been used to launder clothing. There was clothing found in the washing machine that appeared too small for the victim and stained with a significant amount of blood. As the Crime Scene Team processed evidence, investigators continued to interview neighbors and possible witnesses. At least two neighbors reported hearing blood curdling screams around 6:30-7:00 am on Saturday ‘morning. Neighbors also reported that the defendant was seen hanging around N.C.J.'s apartment and was known to take advantage of N.C.J. Special Agent Doug Henning spoke to an individual, C. W. who provided text messages he had received from the defendant on Saturday, April 11%. The defendant states, "some fuck up things are happen man,” and ‘I feel responsible.” The defendant is homeless. He has family in Tennessee and has been known to flee the State to avoid previous criminal proceedings. Al efforts by Law Enforcement to locate the defendant have been unsuccessful ‘The foregoing facts constitute your Complainant's basis for believing that on or about April 11, 2015 in Washington County, State of Minnesota, the defendant, Nathan Nigel Anthony Eldredge, (DOB: 09/22/1990), did wrongfully, unlawfully, Count 1 Charge: Murder - 2nd Degree - With Intent-Not Premeditated In Violation of: 609.19 Subd. 1(1) Penalty: 40 years On or about April 11th, 2015, the defendant did cause the death of N.C.J. with intent to effect the death of the victim or another, but without premeditation. This offense occurred in Washington County, Minnesota, Nathan Nigel Anthony Eldredge ‘Complaint Supplement Page 4 (arrested oF that othe awful steps be faken to obtain Defendan’s appearance n court: or (Diataied ered In catody, pending farther proceedings and hl ald Desde otherwise be deal with ecco lv. COMPLATNANT'S NAME! Conrasnanrsstoxgr Snnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension S54 Gary T Suansew fy —_ [Being duly authorized to prosecute the offense(s) charged, Thereby THEREFORE, Complainant requess that sald Defendant, subject to bail or conililloned of release be: ‘| approve this Comlaint I DATE: PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S SIGNATURE ovieno1s ay PROSECUTING ATTORNEY: "ADDRESS/TELEPTIONE NAMESTILE 5 Siv Vurichuk PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S SIGNATURE Assistant Washington County Attomey Washington County Government Center, 15015 62nd Street ‘Attorney Registration #: 034798X ‘North Slater, MN 55082 (65130-6115 ‘Nathan Nigel Anthony Eldredge Complaint Supplement Page 5 Court Cas oe This COMPLAINT was subseribed and sworn to before the undersigned this (0 day of Ard LWP Sime Hip Gu fe a ‘INDING OF PROBABLE CAUSE) From the above sworn facts, and any supporting affidavits or supplemental sworn testimony, I the Issuing Officer, have determined thet probable cause exists to suppor, subject fo bail or conditions of release where applicable, Defendant(s) arrestor other lawful steps be taken 10 obtain Defendant(s) appearance in Cour, or Defendant(s) detention, if already in custody, pending further proceedings. The Defendant(s) islare thereof charged with the above stated offense(s) NAME: ALISSA ANN LEIBFRIED Notary Publ-Minnasota iy Cammanon ee 32018 Title: SUMMONS C)tHBREFORE, You, THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S), ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to epear onthe diy of | tt AMIPM before the aboverntmed cour at 14949 Gand St. N, Slater Minnesota ‘to answer this complaint. IF YOU PAIL TO APPEAR in response to this SUMMONS, a WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST shall be issued /ARRAN' [ClexXECUTE IN MINNESOTA ONLY EXECUTE NATIONWIDE (JEXECUTE IN BORDER STATES To the sherif ofthe above-named count; or other fetson authorized to execute this WARRANT; Ihereby order, i the name ofthe State Of Minnesota tte sve ned Dtean)beapresened oe ateaed wait ad ead ee he ees CHA tesserae teens alge doled Otearet aaa Cher enioe seem mr nee me Tours srt ret ot rao teatro age ruben Ofies a a ee Sa tee [Since the above-named Defendant(s) is/are already in custody; I hereby order; subject to bail or conditions of release, that the Gfovemaned Defendants) conine he Sesind peadng acer tns a 18 of Release: day of aos” 7 ion NAM ‘Signature 7 ‘Swor testimony has been given before the Judicial Officer by the following witnesses: a) ‘Clerk's Signature or File Stamp: RETURN OF SERVICE 1 hereby Certify and Return that | have served a copy of this ‘COMPLAINT upon the Defendant(s) herein-nemed. cae ‘OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF WASHINGTO! STATE OF MINNESOTA. Plaintitt Nathan Nigel Anthony Eldredge Defendant(s) ignature of Authorized Agents _ si

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