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Holt Rinehart and Winston Series in Elecreal Engineating, Electronics, and Systems i ee itm sano Warland tse Anite Cooper ana car, catem, Pests Moted ga an Sar ition she, omen ioson W. Evert ky ac, Topi n Homan leesomagtis Corey arty, Precpine a Aopen of Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Control Systems GHL-TSONG CHEN Department of Electical Sciences ‘state Universi of New York at Stony Brook Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. New York Chicago San Francisco Atlanta alist, Montreal Toronto London Sydney To Beatrice Janet, Pauline, and Stanley Copyright © 1975 by Hol, Rlacart nd Winston ne ‘Al gt eer Printed inthe United States of Ameren ‘Chen, Ch Tne Aaayis an yee fear eonzls3tems. etic enginerng, electronics, and systems) Thclues biogrnies. 1. Auton contl. 1 Tite, ‘cage 7412304 SON: 252005112 garesazat (aURW ste ran.cas 56789 0 Preface “This i an introductory book on the design of nent control systems: 15 seein fam the Iectore moter uted in m one-semester senior couse serra the Sate Universiy of New York at Stony Brook, The noes, taut a We onal materia were sls used in a cne-year jor course win sor coal Cho. Tung University, Taiwan, The background asumed ihe knowtetge of Newton's Tow and Kirchiof's tows. The fiat Sens Laplace tansformation and elementary Hear algebra i help bat ane catagr they are reviewed in the appendixes tothe extent needed in this book, I oes gout of the beok isto enable the eae to carry out complete design of contol eystems, starting fom the formulations of mathematical ‘Sgamlons for contre components tothe fst stags of synthesizing the Ue compensators. For diferent desien techniques are inoduect, sat ei relative wests are discussed. These techaigues are apie 10 the theme example, tracking antenna system with transfer fonction of eae four, the design results are then simulated and compared, Since See niques are developed for linear models of contol systems, in tretal applations the problems of saturation, fading, and noise have [abe examined. They are repeatedly discussed inthe book "Fhe desis of titer ine-ivarinnt contol systems canbe carted oot by uting cher transfer functions oF state-variable equations. The sta th modern oF optima contol encase aiable equations are often identified ariatle teas classieal contol theory wes transfer fan theory, wherett cleov mathematical approaches are introduced Optima 4 this bone ued uring Both trast Tunetons and stte-avable ea desien i dice redenck problems ar anid By the use of tense tons, Si ancaion ofthe to approsches i made; tions, unc crequred in the proots of optimal contol theerieg sept Mave of the Book Ths However shold aa preven we Serene te oct of optimal design techniques, 1 thi author's opinion the emelori at design techniques ae conceptual” and computallonly ple as not simpler than, the rootloeus a STP prcore fn thie book the former i nroduced before the lechnlauey rec tae oder ofthe tedinet theve achnlquet ca be revered lated dependence of chaper sted ot the end oft refit) a ot ceed In most contol tex Is ltroduced together wit ne et eedback system. THs text begins with the formulation of » the method ean be applied 10 any 20 rf conta ystems, Th presentation ofthe frequency domain cor on aferat from other texts. Efort is made to derive the tech Somaie specifiers. from. the timedomaln specifications ‘Aitough there derivation 8 nol that ths approach Suan a mew ton the tay of "Tne text srsses syese, 2 developed 8 tools for syntheses, Most reo ‘Sreme, but ne prof are given. To Delp cree atoms and problems are provided at the gid of each chante ie eee angel forthe probes can be obtained from he publisher. ots the advance of Utegated circits aa wide availablity of comes he discrete tine techniques become insrasingly importing cor Meant ir mode fo Incorporate discrete-time techniques in the Aste i ny resis inthe cotinine method, SU 2 book Aaa design, and rootlocus method, can be directly applied to ization epijme eae However the attempt was discarded forthe flo io era: Ft the materia inthe tex more than ha which cn ing ewe ee ja eme-semester course. Second, to give n meatingfl iro. te er Iaceteie sytem, escussions of cod, samotin,aralog dectiot Ccomerion. and some eight circuit implementation cannot be ae a would enormously increase the size ofthe txt. ite set dal (0 many people in writing the Book. To Professor 1. bea Dean ofthe Collegeof Eaginceing at Stony Brook and Pro. 2 ores Chang for ther leadethip ad encouragement, 10 Professor fer sose, Charan of the Department of Electrica! Seenees, Mae the departmental aint, o Profexsor PE, ary for ote roe be mamuserigt and for many, sopestions in improving the cotta, to hrs V. Donahue MexR, Boule, and Ms.J Logiovane to ping vais dats ofthe book. to wih thank he ator {oi ymin eters. Talwan, where the Hal dra was comnlete. Toga dependence of chapter Chapter 2 1 chapter 3 Chapter 4+ Chapter 3 1 chapter 6 wt LZ ome iq Shapter 9 Chapter 10 ‘sarsaceaeas Caer 8 chapter CChieTsong Chen ‘Stony Brook, New York Contents Introduction Contr Systems 1 Problem Formulation 2 Scope of the Text 5 References 6 Mathematica Descriptions of Linear “im:-nvarant Systems 1 Physical Systems and Models 7 Inpats, Outputs, and States of Lumped Systems 9 Linear Time-tnvarint Systems | 12 ‘The input Output Description of Single- Variable Systems. 15 ‘The State Variable Description of Single Variable ‘systems 20 ‘Mathematical Descriptions of Multivariable Systems 24 Complete Characterization | 27 Remarks and Review Questions 32 References 33 Problems 33 chapter 3 Est chapter 5 51 53 54 55 Control Components and Systems 20 Introduetion "38 Rend DC Devices 39 Servamotors 40 Gear Trains 47 Transducers 81 Error Detectors 56 ‘Amplifiers. 59 Compensation Networks | 60 Examples of Contr systems 63 Remarks and Review Questions 70 Reterences 72 Problems 73 ‘Anatyste: Quantitative and quattative a Matreratieal Descriptions of Composite Systems BL “Tanster Funetion-Partial Fraction Expansion 85 Selatan of Dynamic! Equals, 99 . otal StabIlty "95 Stenlity nd Complete Choreeterizelon "100 Routh Huralte Criterion 104 Steady-State Responses of Stable Systems _ 109 Simplification 112 Romarke and Review Questions 115 References 116 Problems 117 - Sangter Staton nd Resta 122 nalog Computer Simulations of Dynamicel Equations 122 Digital Computer Equations» 132 Realization Problem 134 Reallzations of Proper Rational Funetions 135 Realizations of Vector Proper Rational Transfer Functions 143, Remarks and Review Questions 148 References 149 Problems 150 jimulations of Dynamical Chapter 8 on 92 93 Anosetion to Dotlam 182 he choice of a Plant 152 Performance Criterion 154 Teo dasic Aporoaches inthe Design 159 Diffcuties inthe Design 160 Review Questions 164 References | 165 Problems 165 ‘ynthesizable Transfer Functions and 188 Feedback Pole Zoro Excesses of Overall Transfer Fonction 168 Zeros and Pole of an Overall Transfer Fuetion 172 ‘iy Feedbockt 173 Remarks and Review Questions 181 References 182 Problems| 182 “optimal control Systems 188 ‘Guodratc Performance ‘Gptimal Contra} Sytem ‘Rpprosch 188, ‘Optimal Contal Systems State-Variable ‘Approach 194 ‘The Regulator Problem | 197. Ze All State Variables Available for Feedback? 189 Design of Compensators: Output Feedback 202 ‘Design of Compensators: State Feedback 208 Design of Compensators: Patil State Feedback 213, Remarks and Review Questions 219 References 221 Problems 221 ‘The Root Locis Method 24 Problem Formulation: One-Parameter Variation 224 Desired Pole Locations | 226 ‘The Plot of Root Loci 232 ah conrenre ea 35 ‘chapter 10 tot 102 103 104 105 106 Chapter 11 web a2 3 chapter 12 124 122 Design by the Root Lecus Technique 239 and Review Questions 248 ees 209 Problems.” 250 the Frequency-Domain Technique Frequeney-Domain Specifications | 256, Frequeney Domain Plats: Polar Plat Bode Cand Log Mageitude Phase Plot 260 Statiity Test Inthe Frequency Domain 268 Specifications In Terms of Open-Loop Transfer Funetions 270 Design on the Bede Plots 279, Remarks and Review Questions 293, References 295 Problems 295 Parameter Optinization 209 Anabel Mathod 300 ‘Numerical Mathod 308 Concluding Remarks 312 References, 313 : Problems 314 Epligue CCompar'sons of Various Design Results ofthe ‘Tracking Antenna Problem 315 Further Tepies 319 Mulharable Systems 319 Linear Discrete-Time Systems $22 ‘Time-Varying Systems | 324 Nonlinear Systems 324 Stocksstic Systems 325 ‘Adaptive and Learning Systems 325 References 326 The Laplaes Transformation a7 Reference 331 ix Theory 332 Matrices 332 The Rank of a Matrix 333 Linear Algebraic Equations 335 References 336 Indox 337 285 CHAPTER 1 Introduction 2-4 Control Systeme Sine ths txts concerned with the analyse and design of conto sytem it in prtnent a the veeyeuet to douse whats contol ster i, Roo speaking. any connection of dees or any arrangement that tiesto chi: ‘tas goal isconte opie. This deiton fo vagacthat a get nome ‘Or aptems can be coaldered mr contol yer, Let ux give some examples “The suces of aa economic sem ig measured by the gros mation! prodect (GNP), therate of unemployment, average hoary wage, and consumes ee tnd. I the annua ncene of the conearer price index is 00 large, the rate of employment Is not acceptable, then the conor policy has tobe ‘modified This done by th changes of interests, of government pening, {tnd of monetary poly. This economic sytem ean be looked upon asa contol pute. Te goa of the este eto obtain a heathy annual increase of GNP. {a keap the tte of unemployment below x certain perentage, and to Bol the ‘consumer pice nex constant. The controlling Factors are government spending, Timers rate, and monetary polly. This system has several interrelated factors, the causeand-efiectrlaonshipe of which are not exactly own. Furthermore there are many uncertainties (Such as consumer spending, labor dippte, or fnterational erie) fnvolved inthe eptem; hence an economic sem isa extremely complicated conto stem. See T [ein] we 14. Sloped mt powerplant Sending a space vei othe moo and bringing bac safely to the cath 1s deotber example of « completed contol este, Ifthe tectory of hace voles Hol properly conta be spac yell 6 May Int OU ce Another contol problem Ia that of ooatoring, (fom the earth the {tle exmern mounted on 8 fover on the moon aorface, The cera 8 onto remotely to ean the aueface ofthe moon and to eeu on interetng ects ‘Seta contol syste are ay exotls athe one Just meniloned, A home ating sytem refigeraton and an oven ae al coniel seme they contra the temperatuves of some cived spaces. A batizoom tolet tak au costrol {ym it malotin te water level ta pest eight. Driving an aotomobile {ao 4 contol protien; we contol the automotile to say Ina ane aod to crise ats deed pee ‘Control stems ve indispensable fp modern manafaeuring and industria proseuen Por example coniger the nuclear powerplant shown in Figure {a orer to malta te peste and trsperatre of steam at fxd levels, ‘contol pstem is equired tose the pasion ofthe contol rol. Another control ‘Suton is required to regulate the gsncratedellge st, sry, 120 volts, The ‘epuletion ofthe speed ofthe trbine shaft andthe maintenance ofthe water [rc ofthe bolero eal for contol rytems Iv paper ml theeite process from the st stage of moving ea material tothe last stage of controling ihe mip thickres, and strength of paper can be accomplished astometcally ty the tse of control eystemt Hence contol ests are indeed indlspensabie a dustin processes. 1-2 Problem Formulation ‘Although cont systems may appear gute dierent inform, they are essea- tly the sme typeof design problem. Thiscanbeseea by daring the schematic ingrazs of control ete. gre Seperate sapom of ls ke ‘Covsier the bethroom fet tank shows In Figure 1-2(0 The mecha, ta 15 ce the sive nutorntioly whenever the wate level racer 8 reset [eight-A chem eagram of the satom le sown a Pipe I-20), The oat Italics the mater lve atthe waive poston. Aah m tlt tk fs 9 ‘ery snp mechani, cha all the Ingredients fe onto em. "a Tame heating system can be represented schematically as shove in ‘Fore 13, The burner supplies the rooms wih best throug ether ot ait thor water The thermostat menses the roo temperate, comptes with the temperature deeived, and then torn the burner on or off. We see thal i tehemate digsam i oie wil wo that ofthe wate an, “Thecontrol ef the descending stage of lunar medleishownin Fee I “The desired descending taetor le precomputed. The gel ofthe «itl 40 hnve the stu! descending trajotory a le as pose tothe dese one. “Ths is achieved with the aid of an on-board computer, altimeter, and ther control ofa clothes evi. Ars fal example, the schematic diagram of ‘Geyer is shown in Figure -3. Depending onthe desied degree of drys, teas, —ef Sexe | [rome er JLo : a let 13. Schema agri of «home beating yen, cme LT ewe i Conta of «ln mode. Alter sing the drper fora number fron ov ceping ote wae Te {he ote te be conte Hd. In oder to eaty ou the contol we ned 8 ae ‘of evce such as valves in thecae of «gas Pt ora burner, This wet of devices atl co semetor An etenor ogeter with the object 10 be controled, Wal be ale pon, The outp eft plant lathe wriab to be controled, “The fepot of & plant elle an steting la In der to carry out the ‘Zeon the mition fr trasatd Into mqueltatve ently, och ana deed Wabetory or temperature This quanta enty i called the dated sige, ee eStenend spr Hence dhe design peblem can be ited es follows: Given CUanN in a Seed spel shown fn Fipore 1-6 design an overl system {tnt ouput ofthe plat wil bea elses posible tothe desired anal, {Tir mil be agleved by the design of contol, of compensators, ae the ‘Tiploymet of ening devices. The text s devoted enirely co tis problem "Phere are scaly two types of contolstems: the ope: oop system andthe loved oop, or esdback, stem. It opettoop system the actuating signal {a predelernined and wil not change no mater what the acta outpat i ‘Cites washer and spe dyer (hose without sensing devices) ae syste ‘Stats type In closed-loop eter the actuating signal wil be 3 fenton of {he Sede signal es welay the actaa outpat. Tho ystemsin Figure - through 1 are of ths pe. A propery designed feedback system can fancin beter et [ne] os} } taint T Flewe 1-5 Seen dagram of he cont oa sinple de 1-3 scorm or mun text 5 igus 16 The base diene frcused in det, Hence he emphasis thon an epertoop spate, wll be ds Ins tex wil bron feedback ye 1.8 Scope of the Text ‘intents conned ely imines tn hee owe end hanna we yoy Sienna Ese iat amet te tte can be cies dotoossy sae seiner! or Seating. lumped ov db, colin in nine tcente Rony ening, a ee stun te serpent peer. eed ae ae ater fn and net fifa tt abe of eae arcane "A mem nn commen ee He a ae fe, and eect ye cov no ra conta tips to eas comple wean Otte pore prin a rtac the mater eqs we hou Se ea et ay ad tear re st ioe sap rea te tree fection, a he io tare in evap frm hese cone Te oe of aa ean ae indeed Tu come #Hnporont ie ene oor ti and mathematics dsrsins of contrat rete u rtesecmgaens. mht we sl pte 3 we study components A number ofcontrel sae ‘Thin chapter illustrates how the mathematical ew Tiaghout th tet ae derived fom physica systems, abo provides the i orth consertion of liye constrains the dese Chapter # we stady the gunniative and quaiative anaes of incor stems. The anasistechniques are apple (0 any ese, is founds hence we introduce fst the math- Sina! desrions of compose systems. The quanittie anaes are itzuaed only trey, because they canbe delegated toa dg or an analog lem: the reul seul in the eyes of transfer union by sing an eatons-amplier cet. “Chapters dough Se more ot les concerned wth modeling and alysis ‘concered wih the design prblen the tale approcehet, and powible ieutef e design tue diced In Chapter 6 The presence of noe I contol systems rss the sas of compensators used If practice. This veteon ientabl imposes ceralneocatnlats on evel systema This Is diced In Chapte 7, Cor ‘ations of open-loop and closed oop sytems are alo dicosed in thischager. "There are four methods wvalale In the design of contol sytem. They ‘are the epinal deen, the 190" loss metho the Bode plot method, tnd the ‘rameter optinization method. Thewe methods er Introduced eespecvey a ‘Chapters 89,10, and 1, Inthe optimal design both the trate funcon rc the statevariable approsches are stole. A treching antetna problem, which fas tanfer fonction of degree 4, i Gagned by tng thee four methods Sconuao cf hr mnou rte mat on a et cap en References 11 ag 9.8.1, °00 he meg and cot mega ten", econ tn ae er Sans ch Gt, ran IW. be Severo ond age Sytem ese piers ‘Wiley, 1931. TL rio, GC Ss A, GM, an 1. Kab, An Dee of Lear Feedbock Controls, New York: Wiley, 1957. 7 CHAPTER 2 Mathematical Descriptions of Linear Time-Invariant Systems 21 Physleal Systems and Models “The wkinate goal of engneeing fo bol eal phy spstems to peform feme specie jobs. For example, an enginer may be asked to design ahd [ui Seating sysiem fora hovse or «group of engine may be asked to bul tracert power plant cto nd a space vile othe son snd bing [bac afl tothe nth There are bslealy (wo approaches in which desi problem ean be accomplabed: the odoe approach and the analyte appro Jn te ad hoc approach, an engineer combines hs experienc, know-how, and Miabanderror rents to bid the regaled system. This approvch employe Siete sotcsttion and wifes aaiale componens. I is often satisfactory Tor simple and routine tasks, such a he design of «heating syste "The ad hoc approach, weforunatcly, ix often found to be inadequte for compliated systems soch a8 space vehicles of mockar power plots because St'he ck of experience and Beaune of the cost and danges involved in peated ting. I hese ates anenginct hs to proced dierent tht {hough analstal methods, Inthe anata! study, an engineer proceeds to arch fora ideale system that resembles the phys sytem nits alent ators but is eal to sdy. Thi idealized ystems called mode, Ax Cnincers we areal alle with he dnt Between phyial system and thodel A television sts physica sytem; he ie diagram inthe man Figure 21 An amplile. (a) Ccult (8) Mosel tse mode tn sti! engoming an ame coat, sow Figure Estwun mol a toen Figs 10), mela coe fe oti tpn my fess conan Pg caging, mara am mayb dct own In Fee 230) on ‘erin, ne 246) Meg wey Ipa r Ser th end open veh ort pagal dtm HELIS aon epenon one Depenting on diffrent quetins eked, or depending on dierent operating range plyseal system may have many diferent model, For example, an ‘destrolesmpifer hae diferent models at hgh and Iw frequencies. Aspace- ‘Sitble ode fora phys sysem, we met neta’ thoroughly the foveal tn sd is oprng np Tk ne al cre mode [pose stems at sys Tlesee a pa sem Ba deve or 8c) Ieeion of dees existing inthe real woe ste Fine 233. Modes ofan em, tnodel of phyeat RR te. =a. 2-2 Inputs, Outputs, and States of Lumped Systems “the clas of sytem (model) sted in this book f assume to eve Some Tmtetninats and ouput terminal The push ete oF he ects) ar te Input roi; the output (heeft he Fesponss) e Sa Akt ope ferme Te coneeps of tet am! outta ge aearyt For coeniece, we al lay systems ot spears oF ‘Sida ystems according the following elton Definition 21 ‘Acate ia colled a sngl-varilesntom it has cnly one fot trina and ARNE eterna: Othernee ein cled a puliarale syxter WD systam wih tho oF mor input teres andr 10 oF ott output terminals I clled 2 mulvariable stern. For dnglearle ‘atc we ure sales andy to denote the pat and ost respects Pec meliverate stems, we ve columa vector wad yt denote te opus fed out reese Conic he newerk (& model of some tel cut) shown in Figure 24 -Tholopt isa vllage sure. The output Ite vlog erse the capacitor, eshoun. an inpatisapplledt te eel, fr dire fla erent throu the inductor and diferent fll voltage across the eapaior, we ofan if Tea cciont tn other words owing the Input but tot Knowing the tia re a Mot ae te determine the outpet uniqaly Hence he fu ie tts concitions hein anigely determining the OPUS ft of nit comdtions i ealed sae ofthe etvork In other wor owe 24 ‘Rewee ith ae ye. Definition 22 A.stat of aaystem atime fy Eco nial coniions that, tgeter with the MP hay the responses ofthe system Tor all> he minim amount of iformaton ovina etre nigel TA mi aa te dated wiht he guntaton niu” Sx fer x Re ae ies hove dot te qultn “rani” fre cement of ‘Beeson af compte caracerenon Seon 27 pen ath fr ens the ‘coor branch I xe ser ne tor, I [hit defn, hn these atoll faethe vals a tne fg imate in determining the better oft nc the state snare, asese the pastnfrmation ‘ited nthe dtcunination ofthe fore behine af a sytem. The sit of a ‘pute often repreevnted by elma yetor x illed the sate ent. Each Component of that each fel codon called sae vari. The ‘network shown In Figure 2-1 hat two tat variables: te curtent xy through the indctor abd the volage% acess the capalor The wate Yet ofthe a =f ‘We shall now give several more examples to ila the concept of tate Example 1 ‘Conder the reitve network shown in Figure 2-3. Sloe thee Is no energy~ rage leet In the Betwork, tho output at nf, depends soa on the poled at tine Thee nT ‘wquired to determing icy the ovtput Menor thet fn eats Yaiale i the network Ts Kind, ‘teysem I called an tontaneos, or memories, tm Few 2s ‘Riper ston Example 2 Consider the mechanical system show in Figare 2-6. I an externa force input) i applied to the esto at tne f, the fature postion y (ont) ofthe fuss ot unigucy determinable wales the positon and the velocity ofthe Insta tne fy are own. Hence the set of two variables, th postion and ‘lost of the mas, quale a site af the sstem Fiowe 24 Ximchancal stem ri ees | example 3 Condy in eit shown fn Figure 2:19) The element vated by 7 2 aa ncteriatie shown in Figure 2-7(b). ‘The tunel die + Th ‘ eS ate Example & CComier the network show in Fie 21 cle iat ial he aan Stet aretnnwn, then for any appl vag seal the respons of the Sasa can te nigucydetermbeds Te "or Kiet vols Taw tothe loop eonesting ofthe hres capacitors lla Sa) = 20) = 299 = 8 forall wth pts taf ny wo a zs and te kro, hen te re nal cre, Hence The se ofthe capasorvolage yf 2 series ate ofthe ntwort, for asa shou cording the dciton, sic sm ee donne at af ata condoms. tionver a9 190 OFS ‘Endy qualify 3 Hlate of thenewor Fewe 28 Network with vo sate ais From these exaepes we se that the way to cose tle not aie onerer becaue i requied that late consi of the rau tof nt eietiane ihe monde of tate veribler of yet is nine. The state variables ‘Shown thes examples ar ssoclated with pial quantities Although its Dose to leok upon sate as a mathematical eniy withost having. ipa ncaa i convenient associate a sale wth physical quai Example 5 Conde a wnittinedely atom, defied an (0) = dt — 1 fr ll 1. In 2 Grins, we mt Kea, I ABER Ma Mesto eae the si 3 he ate a fp cone a alt formation ed iat phere ae Intel” wary pels Inthe terval [ip — fal fis yest cons of Iately many nuns, Hee ely many rate varias. 1 ‘A system may base, a8 shown inthe above examples, a Brite minber of Inne my wate verible. The former clase wa Tipe system ond theater 88 diated yet ths book we ty only Tamed nsteme—that ithe cles of sytem having afte member of wate savlbles. 2.3 Linear Time-Invarlant Systoms In this section the concept of lnety an time invariance wll be ‘Av dhsused Inthe provoes tection, the responses of w sytem fr all Ye ‘inigely determine oly TC both the Tapa Mw and te sate at ohare known, In ofber word, the respanie of emia arcercted pay By ancy and arly by x). The else of the Input applied rior 12 de fy SS Tasm'nammarioet inthe tne at fad need not be conelered further. By the esponcs ofa spate, we eon the UIP Yay a wel a8 te responses Fnside the stem—tn priclr the fture state 2), or £ > fy of the em. ‘We use te notation Moar M6 Bay Teed to denote thatthe sat x ad the np Ne exe he output and he fine ni, fort tos and call am inpaesate-oupat pai. An tnputstate- {privet sytem sealed admit the ysten can geerate seh pal. Definition 23. [A system i std tobe liner Wf every two admis pir, {2109 ell + (igen Bhan) en (200. hn) > (Ray Thao) en and every real amber the following pers, 7 (20) 4200, they + Wg) alae + Rican Be + Maal es and (100 os) (hear Ao) en are also admisible. Otherwise the sytem ssid to be nonlinear. ' (23) oferta the iy capone fay to extans inc Fee acer moh ec, Te property In Bxsaion re i pep sti ibe agitate of he Gop called the haere the reapontn wl nrg he ne actin hans Tene ton reprinted 19 #0 the {cto com see al pie apraatowa a SE er in rberoston pope, ten te stem oe. te Deton 23.10 Mg) = M0) and hey then the Hearty ples that (0, ©) Way San) Hence neceenty oem forsee toe linea that I i) Be Wyo) = the the ‘eikenec tthe pte re Keneally ner. Avery import property oF 20 titans thatthe expones of the system can be decomposed ito (WO pats 2 Reaporses de 10 (8) ne reapomss duet ( “The reyponin doe to (x()0} ae ale ert reyponses theyre gered TEAS bythe none nal sate x). The rvpense dae 16 (8 8.0 Toceled serosa vesoner: Gey are excited cxtsiey by the InP ay G5 flows aiety fom (1) 10 2) I wen “The property sven in Equation proper. Wasi hat the sof Hao ? Hs. 0) + respontes doe (0, Hayesd AD =O Way Mea Hida) a0 x We introdace next the concent of time nvaianes Definition 24 ‘Agate i eid tobe time nvarian for every adios pa, (00, Hed? Boay Yoo and every sal number T; the pe Wreeren Toren (le + Terre) Js abo admisible. Otherwise the sstem i sid to be time-varying, 1 1 word, for time-invariant systems, ite waveforms of excitons ret ame, them the mavefrm of the responses wil abvays be the sare ro mater ‘i wat nant Ue exitatons are applied. This imps that the charters ‘Stati invariant system wll ot change with ine Fr example the mass of 4 Packet Socrates with time because ofthe consimpton ofthe fel hese & fying rocket n= time-aryagaptem. For ime-invariant syst, becase the 14, watmewarteat pears oF LAR ThrSWANIAKE STE. espace ae independent of the inl te it always atome for con Feces t= Od ht ein eral of nt 0 Wee Uhat f= Ole Hot notte rather ithe stn We wat to hy aye oF torppi en np tos ers : mes ‘A sysiens my len conde of many subsystems or components. For ‘xampl,the netvork in Figure 24 com of tives comporete ove resin, ctor and one capacitor. I cnn be sows tat if every component of 8 Tinta and tedovaiant, thea he overall syetom eal linear ad log ysl ptr, If evry component a mele near tev he hing rl St wl He te ‘rt asain, py sstem ea atime vant A teelon sx an aiomoble, ot commncnion site cant focon freer fevtoreance wil iterate with tine becae of arg or Frveert te cage cant ry ante re-y, nejer—ther thse pe! ner an be eoered 9 = lava Heace over at tine intervals rest ne Of palates (iu te mole iy tent ome nee res In ort to oblainHnear model for phy remy eft ae to plo thereat technique, Coder the netmork tw Flere 2-4, ‘Tn eharacteriti of he nde howe Figure 9 bythe te te id tne If the erent hough the inductor knows fo tage etn and iene indoor eat be modeled by linear one withthe carats shot in Fgure'29 bythe we of dated Hoe the cent a bate tnd then the indactoran be modeled bye ier one wt thecsrceas Shown in gure 29 bythe wef ashe and ote ae. Soy the tetra apcor ope are oases by ner enes, then at irs ter model Comer nest he mental tem shown fn Tse 26. “The con free beeen te foe and the mate general coma ree 0, and 7 from -ou en em for any faneson that is continaovs at f= fy ‘Conse te apt fetionw(?) shown in Figste2-12(). Cleary ican be proximate by the summation ofthe pale fonctions u(t) showa ia Figure TG). Note that evry pole fertion a) can be expressed in terms of 3(() 0) = Hse — eS 2.4 we NPUTOUTFUT DESCHIFHON OF smoUE-ranLAMLR stent hh lene 212 Decomposition ofa freon, Heace we have wen + Sy 8at ~ soecns en Now Ifthe output of the lines tennant ster due to the input 3 ‘Rote by oa, hen te proper of ineaity and Uineovariance imp tht the ontput ofthe jtem du fo 46) sven by ne Fpeas— oan a ‘As A approaches ze, the apportion tends oan exct equity he sur tration becomes an interaio, and the puke Peetion Becomes a Suction ones e4 8 Bqeation 12) becom 00 = fee - omc ae en, wher gt) Alita gu) that I) the response ofthe impue net Mipted #0. lence the fetion (7) sealed the ip respon of th SPEem, Since isthe response due to an input applied at ¢ = Oy ‘Seaned for 20 By convention, we assume! that w= 0 fore <0 ou ‘On the basis of this property, Eqaation (2-13) reduces immediately to Equation eo, *X very imgotant propery ofthis inputoutpa desertion i tanec Tron the input and baat terminals of syscn even ithe ste Jatt srutare B not Kowa, Ifthe systems Known 0b ie, tne Irtt, and telazed af f= 0, then by applying a funtion at the inp terminate response atthe oxtpat terminal ves usineditely the mpa ‘epoaseof the system. If the impoie response Is known, the eutpat of th ‘patem dee to ary input can be computed (rom Equation 2). Fig ct illo fom te propery fea. Sect annie one ey sal ate it oct wil ot belo fumeton, I the studyof linear ten ro une the Laplace trator ase Neri A). We se the circus ‘Tana dana the Laplace tnwfermfUke alable for etn 4 0-201 8 [etna eas) “The application of the Laplace transform t0 6 yell so~ [roetas [fae omnaeed a0 the upper int of Shoe st = 2) =O for ¢ > £ a8 Saplled by (2-16) become, fe a bet ato Hence Eg terol, wo- [fe witht ates 2 onin nit so [Jaane ae sof Faorrarers ff eorealforna] 00 = 40K) em) “Thisin an lebraceantion, We se that by applying the Laplace transform, & Comcltion itera fs teeformed ino an lestrate equation, The function {in ale the tansfr function ofthe stem. It is, by definition, the Laplace {Tenaform of the imple tesponte. Il eanase be computed fiom Equation (2-19) eo dra(nen de em aan ea) portant not only in contol ystems tour conpeced 10 iret andy is the voltage across the sure, then the 4() defined in Equation (20) ielled the impedance of the cite, a vollage source comnecied 1 iret andy {the coreat owing into the ult then the () defined in (2-20) i called the “Te concept of transfer funtion but al in crenit theory IT 2 advttonce of te eucit Since the tranaerfoneton is dsived from the com ‘htt intel (2-4), where @traafer fein i ws describ sem. Metz ay bp emed 9 eer, tart al or “the anh . tater can Be associted wih requncys bance the raneer uncon descripion he impale (a ystem i ften refered toa inthe fequeny drain, wb ‘apensedeserption I aid tobe Is the tne dona, Por the clan af seme tedio n ths book, itt genera ease to derive tne faetins by wie Gm) than to dete imple tesponeet Furthermere most design tech iguein conc theory a. developed for tanster fortis eather thar ie Tespormez Hence Inthe reminder of the book we de excels ‘eanne fonctions, Cettlly i the tant ution ofa pte ft haows. pula response ca be obtained by ut takingisimverse Lapin eter, er Seton #2) Example 1 Conse the tesisive network shown in gate 25 ly lop analy itis est fo tom thet i) = Ja ?)or $2) = JOG). ence the tranfe fortion from {orb ls ipuse reponse s 40, which it Uaplace transform of Example 2 Consider hesytem shown n Figure 2.6, Let beth viscosioneneicent ‘baween the maseandthe oo, ad et be the sping consian, Then Newton's uw ys » Pye Bee Ma ro intial contions, we obtain “Taig the Laplace traneform and asso ga) = 0) ~ Hy) ~ afl) fence the transfer fnetion from to ys Looe ean 00" aa he th If mw 1 ky = 2s = let the impulse response ofthe sytem is BEI taut twine [as] & ay & aa warmoenicn esc ONEOF LRGAR TMEOARANT TOS Example 3 CConader the vetork shown in Figure 2%. By loop aa coats Soa san(id) t= neat = nin =o sve obi, the 5) = LA cam be realy vee that th taniferfaeton from ato 7 ie We inves the ellowing definition to conetude this seton, Detinlten 2-5 wena fartion tat be oer he eee he mameraty I<) A atone tafe denominator. & mona fenton ld 0 be a ihe dope of the manerator 1 smaller than tha of Senominaee example 1 is proper Beeuse the dems of is equal to zero, The transfer Fetions im otf the transfer fonetions encountered “The transfer funtion meron aa denoriator 37 rls 2and 3 ae stil Prone Pea book ae proper anal fenton’ 2.5 The SlateVarlable Doseription of Single-Varable Systems ‘the input output dein, in pata the train fonction, Ha 9 The lar a tsepeati ony whens te nly eae Seon eran Eth ape and ourpot relation no information comer deste er ase can be tsaced fom wt desertion noe intra ise dance, weinlodace it the following the sate-rarale Sraciton o internal desciption of ster rp He em by aeiion, te mies amount ofinfermation ene sh tenpat i eermines wig the repens fhe SS {het ae aon tt ecrbes tes ugue reaone aren the Hes, 12:5 THe STATE-VARIABLE DESCIIFTION OF SeyoLE-vARIAnLE svsteNs 21 ‘he output, an the sot wil call a dynamical equation, tn this book dy ony dyna equations ofthe orm fy ena ate too tet Siam ati stat be gate Sag baat bt ate Be prem tem tot an td ean orn mate form “40 = Ast +840) (oat eqesion sm Ea ind ~ eat) + ade) (utpatequnon) 87 ee [s] anf eo Se] oe ‘] i Cer i eta al ere andy ae spectively the at the pl andthe ott of» i tea san wai ean naan er Tea ond oan, ywain 234) ‘ali tated ne gen, Equation 0) cd he cues equation, At ess (2230 the eae aesioeis tems oe tos tarde qaton ith ‘Shuster te eto we enon in (2-28 en nor lv SITE LGGS cn sme! nar eat dyanieal ein. 1 et Sheth lat tne rte so te ort pve by Eqn 224 Peetu the neni, ends variance prpertln, Cones all ee tha artnet and iene canbe sie y eqns ol the form of (224), the betavior ef the fBver the oulpat a Example 1 Constr the restive network shown in Figure 2. There fo slate variable ihe seem. The sem can be dsr by he zro TOR, then Equation (2-29) can be very wel ap Prorat bye = HO otherwise the vollageo wil not eve x comet indieation rhe isplacment Hence in wing a potentiometer we most make eatin {hat the input impesaice of the device to which the potntiomsterscooneted {much mc leper thas the resistance ofthe potentiometer, %, Techometors. A tachomster isa device wsed to measure angular velocity. [generates tls opt 2 vllage proportions itr abl velo. Two ofthe Lich] ere 24 Teena pot in ing eset 35 muenvans 83 70 fea & ) Figure 28 (0) A schematic diggam of 2” de tachometer, (hn shoulda af sc tachomete, re shown in most commonly wed tachometer a do and an ae tachonet Figure 315 The do techomeer is esentally « small de genesatn with @ Ferienent magnet fll. The foto ofthe Tachometer I Conneted to the ato be metnured. Ie outpu gnecnes«volage proportions io the sat i velcly that (y= eA (3 oy = ea) rhe Kis the sess ofthe tachometer, In vols per radian per second ‘The ae tachometer fs similar 0 the two-phase ae moto Introduce In Fgh 1d A nuvodal voltage ef ated vate capped wo on wining the enelor {ofthe signal appearing tron the second wleding'spropertiora to ts ‘het angule vlocty tat io) = aD} Note that am ae tachometer Shorsoves ore modulator, we aks the Lapiacetaafor of (30), we obtain fhe tote function from 0 tow of an a or ade tachometer #8 soe on ‘A dierentntor having a trast Fueton hat is he same as (231 cannot ‘be aed the presen of cle, beware it wil amplify he noe, For exams, Cometh nigel sn 1, hich Ie contaminated by segeconaining the term ‘Gor x sin 10% Note that moet noses encountered In pace conta hgh Frequencies Alter difereatstion, the signal becomes cs, whereas the nobe tecomes 10 cos 10%, which now ithe dominant term, Hence a dilrentistoe ie rarely wed in pace ‘A tachometer so tas transfer fetion kr therefore tf natural to ak why team be used A tachoreer le wrvallyatfached toa shaft—for example, the shaft of an armaturecontrlled de moter shown in Figure 316). The foie in the motor may are from the iput signal, thermal oie inthe ‘esstor, and the commutators, In oter words, the amature currents alvays = ests Flee 346 (0) Ade motor wih 2 nchomelr, (b) Meson thin ely tp ineans of «patente and terete. (Sika ioc diagram of and comtaminated by noie, However if ve use (23) and (5) and asnume that fos Ou then the ane Fartion fom | (00 es is chtined ty the iteration of twee. Therefore ion ofthe nite ver occurs inthe tachometere canbe and 19 measure the angular (0), then Because ofthe ‘hat the depacement Bn {remit fscorropted by ns, no dierent Employment of te iachomeer. Tis isthe reson ‘Tetiely used in practi. On the eter hand fe ‘cy by we of the arngemen show in Figure 3 See oie asniated with the potentiometer and because af the diferentnon f this tole by he dierentator the resin gal wil be completely useless. Example ‘Consider the system shown in Figure 216), with R, = 100)? Ly = 01 H, em DNeme Ah by = Verad ts, NM = foky = LS Vera! ky O8 Vid hg, Jp 2 Nemwmdni fy 063 Remedy, Je = Od Nimend= a8, nd fe OO Nemerad’'-s. The morrent of inl Ju inclvdes the Ineris of the tachometer, motor aad gent the motors Find the tntlersuntion description and stalevarible description of the system, “Thc equivalent total women of feta and viscous cellent on the motor shaft canbe compated ftom (20) and (327) 35 Joa tat (Me) = 01 20) = 08 anton ; 7 HOST OOO s Ol ee atieeliRwras 4) = 001+ 20x = 00s om Aktion o€ te sytem can be oinned ws 67 x05 x 13 any, [Pr tow ai - 0) trxos |“ Land + ioore a “Te datevavale description ofan armatureconrted de moors computed ino) withxy = Oa 8s = Dy a xy = fy FO hs example becomes )_Jo 2088 i.) = 80) 0 “56 conTmoL ComPonsaeTs AND SHSTINS By wsing 7p = Ai0e = Ky(NGIM Mn and 75 = habs the output equation obtained a 5 b)-te 6 IE) ‘ 2.6 Evor Detectors proportion to the a fe Tntreduced hee are pliers ‘An eor detector generates an output sgnal that ‘tone of we Input signals. Th eror detector pal ofpotenlontaer socom, end operation Pals of potentlometers. A pale of poentomters connected as shown a Fale a Fetal coro he netion of an evr detctr. Te two petewion ‘say be rote located. For example, one may be locale ia conrot Sr ne ale by am erator, and the other may be atehed 10 an eee input sighed and Pyare mehasial pean, ether neat oF ‘Bratnal he output esa Vllage Sigua. They are eatd by 40) = Hoge) ~ 040] e320 0) = A148) ~ 00) oan where = [Beas The par of plentometerscan be represented schema re en tagite SH The eel at wie the wo gaa ment i often called ug poi Phd, ult 3 Pipe 317 A polo potions Ssynehros. Another wily wed ctor deesor in conto astems i pat srneros Depending upon the manufactores, synchrasare alo called sls, aeariyan A pai efsychres ie shown schematically in Figure 319; th unit Ceeeted a spacir anontterad the unit CT seal async tryormer. ee “The structures ef these two wit are similar except forthe shapes ofthe rotors ‘The ror of the sche teanarter is geerel or coupled ton Knob or shaft ‘whose positon 0 indicates the desired lpr; the rotor ofthe syachro Was Tormer i atari to tesa to be controled. Unlike the pars of potetion ‘fers which can be esced by de ore soureet, synehos can oD ‘nr the exstatons of ao sources sinsoial voltage soute, anally of ‘0. 400 Im trapped tthe synevo trate, tee the envelope, of the ‘oiag sal developed on the sync teanaformer can be shown tobe 0) = ean [0409 — 660], ean lls per sadn isthe sestviy ofthe synchro. he dieence nd 05 seals hen Equation @-38 can be approximated by 0) = H[O40) ~ 060] om similar 1 (37, Hene a pai of sycros cam alo be where awe ‘Tiina nea equati represented, after incarzation, by igure $18 "very high gun and gh input impedance sgl may range rom 1 {o 10%, and ite nga petance fom 10 To 10” ols: By using an operntionat ‘topic, psble fo aor subieac to oF more ipa. “Gonalter the eperetionsl ample creat shown im Figure 3.2040). The sampler hae eps pn =A and ipl ipedance Za Foran eu vtage torin the range of 10 volts or Tos and very large 4 the Inpat Nola Ey wea mone a 7 om ants a * mm ewe 322 Operations) ampller wih & fedback clement, a) The cee, (0) Seat epee {o the ampliter‘ls approximately equal to tauren fy flowing Into the ampller agua approximately equal to 280 eco ary hgh np eda, Menoe We ae yeh an at ha ter th in a (Enea een) eww ‘We see om tle equation that, by choosing Ryan Ry propery somespecied Tea function of he input gal am be enerted athe eutpt ofthe opoe- tional anplifer teu. For convenience, the alt a Figure 320(2) ls een peserted scaly bythe ove show fe Figure 3-20(). We not that ‘bs extended fo inlode more input sigals or reduced to in ony on inp igual If there only one inp signal and Ry = 2, then there changes oy the sign ofthe signal. By connecting two operations ‘mle ae shown in Figute 321, we can ebsin aneror detector. "Aa operational amplifier may have an operational fequeneyrenge from ero to 10" Hay therfore it cam operate de of ne (modulated) signals in Cone! systems, Just ae motor, ger tal, ayoehron and potentiometer, ‘petationalsmpliers are avaible In packages rom maaufacterers. Figwe 324 Inter detector afd I IF Flqwe 322 Twosugetasstor a ampli 37 Amplifiers ‘The amplifiers used in covtrl stems ear be electronic, magni, hyde, ‘or roar. They ae weed to amply error signals oro genraewlllem over {rie pene tuovrn, Drone ofa high Input tmpoaanes and low Spat Innpedsnc, in clsionie amplifies nlse used avaa bouton smplier between fo ciel to reduce tel ending eet (ne Seton 3A two-stage push pull resistor ac amplifier i shown in Figure 3-22 Contol tee alo employ Seelectonl amplifiers However anes the power spp i ery ety, amples may ster the problem of deiting, The traf “rather eemprenves ti att a const h. This constant lt red by approtinuiion however. To bs pel the taneer faction 4 «Seton ampliter 2/0 4 42). Hawever Torn very seal I can Be Ape roximated by For driving & large loud, an electronic amplier may this ease, rolling amplier or other type of ample be adequte In Rotating power amplifiers. The in Figure 3.23() is exetally a de peneratde. The rotor of ven by x motor witha constant angular elocty (oot show). The Input otage sal sped ote leet. This lps wil pene Bet arent according fo Bly + by SE sen = Ay + oy c “The tlationship between the Nek current {pan the generated vole Ht shown in Figure 3.230). For anally it ean be appointed by ahh 2) (60 cox, comrors AND systes uo a J L Sat . Flaw 323" Ade geertr Now ifthe amature caren ez, then 6) = here yn a eal coe YA. coe the tena funeion of he generator ie 1) = te os 00 ay" Tate ef 1, by choos us sat-acable destin can alo be readily ob a= -Maste oun oy “This ina one-dimensional near ieinvaviant dynamical equation. 3-8 Compensation Networks [Networks are inexpensive ad are efleive in improving the performance of ontol systems: Theve are to Types of networks ac and de networks. A de ‘etwerk operates onthe signal ie whereas an a¢ network operates om the ‘dual signal. We show in Figure 324 rome commonly ued de networks ‘and tei equivalent a networks. By equivalent we mean thatthe effet of ad ‘ptwork othe signal andthe ef a the corresponding ac network onthe 3-4 comrmeanon Nerwonks 6 aac ot de ge 334 Seated oq and ‘envelopes of the maiulted seal ae the sane. The oe network in Figure 324 tr cbalned from te de one by applying tne following rules: 1 Acapaltor with apackanon Cn a de network ie replaced bya pra connection of capacitor with enpactance C/2¢ndanindactor with 2G in the egulalent ae network. 2 An inductor with inductance Lin xd network is replaced bythe setos sergion can be olaned Tro Eauations (Si Hough 53 38 fl “C+ lle] ofa exe p =a(g) =a iewewe fi psd lasses (ese) Example 5 ‘As final example, conider the hyde contol sytem shown In Figure ‘Sita The antenna ie driven by ara moter, whe inten drven by fas motor. Th block lngran of the syste shown in Figure 3-1(). The {torte fnctgns ofthe se and hyde metors are computed in Seton 33. ‘The engular dplacrvent Oy and the near splcement x are rated by ‘Xm byl whet fy tthe radar of the gat. The relationship between J and D isfowtves nonin For small), Kean be apposite by @= gy. 3-10 Remarks and Review Questions ‘Sit speaking, contol devices ae al nonlinear. Io, why do we bother to develo linear bios for them? The reason ares follows: Fist, they can every mellapproninted by nea nal under ther normal operating range ‘Seconds and more portant they are modeled #5 Finer system, then a umber efsytematis design techniques ein be applied. We shall however {eatin id tat evry analyte deie is basa on mode hence unl real Tele the design cannot be sil to be completed. If ical design and practial esl should be piyskat yee ole are chosen propels, theo oe ‘What is the Fequeney specium of signal? eee. e. Me HUsy CoO} je Flgwe 391 Hyde control stem, (a Schematic diagram.) Block dagen Why do we have to introdece modulation? Wher is the information sored ‘nm modoloted signal? Wht are the tanser felons ofa modulator ae demeodslator? __In te computation of the tsar fenton ofan ac deve, do we ute the signal ia ors envelope a input and output? TR conrmon components AND SYSTEMS What are the types of transfer functions of an aematurscoatoled de rotor (by assuming Lz = 0). a two-phase Induction motor, and hydraule fmolor? Do they have the eae Forms? Difetenitors are not used in race because of the nse problem. Why are tachometer, which have trtalr functions at do diferentes, used In posi? What ae the main propertise ofan operational How do you transfer ade compentaion network into an ae one? Inte aways tre that the trate glo of the tandem connection af to systems i jst the product of the transfer funcUoas ofthe two systes?| plier? clecreal tems? In there any way to eliminate the lang pote nthe output ofthe Bock denoted s generator in Figure 3.27 the voltage serous the aca output terials of generator? I ot, why? 1 alvayeposble to Meniy a blsk in a Bock agra as excosvely a tit of pyle device? ‘A conivol sytem say coms of exclsiely wo devices, echalvely do vce ofa combination of de and a devices. Howeve, Im analtcal eg, to dnivellontetnees ae endo deve in eceury, forthe tate font (fae devees ee computed for te eneopes of modulated signals, Therefore the design technique developed for da device are dec applcable oo ‘Svees or hybrid ser The devices inrduced in thi chapter are far from complete; they will, howeter prone uliint physical bselground forthe development of (his tous Far a more complete dcusion of devien, the feeder Ie refered to Rel erences [1 (4) (5) (9) 20d [1 References (1) Absit Rand C1. Saval e, Sromechaln Practice, 24a Now Yerk: ‘Moca, eo a] Mosk, He. 8, Proce! Semamchanicl Deon, New Yo ves. [3] Common, 1, Danie of Posie Syste New York: MeGrew il 197. LH] Charkey 8, Bteromechiel Siem Cenmonens. New York: Wie, 1972. [5] Chin, H,"and RW. Mayer, Sovomechoims and Reguaig Sem ‘Desi vos fad 2 New York Wiley, 1951 Uo Sop God CD. Nein Hof Salad Siem doa fp) Donte, Sem Dynan Columb Oilo: Mem 1972 [i] Dart kc Mase Conot Sten Resdng, Mas Adon Wes, 1957 : MeGraw-tll ae [Pl Giseo, 5. ant FB. Teer, Coal Sytem Component, New Yor: Mera, 958 No] Koo, BC, donate Cool Sytem. Englewood Cis, NJ: Prete, bel [U1] Nevon, Ny Honbook of Traneacer for Becroe Mean Sytem. Englewod Cif, NJ: este al, 96 02] Raven, FH, Automate CouelEnpneerig, 24 ed. New York: McGraw, et {13} Senet, C13, Cone Ste Deon, 28. New York: Meal 196 U4} Troma. 'G,datmone Fesioce Coral Stem Sytherr” New Yor Problems {34 Find the fequeney spectra of 4) = «°*" and yt) = €°" os 000, 13.2 Show that she constant defined in Equation (i equal to the constant 1h detned in Equation Gut): Lit: The power Bowing io the rotor le the pomer delivered to the waft i Tid). They are equal unde steady sae contitons} 33 Comider te operational amplifier cut shown in Figure P31 Show that the signal ei) ia ven by wn [ze] a+ ef ae] +4 34 Show the equivalence of the ger tains in Figure 11 13 Consider the control system shown in Figure P-2 The tension ofthe 14 COMTROL COMORES AND SYETESAS areata th wai re wolehneeenees gt og i Fer beie better eaheartea reer : Prceieecig peer ne mente See [Ww 7 Bre Ra i he eh i G 247 Find the block dgran ed the four show tn Flgte PO Fd tao Bode Fire 34 Comider the simplied voltage regulator shown in Figure P35. The tenet ven by « oor wih a cnt vay (show). The ‘erated vllage¢, i proportional (othe eld caret 1 thats, y= Bs ‘Sahl, = 25V/A. Pheclements shown in Figure 3-Shavethe followig values: 39 THe contol of temperature tnx chemi! processcam be achieved ae shown in Figure P36. The opening of the valve x scouted by a solenoid: ies supe tht x = kj The Mow ¢ of hot steamy proportional tothe ware pening + (ays 4 = keh The temperate O andthe steam law 9 are ltd bythe equation a Daw « Block dageam fr the system, Find the traaersunction desertion ‘and tatesrlble description of ech black 0) + he Be Mowe rs 340 A garage door can be controlled by the sytem shown in Fiure P27 Draw a block agra forthe aylem. I the spacer charters ofthe Flew P37 ‘motorist shown in Figure 3120) the moment of ‘tthe dean and rotor 8GOL Nemyrad- ‘4 the rads r ofthe drum 0.1, {he pst mai eutelnt eI 1Yon a te mab OF the door 10 KB ‘What ie the tan funtion fom ato 74 3iit In addition to eectromechaola! trameducers, opel transducers are 22us ed in pence, The transdcer town in Figure PBS conta of« pulse Stoeator anda pls counter, By ecuatag the number of pales i 0 xed trl ot tne, a geal proportoral te the angular speed ofthe moter shaft {am be nested he sina india form. By 8 proper conversion and by gesting th so-called quartation problem, the tanser function from 10 {ahown fn Figure P34 can be approsinated by Ks, Daw a tock di {be system. Inne also the pe of tare function ofeach lock, sie “nace 3 womse 77 342 An amply is often used in control sjtems where very large power Srnplietion i requiced.An amplgne fs two-stage retary ampli; omits of two de peneratrs connected in sales, A che ‘model ofan smpiidyne ae shown In Fig P39. Find th the ampidsve fa it hay Figur P39 3:13 Machine tols can be controlled automaticaly bythe atuctions recorded fn poche carde or tapes, This kind of contol ealed mune! eae ‘St echibeYoos ment control ean be elie as poi con and rlinsouscentour contol A tumaa dagramof¢ positon contol stn Figure P10. feedback loop le troduced Inthe D/A (igebto- | | cede [ents Figwe PE ‘analog converter oobisn amore acute conversion. Draw a block diagam From 0.0 for teeters, lndicte sa the type of trater function foreach Soke : robot om be decane fo replace human operator cary ‘ut repented movement, Shemais disgrams of sack a robot are shown Ia Ly “The tape can then be ued to control the mechanical am, 2s shown in Figure PRUNE, Draw a block diagram for the system in Figre P-11(0) Indicate also {he typeof tranaer function for each Block, S415 Find the black dlagram and the transfer function of each Bock forthe ‘elem sw fa Figure F312. Note that the compeaeation network isan 26 f [awe] | Tota = Sp os Je ew gue PAL Figure PAL. The desired movement is firs applied by an operator to the Jy {ERK shown. The Jostick activates the hydraue motor and the mechan nm. The movement of thenrm srerorded ona tape, asshownin Figure PI 1 Flere 73.12 ‘3.46 The voltage measuring device shown in Figure 3-13 is actualy a contol ‘ster. Ifthe measured volage ey i iren fom the setual vliagé then Uesgnal (ey ew dev, after modulation and smplieatin, te ac lor to moye the indicator unl c) =. Flnd the block diagram aed the ears Teton of exch block, 80 conmot commoners AND s¥sTOMS be000tem ia ot foann, a ed SS 0 CHAPTER 4 Analysis: Quantitative and Qualitative ‘A great numberof contol systems canbe dseribed a shown inthe peviows ‘haptr, by both transfer function and lve, time invariant dammit res tions Once thexe mathematls dererptons seat to analy then In ts lye of inthe exact response of the equation dueto some exatlons. In hs quaittve tals wear interested fn ‘enence of discussion, we stay singlesariale stems exclsely. Most af {he sls can however be early extend to the multivariable cose, ‘The anlyisteciniques developed inthis chapter are applicable to any linear time-invariant sytem oF any lneastinesvariant composite stem. By a composte system, we mean a sjtem that consists of a numberof sub systems. For example, the control sytem introduced In Section 29 are all Composite systems. In order to apply the analyst technique to compote ‘ystems, we must dics Bt the mathematical deseriplons of cosposite stems, 4-1. Mathematical Descriptions of Composite Systems ‘We ase aa example to ita the procedere of deriving mathemati! equa tlons for composte sytem. Consler te fedhack system shawn i Figure ‘82 aways: QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE ‘nick pate, 11s assumed tha the system S;vith fp and output yf desribed bythe tranlr funtion 92) abd the dynamical equation f= Ant ban omy nen on Let u andy be espestivey, the input and output ofthe overall esters, The ‘problem had the ana funtion andthe sate-varabe descriptions oft ‘vera ose procedure Ie rather naigtoreard Ft a hall xh {horelaonsipaGetnec iy) rom the configuration othe eampesto yy tem and then we uote deserption of St eiminate endfor Land 2. “Then the resin equation vl be in tenn ef wand y and il be the equation igor, For ntl, the componite syste in Figure We Fave 246) = 00) = 4) awn 2,0) = 240) = 50 wn Subsition of 9) = $2) into $4) = 4,80) veh 0) = Bs) ‘pak () can be eliinated by wing 40 = 6) = $46) = M0) ~ Bx) = 8) ~ B89) “This results in : 1) = 8,000) 100K) OH 7 T+ 440919) » B,(00015) as) the overall raster fenton 4) is egal to 46/00. Hee if By defiton, [+ ante) ext then ya). Wd : 1 8 oy TF HO sii “thse the overl transfer faction ofthe fedbuck stem shown in Figure ‘Thiscqution willbe comtanly ed and ences woah emernbering Noe that the oalback a Figure 4 isa negative feedback, It wore pole Feedback, ‘then the overall taser funtion would be 99 ~ 40). (ee Probl 4) ta bin the ne ie ein comet ren we mn tulchnea rte supa ten i ite oro ‘smn ee = [2] wn uals a the sate for any connection of Sy and S,. Fr the feedback con- econ sown in Fig me Ine rm m= Ss Using eicPeth repent ce ats + ba ‘Mason's term, We fist inoue the concepts of forward path snd loop of a composite sytem. Conder the composite sytem shown in Tizute 42 [Note that very branch i olented—that i, nidirestional.ATorwaid pal frm F io Be Fame 42. A conposiesser, (84 anatase: quan ano quanta uto pie defined as any continuous connections of uni ito palong which no pelt ix encountered more than once, For example, tere tre two forward paths from w fo) In Figure 42: the paths consisting of the transfer funetlons (fds, 04) aNd (0a, dye Ja) A loop Is any uniestonst th that originates and tersinates on the same point and along which no point encountered more than once. The composite system in Figure 4-2 has four sds (dae 1s in designating ta ‘or negative sig at summing points shouldbe included. Two loops bbe montouching If they have to point in. coramor. For example, the loops {09} are nontouching, but the loops (¢, ilsly a forward path and a loop are said to be non ‘touching if dey have no point in common, A loop gaia o¢ path gain i defined ft the product of al the transfer funetioas on the leop or path. With these ‘concepts we are ready to Introduce Masons formula, The formula asserts that ‘the transfer fuction from u to yx given by cp = 22) Ets 99 G7 loop tains) + (um ofthe gun prodets of ll possibe touch tml the gla product of 4, the Baner replacing by sr the ul of thoxe loops that Louk the Bh ere pl fe Trmation of & depends ot on he ope he nse: se aneoliet do'nih te nota sup. Hence Aan ere se ape Detadog on ct ge sod, we ae Seed eelinenly diay We sew de sone campo te {opiate o Nae orm Example 1 For the syst shown in Figure 42, we have Am 1 Cofabe + Oy ~ Oded 2 dibsde Odd + Wubed.d) Ba Ge 0) ara ace the transfer funtion from wo y of the ate it I), anda + dae MO” G9)” TF aad 442: musare ronenovepunmatrigeron panes 85 Example 2 Find the tranérfueton trom oto ofthe system shown in Figure 42. The fora path fom o to yt (1, Jj. The gain 1 takes care ofthe seanve feeding into the summing pont. The ormsifon afi independent of foreard paths hence the inthis example idcatal tothe one in Example 8 From the definition we Have Aya t= 900 = 1 + dad Hence the wanse funtion From Po e tn) = IO) = =A + 8d) whet isa en in Equation 0). Sir he tr ton rom to rc for te no lovard path rom fT ar fon ny fy 1 dsl 8s + 880 8) 5 x fo 4 = {oe Py = dy and a, ‘ a+ te 1 4-2. Transfer Function-Partal Fraction Expansion ingle component or large nutter of component nite ase the overall fer Tnction Is mssumed tobe howe, Before proceeding we ie intradace the concep of pales and eros Definition 4-1, ‘A number 2 (eal or compl) is said to be w pol ofa rational Function 6) if jG) 0, A munber Ie sah to bea sro of 30D) i 1 talon funtion fs feredtOle—that If here ks no common factor {escent a consant) betwen its denominator and numerator (ee Deion 2.6)~then the poles and veo of the valloal fs ate ja, sexpectie the roots offs denominator and numerator Without the kreductoiy est io, the above tstement is not corte. For example, 2 = 1 fnot a poe of 10) = 2s + 1)" 3s + 2 allhough it ia oot oe denominator. ron alent ore in rofl an ero willbe ofthe dao) = ELEM = De 20) Ca Bd (96 nau: QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE Pipe 43 5 ‘Rwibck stem. oer mya ate not secs tet, rowiedge of pole and ers I not silent to determi th ‘eiquey In order to determine uelquly, we ned nnd ‘tthe muplcalon eer Example 1 CComider theese shown in Figure 43. The traf faction of he over ‘prem wing Egeaton 8), 1 wat 1 Labi z PHET2 CFI-DEHTED ws ean ‘Hence the pos of the ayatrn ae —1 tJ Thre ano ato inthe tem, We fie yp he en ae St mee 2 is “The input and utp of every linear done-avarant lumped system tha is Inialyrlaed at =O cum be dessibe, in the frequency Joma, by 19) = 000) ay te raaerFnetion oa the time domain, 0 fae oma ow here is its impulse responce and isthe Inverse Laplace transform of (0). Tn compating the response ofthe ssi ithe Lapaeetransfom of 4) 8 ‘ational fietion, t maybe eae to compute y directly from Equation than fom (13) Equation 16) ean becompuied by either the graphical Computation f mot needed im th txt, is ‘Siscuston omitted. The interested reader is eerced to Reference [2] Ifthe LLapiee transform of w ism rational funtion, then Ie very convenient {0 compote the ouipat (Tom (13) by using the Laplace teansform table (ee ‘Appendix A). The procedure ited in the felling. where 00) ¢ fr numerical method Ste i See ion ested Computation of) rs fs) = 601). The egured co inthe flowing: 1. Find the Laplace tensor of x(t) by wing the Laplace ranform abe 2 Compute the poles of 4340); that wo 50) = eon = et ner y real or comple, for Jw 1,2... mate the dstine poles of 104) a he Laplace tesfor of teal-talued Hime Fnctions, "eal Hence the comple conupse poles matt appear ‘3. By wsng pti! lidelion expansion, expand ft) nto $[_ta yh ts om Ft Be ge Bn] f= HORNE = AP en is : Filacaene ara] : 9 constant aseclted wi comple onognte ecovermoretnete yy ones ‘Sreriar denotes the compos confi, thes op = fy fore = yn “eT oupa 0) w bane, by king theese Laps tm, 200» Soft + hae too tn ete oi Wie se thatthe euiput isa tines combination of terms of form He, for k= 0,1,2,..., These terms at tated bythe ple of fs) and thove of). This shows the importance of the concept of poles. Example 2 Find the outpat ofthe sytem shown in Figare 4 due tothe aplication of a ni sep funtion, “Te transfer function of the system is computed in Equation (412, The Laplace tanstarm of wnt step Tupction (at ft) = for ¢> 0, aad MO) = Ofors « O)ie Iie Hence we have 1 I) = Bo) = MY +9), UW = Oy, + sees Tikal eal Fe te eae pts Th ago fpf cme whi imp = and complex oles ee shown in Fire 44 he envelope ofthe expanses gover by the fal part of the pole and the frequeney of oxciltion is governed by the 1) pat ofthe ple IF a poe le in he open rghit-hall plane," then the reyponte wil inerease exponentially 10 ints ia ple les in te open [ef splane then the expone will decreas exponentially to neo I's pol let “The time faction of roe For the comp In the follow we Inrotves 8 geomet! method of computing the onttante ky of = pata fraction expansion fom the poezero coniguraon ‘Weare an example to Mustate the procedure, Conder () = 10043) = # —_@— 2) _ 0) FE a AD Mean expand in sore (clip + plie + Be) en eee Dire we fave wed he it tnt th conan acd with compen com egies non Cnn Picco am au Bc a ‘FSi pe ad Baan, Eh “The poles and zero of te) ave ploted in Figure 4-5. Note that ~ 2) ‘sector fom i f0 ly every vector inky and ky expres in ers of rude aod pase, then fy and fy become be a Terie Type a pene we mene ih al eplne ecg the inapany 1B ced thon ie ing mo 4) , an (6 rom the poser coaeaton. gee 45. ‘The compa uber denotes the magaide and, the phase of each vector ax shown In ure 48 Once and are mssured eed rom the poleser conga the costly ta ky ean be readily obit. From his graphs method of computing ky wecan se that a eis ery clon toa pole then the conan aston wih the pole very smal. IF here ve tno ples vey clos; then the constants asecated with there to hare very lrg. Hence Iie pouble to etinate the constant ateiated Sie pole frown the leaione of the pole and Zero, THe ouiput J) in this ‘earplshaeonlyalpte ples I) hae epee pole il pone to ‘nite th consanteasented nse oles Fm the perro lations. Tevet ihe constants nsociated with repeated pols, some ado om equred, See Reference [6] 4-3. Solutions of Dynamical Equations, In this section the solution ofthe net ime-nvarant dynamical eqsation aan he wm yom am then inthe time ) becomes, 28 i be suid. We examine it fist nthe frequency dom Gomain. By applying the Laplace transform, Eqoaton (A ‘erived in 221) and (229, a) = Gt = APO) + GE AYRE) e189) (0) = eh) + te ces) shes are algshsic equations. After) fx computed algebraic, its tne espone can then ke oblabed by taking is inverse Laplace transform, This is tpt irate by an example a felt. yet. gx ut he flute 3) = [0 | oY and a Wl He ton np, wae the pine dna hecanpogefavecar nh xammple 1 Fd the respon of By dec competetion, we have hoy er -[ oe 8 | i ao a7, o9) @-ne=9 xf" 0 wp 2 ° 1 Tes i Comeaventy he reson fhe ee pitt 5] ex wa HO= (1 OM) Ht ade ' = re We disease now the solution of (417) direct fa the tne domi. The solution binges om the ants functon e Felling the infinite seis are 1 Hed gare tat poe cat tert tae gead wedne mares daien elie ee en it aia AY AAA) Ti an inl pone ier row be an rats ire ena her an me eee eee tne eet taxn Die vio ew eee cen ‘hp by og = ta eta bat eee so we have 1 “aking the derivative of tem by te ae a Lay HAM ERE oe fae asars be wa Lista) Lett gee) ae ) AM tta we With these properties, the soltion of (17) can now be found, We rewrite @ina w A(t are gate bet -(teme! Hoare ban) ‘wich mpi tat (Ax + = bu) Cette § Ma) — Ix(0) = f eAbu(e) de 20-0 fa0 + ferment] = ey [rena a ee) Hence ies knows, the expense of Equation (417) ean be compute from (4.26) and 4179) competed tom te nite ers (2) a se. foun woltin generally cannot betaine Inthe Tata re Aiterent procedurefor computing See Refetene (1) Problom. Given an x rea consaat mas A. Compote Procedure 4: Compute a) dat GE ~ A), sire det stands fr thd ‘c)isenleg the cheraerte paloma of 2. Fad the root of (8) = 9, sy AG) = = AMA = Ayre = A hee mma 423k na mI other words, A) ha oot A wth mult ‘sy me ICs complex number, hen compen conjugate trot SF ACh. he oot dy ton Ar ale tbe eer OFA 3 Form a poloomia 9) St egree mI; that A) tg eh 4 Ogi ot aE here the unknown parameter yt ‘Form te following n equations sre to be sed in step 5 om) to) i = 9) prtaes grrtay 5, Solve forthe unknown oo 2-1 04-1fom Then uations instep 4, a= eh bt mt nce ic computed, the espont of (1) ca be sbiied fom by direct integration. om ee. Ei dE de tothe intl tte, af) = (0 1 Of ant "The characteris polyoma of is Example 2 Find the reponse of "We tet cot A 0 2 Au) = deta Alw ae] 0 2-1 0 |=u-yia~2 ato) ang Let gll) = ae + ad tap Then OU)RAm Lee meta Hae te = gam Let may $y, hm GAA Do aay 4 ay , Solving these equttlony we obtalnay = —2te + aay Sia! 2! = 20", today wet ae ~ tes Hence wehave AS fA) = (Bie OL tl 2 = 2EIDA (Om HAY dete 0, 2 = 20 -[*o. eo nee 0 2 ae “The solution x() can now be computed rom (4-25) 28 ade" 0 “a aye oe 0 $e 0 ree “ht tA “Ca 1) P22 mere Nee ‘The output (i given by MOT 1 O}a) = tat “This residential to the one in Example 1 ‘The solution ofa fina time avarlant dynamical equation ca be obtained liter by using the Laplace uansform or dety in the ime domain. Fer the tape presnied in tis secton it sees thn the Lapice transfor method Is slighty sinpler tan the tie domain method. Its not clear however that Hie alays the cae. Ie dynamin! again la solved In ls omputer {Gee Chapter 8) neler method Ie ed ‘The tlution Ie abana! by Geet, by using te Innit eres (21) There are many xing ub routines avait, for example, in 1BM/360 Scenic Subroutine Packages ind canbe eal employed. 4-4 BIBO, Asymptotic, and Total Stability 1 this ection 2 qualitative property of linear estome—naely, stability te that of the rip respon, wed then dics the ably ofthe tol sponte. Detinition 4.2 ‘The tro sat response ofa system i sd to be BIBO (hounded pt bounded cuput) sable Ifo every Bounded input, the exited osiptis bounded. Be we doesnot got infty ‘A function Mi) ie a lobe bounded its mag (ea renlconsan och in the ime interval 0, =) a, equivalently, there that Bo} < k= w forall 00, =) Example 1 Conse the network shown in Figure 46, Theinput ve a caren source, and the osipat yee voltege azo the indctor. The and funtion to © fe | ‘Ncwon that i ot MIRO sale 96 axa QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE ‘pcan be ently shown to bese +1). If we apply inp a) sin, ad {he tial condition fs 20, then the cuiput is gen by 1) =! wy = (ghee gt) = St esine won re) "F “The input a(t) = sn is boundeds however the ouput Is not. Hence the ‘ste 00t IDO sabe. 1 fmf ot BIBO stable taunt fo rd one bounded ‘nbouded outta we dd in this example. However nd bounded Inputa that excte bounded output, we fsptem is deserted by 2 dynamical equation, sy, each yewsde IDO staliy, the transfer function Wi) = em Ariba vt bet computed in certo check ‘Theorem 4:1 ‘A fear inesmarint ste that is described by a proper rational transfer ‘action da) BIMO stole I ad ony ial the oles of) have negative real puss or eval all the poles oe ine the open eft-half plane. “Tre open ea plane the theacem mers tal fone of the poles OF) have postive or zero real pats, then he ajrtem & BIBO sable; otherwise the system isnot IDO sable. We i tat the sers off) pay no rote inthe Mab. This theorem isnot Jetved hoes the intersted reader shoud see Reference (1), page 321. I we ppt this theore to Example I, weconludeimmedatly tha the pte isnot ‘BO sable, forsee function has poles and =f, whic ave cero real, parte ‘Wie study now the seroinput reponse of a aytem. Lett exci by dynaical equation ew Act be (eam yaad eam soetem te ero-apu espons, he fpet wi assumed to be dentialy edaces (0 In the study of hence (4273) an 4-4 mam0, ABDAPTONG, AND TOTAL GTABELETE = 77 [Note that inthis equation the response i exited excusely by a nonzero inital sate. Clearly the transfer faction and te concept of BIBO stbity ire not applicable here, for there no input involved in (428). The sabliy ‘Concept we sl coder for (28 is elle asymp say. Detinition 43 “The seronput response of (427) of equlvaletly, the response of & = Ax id to baeymplotclly abe, foray nil ate Xy the response die (9 ‘spproaces nero evenly thai, 3(2) = ey + oe [Note thet this desiton le dfined forthe tate, However Ifthe sate x0) approaches zr, s0 es the output. Example 2 ‘Consider the network shown in Figure 46 fhe Input wis 0, the network {educs tothe one in Figere 47a). The sat variables ofthe system are the ney ie iptv cement hae, fom zeoy the energy wll clay, and ihe ‘Ha) tt my ‘etna wil apat ate teton Hee the network in Figure 470) is esymploticaly abl i Pore Fe 47-0) A network that got anys sabe (An asepiicay sable rework, “The condition fo anympat stilt i given in the llowng. Ke protean be ound In Reference [1] age 338 Theorem 4.2 ‘Theresponse of = Axisasymptotialy stable ian onyiall he eigenvalues ‘fA [ihat fall the roots of the characteris polynomial of A, A(2) 2 ‘bt Gl ~ A)] ave aegatve el pace 1 Fxample 3 The ttre desriton of te aimok in igs 41) canbe own as 4) fot ips EP IE] ts carci polo 0) = desta) = gaff Its rooteare(=1 4 V5)/2 whlch have negative ral parts: Henge the network yepotaly sable 1 At this point itis natural to disuse relationship between BIRO staiiy and asymptote salty. The BIBO stably is determined bythe poles of & etion, where the asymptti sabiy Is deteied bythe eigen eof tintin A. Theeloe ifthe eatoship between the poles andthe ‘Sfeovluce can be etelshed, then the posed probam can be revolved. The {ihn funtion andthe ata Aare related by oe) = aA d = Joasoe Adj Gt Ab + a 20) whore Adj () stands for the adjoint of @ mately, and © Adj (t= Ab is jenralues ofA ae the ots of det (ol A). The pole of Bodare pat of the soos of det (=~ A) becnute ofthe pony of having ‘Sommen Tatar between de (HE A) end Al ( ~ Ak. Hence wo have (poles of 6)) © {elgenalaes of 4) G10) where & denotes “a sbeet of" oF ntuded in Ths act Hpi that i. Uh eipevales ofA have nopative el pars, so have the poles of #). Her the empties of the sve spat repre ings the BIBO stability of Ihe setostae resonie, Cont, the fat that all the poles have negative fest prt does ot necessary py that al the eigenvalues have negative rel pte Hence BIMO sible may not imply asymptote tabi. “The BID sabia deed for he Zeros response, whereas he asp tote stability is Jefined for the erie response. We shall pow ltroduce & ably cones for the eatie respons. asa mana Definition 4-47 [A system ssid to be forall table iis eo-inpat response i asymptotically ‘lable and for any ial state and for any Bounded input, the outpat as well all the slate variables are bounded. ‘Tieden teen a he stay Sea in Relea Ts done hol ese ene tse ol aby and spo ay ao 1 way Thenteeieat eet 44 mp0, Asmurraric, AND TOTAL sTamurTY — 99° We ee that rotatably ie more steagent than BIBO sai. I requres ot only the hovodednes ofthe output but sso ofall sate variable; the Toundedaee must hold not only for the zao state Bu lo for any nil at ‘A sytem that is BIDO stable tay not faction propel, because some of the fae variables might nereate wih Ue, andthe stem wil ure out oF at least sutra, Therefore in practice, every stem is required to be totally abity implies gmp stably. It torn oa that aymptotie tabi also Imply Cua sibility. Tis a be een By Weng Si) = (= AO) + = AY" i aa aaratray Mit NO + 0) sd observing that the poe ofthe wane functions rom # to each component flea jst the rots of det (aT = A). Hence ithe zroapat response of the fystem ie atympoticaly Hable, them all the pols have negative cel Hence, folowing Theotem 41, for any bounded « and any x() all state ‘saben, and consequently the output, il be bounded, Therefore we hve the Following theorem. “Theorem 43 “The aster dened by (427 otaliy stable if and only all eigenvalue ofA Inve hqaive vel pats 1 Example 4 i ‘Stuy the subi f the system deserved by af ale +[i} o -2)** Lo yet? ts “The eigenvalues of A are —1 and —2. Hence the gem ie asymptotically stabi otaly sable, snd, consequently, BIBO sable Example 5 ‘Study BIBO, tol and asymp sabity ofthe system described by (e)-(3 JET le ie yet2ux 100 ANAuYs: QUANTETATIVE AND QUALITATIVE ‘The cigenvalues of A are —1 and 0, One eigenvalue has a 2er0 real part; hence the 2coipat response of the system isnot asrmpiotaly stable, nor {he ter lal sable "DIDO sabilty of the ayeem, we mest compute thet ee aS Ts has pole ~1; hence the mre response ofthe sytem 180 45 ‘Stability and Complete Characterlzation ‘As metione in the previous section, control systems are often required 1 be totaly table; other the seme may burnout orators IF the dynamical ‘uation deverption of lem i avalble, total ably can be ior the matrix A. Tm the design of contre! systems, do honever not alway avaiable; the only avaiable desripion ny be waster fonctions. In ths este iis necessary 10 check total stabil Kom Uanser fancons, This can be dose with the aid of the concept of complete ‘harsteriation, Recall fom Sectlon 27 that a sytem ie defined to be completely chara tertd by lt tant funtion If the degree ofthe ranaer function equal 0 the number ofthe tae variable, As indented in Equation (430) thse ofthe oer oJ) may be equal to or icloed inthe set ofthe elgenvaiues A ow ‘rer i aajtem completely characterize, tbe the ofthe poles of (i ‘ual to theset ofthe epenvalues ofA; that ig {poles oF 429) = (eigenvalues of A forthe degree of 9) equal othe umber of the poles andthe number of| ae varlaies Is equal to the numer ofthe eigenales. Hence i ystems completely characterized by its arse function e,equvaleaty, its dyrareal quali description is eontolble and observable then BIBO stability implies lied by ttl stat. We sate this as. theorem. mt ‘Theorem 4-4 It a sytem i completely characterized by is aster function 4) then the {sete fe BIBO sible, eympotcally stable, and totaly stable if and only if si the poles have negative el parts. 1 Control systems are meal bull by latrconneton of varlous components ‘or devise. tr ol unease 10 assume that every componeat or deice i completly characterized by is transfer function. Although every component ft does fot follow thatthe composite system by is overall ante foetion, ThertereTheore 44 anno always te employed. Before extending ittoa more perl ese, we mus ‘study the complete charctersation of eompost sats “There are many kinds of connections in compost sysems; however they ce covnetont th nem, te parallel, fer sytem Sy. 12, ‘whi is completely charatevied by 9) 1 4(3) has degre then syste, ‘Sas, following Defition 2, state variables. Aer the eonection of 5, the number ef the sate variables of the compost system ‘gual to. + ma, Hence In order for the overall trenfer fet J) to characterize compet the compost pate, the degree off) mt be otal fom + my Ihe degree of (2) equal toa value of that walle than ‘nc7t my then the compute syste fe not completely characte By gs), fd ny + mg — a poet ofthe eveal sytem wl not appeae as pole o 4) ‘Therefore in the design, not enly should the poet of 6) but othe missing poles be taken ilo consideration : ‘Theorem 4.5 ‘Consider composite system that consis of me subsptems, Let each evbaysom be completly characterized by its proper tanfer funtion 20) with depeem. et the degree ofthe oveal taster funtion fs) ofthe composite stent bem e then the composite system fs completely characterize by the overall anfer Function J), Other there ave " (Sn)-a poles rising from a0). : ' ‘The following theorem provides a way of detecting mising poles Theorem 4-6 Consider two single-variable systems, 5y and, hat are completely eharae- terized by their proper atonal ware functions 9) and 3,0). 4 The parallel connection of 5; and 5, fs completely characterized by (0) = 8y0) + ds) It and only (0) and go) do not ave ony pol in "2 The tandem consecton of S, and 5, it completely chanceaed by 102 ANALYSS: QUANTITATIVE AD QUALTEATE o = PERE an 505 : G(s) = 0,60)4414) if and only if there: is'no pole-zer0 cancellation between xinand 80) 110, conten of and 5 shown in Fgue 48 compley chnrecteriaed by 4a) ~ 0+ ds" Ht and only if wo pole of als) i ‘ancled by any zo oF 0) 1 [A poof ofthis theorem can be found in Reercoce [4], page 389. This thecces ins thatthe systems in Figure 45(), (9), and (2) ate ot com atdychurctrzed ty tele eter Tonetons. The mislog pos in these Fates o (= 1), Note tht elihough there It x pono canealiation Ia Pigue 4340), the system, acordlng to pat 3 of Theorem 46,1 comple ‘hatacterized by hs ovealtranaerfeeton. vith the concep of ising pols, we can now extend Theorem 44 & mote general case, “Theorem 4.7 chown 100 abl symp wale, and tty abe ond onl {ilo taser ncn so sing pokes a hve ese =! o Tews 49 olesere cece. rT Example 1 Consider the feback systems shown in Figure 4-10 Wie ssvumed that stems ‘Sand Se ate, respectively, completely characterize by hss nse fonctions. Tos agtumption ipl tht exch rystemn has one sate arabe (See Deaton ) Coneeuently the feedback sete hae two sate arabes. The transler fapeton of Figure 410%) a= Siete Figure 440 Two feedtack ystems. which has dears 1, Hence (0) dees not charac completly the Feedback Conetion in Figur 100); there sone poe ming rom fs). The mising poles (¢ ~ 2) enoealtbough the feedback eaten Figur 4-100) Is BIBO Enble since the pole of 40) hat & negative rep a Hot totaly able ‘On the other hand, he tenfer function of Figuce 4100) tne tt® eat which docs not chavaterie the ayser completely. Homever the ming pole 15 + 2}; hence the system Is both BIBO sible apd tally sable Example 2 ‘ Consider the feedback system shown in Figure 4-1. Sytem Sy t= esmed to be completely characterized hy its toner futetion. laity ofthe este By employing part 3 of Theorem 4-6, we se that there sa misng ple ‘namely 1 = I in the feedback connection of 5 and Sided, the transfer flo of Ss i¢ = G+ Me =D 8) TE et ed, which has a degree that sone amar than dhe sun ofthe degrees of 5, ad S ‘The taster fection of the tandem connection ofS, and Sys 8 = Di 22 4 rt Dy which hae degree tbat we salle than the som of the Fie #11 A fed dearet of $, and Ss, The missing poles a (Goh) and e+ 3). The overall anaer fen a1 WO eT 1BO stable Since one ofthe missing pole asa psive sabe 1 esc the tem ‘eal pat the em ttt 1h the serch of ming ple of sytem, It Is suggested thatthe contgure- tin et be desornpaed nt theres Urisconneeons We nen apply Theerts ‘46 and compute the tent fanstion of cach concston as we id ia this ‘rample. If we wie Mason's formula to compe the overall tense funetlon, {he sing poles cannot byso eal detected, “To conclde this ection we sre again that wabity ofa sptem te deter. ined by ie overall mathematical deverpon. I Is posible that an ovea fyatem fe BIBO stable ot totally abl, though Is sutaystere are nt. the posible tat an cvrall sem isnot BIBO stable, although allt sub- ‘pete are BIBO sible, 446 Routh-Hurwitz Criterion ily ofa sysemis determined bythe poles of is wanser function, oats afte denominator. The aeympotic ‘ate, bythe ool of thechaactera pl ‘AcIn other words, the BIRO and aympteie stability ae all determined by the ‘roots of polyomials. I the degree of polynomial s frp thn 3, solving forthe root 3 very tedious job. Furlbermore the Kowledge of the exact Ioctions ofthe root ent nde ie delrmining the stabs Therefore it eiable to have some method of determining the tablty without solving {or the coot, In this selon we shal itraduce one auch method, namely the Routh-Hurwie eter, ‘The a1BOs Definition 4.5 A polynomial wit el coeBcens ald to bea Hurt plynomia ial he 01s oF the polynomial have negative eal pars. ‘The Rout-Horvitz citron ix a method of checking whether oF not a Polypomil isa lure polynomial. Clay this erin cam be epi 10 ‘hak the aubilty ofa sitem. Consider the polynomial, DO) mah Has Ee tm oO (42) ith real counts, I is assumed thatthe lestingcoeicent a is psi ais negative, ican be changed to postive vate by malin be male polynomial by ~1, andthe roots ofthe polynomial sve ot acted. We fet {Bye # necessity contin for DG) 0 be Murai IDG) is Harvie {alt the rots of Dg) have negative real paris—then Di) canbe fered ws. 26) = aol] + ad TT G+ + Xe + = Ind meolfe aa] ot ae ea ea) > Sand = Ji Sncethe 6+ are el, complex rootsappear ‘pale Al he cetcen of he factoring side of Ears (53)are poster ban (ess) i a I postive. In other word hen plana! ih poke ieadingcofielent, fame of oot are nga or tere, ‘her el nt et aon Covey a pon th eslveccticins i ot neces a Hurts polynomial For eample the Polya with postive coetiiens c i PAG Met Sle 4 MEH 14 EH 1a as oot ith postive et par a polynomial vith «postive leading coeficient has x negative tro oeficiet then we may conte imeday ta li ot Haro: ive polyoma! with al poste coocents, i oder to oat that ts Maret te have to cary ont the falling tet For este ot presentation we conse: the polyoma o degre 6: at ba + M4 bad teste > 0 (29 be fourth row i thied ows. In general a row is computed rows. Theres sme pater computing terme table ean be eal commie Note that For degree 6 there is atoll of seven eis in the ia olan ot the Routh-Hurwite table, Theorem 48 ‘A polynomial of degree with a posve lending cocticent isa Hurwitz poly ‘omnia iad only i tem +H eae in heist column ots Rou Hurwie {able areal posite, 1 (G6 | ssacvss:qustrtanve ax quaLTATI Table 4 Roulette Table ‘A proof ofthis theorem canbe fone a Reference []- Ifa zer9 or angle be appeat Inthe colon before the completion ofthe tale, we my ‘Mop thera and conse that th pyrene wot &Hurwic plynoralal Example L CComider 21° 4 209+ 36-4 2. The cowicent amined with 3 le are: Fence it aot ¢ Hurwte polyoma Example 2 Consider 26 + 2s? 4 4! + 20 + 2. Form the Following ble: eo2ne Po2B 2 Since & negative number appests ia the et column, the polynomial not Hurwite Example 3 Consider 3°42 4 2 4 1, Form the following table: oa Put fo cea zero appears before the completion ofthe tbl, the polyoma is not ‘We note that in the formation of Table 4-1, the signs ofthe eis are no ected if we ruilipiy a row by a poiive sumber I we use this Fc, th Computation of Table 41 may often be smplied Example 4 Consider 26 4 Se 4 Se 4 20-41, Wer fo2st eos20 5 © (ater the mulpation by 5) 17 0 © Ger he mulation by 21) 100 Since llth entries inthe rat colmn are poste, the polmomil ea Hurwit polyno 1 ‘With the Routh Hurwiteeirion, the BIBO sabi of transfer function and the asymptote sabity oft dynamiel equation canbe easly deterinine. Example § {nthe system BIBO stable? Totally Paws #12 A fedtack ao Byapplying Mason's formule, the overall rane function can be computed sof arena ata Fem ie Ra rt or nit 2) bee F160 ere mia 9) ante 660 remit ya ait 7s aidite fi ta rt denominator of) isa Hurwitz pl eyatamn Sy Ie 2,3, eon then systems 8, Sys and, hare teapestvely 1) aad ence hee reel fivestatearablesinthesytem, Noe that thelachomeer iva measurag device: therefore no ate variable i Inteduced in the Woe denoted as tachometer. The Warafer faction ys) has degree 5; beoce the ‘veal system in completely characerled by 4). Cansequeniy We coneide thatthe system sabe totally sabe and asypioealy table 1 to find the ange of In the design ofa conto pte iti often nena parser which the stem i sable, Thi sab by ue ofthe Rou Hvis eiterion, Exainple 6 CComider the syste shown i system is BIBO sabe. gure 3 ‘Afeednc stem wi “Te transfer funtion of he ester Pye a= Form the Rouh-Hurwite able for the denominator 9/0. - ‘In ocde or (tobe INO sable, ie required that 2 2=ts0 aed a0 These two condone Imply 9 > > 0, Hence i ie betweon O nd 8, th syxfem is BIO stable. 1 47 Steady-State Responses of Stable Systoms In thi seston the seny-stae reponse of DIUO stable sytem dust cetair is wil be cased By stcadjsate espane we mene the rexpons th Iie approsches init hat 240 6 tin 0 eae) Conse a system withthe raser function 9) = Pot Bot 4 Bal™ wa vith m= m1 assumed that the system i BLO sable ha i al the poles oF 9G) have negative rel pats. I we apply the ipo se = (St) 110 axALYs: UANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE ‘hich, by pata facion expansion, cam Be expanded nto sition) _6-J0%). 4. germ due tothe poles of 00) I)" 6 — jo Ble fon) Since al he poles of) have negative real parts, the ime responses esi From the er de tothe pots of wll approach 210 an» Hence the Mebdjite reponse of te sytem de tothe eppication ofthe input uf) = tin ay gem by af eli i —jond Hie = foo) He + on oc a rational fein with el onic, it om be shown tha the el part Sijjan devoted as Re joanne function af andthe agian) pat Stan denced ns imo, an od Tucion of w. Hee if we wee Wun ose” whee he eral rule deste the magaitae of the fey ioe nn 8’ tn" Ean ane sad), thena=son) = Mane“ Concent Bann (00 een be mien at m= e tat = grinen 20 = a14Ge ; aoe = 1a sin ot + “Thien very Important act anette aya IBIBO tale a Tinuoldlinpat apled tothe sytem, then afer the caret eso tp wil approneh sinesbda funtion ofthe same frequency It amplitude "Eyal to sated: He ple ifr from the phase of the ioput by eae gcjunte OUhop fence from the ampktode and phase of tht edybtte utp, te tae futon at r= joy—that llay)—s28 be. IenstedBy varying the fequeny of he input the rater fonction Je) LUlfrequences wean be meaated. Once (Jo) is foun, the transfer function fico be obtancl by subeltaings ~ Jos Th fc ieten used in paste 10 fretsore the rata fncion of a ystem ‘We discs now he steady-state response ofa stable yt doe othe apt cation ofa sep function and 2 ramp function. If we apply the step-funetion input fe forse o Ole creo w= (47 sreapysrate nesronses of stam sveres 11 sytem, then the output sven by Bot Bes 40: + Bas” 910 = a0) = = (0)£ + terms doe to the poles of) = 22-4 + terme dae to the poles of (0) es, poles of the system i BIBO stable, then the responses resulting from the terms dito dyatate esponse of 40) [Note that thi sendy ata sespone depends only on the cofients associated ‘wk off). the lnp sw ramp faneon; that iF Mi)= at forse A) w= 004 wn 09) + F + terme due 10 poles of (8) hich is obtained by wsing Equation (615). With (9) given as in (430, we ve a a bean oe IO et ma) ye) neat ete ey a”, tase eest . attest ence theses epos ofthe se do he ppt tees ty 16)» Bas 4 a bs ue ‘Note that dis steay-atate respons depends cnly on he coefcetsassniated vith and of Equations (-40) and (442) wl be wed later inthe desig. HR anacvais: QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE pe nd designs, sna ls fn epinerng Fe inter rs rte apa ‘quency, then the lente fancuon of the amplifier ean be simpliled a8 Another example of simplifention con be found ie the tansfer function of ‘eumometer Consider the astem shown in Figure 4-14. The ese is rigidly ‘ached to the ground. Let u and be, respective, the dolacaments of the ‘aoe and ofthe mast clave Lo the Inert ypace, and ety =~ 1 Th ewan law lide mE A + ym 0 whee fe the viscous retoncoelfien, end ia the sping constant. By wing Pay +m this equation cam be writen at ny it by ence the tafe anction fom wo ye 6 = 1. 2 0-3" “Sy wa 11 (443) can be appronimated by 46) = ~s4j! = —1, then the movement ‘ty will record the movement ofthe ground. Hence the system ean be wed, der eetain approximating, fo messate the ibraone of enthganken In the ante funetion (es + 1) is spproximatly equal (ok, and ils phase “aprosinately equa a 2ro, Hence from (39) we may copelade that for fet nals ith How frequacy petra, a tester function Ker 4 1) ea be de Diifed as as far a the steady-state tespanes are concerned. In the time are. oman, the simplification cn be uti as follows: Fora system with raster function Aer I) and forte impo ), he outputs ven by 96) = K-40) a (aaa) + ') “+ terms doe to the pos of (3) 1+ is very smal and iu has «lowe fequeney spectra, then u(—I/) is ap- proximately equal fo 20 (ee Figre 31) Hence the constant essociated wi he pole (e+) approximately equal to zero. Fuetetmote due othe pole er +1) ds ou sap Because ofthe Hence the rt tero inthe rgh-hand se of (48) ean be nicl. On the dies hap the magaltades ofthe poles of) ae smal simply inpied the low eeu hoeed wih the pots Lege appronimately the same Henoe We conelade that for lowteaverey lente, Equation (4-48) can be approximated by (0) = HAG), and a tnster ‘sein (er 1) wit mal = maybe spied to ke “We isess now the simplisatlon of Equation (41), 1 he coecents fm a Ao in (3) are very sal then fr signals with high feqaeney spect {he demoniatg of he transfer fonction in (4-3) is apprimately ental enon the tender funtion i (43) can be appeoninated bY = numedonl example to very tle apposition Example ‘Conder the system shown in Figure 414. Let kfm 10°¥ and fm = 10-* + 10" Then the wanslerfuacton from wto yi, GO" FET OEE” TEED the iopatv() = 10-Fe"™ sin 10 applied to the ste, then the output issven by ipa to? x10 10 10 Few” TF OU + 1 0) = HOFer HO Ore HE — 10°48 in OL 1f the sensitivity of the adicator ie 10°* eter—that the pointer can only respond to signal larger than 10"* mater (0.1 sam)—then the picked signal 114 ANALY: QuAtTIEATIVE AND QUALITATIVE en Bia igre 438-"The plot 10 and Wie sin 10%, which fe Hetcl to the input peal except for {he sgn This verdes hat the assertion in (43) ear lade be sinpied fo--1 The eequeney specie of u and ihe plot of fo) ace shown In Figure that in the requeney ange of, Ue pot of 4a) isessenally quale L Te he inp na) = 10-%' by pple to the astm, the outpa even 1? O= Fas Wz ts otto FEIT Fo ic npn tat i = 10-21 = 10 1 the senaiy ofthe indicator stil 10°* mete, [Oserie= 1O-Ae=H, in which the eet tem becomes dominant afer Ip 26 seconds, Hence fr the input signal v, Ce transe fanction cannot be fitmpliied fo I, Ths fact cm so be concluded from the equency specter 1 ‘Stn shownin Figure 415. From the foregoing dseson, we se thatthe transfer function ofa yates can often be simplified for certain clas of input signal. Thesigoals in most owas ner ga gare 446.) Motel of a sieleteontated sce veil hn cto wbet tase anton can be approximated a8 F. control ytems have low fequeney spectra: hence fom the disusion of 4), tre know tha a pole witha very small de constant can often be nested. ap, the dvgn of» contro system eat be stplifed. As an example in ‘ate conta! of «space vel using a pat jt the ss can be modeled ft show Ia Figure 416), where the actuator isa mechanisn fr controling the gant valve The actuator way be a solenoid as shown in igure 4160), for another more-compieated device, However ie designed so that ine ‘constants are mach mallee than the oer ime constants of Ue stem, Ue fer funtion can be approximated simply by a gun k: Another expe ‘of am ctor fe shown ia Figare 7 eater function ean be own Lobe oughly equal to 4G) = 1 the Input signal v basa magoiade smaller han | toda requeey spectrom araller than 10 rads. Sce Referee [9] Figure 417 An cto. 4.9, Remarks and Review Questions “The analysis techniques intodced in tis chapter are applicable to any linear tie-iatla ste thle oer athena desrpions ate it ‘computed. Fora sipie-variable compodte ater, the overall ana funions ‘an be ely btalaed by appiing Maron's formula, There is howerer 10 ‘ini foro for the multva‘ible systems and forthe sate-varible de terion Ia these cae the overall athematial dexrpone ea be computed ‘by eliinaing the ler variables, asin Section 42, What ithe ganselprocedre forthe compotaion a he out often by sing the Laplace taster? the Laplas trasform ofa pet fe not tee the Lapin: transform in computing the response? Pata action expasion can be obtained systematically by using Equations (4-13) and (16), For some special cass we may avo the wse of the formula nd employ the flowing type of manipulation PeUse fe 61346 weDer wen, 3 2 4 3 Gi "Gro Gt arn ar ass arr system with poly and sere shew In Figure PE-2. I sao now that 2) = 21, What ithe rane funeion ofthe sytem? 445 Fied the reroatae response ofthe nite wit tne function 2 Ne 566+ D dae the apptio ofthe apt) =e 46 Given 40) = 2K + 280.3 + 0,!) with 0< 6 < 1. Show that the utp duet. unt tp input i lve by 1016 ee TZ 4 taldoomatet 1 [i a eel I ols nite faction fap. Solve) in the time domain, yeti a us tothe intial conn [21 OY using the Laplace transform and diet) 0) = [1 where Sis described by {i s+ fe pelt as fantom pat. Can you conclade the BIBO sabity of the system from this int output ple? Pare PO Fue Pt 4440 Consider an ae motor. It said that it transfer funtion fom the ‘lesa voltage input tothe acglar potion of the motor aba 2/56 + 1) Sit epee tots fepot and output, the stem BIBO wale? 411 Check the BIBO stabi of the following systems: eat “FEF Tw wes Fey es “Theat shown in Figure PS. » a= igure PES 4442 Stady the asymptotic steity of the zroipst reipome of the sytem in Problem 47, Stuy also the BIBO ibilty of ts aero state reponse “419 Determine whether each ofthe following statements is trv o file {2 Ian overall stem ie BIBO stable, the al ofits subsystems mst be BIBO fab bra auteytemse Ifall subsystems are not BIBO stable, then the overall system snot BIBO stele 4 Iai the poles ofstranterfocton ie ia lipase response is Bounded eit the zeopt response of system Is axymptscally Speen italy tbl Consider the aatems shown in Figure P&S. Find the ranges of in which the aytems ae BIBO satie? 10 able, then the overall system must be BIBO closed plan, then te be, then the 16 tess: quannean ak OUALSTATIVE ow many ethods have we induced ia computing 7 List ech of, ther, Why do we have to compete 7 ‘What i tne constant? To practice i soften sad that response ‘out in tine constant, Very hi by owing thatthe magnitude fa response ‘edocs to 2 percent of oxsinal magnitude in ime constants. ‘What ste ope righ tall plane? The close eighth plane? Why de ‘wo ed Yo make ch Bie ditntion? How many stability defiions have we Inrodeced? What ace thelr sondilnst “There are many stability deitons Ya the Herre. Therefore when We tatksbout sibility, we mutt be epi; otberwise confusion may are. For ‘ramp here lea wabiltydefiiton tha permit simple poles on the Jo-ais ‘ot the plane, ‘Does BIRO sabilty imply asymptote stability? How about the converse? ‘What ie otal taiiy? Under whist condition wit stability imply eachother? “What condition on yetem do we ned ia she dcuslon ofthe steady state response? ‘Can you se the naval theorem to etalah Equation (4.39)? Why? Approsimation fs very eft In engineering. By proper approximation nui and symihess can often be simplified. What 6 good approximation [Sellen eifictit to define presely. Oood reasoing and englecting jue: neat shuld be employed in carrying out approsiatons. ‘All he rests except Masons forma canbe extended eth fo the mul ple all the pole of every etry oth wanser function inbeyatem have negative real part, then the mulivariable 0 stay, total seit, and asymptote em BIBO sable. There sno modification equeedinchecking the asymp-+ oo tock stability of « motverable ten, References {1) Chee, Cy Itoctont Lnor Sytem Theory. New York: Holt, Rina, nd Winston, 1970, te Gore 0. yen CD. Meio, Med of Sa an ye Aris ‘New York sit Rlosart aed Wisto, 1 RSET aata Maes Mesorn Coole nd Aplin, Now ‘York Metraw-Hil 1908 [4] Moons 1, nl Th). Ziomerman, Euevotle Crext, Sumas, on Sater. (eo Yort lo, 90, wens ET {51 Oma, K, Mosira Control Exgierby. Englewood Ca, NJ: Pemetal, wma. {61 Tra 3. Cool Sytem Sythe, New York: MeG-Hi, 1985 Problems 41 Given two sngle-varable systems 5, for {= 1 and 2, tht are described a ssd-U> xe Off] 8 fe Sy Beare Fed the statevariable and the transer-fusction deseiptons of the tandem onnection ofS, followed by Sy ‘42 Find the satevarable and the tanaferfunctondevcpton of the feed feck sytem shown ie Figure 41 with Sy and Sy given as Problem +1 from w to ofthe astems shown in Figure 6 a f t he Flwe P44 29 ava: quarter 280 GUALTATE “Of oa Fi Ps {418 Whot ae the sendy tate reapomtes of the system with taster neti iGe Bs 41) de tothe applation of he following inputs b(t) = 2 ine fore O te) = ani sep fonetion © t(t) = a amp fetion ree ‘Lie Gomider a system with transfer fonction g(). tis assumed that (0 Thoo poles inthe Sosed ighthal slate except x simple poe at he or Shoei rhe input u() = a8 al Is appl the aeedy-at response ‘eluding the depart gen by Equation (439). 3 ‘Pir Derive Equation (4-40) by wing the Baal theorem (ee Appendix A.B Gin you ae the theorem in deriving Equation (+2)? i {Lis Stuy the BIBO and total tality ofshe system shown in Figere PE Te ScD int every subsystem is completely characterized by is arse function. {ED Av armature controled de motors used to drive a loa. Let the rans Torton trout apd inst voltage tothe angular epscement of he mote Sear te the orm festees + 2), ian ipa of 100 vols i app, i is ea ec that the motor sha reaches a tped (not diplcemen) of 2 eas aaa a The iendysate moor shat speed measured as 3 rus, What Fhe ater funcon of the ssc? (420 Jn.a modeen rapid transit system, a train can be controled manually oF ‘Boma, The Bock diagram shown in Figure P48 i posible way 10 — Finns Poe onto the ain evtomtiay Ifthe acometer not we nthe ede {hat 1 = Ost possible for the ayiem tobe totally stable for some K? 18 = 02, find he renge of # v0 thatthe tem otal sable 1421 Mining the ligid level ata ed height nan important askin may ‘proces control syslems. Such a system and ts Bock dagram are shown in Figure P49, with += 10h, = 10, ky = 95, and ky = 2. The vacnbes oy. lock diagram are the devstons from the nomial values hy ene the desired or conn signal for his spt eo. Thiskind of ‘Sutera called argu spre. rt # = Oe 1, what the behavior OF) fort > OF CHAPTER 5 Computer Simulations and Realizations process controls, aato plots aieplan hd other applications, Computes can be employed to erty out complicated ‘ll date, and then generate conto digas, serve es contol Components, or sinolte tathematial equation. In ths chapter computer Simulations of mathematical equation wl be diseosed, "Computes ean be divided into analog and dial computer An Inter en of dish log compute Ir clleé a hybrid computer, ‘The sgntsn an annog computer are defied over the eat ine interval of inmeres, whereas te spnals i 2 dil computer are defied only at discrete tants of tne. In other words, a dgtal computer accepts only sequences of numbers, nd it otpets agin consist of en sequences of number. In this ‘computer simolatons willbe dicused. We the siulation. Tecnica details ill nt be icased 5-1. Analog Computer Simulations of Dynamical Equations, 1a onder to unify the presentation of analog and digital computer simulations Of fnear dynamical equations, we shall ist develop a Bleck dagram for & Fare £4 Masi Mock, (a) Integrator (6) Smee, ©) Ant Filer with guna dynamical equation. The tafe elements used fa the boc dingram are he Investor, summer, and amplier (or attenuator, ax shown In Figce St By htereseneston ofthese tree bass elements, tock agra cn be bul for any net dynamical equation, We sll call ths kid of diagram a Bate bck dag. We give ia igure 52 the basic block diagram ofthe following 10" obs for reitors “amd Tor eapsctor Hence ne fave no Teedom fa Soosngcontnuos rong of foro aud in Figure 83. The often Shall oy ad are Tad 10, "The baie elements trodaced in Flgure $1 ae jst mathemati ents, tS town a igure 54 We note that tr noguve value by Conecing amplilers end a poteaometet, Now vce aa Loe " mane? = shoo tas tte 2 coon eee Ms soem Se [gue $3" Asus atlog compute leven. Fipne 54 The comiaction of basic by ig tas very dynamical equation can be set up by an interconnection of the base fleets shown in Figure $1, and since ever bss element ean be consructed by using actual analog compte ment, we covlide that evry ies time: Invariant dynamo equation can be simulated in an enlog computer A block diagram built by using total soalog computer elements called an orlog Sinudtion block ogra. Example 1 ‘Simulate the folowing dynamical equation In an analog computer f)- (2? JE] + eee y=os anf] ey ‘A basi lack digram of (5.2) is drawn n Figure $a). ach bss block in Figure 55 replaced by actual analog cor ter elements in Figute $50) ‘The revaing diagram lean analog simulation block dagam for (52. “The purpose of this example ig to demonstrate that every Knea tea variant dynamical equation can indeed be simulated on an analog compte ‘The Bock dlagram inthis example is wosutsfactory However because I ses cessvemumbers of analogcomputer elements. Although ihe block dlagram ean ‘besimplifed, tis eases to setup anew analog soon block diagram bya diferent. procedure. The procedore is very simple: For an mdinensional ‘dynamical equation, we need n integrators. We then asig te ouptt af ech Integrator an eter xy or xy HT ne ain it 38 x then the apo of he I= tepatr is equal to 4 IT we asian it as, then te input of the integrator FE AO RTE EE EF. = by peneralng 408 ~$ eg ampli, potatoes nd the gen skint fvcah ice epee epi een saan Sock Segam's cpt L anole? Freon emi SS gan or pn (3, Te on om i ons o> ee oa “They ore generated a shown sequal to f ! +i te inthe gure pi ete Fore $$. A simulation of Equation (52). Flewe 56 An asl simulation lock agra of Equatlon (2. the ouput ofthe integrator ace sine 28x, and then the fats of npn lduand y= 2 “Te boc dagram wt schol of state vrabies a sbowa in Feat 8.60), # [Note that ite outpas of the integrators are aisiged a6 xj and sy, ‘lotsa dierent block diagram. 1 ‘Of tolage: The vaiales of the dyoumieal equations to be sielaed are Hhonerer not neceally voltage; they cas be current temperate, or othe ‘rable, Therefore, sty speaking, weave to carr out uni change before ny smuation Tis tp ca be avokdd if we use Jn the numerical values of th snalog computer and thea add the sppropriat unit fo the variables, For ‘ample, In (£2) stands Fo delacern Itsy reads 02 volt on an analeg computer, the bynamicleqonon, Dhettore In the filing, we ei varlables "The magnitude salngé Is equlred In analog computer simulations fr the j & agate saa. el awn cont mane noms i " follonng two rezscas! Fes, the value 4 variable can astume in an analog ‘ampate i nted toa rang, typielly +100 volt, 50 vols of +10 vot tence In erdor tant tnturaton ofthe operational amelie, the mage ‘every variate mun belied, Seed, ithe value of valle very eal, ‘hen the ceuney oft edu or po, wil be poor Hence inorder frese the asuracy, the maple of every vada shouldbe Inereved to rake we ff the ful soe, Clery it Is not possible to acleve these two objets Silineousy by ebnaging the magnitide ofthe fap aloe, To achieve these tjectives, we have t perform the followiag magnitude vali: Consider the fear imelvarant dyamicl equation ee AR Be om yo Cr+ Da way! and et hear ean InF tad Tn ston oe mare vent be diced, he x sai ced se see Te ae and he ain rs ae ese at nope Ee Reeene a Sinem sates i orsin mat form, re oo re na a 00 Pe. oO Mpa! e-[} so OP gual weno “The constant p and, ae nonzero teal ccastans.? They are chosen 8 Na the few triable £ and jl nt staat and wl take te fall eae, Fer example, It tbe maxis agnitide of sy, and 9, a known (9 be 25 vols, O1 ols aed 40 vol, aad ifthe allowable rape of the computer i from 10, YoIS to +10 volty then py, pap and cam be chosen asp, = 10725 = 04, Prim loat = 100, and f= 0}60 =: 0:25, Then the new variables 3, By llgnable range: By the swbltuton of = 5) becomes PAP“ + Po oy y= gcr"'x +900 oo this egeton I se inthe simulation, the variables wil ot entrees wil ge oer the ul ete By wing x = P"'X andy = Qf the responses of the orignal equation ($3) can then be obtained LE He yeas Suppose it s known thatthe maximum magnitudes of x,t, andy ate, f= Speaely, 25 vole, 10 vole anid vole fot the cas of Input of inten hd suppose Iba the analog competer ued has 2 range from ~10 voll to 10 ices Pad Q ean be chosen a8 = [ME ga] 02s Re at nd can ete pstve os men I pat, te ‘i etclange tne then be pory wal a. Forth Pan Q, vation (6) oes 0 ate poe a-[2 8 ]es [ee pot 12s -02s}x sth ounton te mage eg, 1 tn ante eign odo case Pan pope minum mina fa ca ree olen Cnaeenen Bee eyo eect hoe ad @ st Spec yet rT thane enema be ebiane e weo' e at simulated fn a Caial compuler Gee Section 5-2. Otherwise the magnitude ould conta a problem in an analog comptes tiation, ramp eke thee Imoon; however Meer ajectory cam be simulated ina computer fmm mater ‘thou, Thies aebeved bythe change of tie ele, Conder the near te Invariant dymamical equation 2 2 S209 = ann + Bat on x10 = Cx) + Dow) om with x0) =X, Now let t= at, and define He) 8 wad $C) xe), Ho) 8 r(iak Then by sing d= Ue) de, Equation (5.7) beomes ah ato = A + B59) ea 5) = C=(9 + DG) em qe) = Lacey + 1 wine) (5 Jee = Laren + bem a9 39 = CRE + DIE 0) Iain += ari grater tha I then the solations of (5) and (59) are, com raved with that of (1, slowed down, On the other hand, if isles than, the the solaions azo speeded up. Since (0) ~ xo JO) = 3h). the Solutions of (7), (58) abd (59) are he same, except for Une seallag {54 scauoc conruren sauLaTions oF DMBaCAL EQUATIONS — 13 Figwe's4- A tine reson Example 4 (Consider the one-dimensional dynamical equation #0 ~ 209 + 0) 0 aD 30 +40) ox) “The solution of 10) de to the intel state (0) = O and the input ut) save, in Figure 3:7) fe computed lu Figue 570) If we Inoduce + = a, then Equation (5-10 becomes We se from (8) and (£5) that there are to one ways to acer the hangs of ime ssl. After Equation (7) sulted, oe reduce the pai of integrators by eacor of thiscorrsponde othe Intenso the capacitance (ofthe epacter in Figure $3 by facor ofa), then the change of ne sale fs Figs $3 Change of ne sel, 182 conmurensoetanions an RALZADONS cicred. the gains of iterator cannot be changed arbiarly, asi the ‘hs in moat analog computer, then ba ores to change the ine sale, we bare {a simte the new equation (3). Every prsen-day analog compater as two or more diferent tlt speed operations. This Is Dy we of two or mot deren capacitors in ll integrators. At wea rom Figuce 3 thn, i the eapacitanes changes, fom 10" fared to 10°# fra, then the gan fal integrators wil increase ty 100 tines. Consequently the solon canbe speeded up by 10 times. These ‘erent pecds of operation can expand te applications of enslog comput. ‘See Reference [6] 5-2 Digital Computer Simulations of Dynamical Equations of umber, Hence when we we lion, the equation must st be tion ka aee De om xm nepal form, see at) = H+ [Cantey + Bate de wan nt beh, 11 ris vey small end if snd ware oughly constant in thefts then Eqealion (15) can be approximated by a(n) = xe + (ARC) + BuO] BF 9 “This equation can be wid to solve for (x0), x() (284) ..-) in a digital Compote. Iti ler thatthe sale the Ag tbe more azure the solute tris alld the letepraton sep sze. For «given the simplest and erudest method for earyng out the Integr “Thee ae many ober more complicated ard accurate methods for eating fut th iteration, including the wapezial, the Renge-Kutta method, the predctoneareior method, among other, These methods a {baile as subroutines im most eompating centers. These subroutines ae well {ested and canbe easly employed to wove dynamical equations. in addition to the aforementioned subroutines, there are many specialied digiat computer sinuition programs for sling dynamical equations, such as MIDAS (Afodifed Intepation Digital Analg Simulator), MIMIC (an improved ‘esion of MIDAS), TOM 1130 CSMP, System/360. CSMP (Continvous ‘Syste Modeling Prien), aed TELSIM (Teletype Salter). These pro- jrams can be cay prepare from ibe tsi block aigram of « dynameal Ecuation or ielly fom a dynamiesl equation, $52 port conrures sootanions oF Dv¥ucaL HqvATINS 183 We sve sinple example ofthe application of System/350 CSMP. Consider we dyoamiel equation a) Ei 9 EI +[e)- reo onl] Find the eulpt y and state variables; From Oto 20 seconds du fo the iia ondton'x,0) = 1,440) ~ 0, and a'unestepfundon lop “The CSMP input statemeats for this problem are Ised in de flowing. an weten in Foran IV language. DYNAMIC PARAMETER U=1.0 XUDT=20X1-X2 XaDT=X1 4 56X24 1.560 Xi=INTGR(OXIDT) X2sINTGRODX2DN) Yox1 +0.6x2 ‘TIMER DELT=0001,FINTIM=200,0UTDEL=0.10 PRIPLTXILY END. stop ‘Th Best pat ofthe program is se explanatory. “ELT” eh step sae. "FINTIM" Isto Boal tine of computation. YOUTDEL” {ervl In which the cespnsea wl be peated. In ordee to have an accorate result, DELT is esually chosen to be very wal. ei however umoeenry ‘rint out every computed rel; therfor he printout interval i chosen mnch Iirgerthan DELT. Inemploying CSMP theuserhas to decide the sizes of DELT ‘OUTDEL. For this program we have asked the computer fo rit a5 n=l 15 plot he output yaad the sat vadabl ‘Comparizons of aalog computer simution and digital compute sina tions are la order. In analog compuersinulation, mapitudeealng might ‘omtituiee diffe problem. This difleuty however will ot arte on 8 digs ‘computes becuse the range of amber it can handles ver age—for example, From 10° 010 inthe IBN 7000. The accracy of am analog comet ‘fen finite fo 0. peseet of Ka fall sale; « gal computer may have Deion ofeght or more decinal dips. Therefore the rest from 2 digital ‘ompoter simulation is mich more acuratethan that fom an analog compu ‘The peertin of nonlinear Factions is easier ons digital computer than 0 sealog compute. However the interaction between an analog computer and the mein vety good By is we mean tha the prsanctre fa inulin enn be tly adjusted, and the consequence of the acjstments can te immed ‘observed. The intracon been a general-purpose digital computer and the ri generally ot very easector) Bu hs fteraction hasbeen improved Invrecat yes ecaune of the Inraduction of tne shang and of famole Ttemions Fnany eae the ue f em analog ora dg eompter will mae the ‘design much easier, 53. Realization Problem ‘Network saesn sone ofthe importa dicpins in eteteal engineering. {inconeraed mainy with the determination ofa aetvork tat has prescibed Inapecans or traaer felon, The realization problem We hall Introduce In the remainder ofthis chaper i along the sae fie, that, to determine 2 riot dyna euaton that basa pesebed tational roster 5 Hence ths problem could be viewed ax a Bench of aeivork sath I we ae sven a transfer une tinea ine evarant dyanmial equation that hs then GC) esi to be rasa, nd the dynamin! ea ‘eatzaton of (3). We say the ealzation problem for the following estn ‘ies dorm eqention ca be redly smulated on an analog of «digital atx (9 andiit posse oad 9 Gis) as amfer function, fer Fncton san then. be Computers henge ifr rellaton Te foun, nated of Situated by wing thereat, Secon, the elation provides {yoheiing a transfer function byte of operetionalampitr cuts. Pinal, © there ae many depn techniques and computational slgorihms developed Ccluely for dyoeeal equations, In order to apply these techniques aod “gor, tanse funtion aioes mest be realized i tosfer-funtion matrix & tealiable a al, then itis posible to have infiniely many dilerent dynamical equation realizations, These dynamical 4 uations may have these dimension or diferent dimensions. However heir “Tlensions cae nes be emi than the degre ofthe anser-frcton matic (Gee Denton 27) The dynamical equation realization whoce dimension Is ualtothe depres cf the tetferfancion matrix called a miinabimesionel (Gritrducbl) realization, ean be shown that a misinal dimensional vane ‘Salvays cotolaie and observable. Tn this chapter we diss only ‘nina dimensional ceazatons. The signfcance of a minimaldimensiosl {Ralzatonsthat, the tanfr funtion 3 sawlated onan analog computer by ting his ena, te he umber of eros sae wl Be he sme posible ‘Not every tant fostion i realizable by linear dime-nvasiant dynamical equnton. The condition fora trnferfonetion matrt to be reallable by 2 ‘ritedimensonal dynamical equation of form Ra Ac Be yoOc+ De # ce ‘54 naAuizavionS oF Proven RaTowAL FUNeTIONS 135 is tht the tansferfunetion mattis must be proper rational matix. I a tana ncn sot rational (Qe apse snot a hamped system bt eather a ‘htbuted syste, then i eanoot be reaed by a ate-dirtensona dypamical ton If' randerfeetion Is ratlonal bot aoe proper then the realaton ‘allbe af the form ax Be yo Ce + Des Duis Dw 1a tis casey diferentatns ae needed to generat i, G.... Hence if dieren- tito are nt pete, a is fen the care fn practice, ten aration uscton mus be proper, a the subsequent two sections mininsl-dmenslonal retations of sealer ‘ropes titonal futons end vector proper ralonal uanserfnctions wil bs Secured The tlnina-dimensional reaetons of general multivarab reper vatioeltrasier svarces are too compat fo be dusted here; {he interesed reader i teeted to Reference [1 5.4 Reallzatlons of Proper Rational Functions 1 this seston yacious misimalcimensional cetiations of salar proper tonal ante functions wil be Introduced. We fit introduce a cetieadon }0(). then tne ferent relintions af the sane NCD) Realzalions of f/D(). Consider the uanser function = z. with 96! xO a at em eae ee 7 ih can be wen ot : on a 2 a WO Saar tee {og oe re real constants. In with = ios = age sumed tht and. the time domain, Equation (15) canbe written (FF agp tt WH) = fl) ‘where pian for df. By taking the Laplcetrastorm of (510 and assum ing tevo initial conditions, ft sey to vel that the ranser faction from {ory in (15) dood the one sven in (15). It is wel known that in order Toca moder dferersial equation to Have 2 unigue soltion for any, we nil cools, Hepe the slate vector will const of 2 109 16 comeur sino we marin component For Baton (10, I ture ot thatthe exit y and it deriv Sine upto (ae ih onder any on wat aie. Let Boyer HO AYO = 94 ~ 440) BO 870 = P9O~ LO 2 BPO = FD = Rei Distenntag once and wing (10, we cba 240) = BIO) HON = Bs 9 wa [2 *h (47 and (5.18 can be arranged in matrix form ot 29 4 DAP & ays) = Bul) + 090) = Bae PNO) 499 + 80-19) — Bro OE) “the fia erm on the eghthand side of (5.20) gas the response du 1 the Tnpot ts); the remainder ives the response due tothe inal gondions, "Therefore Cal the coeficens assclted with s°37%,..0,3% In (520) ttre known, thea for aay ua unique output yan be determited,Consequenly we choot the state-varables ax af =H) eal = 910 + 81900 ~ Ba) om mal) =O + ay") ~ Bal + a HD = Blt) a UF aA — Bil 4 weer) — Boe) then x= [sy xp << J avalon as 2 tae vector, where the “prime” ” ands forthe wemspove The vet ofequtins in (25) ik aston Ae Been tens = Bat BS tte 1a 6.29) once ad using (52), we obtain fy mat Bat “The foregoing easton ena be arranged in Ditereniis gure 510 A bac Hock diagram of Eaton (528, “This ea etization ofthe trates funtion in (22), a canbe vere by wena formula The base Block diagram Of (5-26) i shown In Figure $10. ‘There aten oop with loop aang a, [Py -ony ayn and od ‘ithe loops touch exch ober: hace the dn Miasoo's formula i given By 44% eat Es Baty pete ate he tag tate e tal 14845 Sa hort au o “Thee are forward pasha with gins ul, Paton. Ale. Every foward ath touches all the loop Rence y= Uy for T= Tp 2y.0.ym, Conequently {ha tnrte function Grom t0 9 of Figure 5-10 or, equiaiaty, of 26) 18 be ret Feta metab cee +o) “this vee that Equation (-26 ie indeed realization of in (5-22, Note Tint ts rezation cam be oblaned immediately from the coefcents of #1. ‘Rel tat aretlaton of raster fonction scaled x nina mensional realtaton iris dimension is eqal tothe depee ofthe transfer function. The mension of (26 ew the Gearee of) in (522) i also mi Ns) and De) fave nv common factor. Hence we conclude that if NG) and Dis) ave 0 Memon ctor, then (2-26) # 4 minima-dimensionl ceaization of (22). Sean alo be shown tat (528) f boxh controllable and observable, However itn) and DC) havea common factor then athough (5-20) is stil bservabie, it donot contolabie. This fe the reson we call (£26) the observable form realization of 62) Ccontellabeorm realization af N(/D(0). We introduce now a diferent Peiion aed he contaleleform dynamical equation realization, Conger J) = NONDG) 0, equvaealy, te deena equation Dips = NO om Mo courotx sera AND EALIZATING Let us introduce a new viable) satitng on) = 0 2m 1 the fact hat WDE) = DNC), wo = MMO wm & ‘Observe that Bgution (8-29) inthe form of (19 wth lo 1. Hence by Bye nesg m vacvsste = HOM, we immediatly obtain in (398), 1 oo oot 9 8 oo ny Het m Pet ‘Subataing 5 = HM, for f= 1, ym Bad + Bylo Re + Bt Bt Baca + Bm (ese = BaPaay Behl 1a “This loa nove way to rele renfrfacton. Tha the tant fenton of Taye ua to NOG) ca sgnn be vere by wing Mason's formula oo inc meceding bscin, i N() and Ds) have no commen fete, then 7 ‘Sia erent imal Sienna elation of ch (2) ands bot ea iablesnd observable. If (a) and DG) haves common fector, then (30) SPAEC Sorbie bt fs sll controllable. This ic the reason we ell i the ‘antral form realization. 7 7 st Example, if Find the controllable Form and observable form dynamical equation ealzatons o + ae 4 be = 10? = 42 24 ise 0s pa hile — 41s WO = aap aF GP aa? Beware sad From the coeficeas of 4), the ob 4] poo 0 0-1) [-05 i 13 El-]o 1 0 0 ols+| ofe ean zl Jo o 1 9 4 1 i ° y -[0 0 0 0 Hees + wi tneedininet poles Ay. 2p, and By with rapes 3,1 $4 meazarions oF more ATA FUNCTIONS 14 “The contolable form realization is a] fe 1 0 oO ] fo 0 1 0 of fo Bl-[ 0 0 0 1 Ofxelofy ex {| 2 0 0-0 af fo -Io-t 0 4 = 4 yn[-0s 15 0 1 Ox e isu We note that although we ute the sxme x in (531) and (5:32), they represent sly diferet quantiiee 1 Jowdan-orm realization of 1(9/D(9). We introduce in this ssbreton ‘nother renization called the Jrdonform dynamical equation realization We the realaton procedure, The iden can be easly ‘hse Comidars stil proper rational fenton 23). ait ion expansion nto ‘tend to the oe sumed that f) can be expanded by partial mo) TF eH ea oat swith eg 90,4, #0, ad ep 40. Block dings are draw in Figure SL Tor (235) ln tras of sch poles Wo ote tat euch back In igure Sse nbe ing ofan iterator, as shown in Figure $-12. Hence the output Deak block is qualfed as eat vriabl, By assigning the output of ech block asa fate variable, and tefeting to Figure 5-12, we can etsy obtain the mathemati! dserition of each Block in Figure 511 a8 shown, By a0" Ing these equation, we can obtain the dyeanical equation description of tbe ‘block agra Figure 3-11@) a8 tu) [a 1 9 0 0 a] [eo a ro of fo fal-[o 0 a 0 ofxsfite oo) B]"}o o 0 a of |i allo oo oa bt ed Ce “The dynamical equation description of Figure 5-11(6) is fu] fl 0 00 07 few gal [tao 0 0] Jes of-fo Ty 0 ofx+fenlu 635) &{ foo od 4 of fe al looo cal Le y =[00 1 1 13x L_@-+ Tips $11. Block clasram of Equation (39. “These equations are two diferent realizations of 4) in (53); both a sido bein Jordon form? These dynamical equations ae mininaldinensional £8 {ealiatons of #0), browse Ifthe deaoniaator and aumerator of () have ‘common fctors, the common factors willbe automatically eliminated i the proces of paral ractoe expansion, ‘Comparing wil the conellable-form and obseryableform realizations, there are two dasdvantages Jo using Jordan form realafons Fst, the ‘dominator ofa transfer Fenetion must be Met acored. This x very tedious job for a ean funcion with degree lager than 3. Second ifthe tansler Function has compler pole as oflen might be Ue eas, then the Jordan form realization wil coast of complex numbers. The complee numbers can be ‘hanged to real sumbert by the so-caled equivalence tansformaion; the Fire 12. Intern strace of back a. Imtrested reader is referred to Reference [1], pages 231 and 257. The Jordan {orm realization, on the other band, has one advantage ove the coatrobable: focm or obereableform realtone Ir eigenvalues ve lens sensilve to perametr variations, Sex Referees [3] and (3). 55 Realizations of Vector Proper Rational Transfer Functions Jn stn feats of wo opr a anti ncn wi Bya vector raise function we mean ether a1 x p raionabfoneton trutisora gx 1 reooafuston mass, Coondrthe¢¥I proper rans Racicemis, avy oy = [ a e209 ton eis assumed that each (9s an reducible proper rational function, We ist, expand 6 into fe Ei : al 4 9). 2), and (9) 8 6/0) ~ de asaly prope ational fusion. Hest common denominator of fr = 12,9, a7" + [ ce t] Bat eB Litt es Be, oan 146 conn SMULATINS AND REALIZATINS 11s claimed that the dysamial equation Oo 1 0 07 Po eo 0 1 0] fo ae ifxef ie a9 6 6 6 om af fo all E-Ee AeB om Ina renkiaon of (7) This cam be proved by wing th ontroaleform ‘alton ef) (22. Dy comparing (28) wi 0), we tee ha ‘fr octon rom to teal fo fur"! $4 bn Farteoen iit se component re actin, See 4) Paso earencuml oo brdnto th ete of 06) elo “ned plan (P30 af nan ha “linen Tatra oP BC) int For ttc inpat snloonpt te incon, ne Bae Beth the oon wots andthe eee frm reaaione’ Bot for sana ttn aro tw penile hae ths ose ormreskason an ample 1 comer 43 sss : THE B] po) | DE TS| co ee (Ode re me 7 1 cae [+ arate | fhe al) ole 1 PEOtD) it reer ater ele + ate Hence «minimal dimensional realization of Gi given by E-L t El ro[2 3 ef ‘ [$5 REALIZATIONS OF VECTOR PRoveR RATIONAL TRANGrER FewcnIOnS 145 We sly now the seaatons of x p prope rations/-fncion mate, Sine its development is mila fo the one forthe g = I cas, we pest nly the el, Comer the 1 p proper rational mae 60) = [av 40) slid =a Dae Baal > aed oo Ffyat t+ Bat? 4 Ped en “Then the dypamial equation Ow 0 may Bn Bw 10 tr 8 mee! [Bly Brood m/e 9 ect) em pon OO 1 ae Bae yefoo 00 xtih a dle te cealaton of (539). 1 IRisatio posible to fed Jordan for relations fr veeor proper ration functions, The proceore i slr tothe one for the salar case. We use ‘ample tolerate the proce. . Example 2 Find Jordae-form rslaton ofthe 2 » 1 rational function +3 er nee BOT ae ea igre 13, Block diagram of Bastion $4, ‘A block dlagrt of Baution (6-41) fs sven fo Figure $13. With the sate ‘aie an, dr in i= (o SNE] +f pJ-G “fl +E. cam be ound to devaib the Block dlagrem, Hence it isa relation of (541). Example 9 Find an anslog simelation lock dlagrem for the coatol system shown i Flaw S14, 000 ito ‘There are two ways to simulate the system shown In Figure ‘ind the overall rane fnston and then simulate it The other i to simulate ‘Sibloc nd thn cones them pte, The cond method is ecommende 0 Bi Figure S44 Acantol stem. ‘5-5 REALTONS OF YEcTOR PROPER RATIONAL THACHER FUNCTIONS 147 case, by snlatig each Mock separatly, not only ae the sat variables able with each block, but alo is cil to adjust the parameters of 1? +20 20a as EIB $a G: yn— 0 ox then the block canbe simulted as shown ia Figure 515. We note ths ‘viputs of to lntgrators ate chosen a2 —y aid ~xy. The output of the third imeratr is choven ts xy, There choirs are purely Ca com Sioce ‘snd y= ty the tachometer reed ot be ssulaced; the signal {ca be obtained ditety fiom x5 The compensators, C, Cr, the same pole By almulting ‘umber ef Ilegrators used ean be reduced fom 3to 1 Consider = p09 + D4 AB) “ban 3? ‘The 1 x 3 proper rational function can be weten a teghgnt eve, from (5-40), thas the following one dimensooal realization: 00) oan ep -2 1/90) 0) 2 eo asa te. eek allie hing slr numberof iterator. ‘Toconche hs chapter, tw reat onthe eslaons of general proper inal nts Cer he 22 ronal matin a [Pac tut : 09 =[I0 tin ial ‘A Mosk agra of Bguation (5.42) ia shown in Fl (0) sod then comping ‘Soeupton ot the eoraponte system In Fugue 5.16, we eu ‘of (42), Honever tis teallation Is geaeally not 8 mii ‘ealzaton Ia otter words, its inension generally ager GG). Finding a minimal cimendonal realization of (rather compat; the Interested reader referred to Reference (I), Chapter 6 ° Biewe 516 ‘Avteinaton of « 22 rational ‘5-6 Remarks and Review Questions In mos texts analog computer simulations of transfer funtion are carried cout vc, athe han throvrh dynamical egoaton realizations sis suggested inhi tex There ee however many reasons forthe latter approach. Fst wimes 10 tude and tine setings ‘sn be easily cared eu trough dyoamoal equations. Finally, te procedure ‘an be extended tothe muldvariabl ese, Do you have feedom in assigning arabes to ether the input or the output ofan integrator? To both te input and ouput?” ‘Wat Is the main cinta in using anlog computer simulation? Do you Inve th same difiecty in digtal computer siultioa? How do you cary ot magnitude sling? Why must the constants p, and 4,4 Equations (5-4) and (5) be cert ott Pad 4, Equations (5-4) and (5-5) ‘Ananslog computer wusly basa normal mode snd a fat mode of operation, How can ths be designed? What are the reasons forthe study ofthe realization problem? What is a minimal -

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