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*Thanks to Melissa for taking mintues

Week in review
Drought circle DRY HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!
2 circles was okay but lets not always do that

Lobby trip funding

Good shape!
April 22nd lobby trip debrief, informal, dino BBQ, symposium, gives good
Vote: lobby trip debrief
YES: 10
No: 0
Constitutional Review
Make it clear that Gen body members can propose amendments
Environmental updates
Tabling went well! Sent letters to important people!
LBC in 10 days by Ben
Community gardens 4/25 Saturday (back before theta dodgeball
Make our way back by 1:30 pm (leave at 10 am)
VOTE: community gardens
YES: 10
No: 0
CDCJ art show- 4/24 Friday earth week 1-7 pm co-sponsorship
YES: 10
No: 0
BSO updates

Allyship week in the future (attend)

Attend vigils and rallies

Chicano Caucus Updates

Trying to get former Columbia student enrolled
Someone from NYU
Joint event
Tbd details
Fight for 15 schedule
Highschool students 4-5 pm Low steps booked
Dorm storm

New school, CCNY, NYU main groups coming, people coming from Fordham,
high schoolers
Talked to students on campus
Hoping for a couple 100
Music and spoken words 6 pm march to 96th street have a short program there
then go to big protest between Columbus circle and times square. 7:30-8. 5-6 on
5 pm low steps
This weeks meeting
Lbc- liberal sparring partha moderated by mike! Hell be neutral (Or try to at least)
Austin Business and Private Colleges - Corinthian colleges
Melissa- Election discussion circle- Hillary circle
Darius + Ben Infrastructure Boys doing Infrastructure Circle
YES: 10
No: 0
John Jay society Debate
YES 10
No: 0
How to support a survivor event
YES: 10
No: 0

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