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Elements of Mechanical Engineering (MEX-102)
B. Tech 2nd Semester
Minor I (19 Feb, 2015)
Roll No: ___________

Time: 1Hour

Max. Marks: 20

Note:- Attempt all the Questions. Draw neat and clean diagrams where required. Question paper
is printed on both sides.

1. Define Free Body Diagrams? Draw the free body diagrams for the following indicating the type of
a) A car is parked on a sloped street.
b) A girl is suspended motionless from the ceiling by two ropes.


2. Define coplanar concurrent and Non-coplanar non-concurrent forces with suitable examples.


3. State the different types of supports with resisting forces acting on them.


4. A simply supported beam in figure 1 carries one u.d.l and two concentrated loads as shown. Find a
such that support reactions will be equal. Also find the reactions.
900 N


1400 N

Figure. 1.

5. For the shaded area shown in figure 2, find the moment of inertia about the line AA and AB. All
dimensions are in mm.



R = 40

1 2.

6. Find the forces in members 1, 2 and 3 by method of sections in given figure 3.


Figure. 3.

7. Two equal loads are supported by a flexible cable ACDB as shown in figure 4. Determine tensile force
developed in portion AC, CD and DB respectively, if the span l = 12 m and sag h = 1.5 m. Neglect
weight of the cable.


Figure. 4.

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