Laura Supportletter

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Place: India

Organization: First Federated Church, Des Moines Iowa

Date of Trip: June 1-16, 2015

As you may know, in the summer of 2012 I first took the leap of faith to spend two
weeks trekking throughout India and the Himalayas to spread Gods word to the
indigenous people in remote areas through intense prayer and interaction. I remember
the 15 hours spent on the plane to the Delhi airport with what I describe as a excited
fear, not knowing what I was getting myself into and how my faith would be pushed. As
I drank my last sip of filtered water and utilized the western toilet for the last time, I
remember thinking that we could take our time arriving, for I didnt know if I was ready
for what lie ahead.
Of course, we made it into the Delhi airport and we were thrown headfirst into what
Indian culture was. After we settled into our hostile for the night and took a tour of a
Sikh temple, I knew immediately that God had a purpose for me being there and I began
to see his plan unfold. That night, we came across a woman with leprosy and our guide
had the opportunity to pray over the woman and speak words of love and showing her
the worth she had in Christs eyes, even when humans threw her to the street because
of her mangled appearance and sores that covered her body. This first encounter with
the people that I have now fallen in love with was one of the most impactful of my life,
as I experienced biblical stories come to life before my eyes.
Someone on the trek once said, You cant leave India without being changed and
having it affect your heart for the rest of your life. I cant imagine a more impactful
phrase, as over the past two summers I have yearned for the opportunity to go back and
love on people that are desperately seeking for something more. I had always thought
that when presented with the opportunity to go to India again, I would go with no
hesitation as it had occurred the first time. This proved true, but I wasnt sure if it
aligned with Gods plan. I didnt want to be taking the spot of someone who was vital to
the team, just because I selfishly thought I should go. I let time pass and decided that
since I didnt feel the intense tug that I did the first time, that meant I wasnt supposed
to go and the sadness of that caused me to push it to the side. Fear of finances, time off,
the unknown, and more filled my mind and caused me to say the one thing that I never
thought I would do when presented with the opportunity again, I said no.

I thought that door to my life had closed and I looked upon it with sadness, my heart
breaking over the fact that a group was headed to where my heart was left and I didnt
get the chance to go. However, in late February I received a text from my dad simply
asking, What would you think of going to India this summer? As much time had
passed, I was shocked by the question, as I thought this opportunity was long gone and
not in Gods plan. He simply replied to pray about it and that he needed to know by that
night. As I had a hectic day that day, I started off my morning telling God that he would
need to make it very obvious to me that day as I had little time and lots to do. I headed
to chapel in anticipation of hearing an impactful sermon on missions or the sort, but
instead it happened to be a whole chapel of announcements. In frustration I left,
pushing the thought of India out of my mind again, preparing my no.
Something that I have learned about Gods plan is that he often likes to push us out of
our comfort zones and cause us to fully trust in him, creating a plan so unlike the one
that we have developed in our heads. As I walked out of chapel I stumbled across a
friend who is also going to India this summer and we finally were able to have the
extended conversation about India that we had been waiting to have. Next, a girl I had
never met before, informed me that she had just returned from India. We began talking
and I told her of my impending deadline. Her immediate response was, Laura you need
to go. Whatever you are feeling or if you are conflicted you should just go. No matter
what you can be used for Gods plan.
We now come to the reason why I am writing this letter, for I knew in my heart of hearts
that this was Gods gentle prompting to move away from my head plan that was safe,
comfortable, and didnt require much action and instead, he gently opened the door
into his beautiful plan that is incredibly unknown and slightly scary, exactly where I have
learned God wants us to be. My fear of finances and the time off from my job it requires
has simply vanished, as I have placed that control I normally crave into the hands of the
one who is leading me and who has gone before me.
Words cannot begin to express the excitement this opportunity has brought me and the
anticipation that has filled me these last few weeks. This year at school has been one of
the most spiritually challenging and change filled years of my life, requiring me to dig
deeper into my relationship with Christ and learning how to take a stand in the spiritual
realm for what I believe in. I now see how this painful year has been utilized to shape
and mold me into someone who is able to take on the challenge this summer will
provide, as well as my desire to go into missions long term.
I remember crying leaving the last village we visited, thinking that this may be the last
time I see these precious people, not knowing if I would see them in heaven or not. I am
beyond blessed with this opportunity to see them again and to continue to cover the
people with a light that is greater than the lies that Satan has filled their minds with.

I cant wait to see these beautiful people and to pray into the lives of women who are
disregarded and filled with the lies of the enemy that they are worthless and without
purpose. I cant wait to paint the nails of precious girls who can raise up as a new
generation under Christ. I cant wait to play cricket with the village boys and hear their
giggle and pray over their future, to become men of Christ who can lead their village
into a new direction. I cant wait to drive past prostitution, drugs, graffiti, opposition,
and so much more and be able to cover the area with the blood of the lamb, knowing
there isnt a better place than in the hands of the one who has already died for those
who havent even heard yet. Sure, I may not know the language, but the language of joy
and love that is easily expressed through action and the simple joy they showed back, is
enough to speak across language. With Gods help and the help of your prayer and
financial support, Gods kingdom can be brought to India, a place that is desperate for
the light that we hold.
Laura Ausenhus
The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor
forsake you. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged.
Deuteronomy 30:15
By faith, Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his
inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
Hebrews 11:8

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