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_[Assignment-1 Ja ar Asan MBA 1301 Bangladesh Open University MBA Program Semester 141 (1* Level) Course: Principles of Management Due on : 23 January, 2015, (Assignment isto be presented in own handwriting on Ad size white pages) 1, a) What do you mean by Management? “Management is both a science and an art.” Explain. b) Discuss the background and focus of Scientific Management? ©) State the contributions of Human Relation Approach and Behar development of the discipline of Management, ral Approach to the 2. a) Differentiate with example mission, goals and objectives. b) Explain the steps in strategic planning, 3. a) What isd jon making? State the significance of rationality in decision-making. b) How decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty and risk? Explain with example. Note: 1. The assignment must be submitted to the Coordinator ofthe study center you are attached with. 2 ‘Spiral binding is strictly prohibited. Instead, transparent folder or file cover or any other soft binding may be used. Ma 14 BNNN 10a cpe of Management dor exe ‘Assignment - 2 za arr fagsian MBA 1301 Course: Principles of Management La) ») ° 2a) b) Note: Bangladesh Open University MBA Program Semester 141 (1* Level) (Assignment is to be presented in own handwriting on Ad size white pages) What does organizing mean? State the logical steps in organizing. Distinguish between delegation of authority and decentralization of authority. Explain the principles that management can use to guide delegation of authority. Explain critically Fiedler’s Contingency Theory of Leadership. How can an effective control system be designed? Discuss. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions that follow: Managing the Hewlett-Packeard Way William R. Hewlett and David Packard, two organizational leaders who demonstrated a unique managerial style, began their operation with $538 in 1939, in a one-car garage, Eventually, they built a very successfull company that now produces more than 10,000 products, such as computers, peripheral equipment, test and measuring instruments, and handheld calculators. Perhaps even better know than its products is the distinct managerial style preached and practiced at Hewlett Packard (HP) way. The values of the founders who withdrew from active management in 1978 — still Permeate the organization, The HP way emphasizes honesty, a strong belief in the value of people, and customer satisfaction. The managerial style also emphasizes an open door policy, which promotes team effort. Informality in personal relationship is illustrated by the use of first names, By strolling through the organization, top mangers keep in touch with what is really going on in the company. This informal organizational climate does not mean that the organization structure has not changed. Indeed, the organizational changes in the 1980s in response to environmental changes were quite painful. However, these changes resulted in extraordinary company growth during the 1980s, Questions: 1. Is the Hewlett-Packard way of managing creating a climate in which employees are motivated to contribute to the aims of the organization? What is unique about the HP way? 2. Would the HP managerial style work in any organization in Bangladesh? Why ‘or why not? What are the conditions for such a style to work? 1. The assignment must be submitted to the Coordinator ofthe study center you are attached with. Due on : 06 February, 2015 2 Spiral binding is strictly prohibited. Instead, transparent folder or fle cover or any other soft binding may be used. Bd 14H 1801 Princo Management doe Page 82 A_Assignment-1 2a ae fasan MBA 1302 Bangladesh Open University MBA Program Semester 141 (1* Level) Course: Principles of Marketing Due on: 23 January, 2015 tay b) °) b) b) ©) Note: (Assignment is to be presented in own handwriting on Ad size white pages) “Selling and advertising are only the tip of the marketing iceberg” ~ Justify this statement. Discuss the core marketing concept with examples. Why societal marketing concept is important for today’s business world? Mention at least two companies! organizations which apply societal marketing concept and discuss it’s societal marketing activities. Discuss the BCG growth-share matrix with examples. Is it possible cash cows make into stars? How? Suppose, you are a marketing manager of ABC company. You have to develop marketing mix strategies of a consumer product. How you can implement this strategies? Identify and explain the elements of company’s micro-environment, What is meant by marketing plan? Suppose, you are marketing manager of Square Consumer Product Ltd. Company has decided to iaunch a new Product “Radhuni Sault” in Bangladeshi market, how you will prepare a marketing plan for Radhuni Sault. Discuss. Describe the market coverage strategies for targeting market segment. Imagine, you want to establish a shopping mall in Dhaka City, explain how you will choose and implement a positioning strategy. 1. The assignment must be submitted to the Coordinator ofthe study center you are atached with, 2 Spiral binding isstvicdy prohibited. Instead, transparent folder or file cover or any other soft binding may be used. TUMBA 11 Principe of Marine dee Page 5 Assignment -2 aa a faean MBA 1302 Course: Principles of Marketing La) b) 2a) b) 3.a) b) °) Note: Bangladesh Open University MBA Program Semester 141 (1* Level) (Assignment is to be presented in own handwriting on Ad size white pages) Briefly describe the decision making process of buying a shopping goods. Discuss with example. Discuss each stage of the product life cycle. Which stage do you think is the most important and which stage has the highest risk? Why? Explain. What is meant by Brand equity? Explain the branding decision process. How would you classify products? Discuss the marketing considerations for consumer products, Show the distinction between cost based pricing and value based pricing. Suppose, you want to launch @ new soap in Bangladesh, determine which pricing strategy is best for your product and why? Choose a Product and recommend the suitable advertising media/ medium for its advertisement, 1. The assignment must be submitied to the Coordinator ofthe study center you are attached with Due on : 06 February, 2015 2. Spiral binding iv strictly prohibited. Instead, transparent folder or fle cover or any other soft binding may be sed. MBA 161 TIN 150 Pines of Marbig do age 2 Assignment -1 2a ae {gan MBA 1303 Bangladesh Open University MBA Program Semester 141 (1* Level) Course: Financial Accounting Due on : 23 January, 2015, ‘(Assignment is to be presented in own handwriting on Aé size white pages) 1. Why do creditors use accounting information? Why is a tangible fixed asset recorded at cost? fan asset increases, what are the three possible effects on the basic accounting equation? What is the main theme of going concem assumption in accounting? Distinguish between operating income and net income. Mr. Karim opened Karim’s Cleaning Service on July 1, 2014. During July the following transactions were completed. July 1 Karim invested Tk.10,00,000 cash in the business. 1 Purchased used truck for Tk.200,000, paying Tk.150,000 cash and the balance on account. 3 Purchased cleaning supplies for Tk.10,000 on account. 5. Paid Tk.144,000 cash on one-year insurance policy effective July 1 12 Billed customers Tk.160,000 for cleaning services. 18 Paid Tk.20,000 cash on amount owed on truck and Tk.6,500 on amount owed on cleaning supplies. 20 Paid Tk.50,000 cash for employee salaries. 21 Collected Tk. 120,000 cash from customers billed on July 12. 25. Billed customers Tk.50,000 for cleaning services. 31. Paid gas and oil for month on truck Tk.5,500. 31 Withdrew Tk. 16,000 cash for personal use. Required: (a) Jouralize and post the July transactions. (b) Prepare an unadjusted trial balance at July 31, 2014, (c) From the adjustments, give journal entries and make adjusted trial balance at July 31. (i) Services provided but unbilled and uncollected at July 31 were Tk.27,000. (ii) Depreciation on truck for the month was Tk.800. (iii) One-twelfth of the insurance expired. (iv) An inventory count shows Tk.4.000 of cleaning supplies on hand at July 31. (v) Accrued but unpaid employee salaries were Tk.10,000, (d) Considering the adjusted trial balance, prepare the income statement and owner's equity statement for July and a classified balance sheet at July 31, 2014 6. During the first week of existence, Apex Corporation had the following transactions: (i) Issued Tk.20,00,000 of bonds payable. (ii) Paid utilities expense. (ii) Issted 500 shares of preferred stock for Tk. 450,000. (iv) Purchased a building for Tk.25,00,000. (v) Collected Tk. 20,000 cash for services rendered. Required: Classify each of these transactions by type of cash flow activity (operating, investing, or financing). Note: 1. The assignment must be submited to the Coordinator of the study center you are attached with. 2. Spiral binding is strictly prohibited. Instead, transparent folder or fle cover ar any otker soft binding may be sed. Mb LA/QGAMIRA- 14 Ponca Arcot do Page ‘Assignment -2 aa ae fasan MBA 1303 Bangladesh Open University MBA Program Semester 141 1% Level) inancial Accounting Due on : 06 February, 2015 (Assignment is to be presented in own handwriting on Ad size white pages) 1, Differentiate between periodic and perpetual inventory cost flow assumptions. 2. The July 2009 inventory records of Sun-Moon Ltd. showed the following : July 1, Beginning inventory 56,000 units @ Tk. 40 3. Sales 15,000 units 14 Purchases 6,000 units @ Tk. 50 18 Sales 18,000 units 25 Purchases 32,000 units @ Tk. 48 30. Sales 25,000 units Required: ) Using the perpetual inventory method, compute the ending inventory and cost of goods sold balances with (i) FIFO, (ii) LIFO and (iii) moving average 'b) Which of the above three alternatives is best? Why? 3. Imran Ltd. invited applications for 20,000 shares of Tk. 100 each at a discount of 8 percent payable as follows: On application Tk 17 On allotment Tk. 30 On Ist call Tk. 25 On Final call Tk. 20 The applications were received for 19,000 shares and allotment was made for 18,000 shares, Excess application money was credited to Share Allotment Account. The Ist Call was made in due time and ‘money received duly. Final Call was not made, Required: Prepare (i) Journal Entries; (ii) Bank Account; and (iii) Balance Sheet, Nore: 1. The assignment must be submitted 19 the Coordinator ofthe study center you are attached with. 2. Spiral binding is strlcly prohibited. Instead, transparent folder or fle cover or any other soft binding may be used. Mba 14/1304 Facil Acoaming doe Page 2 4, Ajita Ltd. was registered with 30,000 shares of Tk. 10 each. 31% December, 2014. . Following is the Trial Balance as on ‘Accounts Titles Dr.(Tk) | Cr (Tk) land and Buildi 70,000 12% Investment 10,000 Plant and Machinery 80,000 | Beginning Investment 40,000 Purchase 1,00,000 Wages 20,000 Salaries 10,000 Advertisement 3,000 | Discount on issue of debentures 1,000 ‘Accounts Receivable 25,000 | Rates and Taxes 1,500 Bad Debts 2,000 Repairs to Plant 1,000 Preliminary Expenses 5,000 Goodwill 30,000 Furniture and Fixtures 20,000 Cash at Bank 75,000 Cash in hand 1,000 Accounts Payable 20,000 Sales 2,20,000 Issued and Paid up Capital (16,400 shares @ Tk. 10 each) | 1.64,000 10% Debenture 50,000 Reserve Fund 20,000 Transfer Fees 500 Income Statement 20,000 4,94,500 Adjustments: (i) Inventory in Trade (31-12-14) Tk. 50,000. (ii) Write off Goodwill by 10% and Preliminary Expenses by 20%, (iii) Depreciate Plant and Machinery, Land & Building and Furniture & Fixtures at 10% , 2% and 15% respectively. (iv) The directors proposed 5% dividend. (v) Increase the Reserve Fund to Tk. 30,000. (vi). Provide allowance of 5% for Bad and Doubtful Debts. Required: Prepare (a) Income Statement; (b) Retained Earnings Statement; (c) The Balance Sheet of the Company. [Notes 1, The assignment must be submited tothe Coordinator ofthe study center you are attached with. 2 Spiral binding is strictly pronibted. Instead, transparent folder or fle cover or any other soft binding may be used. Mia v4HQcAnaas 150s Fnnea Aeoutingdoe Pages 4 Assignment -1 Ra ae fAgan MBA 1306 Bangladesh Open University MBA Program Semester 141 (1* Level) Course: Fundamentals of Financial Management Due on : 23 January, 2015 loa Dea 3a 4a Note: a (Assignment is to be presented in own handwriting on Ad size white pages) Give the concept of the term Finance and Financial Management. “Maximization of wealth goal is superior to maximization of profit goal” ~ Explain. Examine the following financial decisions in the context of a large-scale industrial enterprise — 4) Investment decision ii) Financing decision ii) Dividend decision. What is ‘Time Value of Money’? Explain with an example. Explain the graphic views of the (i) compounding process and (ii) discounting process. fa) What is the future value of an initial investment of Taka 1,500 after 7 years if the investment earns 12% annual interest? b) What is the present value of Taka 2,700 to be received in 5 years if the interest rate is 15%? e) At what time periods Taka 3,000 will grow to Taka 9,000 if the rate of interest 15% p. a Find the amount to which Taka 1,500 will grow under each of the conditions: a) 12 percent compounded annually for 7 years; ) 12 percent compounded quarterly for 7 years; ¢) 12 percent compounded daily for 7 years; 4) 12 percent compounded continuously for 7 years How would you determine future value and present value in-cases of (i) ordinary annuity and (i) annuity due? To help you reaching your Tk. 10,000 goal, your mother offers to give you Tk. 4,000 on January 1, 2001. You will get a part time job and make 6 additional payments of equal amount ‘each of 6 months thereafter. If all these money is deposited in bank that pays 12 percent, compounded semiannually, how large must each of the 6 payments be? What is probability? How itis related to risk and return? How expected return and standard deviation are measured ? Illustrate your answer. ‘The East and West Companies have the following probability distribution of returns Economic conditions Probability Returns (%) | - East West [High growth ot 32 30 ‘Normal growth 02, 20 7 ‘Slow growth 04 14 6 Stagnation _ 02 5 12 Decline on 10 “16 ‘You are required (a) to determine the expected return of the companies, (b) standard deviation of retum for each company. What is CAPM? What are its assumptions? According to CAPM, how expected return for an individual security can be measured? Give example. The assignment must be submitted tothe Coordinator ofthe study center you are attached with. 2. Spinal binding ts strictly prohibited. Instead, transparent folder or file cover or any other soft binding may be used. bs 14198 14mm of Financial Menagomentdoe Page 1 “Assignment -2 za a fasan MBA 1306 Bangladesh Open University MBA Program Semester 141 (1% Level) Course: Fundamentals of Financial Management Due on : 06 February, 2015 (Assignment is to be presented in own handwriting on Ad size white pages) 1, a. What is a working capital policy? Explain with examples. Discuss the significance of working capital management policy in case of a manufacturing enterprise. b. How would you determine: a) Inventory conversion period, b) Receivables collection period and ¢) Payable Deferral Period 2 Janata Firm has an investment of Tk. $500 million in total assets of which 60% in fixed assets and 40% in current assets. It is expected that the investment will earn a return of 18% before interest and taxes. Tax rate is 35%. The firm maintains a debt ratio of 60%. ‘The firm has to decide whether it should use a 12% short-term debt or a 14% long-term debt to finance its current assets. The financing plans would affect the return on equity fund, Calculate return on equity under different financing plans. 3. a, Explain the factors that influence the determination of cost of capital. Distinguish between intemal financing and external financing, 4, Case Study : Te ABC Company plans to raise a net amount of Tk. 270 million to finance new equipment and working capital in early 2001. Two alternatives are being considered: ‘Common stock can be sold to net Tk. 60 per share or bonds yielding 12% can be issued The balance sheet and income statement of the company are presented below ‘The Balance Sheet, as of Dec. 31, 2000 — Gn million Tk.) Current Assets | 900 ‘Accounts payable 172.5 Net Fixed assets | 450 Notes payable 235 Other Current liabilities | 225 Long - term debt (10%) | 300 Common Stock Tk. 3 | 60 par 337.5 Total 1,350 Retained earnings 1,350 Total Income Statement December 31, 2000 _(in million Tk.) Sales 2475.0 Less operating costs 2227.5 EBIT 2475 Less Interest on short ~termdebt | 15 Less Interest on Long—term debt | 30 EBT 02.5 Less Taxes (40%) 81 Net Income 121.5 Note: 1, The assignment must be submitted to the Coordinator ofthe study center you are attached with, 2. Spiral binding is strictly prohibited. Instead, eransparent folder or fle cover or any other soft binding may be sed. 1A BRIMBA 08 Puedoml of Flaca Manngemse des Page 2 ‘The probability distribution for annual sales is as follows: Probability Sales 3 2250 4 2700 3 fits i 9150, ‘Assuming that EBIT is equal to 10% of sales. ‘debt financing and stock financing alternatives at each possible level debt will remain outstanding, Which financing method do you recommend anc) why ? Note: 1. The assignment must be submitted tothe Coo 2. Spiral binding is stritly prohibited. Instead, transparent used. me 1evwARIMBA 10tFndamensl of Financia Management do sedinator ofthe study center you are atta calculate earning per share under both of sales. The old sched with. folder or file cover or any other soft binding may be Page 3

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