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Te DEN Tie bost of thiende 12 Starting ALR these statements about frendship, Can you explain what they mean ‘Point What ether statements can yo add othe it? 1. A fiend x someone who acceps mi a Im, 2A send is someone you look up toin some way and yet you can be erica of 1. frend is someone who walks in when the rest ofthe world walks out 4. In prosperty, or friends Know us; in avery, we know our riond knows you and loves you jut dhe same 6. Ison is someone who cheers you up when yout feeling down, 7. Tie frends don’t dif apart even alter many years of separation, 8. Good fisends are bart Bind, harder to leave nd impossible to forge “nt ston ears bm oa nd esr ocho ee seen Aa Group work Consider the statements above and any you've add to the ist What are the thr most essential element of rena? amp opine note ns patos anes EI fos Im coco Ys ane 8 ees femme Ustening A ae Lise Tannen. In her and rendsbip professor talk about the yas of best seling aur Debora fon, what the main dllerence between fendsip among men B Group work Do you gre with Tannen’ ideas? grammar Phrasal verbs ‘Apia ver sve pus atic, sou. dow of ond loa. Prose vrs flew seve pater. ‘Separbl: Se ptose vers can ak cis lore oar he pai. Pronouns Rowe, lays ‘appr blors he pie. il oes o eer ap my fends cebeer my tends). My kes cmos ays ener them vp. ‘epee Vth some prea a, he oboe obs appease the pare, just om ino 0 ol ind ra into er eh elways tnd by my tend, o they Ways sond by me ‘Thrwe-word eb: Sore presl vor hoveo parle nd a prepa. Fhe an xurent at wernt 38 hs teks up fore. Becouse Jens 6 | basal pl wp wih als! ning ne Goes Intronstive: Same presales ok no objet ‘ery ie John move wy, lite apa, ‘though my tend Soh on oe dir, we gang vey we (noe we had a xguent but en we made up. ‘Some hes ats can a a reeston, homer, ot ako on able. 1 ge long wth Sx, made vp wit So, Pale work Complete dhese questions with dhe phrasal verb below, Compate your answers. Then discus each question together, hoot someone) up let Gomeone) down tick up for ‘hapa sake up {alk something) over i along pup with fet over fomething/someone) Em isk saarone) 1 Which of your fiends do you set arg. with the best? Why? 2, When yo eting down, do you havea speci en who can always you you're ina situation where other people are ering you, do ys fave a good send who generally ous 4. Have you ever had a bad argument wih fend? Did tke yu along time to "your anges? Do you ever find impossible With somcote and resume your iondship? Have yt evr fot ich witha end and stopped sci cch ce? What are some thingy tha cause end to 6. Have you ever eer that you had seen i a Long ime so, did you make plans to se each other ain? Has a iend ever disappointed you, that you in some way? Inthe stations ts good ies to your lelnge ‘nth the frend? Or tee nota lt yor ried whew ys el? Are thet ins to what you mut tolerate in fHendship? What are sme things ‘dat you would never [I 2 discussion discussion + Gate A. How similar do people nee to be to become good fiends? Do you agree with the statements nth st? Add wo sateen of your own, ab GIL Hk ace _disoyee ‘Soul be ore noe ‘hou wo sini social bostrund ‘sald hoe simone abut eign, ‘should come fom sila knds cas Should hoe he sone edveotona oer. should hove smn voies shoul enjoying he sae tnd figs. should have slr personae. B Pale work What are the three mos important things fr fiends to have sn common? Discs witha partner Group work Read what thewe people sy about meeting new frend and discuss the questions Below ts [ “You nn net es pose “Vhong at mst wih pope “Teo ome tg nie xe endscte fam wa ln wih tor gn go Pee Inet aise yser feel da. you alga toa yar ge tou me wie wn brow war teye anon honey wa od cos) ey ato ge ace wan> arog Don 1. Do you think Ouse are good ways to meet potential frends? Why or why nak? 2.What are some cher ged ays o make fend 1 How did you meet your finde 4. What advice would you give someone who wanted to make more frends? A. For me, the Internets nota good way to met fends, ned some person cont, no just a fceess mesaye onthe stern. 3: Ob, Ton’ realy age, {Uhink you can gett know people very well jst by onresponding wth he. nite a kon cni Ce eee ee ocus, expressed in a topic sentence, that develops the thesis statement. why we have a cles friendship ‘rat we have i common how we are erent Q My beet fron, Acts ance 1 are akttoront in mary ways, bit we ‘ave one important thing in commen. Whenever I have 7he orge 0 9° comowhore raw, I can tnays count On Ada fo go with me. Our frienatohip shows tht people who are very aiferett can shit te good frien © Me aiferonces boiveen he and me Are signticant hla fe (in artic} who lores fo MKO photographs And. dan picturen of the ‘interesting thnge sho sees. 1am a sales representative for & phermaceutical compan), 2nd | cpense most of my Ye taking fo actort. hd (8 a vary organized. person, bt Um vay ipl. She's very quiet bit Im a rary falkatve person who enjoys Yeling stories. © Si, haa ana 1 bth lve exploring rom plicee. Ne discovered. this hort Aifer we mat several yaara ago, One ay we ware Paling Ahot vacations, anew fonds we hase both trated. to many of He Zane pltcas, Right thon, we made a pits fo nat a raarby htorea! at th folowing weekend. @ Athoagh oor prsonaition are gute aitorent, ha and I hare Vecome coco ever Phe yadra, and wb Naw hive a very special Prandshy, Erory Yim 8 mach, we're anys fl of hws, ane te ‘anays a ploacure. 1 Phik the main Heaton for this '2 thet we respect and eng ach other's peraonaity and iteroste VAAL 1B. Wie a composition about a slove fiend, Then exchange your composition ‘with partner, and answer thee questions, 1. What she thesis statement? Uaderin 2 Does each paragraph have «ingle focus? Write the fea foreach in dhe margin ‘the pape 8. What ele would you ike to know about your partners rend? Aska east ‘oo questians. 5 rT

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