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aD Believe tov wot BS] hee Aiiclenraanatcua Serer mae esemsTes mang fate ee mee es TSceheT ee eee eee rn tah ee arm ‘ic 20 years ago Its reported that the tan eure illnesses, Its claimed that ee ee oe acces ert CAE oe oor ‘fami ving in an ld house in England has made a video ofa shat that appears in ‘he use at ight Is believed that the hast is that of man who lived i the touse 200 years ago and isappeaed une day, without 3 ace. QO B Group work Discus these questions |. How won you explain the evens in each story? 2. Why do you think abloid newspapers containing tris like these are so popula? 5. Have you heard of any unusual ris lke the ones above? Share sem with the group, work Complete thee setences with word from the lit below: Then compare your anerers with spares, alien __ESP(extrsensory perception) psychic UPO (ankdntifed ying object tology ghost ty 1. _ pode someone who has the power to predict the fate oo wo thing that ae ot present. Tey ‘onesies help solve crimes 2 fe the ability to ead person's mind” ply by ing met powers ake ‘a crete om ote space ~ an ‘habitat of another ne cr gly 1 eT a ait of someone wha bas die 5:Aying saucer” an exmple of range object people sometimes sr in he ay 6 te ay to gu formation wing ental powers ota ofthe five sens 1 ce tc noenc fa and panes People don't belive this anymore, butt used to bes that }> Resell, thas Been reported i the news that > Several years ago, sas rumored tata debit ea > discussion A. Pair work Compete the char. Then discuss your answers with a partes | ayeies have been dbo loaaoeime wis wing ‘etosensry perception, 2.UFOs are el and may people hove seen them. '3.Governerts dnt want popl know the rsh aout UFOs People's ives ore atc by tel ostoogl sigs 5.Some peopl can use telepathy "tod ofer people nds” B Group work Compare your answers. Which statements do most ofthe people in your group agree with? 35 discussion AA Read thee sores and match them with Use definitions onthe right. Check your smnnwers on page 11 O frre mnerin te gts Cement Ee Sepa @ tong time ngs there was aan who tweled across the country sf apple weeds wherever: avren He as alc joy Appi ed [vibe sewon there aro miny apple oe In the cout toy. USA oO oensitl gl CER Ot ote eae Coase itera poeta een ine et pace eee re arse ogi eae ll Sanyo ing ho theca door USA (]Biroain geen @ Aboy med Sac-Perere ves nthe ores. He air oat far one legac aways wars a ed hat He omer on af he fonts ght spy io sare pone bea B Pair work Can you give at leat one other example of each kind of ey? ‘Share your examples with the cls, EE. Dens listening #9 Listen wo Marna and Frank tll stories, Tike notes as you stem 1B Now take tums tellig one ofthe stores in your wn words 36 (UR reading A Pair work Dicuss these question with a parser. Then read the article, and ‘compare your Wess withthe author’ I. Di you ever have the Fecing that Something tele wae going to happen? 2. Did Jou ever cancel any plans becaise something “side you mae ol uneasy? {De you think that some poople ean predic the fre? «ops sometins ae he eng ta thay know something is going to happen. This caed a premonition, Some premonitons take the form of dreams for visions. Others are just ton fesins, ideas. or guesses hat ome int people's minds for no apparent reason ‘Some peopl claim that hey have premonitons atone tne oe another bt people know as psychies or lairvoyants appear to be more sensitive whatever ‘causes accurate premonitons. The following story is about the Titanic andthe many nparently mysterious forewarings that vere ponte Inthe early moring 9 Agi 15, 1912, the Tuam the word's largest ocean line at the ime, struck an ieeherp and sank on het maiden voyage across the Atlantic. A total of 1502 fives wer lox. Later investigation umd up last 29 eae of geople having premonitions ofthe disaste ‘One ofthe strangest examples of an apparent premonition volved a novel called Ful, writen in 1898 by Morgan Roberson, Inthe book buge int, the The sintsngoy te TITANIC ia, ask afer hing an leeberg Like the Pita the tan was 381 be nsinkable. Also like the Tan, the Tan cated tof liebe fo the large numberof passengers onboard ‘waditon, thre were two other tries that appeared to free the disaes, both ‘writen bya passenger om the doomed Ship-one of them over 20 years erie ‘A east nine people had deers in hich 8 shi ike the land hit an esberg and sank. Two earveyants gave waings shout the disaster, and Several other people had extremely strong intuitions that somthing would go wrong, Some would-be passengers were so uneasy abou the voyage ‘at they canceled their tickets athe st ‘minute, All these yneanny coincidences appear tobe premonition. There seems to hemo way of explaining them, Sauce Sips Gute: Matos Powers an Ste Fos B Group work Discus hee qustions Then share your anewers with the cls 1 Why do you think so many people had preonitons about the Titi? 2. Hime yon everest sme king reins othe mew yar aout an important event? What was your opinion about thse prediction? Laseon 8 37

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