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eet) Television vocabulary “2 starting point its ‘A. Imagine you ate looking athe TV listings, and these are the only TV programs available tonight Which ome would you moat ket watch? Which oe leat interes you? Why? ‘Tiswots rogem shons Cee Tamas is commie in Tats aw oa dene esta oe of as Ineiwesgaen he macta wheal ze sari hans Ssinming wile sas Rooyen fatness ees Horde hostach oman usta Ieee ais we isbeing os schon tne een agra best aan cot, cfeampasie stops ben reseed ne show a Pale work What are your favorite TV programs? What do you ike about them? A. kat thse pe of pops TV programs Can you ssh ech program wi I dosripton Cael jour ators on age Lescoon 4 iso _ 6: popes 2 Gocumeainy 5 Som fain comedy) ala 3 drum — 4. cntining sere, broadcast in some countries as often as five days a week, about the ives ofa group of characters often centering om their roman ves ba progam that gives biographical Information about a interesting person, oF facia formation about «subject ich as history, cle, nate or a socal se 4 conning seis ineling the sme characters various amusing situations 44.4 show i which guest (women celsbitlsoraornetimesordinaty people {volved in bizare situation) ar interviewed aformaly ‘series often shown weekly and fequenty ae ins hospital police suena av ‘ce, in which the same characters deal with fghtenig, emotional, o rage ations £4 Bm based on animated draings, usually about a comical or adventurous station 15 4 program in which participants compete for money of prizes by answering ‘questions, making gueses,or performing other aks B Pair work Exercine A? 1 you name an example of five ofthe types of program in Negative adverbs at the beginning of a sentence Nogave oat of teaueney (never bate ae. ord ever, seldom) can be gt at he “oginning a he srlengs to gv ott apras Tiss mor cmon i wing. The Sentences below Wht happens othe sje! and en? When is do requred? "Never before nev owors aso manvTV chanel ocheose tom. Novels, il an be dct ‘ond somehing wor wething. Rarely 0 reat show nature docuenies on primesne eso, These aus ae reserved for ‘mas an sons Waray evr nove scons portoyed ray. Theyre mean osri vawers and mae them ugh Rewrite these sentences placing negative adverb atthe beginning of sentence Discus the with artce Which ons do yo agree wih? 1 Quiz shows edo quite participants to know abject in any depth Selo do uso ere ptt 0 kw jen ay depth 2. Young people hardy ever watch soap operas. They caret to he sori or character 5. Polite sod socal aes ze rarely explored in dep on leion. 4 News programs wld report fs incomes 4-Teewtion rarely covers inportant world evens except in «very supericil manner. Eee You con egress result ug the consucons sueh... ho so... that s0 mui... a ard Se mony. fa. Suc flowod bya noun (uly died oy wn ate), an jective or acer, 0 many an 0 few by countable nouns nso mach ase by ‘ncunble nouns. ‘ek shows ee such popuer programs tht crs! ee eleven etwas ot ast one "ak tows ees popular at amos ever teen networ has ten! one. There are so mony seen lk shows tat insole o woh thor Rewrite these sentences ing sich. tha or 1. lat. Make ang oer neces ‘hinges: Then compare wits parinen a a 1. Nature documentaries these days are incredibly wel fled, I often hard to imagine how they tok the shot. 2.-Mary TV programs show alot of violence, Pople are becoming desensitized oi 5. Thee are few goot maven on TV these dys, People are reuing fo movie theater. ‘Televison news reporting very sper oopl ave forced to get in-depth information chewce 5. Sport broadest tract huge audiences. TV staons can charge lage amount fo advertsng ork Complete dese sentences with your own opinions, oF write similar sentences. Then discus them wih your {istening ‘why are the programs so mocesl? Taisen Soap ope Sion ‘ie stow 5 ‘why these programs are So popu "Listen to tes rites talk about vome popular TV shows Ia their opinion, Roosoes for sucess ir worke Make Uist of ree popalar TV shows, and discuss the reasons ‘A: Many people like tlk shows because guess are veully involved in the moet bine situations. 1: Yes, ut sometines I doubt those stations are real. The other nigh, for example, ‘etched Group work Read these comments on the postive and segue inluences of television ‘Which ones do you agree with? Add your own opinions Then discuss in group. Positive © Wenabies chron with imited rel ‘wal exprione to sae how peop Bound he worl iv ad ie © Walaws people natch shoo ‘sia an spas events at, they ihre a do © Wivings we tay together in» Srad ae “Wis so appeaing chien ht Dares dat have ob aking cre ‘then te te Your idea: 44 (ie ad television | ‘NEGATIVE | Thre isso mth viene on TV sae neorage poeta bec vider © Chiron soe many nageve ae mode fon sucha adits sting omen risteating women (® hilton develo a ow aon span becuse thay re overshnlstd by TV. © Aovenisrg an T ts pent it famouse stoppers (© Tenereres wen foie ant fammasiston Mean sul n thehse Your ideas: eo reading A. Pair work Discus these questions witha partaer Then real the article, snd Compare your ideas with the author 1, How much time do yo spend in font of your TV set? 2. Are there any rules for watching TV in your hows? Tuning Outthe TY ch Wess mre, ses ati anil pr feu ves, sa dit know how my es woul tO what we ould do hea we fst deied rtf the ero. The decison stated as inane pe twas song to cst mre tha we could ford to get ‘he thing toed Feil was amazing how much the TY shit Cr Ines. When the Kids wee ng "eo nih suggest ey See what ws on ening meals and social plan et schaduleg cng foarte TV shows. Conversations would Suter tinted when someone sag ey tims for” And ery atin that my Kids weren't a wall behaves 5 they use obo, | wondere this mah. be portly he reaut of them stersting To ‘ae atude thay Sa onthe tube. S01 ec texperinert We mui the TY Tera Wook. Aer at e's se ho i ent ves alos afd to fall the is and when {thir rection wasnt exaety postive ‘hoyle thei aes 35 fo sy Another ne of her sup eas” Then hay ka, How about Nintendo?” "Nope," Said “And vices” they asked, "None," eid How ‘Seu aves the movie hater?” asked ry ‘tn. e5" a, and they wer aleved 0 have ston at lat that mie, The ist ay witht TV wos the worst simply baie | at how how wold eo eam. ier = ai \ Worse than ating ese was he fear ana artipation a if without tlson. dt ‘ave ay probes ut Yeas the is would ‘ban they ot hoe fam eh eat ve ere They ave nae ee te Iyokan Tad wort odo someting Dovid pactend he pan fer awhile. ise leaked though sme mapas Ten thy age ploing tose someting had sean happen in wile. fa vig, we {ual ad of does. The evening wet by ‘icky Me tae steed oi, end ma things. uf Went on ad conte emen “he weeks passe ant bacame vo wens Now it ben month. Toy me Yroved the a3 TV an took tut to te ate. No ono eal noticed We et or now a the day ape, megan, and asin, When we want fo, we go out 3 ma, Ineo of walehing. fame shows, We ploy ges, athe than stent ther people fk but the sss of the doy, we tik atoat ham uses. The ‘hss mis Nintene® an sore of he ok favo Soe, sty when me kis t Schoo! ak abou them, tt hey Seem Toe Surg, They develops ther interest ‘We nave to, Is amazing how much more time we hve now. Life without TV hasnt ‘ume us notastpepl, But is gen Uusimow ofa chance to ry. B Group work Discus these questions and share your eas with the clas 1. What do you think ae the advantages and disdvantages ofthe familys decision? 2 Have you ever gone without TV for a while? How dit alet you? 2.Doo yo thik you could ive witout TV? Hove would your le be diferent? 4 Make list of ve ways in which you tlak you would be eter off without TV ‘and five ways in hich you might be worse af Shae your answers wih the clas, aI 48

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