Mohenjodaro 2

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Character Explanation


Ancient Mohenjodaros religion was Hinduism. Bathing

rituals, were/are important for the hindus, and Hindu
temples would often even have featured bathing
pools. Great baths archeologists believe were used for
religious purposes. My artifact supports the fact that
Mohenjodaro was a civilization becauseit is a picture
of one of the large baths, they could be up to about
40 feet long, and about 8 feet in depth. There was a
statue found that some archeologists believe to have
a third eye, because in there was a Third-eye' or 'Bindi
in Hindu myths which is another reason that people
believe hindu was the religion.


Ancient Mohenjodaros language was Indus

Script. Indus Script consisted of short, brief
texts. These texts would be written on seals. My
artifact supports Mohenjodaro being a
civilization because it is a picture of a seal, that
was written on in Indus script. Seals were
stones that had pictographs/ pictures engraved
into them There is no evidence that the Indus
Script language has an origin language that it
came from. There was no language that Indus
Script came from.
In Mohenjodaro, the government was kings and
priests. My artifact supports how Mohenjodaro is
a civilization because, here is a statue that is a
man with a calm, and noble expression. Hes
wearing a robe draped over his shoulder (this
also shows what a man in Mohenjodaro might
have worn) he has his hair tied with band, and a
small beard. This tells he is either a king or
priest. This staue is known as the priest-king
statue. If it is kings, or priests, then it is most
likely a monarchy.



The technology of Mohenjodaro was far more

advanced than other cultures. They had waterproof
bricks that were used in the great bath they also
had very good architecture. houses were equipped
with drains, that would lead into a sewer the houses
were all organized similar to how ours are, they are
organized in a grid like shape, and each house was
made out of tightly sealed bricks. They had tools used
to sculpt such as maybe a chisel or drill. They had
wheels such as Mesopatamia for transportation they
also had carts that were probably ulled by animals.
They had copper weapons which was quite advanced
for the time period. They had also things like scales
and weights, along with a sewer system.


Social Structure

Stable Food Supply

Mohenjodaro was a place full of art!

They had: clay beads, sculptures,
seals, dice, and stone balls. They had
games which is art because it took art
to make the materials for the game.
They would have to craft toya
themselves. My artifact supports
Mohenjodaro being a civilization
because this was an example of toys,
and games.
Mohenjodaros social structure was divided into
wealthy and skilled workers. The houses were
based upon social level, craftsman and workers
had nice houses, but not as nice as the wealthy
people. My artifact supports this because it
shows all these house spread amongst the
India had fertile river valleys which means that
the soil was fertile which means that they
were farmers. They could find out what people
would eat by examining teeth and bones- they
ate fruit, veggies, fish, and meat. They had
mostly just veggies and fruit, so they had a very
healthy diet. Wheat, barley, millet, fruit,
vegetables and fish were common for the
people. My artifact is proof of a civilization for
stable food supply because it is the indus river,
which supplies Mohenjodaro with the fertile soil.

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