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Step 1: Log-in to Prestashop Admin

Step 2: Click Modules menu

Step 3: Click Add new module button (right top corner)

Step 4: Click Choose a file button & select jungleedata file

Step 5: Click Upload this module button after select the file.

Step 6: Search for Junglee Automatic Data Ingestion

Step 7: Click Install button

Step 8: Click Proceed with the Installation link.

Step 9: Verify Module Installed Successfully message on top of the page.

Step 10: Display the Home Information Page.

Step 11: Then click the Feed Configuration panel and select the Add a new feed link.

Step 12: In Add a new feed panel, Fill all the information and click on the Add new feed button.

Step 13: Verify Feed details added successfully message.

Step 14: Go to Generate data feed panel and select the view feed list link.

Step 15: Click on the Generate feed button.

Step 16: Verify Data feed file generate successfully message on top of the page.

Step 17: Click the download button and save the Xml file.

Step 18: Move to Scheduler panel and select the Cron job link.

Step 19: Click the link from schedule feed generation panel.

Step 20: The new feed updated successfully.

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