B1 Protection Inspection Manual

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@ elcomeler PROTECTIVE COATINGS INSPECTION MANUAL @ elcomeler 4 vss sss This Manual is endorsed by the Institute of Corrosion. Author. This Manual has been written and edited by Mr. Brendan Fitzsimons, M.l.Corr, M.LM.F., M.LMgt. The Author is a qualified NACE Senior Corrosion Technologist, Coatings Inspector and Protective Coatings Specialist. Acknowledgements. ‘The Author would like to thank the following persons and Companies for their help and assistance in compiling the information contained in Parls 1-9 of the Protective Goatings Inspection Manual. lan RJ. Cordingley Corday Associates Ltd. ‘Ameron International Aqua Blast Ltd Front Cover Design. John Watt elcOMETER is a registered trademark of Eloometer Instruments Ltd. Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd., England 1994-5,7 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored (in a retrieval system or otherwise) or translated into any language in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual or otherwise) without the prior written permission of Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd. Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this Manual are accurate. However, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors or omissions by the Publisher, Elcometer Instruments Ltd., by the Author: Mr. Brendan Fitzsimons or by the Institute of Corrosion. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘©Robinson Invin Technical Suppor L1d., Doc. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 England 1994-57, @ elcomeler April.1997 QUALITY CONTROL Congratulations upon your acquisition of this Protective Coatings Inspection Manual. This Manual is for your reference and may be consulted on a day to day basis, during Inspector Training or simply used as a guide by persons not widely experienced in the Industrial Coatings / Painting Industry. This Manual will help the Reader to: t= Recognise the tasks and duties of a Painting Inspector ex List the tasks an Inspector may be called upon to undertake es Know how to operate equipment in order to measure ambient conditions te Calculate and interpret results of measurement's of ambient condilions vx Use appropriate instruments to measure surface conditions prior to coatings being applied es Determine the condition of a variety of prepared surfaces for the application of coatings t= Recognise the correct conditions required on surfaces to give long term protection to surfaces ex Know how metal coatings are applied ts Make informed choices as to the correct coatings to be applied to surfaces te Know the requirements of the local Health & Safely Requirements, including (if appropriate) HASAWA, COSHH Assessments ete. and be able to apply the regulations accordingly ts Recognise the duties of an Inspector in applying safely regulations If this is your personal Manual, it may be useful to record your Name, Company and any other relevant information, below. QUHERY cia oi tadeda menses To register ownership of this Manual, please complete and return the Registration Card found in the inside front pocket of the binder, @ elcomeler CONTENTS PART 4 - INTRODUCTION PART 2- DUTIES OF A PAINT INSPECTOR PART 3 - AMBIENT CONDITIONS PART 4- SURFACE PREPARATION PART 5 - PAINT & PAINT APPLICATION PART 6 - METAL COATINGS PART 7- HEALTH & SAFETY PART 8- GLOSSARY PART 9 - APPENDICES Conversion Factors Daily Inspection Report - A Checklist for Completion Basic Corrosion Available as optional extras: PART 10 - COATINGS & SURFACE DEFECTS (including some case histories) PART 11 - THE NATURE OF PAINT PART 12 - PAINT TESTING PART 13 - MARINE COATINGS INSPECTION Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd, Dee. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 sae England 1994-5,7, Page 1 of 1 @ elcomeler PART 1 INTRODUCTION This Manual sets out the detailed duties of a Painting Inspector and provides background information on the principal aspects of corrosion, surface preparation, paints, paint application and the determination of ambient conditions, to ensure that the paint system will give the maximum possible protection to the substrate. In addition, Part 7 of this Manual deals with health and safety aspecis of Inspector's work and should be studied in detail. The Authors have developed this Manual in the belief that it will be used by Inspectors, Manufacturers, Contractors and Clients throughout the world, With this in mind, there are several provisos thal the Reader must understand. Firstly, the requirements of all Clients and Manulacturers differ to some extent in the areas of ambient conditions, standards of cleaniiness, application techniques and safely management. The differences are mosi obvious between geographically spread areas such ‘as Greal Brilain and the Middle East. We have, in some Sections of this Manual, defined tasks and operations as ‘mandatory’ or ‘optional’. This may sometimes conflict with your instructions. The Client specification and Manufacturer's recommendations must be your final arbiter in these respects. In the absence ol these documents, this Manual will provide a superb guide. Secondly, the Health & Salely Legislation and Regulations are vastly different, in detail, between countries and continents. To ensure we do not recommend conditions which would be considered unsafe anywhere in the world (at today’s date) we use the UK Safely Management Systems as a yard stick. In this way we are able to detail all of the most common forms of Health & Safely Protection, such as, controlling hazardous substances and assessment of risks to Personnel / Public. Thirdly, the duties of the painting Inspector may be as wide or as narrow as the Client cares to make them. In developing this Manual we have walked a tightrope, indicating in some areas a responsibilty for ENSURING or CONFIRMING a specific result is achieved, and in other areas CHECKING for the result. The Manual rellects typical requirements in the UK as of 1997. Such points should be identified between the Client and the Inspector prior to the commencement of the workscope. The primary task of the painting Inspector is to ensure that the detailed requirements of the specification and Manufacturers’ recommendations are completed to the satisfaction of the Client. The guidelines set out in this Manual should be regarded as minimum requirements, which may be superseded by particular instructions contained in the specification, Manufacturer's data sheets or issued by the Client. Deviations from the specification may be necessary to meet plant production requirements etc. and in such instances any changes to the specification must be authorised by the Client, in writing. ‘An important part of the duties of a painting Inspector is the preparation of clear detailed records of the work. This is usually accomplished via a Daily Inspection Report. These Daily Inspection Reports are of immediate interest to the Client as an indication of work in progress or lack of progress. In the longer tem they are important traceability documents for use in the event of coating failure, when full details of location, preparation, coatings and problems encountered are required. The reports should be compiled so that both interests are satisfied. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Aobinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd., Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 an England 1994-5,7 an Page 1 of 4 @ elcometer This Manual is set out in the following manner: PART 1 INTRODUCTION PART 2 DUTIES OF A PAINTING INSPECTOR ‘A comprehensive list of the tasks that a painting Inspector may be called upon to undertake from time to time. The duties are set out as a checklist, so that the Inspectors may ensure they have completed all the necessary duties related to a particular task. PART 3 AMBIENT CONDITIONS Details are given of the equipment necessary, the operation of the equipment, method of measurement, calculation of results and interpretation to determine whether the ambient conditions are suitable for surface preparation, application of paint or metal coating or other associated activity PART 4 SURFACE PREPARATION Use of instruments, interpretation of appropriate Standards and special tests with which the Inspector should be thoroughly familiar to ensure that the surface is properly prepared for the application of coating materials. PART 5 PAINT AND PAINT APPLICATION Information and tests with which the Inspector should be familiar to ensure that paint of the right type is in the proper condition so that when il is applied to the properly prepared surface it will give satisfactory long term protection to the substrate. PART 6 METAL COATINGS A brief detail of corrosion resistance of metal coatings along with application methods and choice of coatings. PART 7 HEALTH AND SAFETY This subject is incorporated as a separate part in order to emphasise its importance. All Inspectors should be thoroughly familiar with this pat and they should ensure that, at all times, they act within the spirit of the contents, PART8 GLOSSARY Approximately 200 terms associated with corrosion, corrosion theory, paints, painting and similar topics associated with the protection on steel are brielly explained. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doc. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Patt England 1994-5,7 Page 20! 4 @ elcomeler PART 9 APPENDICES Contains the following: Conversion Factors - Various charts and factors to help in the arithmetic in paint and volume calcul Daily Inspection Report - A checklist for Completion Basic Corrosion - Conversion factors - An understanding of the nature of corrosion Protective Coatings Inspection Manval €Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 England 1994.5,7 Part 1 Page 3 of 4 @ ealcomeler CODE OF PRACTICE FOR PROTECTIVE COATINGS ‘To put the duties and role of the painting Inspector in perspective, we have reproduced several quotes from ‘British Standard’ BS 5493:1977 Section Four (Code of Practice for the Protective Coating of ron and Steel against Corrosion). “The potential durability of a coating system can be realised only it itis applied to a suitably prepared surface, in the correct manner and under correct conditions". “Painting and metal coating differ trom many other industrial processes in that they are susceptible to Operator abuse or adverse environmental inlluences”. “is (Inspection) primary task is to check that the coating Specification is being properly followed and where, for any reason, this is not so, the Inspector should lead to the instigation of immediate remedial action’. The above quotations should form the inspiration for all painting Inspectors to undertake their considerable responsibilities, to ensure that potential durability of a coating system is realised to the satisfaction of the Client and with the co-operation of the coating Applicator. The Manual sets down the tasks that the painting Inspector will be required to perform in the discharge of his responsibilities. Guidelines are provided such that each task may be carried out efficiently, and achieve its purpose. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Dos. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Paty England 1994-5,7 Page 4 of 4 @ elcomeler PART 2 DUTIES OF A PAINTING INSPECTOR SECTION NUMBER AND TITLE 4.0 THE SPECIFICATION 2.0 AMBIENT CONDITIONS 9,0 SURFACE PREPARATION 4.0 PAINT 5.0 PAINT APPLICATION 6.0 METAL COATINGS 7.0 REPORTS & RECORDS 8.0 ORGANISATION OF WORK Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd., Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pat2 England 1994-5,7 Page 1 of 12 @ elcomeler SECTION 1.0 - THE SPECIFICATION ‘The primary responsibilty of an Inspector is to ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with the Client’s vwrillen Specification and the manufacturers’ recommendations. The specification, which forms part of the legal agreement between the Client and Contractor, will be the principal document for the guidance of the Inspector in carrying out his duties. In the event of a dispute, for whatever reason, between the Client and the Contractor, then the specification provides the basis against which the work actually carried out will be judged. Some Clients will give precedence to the Manufacturer's recommendations over the paint specification. However as a general rule, the Client specification will be the highest level of guidance followed by the Manufacturer's recommendations, where the specification is ambiguous or indeterminate. Specitic projects utilise the contractors own procedures and method statements as the basis for contract requirements. In this case, if these documents are accepted by the Client then they will effectively become the Client speciication. SECTION 2 0 - AMBIENT CONDITIONS 24 22 23 24 25 2.5.1 Protective Doe.No: Measure (as close as practicable to the working surface): Air temperature Steel temperature Relative humility Dew point Check surface for residual moisture. Observe for harmful atmospheric pollution, chemicals, salt spray, fumes, dust. Determine whether the measurements and observations taken allow work to proceed. Record all above information including: Areas where work is being undertaken. /o Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Lid. ‘TMA0147 Issue 02 Pan 2 England 1994-5,7 Page 2 of 12 @ ealcometer 2.5.2 Areas where ambient conditions were measured. SECTION 3.0 - SURFACE PREPARATION. 3.1 Check Specification to establish: 3.1.1 Standard against which work is to be measured. 3.1.2 Level of surface cleanliness required. 3.1.3 Maximum surface profile permitted. 3.1.4 Special tests to be carried out, e.g. rogue peaks, soluble iron corrosion products, surface contamination, sieve analysis, weld ares 3.1.5 — Requirement regarding a reference panel. 3.2 Identify the areas being prepared and enter on the: - Plan - Progress chart - Ensure that the Daily Inspection Report is related to the progress chart 3.3 Check the condition of the steel (pre-surlace condition) before cleaning commences. 3.4 Where blast cleaning is being carried out check: 3.4.1. Identification and recording of the abrasive. 3.4.2 Check that the abrasive is free from contamination, 3.5 Carty out inspection of prepared surfaces as necessary and when requested by the Contractor to ensure that: 3.5.1 The specified standard has been achieved. 3.5.2 Surface profile is within the specified parameters. 3.5.3 The surface is free from oil, grease, dirt and dust. 3.6 Carry out special tests required by the specification, e.g. soluble salt, rogue peaks, abrasive sieve analysis. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 2 England 1994-5,7 Page Sof 12 @ elcometer 3.7 Record the results of the inspection, ensuring that the areas inspected may be identified from the reports. 3.8 Where remedial work is necessary, ensure: 3.8.1 Thal the areas are suilably marked up so that they can be identified. 3.8.2 That the Supervisor is aware of your reasons for rejection and requirements for further work. 3.8.3 Re-check the area under preparation to ensure that the complete area meets the required standards. 3.9 When the specification calls for surface preparation by mechanical cleaning, in addition to the above, it will be necessary to check that: 3.9.1. Excessive bumishing of the metal is avoided. 3.9.2 Any visible peaks and ridges that may be produced by power cleaning methods are removed SECTION 4.0 - PAINT. 4.1 Check that the paints delivered to site correspond to the requirements of the specilication and data sheets. 4.2 Check that all paints to be used on a surface are supplied by one pi or as specified by the client. Manufacturer 4.3 Check that the paint is the correct type for the application method being employed i.e. brush, spray type. 4.4 Record batch numbers and ensure that the paint is withdrawn from stores in proper sequence (usually oldest batch first). The batch numbering sequence shown on the product will vary from Manufacturer to Manufacturer. Some have dates and some do not! 4.5 Check the conditions of storage against Manufacturer's guidelines since the warranty (il any) on the material will depend upon proper handling, 4.6 Monitor material usage to confirm that there is sufficient paint in storage for completion of the contract, the Contractor has sufficient earmarked for the contract in a central store or that the material can be delivered in a timely fashion without work hold-up. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘©Robinson Inwin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 2 England 1904-6,7 Page 4 of 12 @ elcomeier 4.7 Be present to witness the issue of paint from the store at the start of the work period. Check that: 4.7.1 All materials are thoroughly stirred so that there is no residue on the bottom of the container 4.7.2 Multi-pack materials are handled as set out below. 48 — Two pack materials require special attention: 4.8.1 Confirm that the materials are mixed strictly in accordance with the paint Manutacturer’s data sheets. 4.8.2. Confirm that any induction time is strictly adhered to (if applicable). 4.8.3 Confirm that no material is used after the expiry of its pot life. 48.4 Bear in mind that there is a direct relationship between temperature and pot life. The higher the temperature, the shorter the useful pot life. 4.8.5 At the expiry of the pot life confirm that the paint is discarded or placed in quarantine. Be aware of Exotherm reaction if a large volume of mixed paint is left to cure in the paint can. 4.9 Confirm that any additions to paints are strictly in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. 4.10 Confirm that all necessary sampling procedures and testing have been carried out prior to the commencement of work. 4.11 When appropriate i.e. at the commencement of a project / contract, ensure the painting does not start until the results of any tests on submitted samples have been received by the Client. These may include wet samples, test plates etc. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irwin Technical Support Lt, Doe.No: TMA-0147 lesuo 02 Pari 2 England 1994-5,7 Page § of 12 @ clcometer SECTION 5.0 - PAINT APPLICATION. 5.1 Check that the paint is applied only to surfaces in a condition fit to receive it 5.1.1 Check that the ambient conditions and method of application are salisfactory for the paint. 5.4.2 Check that the particular paint being applied does not have any special restrictions on its application. 6.1.3 Check that the surface to which the paint is being applied is free from oil grease, dust, corrosion products, grit, or any other material that would adversely affect its performance as delailed within the specification. 5.1.4 Check that the surface to which the paint is being applied is correct from the view point of overcoating time (max/min). 5.2 Check whether a stripe coat has been specified and, if so, that it has been applied correctly. 5.3 Check that each coat of paint is uniformly applied and is free from runs, sags or ather visible defects. 5.4 Ensure that any areas of defective coating are marked for remedial attention. 5.5 Re-check areas previously marked as defective to ensure that the remedial work has been carried out. 5.6 Check particularly, the areas which are less readily accessible to ensure complete coverage of all surfaces. Pay particular attention to areas around bolt holes, nuts and bolts, the top side of soffits and I-beams, the more dificult corners on angle beams, areas where water may accumulate, and all other areas which are difficult to see unless you use an inspection mirror. 5.7 Ensure that the wet film thickness is calculated from dry film thickness and is measured and recorded immediately after application, and that the dry film obtained will meet the requirements of the sgecification and/or Manufacturer's. recommendations (see Figure 1). 58 Measure the dry film thickness and ensure that it meets the requirements of the specitication and the Manulacturers recommendations. Record results and work piece references. 5.9 Ensure that the dry film thickness is in agreement with the expected value calculated from the wet film thickness. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Inn Technical Support Ltd, Doe.No: TMAO147 Issue 02 Pan2 England 1995-5,7 Page 6 of 12 @ elcomeler 5.10 5.41 5.12 5.13 5.14 In the event of a serious discrepancy between the values for the dry film thickness determined from §.8 and 5.9, check the material to ensure that only authorised additions were made to the paint. Values found should be recorded and reported to the Client. Check that the completed work is uniform in colour and finish. Check that the handling of items during and after painting is carried out in such a way that the paint coatings are not damaged. Check that painted items are not moved before the paint coating is sufficiently cured to withstand handling damage. When it is not possible to repair damage prior to transportation, ensure that a separate list identifying all damaged areas is submitted to the Client. SECTION 6.0 - METAL COATINGS. 64 6.1.3 6.1.4 Sprayed Aluminium or Zinc. Ensure that the specification calls for the work to be carried out in accordance with relevant Standards such as EN 22063 or equivalent. Ensure that the surlace preparation is in accordance with this standard paying particular attention to cleanliness, profile and freedom from contamination. Ensure that the ambient conditions are in accordance with the specification for the application of sprayed metal coating. When a holding coat of metal spray is specified and applied to the prepared surface, ensure that the full thickness specified is buill up as soon as reasonably practical (see Figure 2). Ensure that the surface of the sprayed metal coating has a uniform texture which is free from lumps, coarse areas anc loosely adherent particles. Where the specification calls for the sprayed metal surface to be sealed, ensure that this operation is undertaken as soon as possible after metal spraying and under the appropriate ambient conditions. 6.1.7 Check whether the specification calls for a test of the adhesion of the sprayed metal coating and, if so, ensure that the test is carried out and reported in accordance with the appropriate section of BS 2569/EN 22063 or specitication requirements. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson tnvin Technical Support Lid, Doe.No: TMA0147 lesue 02 Pana England 1994-5,7 Page 7ot 12 @ elcometer 6.1.8 Ensure that any areas damaged as a resull of testing are correctly recorded and repaired in accordance with the specification, 6.1.9 Be aware of the toxic hazards of the metals being sprayed and take all appropriate precautions for your health and safely. 6.1.10 Record Manufacturer, batch, diameter, and physical appearance of wire. 6.2 — Galvanising. 6.2.1 Ensure that the specification calls for the work to be carried out in accordance with relevant Standards such as BS 729:1971 or equivalent, 6.2.2 Measure the thickness of the zinc coating as required and ensure that it is in accordance with the specitication or British Standard. Note that in the British Standard zinc coating thickness is related to metal thickness. Hence, itis necessary to quote steel thickness when reporting. 6.2.3 Carry out a very thorough examination of the complete structure checking for: Bare spots Pimples Flux inclusions Rust stains White rust stains Ensure that the appropriate remedial action is taken, if any of the above faults are observed. SECTION 7 0 - REPORTS AND RECORDS. 7.4 Confirm that at the start of a contract, (if specitied) appropriate documentation is prepared by the Contractor. 7.2 Complete the Daily inspection Report form using the following: 7.24 Ensure that all boxes are completed with the relevant information (see Figure 3 for typical inspection repor). 7.2.2 Ensure that boxes not appropriate for a particular day are crossed out. 7.2.3 Ensure that reports are cross-referenced with the plans, site instructions and progress charts as appropriate to the project/ contract. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 2 England 1994-5,7 Page 8 of 12 @ elcometer 7.24 — Ensure that all areas where work has been undertaken are correclly desoribed so thal, if required, these areas may be identified by another person at a later date. 7.2.5 Record time lost due to lack of equipmenlmaterials/manpower, weather, mechanical breakdown, industrial disputes, etc. 7.3 Complete other reports, as required, by the Client, which may include the following: - Weekly summary reports Progress and percentage completion reports - Reports of Inspection on completed areas ~ Snag lists at agreed intervals or when handing over to another Inspector - Final Report SECTION 8.0 - ORGANISATION OF WORK. 81 Ensure that you effectively organise your time so that you are available for inspections when required. Critical arzas, particularly final surface preparation, should be given priority. 8.2 Thoroughly study all sections of the Sperification and ensure that any areas of doubt are clarified by the Client prior to work being undertaken. 8.3 Constantly check on all aspects of health and safety for yourself, Contractors men and other Workers on site. 8.4 Attend and organise, where necessary, all site meetings called, whether periodic or ‘ad hoc’, to plan or progress the work or to solve a particular problem that has arisen. Take notes of main points discussed. 85 Liaise regularly with the Client's representative on site. At the start of a contract agree with the Client the level of liaiscn that he requires, identifying those areas where you have discretion. 8.6 In conjunction with the Client's representative on site, determine his requirements for work measurement and your responsibilities in this respect. This information may already be detailed within the specification 8.7 Check that good housekeeping is observed in care of tools and equipment, correct handling and maintenance, site tidiness and shop discipline. 8.8 Ensure that the Supervisor is aware of, and understands, the wishes of the Client regarding your areas of authority Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 2 England 1994-5,7 Page 9 of 12 @ elcometer 8.9 Confirm that the Operators are properly trained and conversant with the materials and application techniques being used. 8.10 Check that the Contractors’ supervision is aware of the requirements of the specitication. B41 At the end of the contract, ensure that all charts, plans, log books, speci and data sheets, punch or snag lists are filed in the appropriate location, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 2 England 1994-5,7 Page 10 of 12 @ elcomeler Pal Top (Figure 1) Quality Control Wet Film Thickness Bottom (Figure 2) Application of Thermal Spray Coating Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Deo.No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Part2 Page 11 of 12 (©Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd England 1994-5,7, @ elcomeler DAILY INSPECTION REPORT = | PROJECT: DATE: CONTRACTOR SPECIFICATION: L Ambient Conditions ‘Surface Preparation Time Hts | | Stondard Blast Mechanical | ‘netenpoo | |. ak ad 9 | Wet Bulb Temp [WetBub Temp | | Abrasive Type Grade | Relative Humicty | Wheelebratr: t = — Yes No | Sie Te | 7 4 DewPoinore || | mo 7 —— aew [ew Taveraw |aunuencronens [cont lanren |r. [rx | mma. trem rem | SYSTEM [wen jor | BLASTED | COATED | wm | saste _[eosren | - pt | - [| __ eaurment [sie SHOP ] Compressors | compressors | Feepaie | PSePips [oss Pes | Bast Pots oe Boe | ais Spray | ites Spry | | Conventional Conventional Grane | Srey Soray | AP=angle & | Plate ‘aan | TTT — (SES | ome | [rae | [we fone | [0 me _ " “ coMMEN CONTRACTOR ac: | Date: DATE: CONTRACTOR ao: Figure 3 Typical Inspection Report Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Hobinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd., Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 2 England 1904-5,7 Page 12 of 12 @ elcomeler PART 3 AMBIENT CONDITIONS SECTION NUMBER AND TITLE 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual INTRODUCTION MEASUREMENT OF AIR TEMPERATURE, RELATIVE HUMIDITY & DEW POINT USING A WHIRLING HYGROMETER STEEL TEMPERATURE RESIDUAL MOISTURE ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION WORK TO PROCEED Robinson Invin Technical Suppor Ltd Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 3 England 1994-5,7 Page 1017 @ elcomeler SECTION 1.0 - INTRODUCTION TO AMBIENT CONDITIONS, NB. This Part does not detail automatic ambient conditions instruments; these should be used as per Manufacturer's instructions. It is vitally important that the painting Inspector can correctly monitor ambient conditions. The objective of this Part is to determine whether the conditions are suitable, for the application of coatings, by the measurement of; air temperature, steel temperature, relative humidity and dew point. This Part will detail the use of coating inspection instruments for recording ambient conditions, but it can never replace the experience and interpretations of site Personnel. For Example: If the steel temperature is 1°C below specification at 7 am and the sun is shining, then it maybe OK to proceed with work, conversely if the same conditions preve 4 pm then conditions will probably only got worse. In the event of a coating fai the Painting Inspector's ambient condition recordings are always reviewed. SECTION 2.0 - MEASUREMENT OF; AIR TEMPERATURE, RELATIVE HUMIDITY & DEW POINT USING A WHIRLING HYGROMETER. (See Figure 4). 21 To Check the Instrument. 24.1 Thermometers and mercury columns are not broken. Fabric covering the wet bulb is clean, wet and secure at both ends. Container is filled with distilled water. 2.2 To Take Measurement. 2.2.1 Whirl the hygrometer slightly faster than 180 revolutions per minute (3 revolutions per second) for 1 minute. 2.2.2 For best results, the hygrometer should be out of direct sunlight while being whirled. In a still atmosphere, the Operator should walk slowly forward while whirling so that the readings are not affected by the body. 2.2.3 Read both thermometers, noting the wet bulb temperature first. 2.2.4 Whirl again for a further 1 minute. 2.2.5 Read both temperatures. 2.2.6 Repeat unfil each thermometer reads a constant temperature following two successive whidings Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Lid. Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 3 England 1994-5,7 Page 2017 @ elcomeler 2.2.7 Record the wet and dry bulb temperatures. 2.3 Caloulate the values for relative humidity & dew point from tables provided. 2.3.1 Work out the difference between the dry bulb temperature and the wet bulb temperature. 2.3.2 From the tables, read down the columns to the appropriate air or dry bulb temperature. 2.3.3 Read across the columns to the appropriate temperature difference column, 2.3.4 — Read off and record the relative humidity and dew point. SECTION 3.0 - STEEL TEMPERATURE (See Figure 5). Select a part of the steel within the area to be worked which is typical of that area with regard to exposure to the weather (sun, wind). 3.1 Dial Thermometers (Magnetic). 344 Fix the thermometer to the steel surface and note the temperature. The position of fixing should be such that the gauge is not likely to get knocked, blasted or painted. The gauge should not be in direct sunlight or on a wind exposed surface. Where high or low temperatures are a problem, more than one reading may be necessary. 3.1.2 After 15 minutes, read the temperature 3.1.3 After a further 5 minutes read the temperature again and continue reading at about 5 minute intervals until a constant temperature is reached. A dial thermometer may take up to 30 minutes to reach constant temperature. 3.1.4 Record the steel temperature and include the time of reading and location of the gauge. 3.2 Digital Electronic Thermometers. 3.2.1 Engage probe, ensuring it is inserted correctly into the instrument socket; with some instruments this automatically switches on the instrument so that the temperature of the probe is indicated. 3.2.2 Press the probe firmly against the surface where it is required to measure the temperature, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 3 England 1994-5,7 Page 3017 @ oalcometer 3.2.3 Hold the probe in position for 20 seconds until a constant temperature is reached. 3.2.4 — Record the steel temperature and include the time of reading and location where 3.2.5 readings were taken, Depending on the type of instrument, either switch the instrument off or unplug the probe (automatically switching the instrument off). Note: Do not drag the probe over the surface. Conclusion - You have measured: Air temperature: - Steel surface temperature - Derived relative humidity and dew point Consult the specifications and Manufacturers recommendations to determine whether ambient conditions are as laid down. In the absence of instructions from these documents, the following guidelines should be observed. Painting or final surface preparation shall be reviewed and the Contractor advised when: - The relative humidity is above 90% ~ The ambient temperature falls below 4°C - The steel temperature is less than 3°C above the dew point - The Inspector will document all such observations as appropriate to the specification and projec/contract. SECTION 4.0 - RESIDUAL MOISTURE. At present there is no satisfactory test to determine the presence of moisture on the surface. The Inspector must therefore rely on visual examination. Look for areas of high gloss and wipe the surface with a tissue. Sprinkle a little talcum powder on the surface and then gently blow the talc. If the surface is dry and free from oil the powder will be readily blown off. Bear in mind that a large steel structure may take a long time to warm up sufficiently to evaporate all moisture from the surface. Areas exposed to the wind will tend to dry off more easily than sheltered areas. Look at the ground, windows, unheated buildings or vehicles parked overnight in the area for evidence of condensation, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Tochnical Suppor Lid, Dos.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 3 England 1994-5,7 Page 407 @ elcometer Remember that you are acting as the Qualily Controller on site and that it is generally required that almost all paints are applied to a dry surface to obtain maximum durability. Where you are involved with materials designed to be applied to a damp surface, it may be necessary to seek guidance from the paint Manufacturer for a more precise definition of the application conditions. SECTION 5.0 - ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION. This must be by visual observation of the surroundings. Clearly, if the site is close to the sea or chemical works, there is the risk of surface contamination. Generally, surface contamination will not be a problem during surface preparation, when the surface is being primed within 4 hours of cleaning. However, when a paint system is being applied, there may be delays of several days or weeks between coats, during which lime, the surfaces may have become contaminated. Under such circumstances, the speci ion should be consulted and the Client advised. SECTION 6.0 - WORK TO PROCEED. Alter taking all the above considerations into account, ensure that the Contractor's Supervisor is aware of your decision and, where you advise delays on further treatment, that he understands the reasons behind the decision. It necessary, and in the event of a disagreement with the Contractor, then it may be necessary to involve the Client Bear in mind that the conditions at the time of the coating application, and for a few hours afterwards, will determine whether the paint system will perform according to the Manufacturer's recommendations or fail prematurely. Note. This Part does not detail ventilation requirements even though these can be as. important to the project as temperatures, relative humidity etc. Ensure that ventilation is available, especially in confined locations. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Invin Technical Support L1d., Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 3 England 1994-5,7, Page 5 of7 @ elcometer Top (Figure 4) Whirling Hygrometer Bottom (Figure 5) Steel Temperature Gauge Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 3 England 1904-5,7 Page 6of7 @ elcometer Sal Sa2 Sa2'/2 Sa3 Figure 6 Pictorial Blast Standards - Sat, 2, 2"/2 and 3 (equivalent) Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd. Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 3 England 1994-5,7 Page 7 ol? @ elcomeler PART 4 SURFACE PREPARATION SECTION NUMBER AND TITLE 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual OBJECTIVE REFERENCE PANELS STANDARDS 3.1 Swedish 3.2 British 3.3 1SO 8501 (BS 7079: 1988) 3.4 European Scale of Degree of Rusting SURFACE PROFILE 41 Profile Gauge 4.2 Testex 4.3 Gauge Comparator SPECIAL TESTS 5.1 Rogue Peaks 5.2 Soluble Iron Corrosion Products (Soluble Salts):- - Ferricyanide Test - Merckoquant Test 5.3 Oil, Grease, Dust, etc. 5.4 Abrasives - Sieve Analysis 5.5 — Abrasive - Contamination 5.6 Weld Areas WET ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE WATER BLASTING Doo No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 4 Page 1 of 25 Robinson Irvin Technical Support Lid, England 1994-5,7, @ elcometer SECTION 1.0 - OBJECTIVE. To determine that the state of the steel surface is such that the coating system's applied can provide long term protection up to the design lite of the coating Surface preparation is vitally important to the life of a protective coating system. The (Coatings) Quality Control Inspector must be familiar with recognising standards, conducting tests such as profile, salt test etc. SECTION 2.0 - REFERENCE PANELS. Al the start of a contract the Client may request that reference panels are produced by the Contractor. These panels should be prepared using the same plant, Operatives and operating conditions as will be employed on the contract workscope. ‘The reference pane! must meet the conditions of the specification and/or the Client instructions, with regard to: - Cleanliness - Surface profile ~ Density of profile and it must be agreed by the Contractor, Client and Inspector that these conditions: have been satisfied. The reference panel should be stored in contact with VPI (Vapour Phase Inhibitor, rustinhibiting paper) paper, or in a sealed bag which also contains silica gel to absorb moisture. Similar portions of the reference panel should be held by the Client, Contractor and Inspector for the duration of the Contract. During the preparation of the reference panel, itis essential that the Inspector makes complete and detailed notes of the conditions and procedures adopted. Any delays and the reasons, and any changes in ambient or operational conditions, must be particularly noted. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Inuin Technical Support Ltd Doc. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan England 1994-5,7 Page 2 of 25 @ elcometer SECTION 3.0 - STANDARDS. 34 ‘The cleanliness of a steel surface is judged in comparison with agroed standards. At present, there are three series of standards in common usage; Svensk Standard SIS 05 59 00 - 1967 (Swedish Standard), and BS 4232:1967 (British Standard). The third standard is a combination of both: BS 7079 (ISO 8501-1) 1988, although Inspectors should also be aware of the American Standard - SSPC (Steel Structures Painting Council) series. ISO 8501 is currently under review and will supercede the afore mentioned Standards (see Table 1) The standard equivalents are as follows: BS Swedish SSPC ISO 8501 First Quality SaB. White Metal Sas Second Quality a2" Near-White Sa2 Third Quality Sa2 Commercial Sa2 "Ya Swedish Standard. Applies to steel which is being prepared by blast cleaning or mechanical methods (scraping and wire brushing). The standard provides both a description and an appropriate photograph of the surface condition of the steel prior to any surface preparation and after surface preparation. Where new steel work is being prepared for painting, the Inspector shall examine the steel surface and decide which of the conditions, A, B, C or D best describes the surface. The facts should be entered into the appropriate box in the Daily Inspection Report. The Inspector should be familiar with the photographs and description for all levels of surface preparation, but they should pay particular attention to the Sa2'/o and Sa3 grades which are defined as follows: saz" - Very thorough blast cleaning. Millscale, rust & foreign matter shall be removed to the ‘extent that the only traces remaining are slight stains in the form of spots or stripes. Finally, the surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, clean dry compressed air or a clean brush. It shall then correspond in appearance to the prints designated Sa? "V2 Sa3 - Blast cleaning to pure metal. millscale, rust and foreign matter shall be removed completely. Finally, the surface is cleaned with either a vacuum cleaner, clean dry compressed air, or a clean brush. It shall then have a uniform metallic colour and correspond in appearance to the print designated Sa3. It should be noted that the Swedish Standard makes no mention of surface profile. Protective Coatings inspection Manual ©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-5,7, Page of 25 @ elcomeler 3.2 British Standard, Refers only to the condition of the steel surface after grt blasting (it should be noted that this standard and the Swedish standard are only strictly applicable to dry grit blasting). The standard provides a detailed description of the levels of surface cleanliness. In addition, the standard makes reference to surface roughness (profile) and the use of abrasives. The Inspector should be familiar with this standard and should pay particular attention to the First and Second Qualities of cleanliness which are defined (in reverse order) as Second Quality - The entire surface shall show blast cleaning pattern and shall be completely tree from contamination of oil, grease, dirt or other matter, except that tightly bonded residues of millscale or rust shall be permissible up to the following limits:- For the whole surface - An average of not more than 5%, i.e. at least 95% of the surface shall be clean bare steel. For any single square of 25mm (1 inch) side - Not more than 10%, ie. at least 90% of the square shall be clean bare steel. Areas that appear shadowed solely because of differences in the blast-cleaning pattern or the structure of the steel shall be classed as clean steel. First Quality. The entire surface shall show biast-cleaning pattern and shall be clean bare steel completely free from any contamination or discolouration. Areas that appear shadowed solely because of differences in the blast-cleaning pattern or the structure of the steel shall be classed as clean steel. Note. While the Swedish and British standards are generally regarded as interchangeable, ‘there are some minor differences as indicated above. It is essential that the Inspector should be aware of these differences and in the event of any disagreement, he must ensure that he is using the standard that has been specified by the Client and that he is interpreting this standard correctly. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Dos, No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-5,7 Page 4 of 25 @ elcomeler 33 3.4 ISO 8501-1 (BS 7079: 1988) (See Figure 6 in Part 3 for Pictorial Standards). This document is now in common use since it is an International Standards Organisation (ISO) standard, and incorporates the pictorial standards from the Swedish standards SIS 055900-1967. The ISO standard also gives pictorial standards for surface preparation using different types of abrasives and for flame cleaning. The International Standards Organisation is producing supplements to this document which include surface profile and cleanliness measurements. European Scale. The European Scale of Degree of Rusting for Anti-Corrosive Paints (‘Re'-scale) is used in the description of the surface condition of painted steel prior to preparation. This scale for painted surfaces, is similar in structure and format to the Swedish standard rust grades A-D, for unpainted steel. Again, the representation is pictorial although there is an accompanying description given as percentage of rust. It should be noted that where percentages of coating breakdown are quoted, these apply only to visible rust which has broken the surface of the paint film. Where Inspectors are involved with maintenance painting, they shall note the condition of the painted surface, prior to preparation, by comparison with the photographs ‘Re’0 to ‘Re’9, and enter this information on to the Daily Inspection Report as appropriate. Note. Readers should also be aware of the Intemational Standards ISO 4628-1 to ISO 4628-6, which define and categorise intensity, quantity and size of common types of defects i. blistering, flaking, chalking, cracking and rusting. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Li. Doo No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Par 4 England 1994-5,7 Page § of 25 @ elcomeler soln TITLE ISO 8501 | Visual Assessment of Surface Cleanliness | 8501-1 | Specification of Rust Grades and Steel Preparation Grades | | 8501-2 | Preparation Grades of Previously Coated Steol 8501-3 | Proparation Grados for Wolds, Cut Edges and Surface Imperfections asc | Propeeion Gravee cei Cant | ISO 8502 Tests for the Assessment of Surtace Cleanliness | 8502-1 | Preparation of Steel - Assessment of Surface Cleanliness 8502-2 | Method of Determination of Chlorides on Cleaned Surtaces 8502-3 | Dust on Steal by Pressure Sensitive Tape Method 8502-4 | Guidance on the Estimation of the Probability of Condensation Prior to Paint Application’ | 8502-5 | Surface Cleantinoss - lon Dotection Tube Method ‘8502-6 | Sampling Soluble Impurities - Bresla Patch Method 8502-7 | Field Method for Determination of Oil and Grease 8502-8 | Field Method for Retractomettic Determination of Moisture | 8502-9 8502-10 | Field Method for Titrimatric Determination of Chloride 8502-11 | Fiold Method for Turbidimetric Determination of Sulphate 8502-12 | Field Method for Titrimetric Determination of Ferrous tons 180 8503 | Surface Roughness Characteristics of Blast Cleaned Stee! Substrates | Fiold Method for Conductometric Determination of Water Soluble Salts 8503-1 | ISO Surface Comparator for Abrasive Blast Cleaned Surfaces 8503-2 Method for Grading the Surface Profile - Comparator Procedure | £8503-3 | Method for Calibration of ISO Comparator - Focusing Microscope 8503-4 | Method for Calibration of ISO Comparator - Stylus Method ISO 8504 | Surface Preparation Methods Surface Preparation Mathods - General Principles | Surface Preparation Methods - Abrasive Blast Cleaning Surface Preparation Methods - Hand and Power Tool Cleaning | Somo of the above Standards and Methods are sill at the draft stage at the time of proparation of this listing, | Table 1 ISO Standards for Surface Preparation Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doe. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part a England 1984-5,7, Page 6 of 25 @ elcomeler SECTION 4.0 - SURFACE PROFILE. Abrasive blast cleaning, using both grit and shot, produces a roughened surface and the subsequent proille size and density is important. Grit blasting is usually conducted with angular abrasive for open blasting methods. Shot blasting uses round shot and is usually used for automated systems (i.e. wheelabrator). The profile may be defined as the greatest vertical distance between the summit of any peak on a blast-cleaned surface and the bottom of an immediately adjacent trough, but without taking into account any exceptional ‘rogue’ peaks which may be formed by particles of abrasive embedded in the surface. BS 4282:1967 recommends a maximum profile size (often called the amplitude) of 100 microns, although generally smaller amplitudes are advisable depending on coating system type and thicknesses to be applied. ‘See also Section 5.1 for information on rogue peaks. 4.1 Surface Profile Gauge (See Figure 7). - Needle gauge ~ Glass plate for calibration 4.1.1. Instructions for Use. To zero the instrument, press down the foot of the gauge onto the surface of the glass plate using light pressure and note the reading of the pointer. Repeat the above at least three times on different parts of the glass plate and note readings. If the readings are within two small divisions either side of zero the instrument is calibrated ready for use. If the readings are consistent but not on zero, then readjust the zero on the dial by releasing the clamp on the rim of the instrument (on the top left side) and rotating the dial until the pointer reacs zero. Rettighten the clamp. Recheck the zero by the procedure above, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson invin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doe No: TMA0147 Issue 02 Part England 1994-5,7 Page 7 of 25 e 44.2 443 444 elcome}ler If the readings are not consistent, and the inconsistency is not due to the surface of the glass plate, or if the small dial does not read zero, then the instrument is not operating correctly and should be replaced. Calibration. Providing the instrument is zeroed correctly it is not normally necessary to calibrate it. It in doubt, calibration must be carried out: Zero the instrument as detailed above. Place two shims of the same thickness or, if available, a shim with a notch cut in il, under the base plate so that the needle is clear. Note the dial reading which shall correspond to the thickness of the shim if the instrument is calibrated correctly. Reading. The maximum reading on the dials is typically 600 microns, though this should be confirmed before calibration using the instrument Manufacturers’ instructions. Thus, the instrument is calibrated such that typically:- 200 microns 10 microns 2 microns 1 revolution 1 division 1 small division Method of Use Check that the area to be measured is free irom all dust and grit. Check that the instrument has been zeroed correctly. Press down the foot of the instrument on to the surface of the steel and note the position of the pointers. Record the reading in microns. Continue to take readings over an area of approximately one square metre until a minimum of 10 readings have been obtained Calculate the average value in microns. Record the values on the Dally Inspection Report Protective Coatings Inspection Manual © Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doo. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-6,7 Page 8 of 25 @ elcomeler 4.1.5 Results. ‘The profile of the blast-cleaned surface may be considered acceptable if the average value does not exceed the maximum value specified or the individual readings do not differ by more than 26 microns or 25% whichever is the smaller. I the readings indicate that the profile of the surface is not acceptable then: This must be drawn to the attention of the Contractor's Supervisor and appropriate adjustments made. Readings must be taken as indicated above until the surface profile is within the agreed specilication. Assuming acceptable values for the surface profile have been obtained as above then: For automatic blast-cleaning, continue to take readings as indicated above at the rate of § readings per square metre over the next 10 square metres. If the results are consistent and within the agreed specification, then the rate of readings may be reduced to 1 per 5 square metres. A careful visual inspection will be maintained to ensure that the surface profile remains unilorm and that there is no change in grit size or working conditions. The number of readings taken may be reduced, as experience indicates that uniform results are being obtained until the surface profile readings are being taken at approximately hourly intervats. IF itis found that the surface profile readings are outside the limits specified then it will be necessary to follow through the procedure as laid out above. Where manual blast-cleaning is employed then surface profile is subject to considerable variation, due to the Operator. It will, therefore, be necessary to check the performance of each Operator and to continue checks at frequent intervals over the work period until consistent results have been oblained and confidence in the operators performance has been established. ‘The frequency of readings will be as laid down above. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-5,7 Page € of 25 @ elcometer 42 424 Testex Press-o-Film Tape (See Figure 8). The tape comprises two layers: ~ Incompressible ~ Compressible The tape was developed in, and is manufactured in, America. Due to its country of origin, the tape and micrometer gauge are calibrated in both microns and mils. However, all of surface profile may need to be converted into microns before being recorded on the Daily Inspection Reports, if this is the measure detailed in the specification, using the conversion: 1 mil {thou thou = 25 microns - (It should be remembered that the exact conversion is 25.4 microns) The Testex tapes are available in two grades: ~ Coarse for profiles 0 - 51 microns (0 - 2 mithou) ~ X (extra) coarse for profiles 35 - 114 microns (1.5 - 4.5 milthou) Method. Select the tape appropriate to the profile to be measured. Peel off the backing paper and press the tape onto the area selected for measurement. Rub the circular cut-out area with a burishing tool until the entire circular area has uniformly darkened. Special hard plastic round-headed spatulas are normally supplied although the rounded end of a ball-point pen or pencil would suffice. Set the spring micrometer by ensuring that the anvils are clean and the spring operates smoothly. Adjust the dial by releasing the clamp on the rim of the instrument and rotating the dial so that with the anvils closed the dial reads zero. Re-tighten the clamp and check that the needle continues to read 0 after the anvils have been opened and closed several times. Remove the tape from the steel and place the darkened circular portion between the jaws of the anvil, ensuring that the tape is centred. Take several readings over the darkened area of the circular cut-out. These readings should be constant to within two small divisions of the scale. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doc. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 4 England 1994-5,7 Page 10 of 25, @ elcometer Note the reading on the dial, convert the reading to microns if necessary and deduct the incompressible portion of the tape fram your readings. Then record this information on your Daily Inspection Report. Note. 43 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual The dial gauge is set at 0. Therefore to make allowance for the incompressible portion of the tape which is 2 thou (51 microns) in thickness the figure read from the gauge should be deducted, An alternative is to set the dial in not at zero, but at zero whilst reading a 51 micron shim. In this manner, the actual dial reading of the used tape gives the surface proiile directly. ‘The dial is calibrated as follows:- 1 revolution = 10 thou - 1Omitthou (250 microns) 1 division (0-10) 41 thou - 1 mil/thou (25 microns) 1 small division = 0.1 thou - 0.1mivthou (2. microns) It can generally be expected that dial readings in the range 2 - 4milithou, 2-4 thou, and 50 - 100microns will be obtained. Comparator Gauge (See Figure 9). This instrument provides a quick and effective method of ascertaining the grading of surface roughness. The surface profile comparator conforms to ISO 8503 Parts 1 to 4, and is usually made from Nickel or other corrosion resistant material. Two sets of comparators are available, one for surfaces prepared using grit (G) and one prepared using shot (S), each having four segments of differing grades of roughness. The appropriate comparator is placed against the substrate. A visual or {aclile comparison between the comparator and the test surface can be carried out by means of a lens or by passing a finger nail over the surfaces. Record the grades confirmed for all tested areas of the surface. Profiles equal to segment 1 and up to, but excluding, | segment 2 | Profiles equal to segment 2 and up to, but excluding, | segment 3 Medium Profiles equal to segment 3 and up to, but excluding, Coa | segment 4 Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-5,7, Page 11 of 25 @ elcometer SECTION 5.0 - SPECIAL TESTS. 54 5.2 Rogue Peaks. ‘These may be defined as peaks of exceptional height in the blast-cleaned surface, which may not be indicated by the normal methods of surface profile measurement. The presence of rogue peaks may be demonstrated by: Viewing the surface through an illuminated magnifier. Rubbing lightly over the surface with a clean cotton glove. Care must be taken to ensure that no cotton fibres remain on the steel The presence of ‘rash rusting’ on the primed surface, due to the peaks not being coated with primer. Ii rogue peaks are found, they may be removed by lightly sculfing the surface with emery paper, a metal bar or, preferably, by hand. It is essential to check that all dust and otier contamination is completely removed after the sanding operation, also that the operation has been successful in the removal of the rogue peaks. Soluble Iron Corrosion Products (Soluble Salts), When rusted steel has been blast-cleaned and is acceptable to an Sa3 or equivalent visual standard, itis stil probable that the surlace is contaminated with ‘soluble iron corrosion products’. The ‘soluble salts’ are formed by the action of sulphate or chloride contaminants with the steel to give salts which are almost colourless and will be located at the bottom ‘of corrosion pits. If left under the paint, these substances encourage the passage of water through the paint film, the water then jorms more corrosion products thus producing, in time, large volumes of rust which will break the adhesion bond between the coatings and the substrate. Obviously, the importance of this factor will depend upon the degree of exposure to wel conditions. Generally speaking, all paints will last longer on a surface which is substantially free from ‘soluble iron corrosion products’. Currently, two tests are recognised for the detection and determination of ‘soluble iron corrosion products’: Ferricyanide Test (See Figure 10). This test is described in BS 5493:1977, Apgendix G, which should be consulted for details. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doe. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 4 England 1994-5,7 Page 12 of 25 @ elcometer The test papers are made by coating filter paper in a freshly prepared 5% solution of potassium ferricyanide in water, and allowing the papers to dry. If it is necessary for the Inspector to prepare the test papers on site, he must make himself aware of the health and safety hazardcawhen handling this chemical. The disadvantages of this test are: It is extremely sensitive, hence it is very difficult to obtain a blast-cleaned surface from previously rusted steel which does not give blue spotting on the paper. The test is not quantitative. Merckoquant Test. This test will provide a semi-quantitative measurement of the level of soluble iron corrosion products in the profile of the blast-cleaned surface. This test, with perhaps slight modifications, may become adopted as an International standard, Details of the test are as follows: Reagents and Materials. Indicator test strips for ferrous ions - Merckoquant or similar Distilled water or water of equivalent purity ~ Pure cotton wool ‘Small rod for stirring Ruler and chalk, or other device, for measuring area 150mm x 150mm Procedure. Measure 22.5ml of distilled water into a beaker or polythene bag. Measure an area on the blast-cleaned surface of 2,250 sq. mm (approx. 6" x 6"). Using 2-3 small pieces of cotton wool, each weighing about 0.59m, wash the area measured. Ensure that the cotton wool holds only sufficient water to wet the surface and does not run off the test area. Dry the surface with a fresh piece of cotton wool. Wear sterile gloves to prevent skin sails & other impurities contaminating the results. Mix all the cotton wool used and the water together using the rod and squeeze the water from the wool 2-8 times. The tes! should be completed in about 5 minutes. Dip the indicator strip brielly into the liquid and then hold it in the air for 10-15 seconds until the colour develops. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd., Dos.No: TMA-O147 Issue 02 Pat 4 England 1904-5,7 Page 13 of 25 @ elcomeler 53 54 Compare the colour of the test strip against the standard colour patches on the side of the test strip container. Record the results on the Daily Inspection Report as mg ferrous ion per square metre of blast-cleaned surtace. Note. The area washed and the volume of water used have been chosen to give the level or iron directly on these units The report should also include a complete identificaiton of the test area using sketches if necessary. Oil, Grease, Dust, ete. Visual examination is the best method for checking for the presence of these ‘contaminants. If in doubt, the use of an illumineted magnifier may prove beneficial. The presence of loose dust on the surface may be demonstrated using clear ‘Sellotape’ The tape should preferably be 25mm (1 inch) wide. Having pressed the tape onto the surface under inspection, it will retail indications of surface contamination and may be kept as a permanent record by sticking onto good quality white paper. Abrasives - Sieve Analysi Equipment: = Set of sieves to BS 410 (Calibrated) - Soft Brush + Scales (Calibrated) ~ Hard Brush ~ BS 2451:1963 Sampl It is essential to ensure that the sample taken is representative of the bulk of abrasive used. Thus, for a bag of grit itis not sufficient to take a sample from the top of the bag, since the larger particle sizes wil tend to concentrate there and the smaller particle sizes will tend to go to the bottom of the bag. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure that a) the bag selected is representative of the batch, and b) the contents of the bag are thoroughly mixed prior to sampling. Procedure A - Quick Check. Consult BS 2451 - Table 1 for shot and Table 2 for grit - and from the table check the mesh numbers of the sieves through which (a) all the sample should pass and (b) none of the sample should pass, e.g. for G24, Table 2 shows a) all sample should pass 1.00mm sieve and b) no sample should pass 0.355mm sieve, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Dos. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 4 England 1994-5,7, Page 14 of 25 @ elcomeler Take a relatively large representative complete sample, e.g. about 500g (a sell-seal plastic sample bag 9cm x 12cm comfortably filled). Pour on to sieve set comprising: lid, 1.00mm sieve, 0.355mm sieve and receiver. Shake the sieve set for § minutes. Check all material has passed through top sieve and been retained by bottom sieve. Note. 1 2 For this test, the actual quantity of giil is not critical. It is sufficient to take grt from several different parts of the bag and test all parts together. Procedure B - Standard Test. Weigh out 200gm of shovigrit taken from a representative sample, where a large quantity, e.g. one bag, has been thoroughly mixed prior to sampling. From the appropriate table in BS 2451 select the mesh sizes of all the sieves for the shot or grit under test, e.g. for G24 the sieves are: 4,000mm, 0.710mm, 0.600mm, 0.500mm, 0.355mm, ‘Arrange the sieves in order with the largest mesh size at the top and a receiver under the smallest mesh size. Pour in the weighed sample and shake the sieve set for 5 minutes. It is essential that shaking is continued for a full 5 minutes. Weigh the contents of each sieve and record the results. Express each weight as a percentage of the total weight sample. Express the results in accordance with BS 2451 format, e.g. for G24 Tolal sample passes 1.00mm mesh sieve, at least 70% is retained by 0.710mm mesh sieve, at most 15% passed the 0.600mm mesh sieve, none passed the 0.855mm mesh sieve. Note. It is absolutely essential to ensure that all sieves are completely clean prior to the start of a test. This can best be achieved using a hard brush (a paint brush with bristles cut down to Smm) from the underside. The removal of grit by poking from the underside using a metal point should never be done. This is likely to damage the mesh and disturb the mesh size. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘@Robingon Irwin Technical Support Ltd., Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-5,7 Page 15 of 25 @ elcomeler 55 5.6 Abrasive - Contamination, To check abrasives for dust or oil contamination, the following tests should be applied: Dust. Take a representative sample of about 100gm of abrasive into a clean container, preferably a transparent jar. Pour clean water on to the abrasive until it is just covered. Stir to ensure wetting and removal of air. Any dust in the sample will be clearly visible floating on the surface of the water. Oil. From a representative sample take about 100gm of abrasive into a clean container. For this test the container should not be plastic. A clean tin, ceramic cup or glass beaker should be used. Pour clean xylene on to the abrasive until it is just covered and stir. Pour off some of the liquid on to a clean glass plate and allow the solvent to evaporate. Any oil or grease will be detected as a smear when lightly touched by a clean finger. Note. Xylene is flammable, hence no smoking should be allowed in the vicinity and there should be adequate ventilation when carrying out this test. Other solvents may be used for this test but it may be necessary to allow a longer time for solution of the oil and evaporation of the solvent, Welds. Weld areas require particular attention during surface preparation. A mechanically sound weld does not necessarily provide a saistactory surface for painting without preparation. Itis important, therefore, to bear in mind that a welding Inspector will be looking for different things and may pass as completely satisfactory a weld which is not in an ideal state for painting. With regard to the surface preparation of weld areas for painting, the following shall be checked, using the letters W U S P S as an aid to memory: = Welds. Should be continuous and free from sharp projections. Undercutting. Should not be excessive and rough. Spatier. All weld spatter should be chipped away. (See Figure 12) holes. Should be marked for filling. Slag. Should be removed by chipping so that the underlying weld may be inspected. wunce Generally, normal blast-cleaning operations will not satisfactorily prepare weld areas for painting and it is necessary to use a grinding wheel to produce a smooth clean weld line. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson invin Technical Support Ltd, Dos. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 19094-5,7 Page 16 of 25 @ elcomeler Any undercutting, pinholes or discontinuity in the welds will require re-welding and grinding. Mechanical grinding, discing or solvent cleaning may also be required for the treatment of: © = Contamination of the surface by oll and grease which must be removed by solvent cleaning. L. = Laminations. The surface should be checked both before and after blast-cleaning, since the blasting operation is likely to partially tear out laminations from the steel surface. Serious laminations may lead to a weakening of the steel = Edges. Should be radiused to provide a smooth, rounded surface to which the paint adheres salisfactoriy, providing good coverage and protection. Burrs, Should be removed as above. Check particularly bolt holes and other areas where cutting has been carried out. B The above provide the letters C LE B as an aid to memory during inspection. In connection with the inspection of weld areas, the Inspector should be aware of alkaline deposits left by some welding processes. These are normally removed by blast-deaning, but if for any reason the wold areas are only receiving limited preparation then it may be necessary to wash the weld areas with clean water. Where remedial work is being carried out on painted areas thal have been subject to welding, it is important that the area is blast-cleaned back to sound paint which has good adhesion. This may be up to 20cm from the channel area. Its also important to bear in mind that the heat produced by the welding operation will be transmitted through the steel and may cause damage to paint-work on the other side. Again, the remedial blast-cleaning operation should be undertaken until sound paint is reached. (See Figures 11 and 12). One final point to be considered when preparing the weld surface is the difference in metal surface hardness. The zone of the weld itself and the affected parent metal around it may have been tempered during the welding process. This could result in the inability to profile that area as quickly or efficiently as the non affected areas. Occasionally special preparation techniques may be necessary, such as a change in the grit used. CONCLUSION. ‘The preparation of a satisfactorily cleaned surface is the first oritical stage in the provision of long term protection by a coating system. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Robingon nwin Technical Support Ltd, Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-5,7, Pago 17 of 25 @ elcomeler SECTION 6.0 - WET ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING. Wet abrasive blast cleaning is a method of surface preparation which uses open abrasive blast cleaning with a mixture of water as a method of of surface preparation. ‘The main problem so far as inspection is concerned, is to see that the surface is properly cleaned whilst itis still wet. One suggestion is to take an area that has been cleaned by dry grit blasting then to wet it so that you have some idea as to what you are looking for. It may be interesting to carry out tests for ‘soluble iron corrosion products’ using Merckoquant test strips. The level of soluble salt should be such that it is low and should be reduced further by washing the surface, With regard to the application of the primer or first coat, check carefully that it is suitable for application to a moist or damp surface. Look also on the Manufacturers instructions for any definition of dampness. Generally, such materials are not suitable for application to a surface that has running water on it. If the surface is just damp, ie. a very thin film of water, then it may be acceptable, Some water blasting systems incorporate the use of a corrosion inhibitor. If it Is present, check that it is being used at the correct concentration and that it is properly mixed and dissolved. Some corrosion inhibitors may adversely affect the coating adhesion, so check solected areas of the cured coating to ensure that it has satisfactory adhesion, With wet blasting, flash-rusting may be a problem. Increasing the concentration of corrosion inhibitor will not get rid of this. Providing the level of soluble salt is sufficiently low, say below 26mg/sq. motre, slight flash-rusting may be acceptable. The Client should be consulted for confirmation of this acceptability. If there is any doubt conceming the use of the corrosion inhibitor then you should recommend that it is omitted. While it may be possible to apply the specially formulated primer to a damp surface, subsequent coats must be applied to a dry surface and this should be carefully checked in the normal manner. It sea-water is used for the initial preparation then it is essential that the surfac: washed with clean fresh water, prior to paint application. Water pressure has a good scouring action and it is observed that the cleaning action improves as the pressure is increased. Tightly bonded millscale may be Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 4 England 1994-5,7 Page 18 of 25 @ elcometer removed at 70-105 MN/sq. metre (10,000-15,000 psi). At over 140 MN/sq. metre (20,000 psi) it is possible to cut through steel. It has been noted that the wet blast cleaning method on rusty steel, is sometimes not as good as dry blasting because the high pressure water seoms to ricochet off the surface and not dwell long enough to penetrate or clean, by capillary action, the soluble rust-producing products al the vottom of rust pits. If some abrasive, usually silica free sand, is mixed with the water, faster and more efficient cleaning is achieved. Wet abrasive cleaning is not as common now as it has been for the last 10 years. Although having the advantages of removing salts and spark hazards, the wet abrasive blast cleaning technique is being replaced with high pressure water blasting. SECTION 7.0 - ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE WATER BLASTING. 1.0 Introduction. Hydroblasting, sometimes called Ultra High Pressure (UHP), Water Blasting, Aquablasting or Hydrojetting is a term used to describe preparation of surfaces as an alternative to wet blast cleaning. Due to environmental legislations and the need to remove soluble salts from steel surfaces, hydroblasting is becoming a highly developed technology and receiving a great deal of support from the paint industry, Simply, hydroblasting consists of using high pressure and water as a method of ‘surface preparation for painting. The pressures vary, depending on the requirement. 2.0. Definitions Definition Bar Pressure | PSI Pressure Low Pressure Water Washing 68 1000 | High Pressure Water Washing | 68 - 680 | 1000- 10,000 | High Pressure Hydroblasting | 680 - 2,000 Ultra High Pressure Hydroblasting >2,000 *Some 5) tems now operate at over 40,000 PSI Protective Coatings Inspection Manual obinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd. Dos No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 4 England 1804-5,7, Page 19 of 25, @ elcometer 3.0 Hydroblasting. It is widely established that high pressure water washing and high pressure hydroblasting pumps can effectively remove paint coating breakdown, loose rust and foreign contamination. However, as reliable pumping systems were developed at even higher pressures, it became apparent that operating pressures in excess of 2,000 bar (30,000 PSI) could be used much more efticiently for a method of surface preparation, This type of technique is known as Ultra High Pressure (UHP) Hydroblasting. UHP systems are available from a number of Manufacturers throughout Europe and the United States. Pump technology is either based on conventional triplex plunger pumps or hydraulic over water fluid intensifiers. The triplex plunger pump brands are well known in the marine industry for their long history of application at lower pressures for traditional hull washing and general heavy duly cleaning ‘They operate mainly at around 30,000 PSI (2,000) bar with flows of about 20 litres per minute. intensifier systems can operate at much higher pressures, presently up to 60,000 PSI (4,000 bar), but typically, for steel preparation, at around 40,000 (PSI) (2,750 bar) at flows of between 8 and 12 litres per minute. High pressures at lower flow rates may have between 8 and 12 litres per minute. Higher pressures at lower flow rates may have the advantage of better cutting power when tightly adhered primers have to be removed, and also of less fatigue to Operators due to lower reaction force. No chemicals or abrasives of any kind are used, but the kinetic energy developed by an UHP water jet travelling at over twice the speed of sound is sufficient to completely remove even the toughest rust deposits from steel, any type of coating and practically all invisible contaminates, principally salts. This latter aspect has been of particular interest to coalings Manufacturers. Residual chloride levels of less than 10 microgrammes per square centimetre, and sometimes as low as Sug/cm®, virtually elminate the risk of salt-initiated corrosion cells below the newly applied coating. This is another major advantage of UHP fresh water hydroblasting over open, dry abrasive grit blasting where quite high salt levels can be measured alter surface preparation. The abrasive itself can also be salt contaminated. These negligible salt levels, together with the increasing environmental pressure coming upon open, dry grit blasting, led to the definition and publication of hydroblasting standards by professional institutes and paint Manufacturers. Most major paint companies now recommend a range of products suitable for applying to correctly hydroblasted steel surfaces. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Rebinson invin Technical Support Ltd, Doe. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-5,7, Page 20 of 25 @ clcomelerc Use of UHP hydroblasting is now widespread. The system is particularly well suited to spot blasting, as spot blasiing maintenance programmes are becoming more and more widely implemented, Gorroded areas can be hydroblasted to bare metal great precision, with no overblast and wasteful ‘tracking’ between spots as is normally soon after abrasive spot blasting. Much less paint is therefore used and the Contractor eliminates the costly problem of abrasive disposal and yard cleaning. The big beneficiary is, of course, the environment; the dust and debris from open, dry abrasive blasting has been a major nuisance for years, but was an evil necessity in the absence of any practical cost effective altemative. Yards in the United Kingdom, Europe, Scandinavia and the United States are all currently facing serious opposition from local environmental bodies on the grounds of dust and paint overspray pollution. In the marine industry, water jetting had been used by mobile orews and Contractors as a method of surface preparation for a number of years, although there are obvious disadvantages of water jetting as opposed to UHP hydroblasting 1 Because high volumes of water were being used at around 10,000 PSI (700 bar), sea water was the only option available which then defeated the object of removing salts from the substrate. Fresh water rinsing tends not to be carried out very effectively. 2 The jet velocities of these pumps is insufficient to satisfactorily remove old primers and corroded steel. 3 Reaction force form the high pressure produced from these machines results in additional down time due to labour fatigue. ‘On the other hand, the use of UHP hydroblasting produced a different picture quite dramatically:- 4 Due to the low volume requirement of water, the ships evaporators can normally provide very high quality, de-ionised fresh water. A 12 litre per minute gun will only typically use about § tonnes of water in a normal working shift and most evaporators can easily provide this from surplus production. 2 Due to the higher jet velocity, ali the salts are removed from the substrate available so a much higher standard of preparation can be achieved. 3 Low volume means low reaction farce to the Operator, and productivity can rise as the fatigue factor diminishes. 4 Low volume, low reaction force tools can be taken into ballast tanks and double bottoms at sea, vastly improving the potential scope of work in that the process can be carried out whilst the ship is mobile. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Robinson Invin Technical Support Lt Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pata England 1994-5,7 Page 21 of 25 @ elcomeler 4.0 ad Standard of work is high, and paint Manufacturers are therefore much more flexible as they have confidence in the performance of the coating system applied to a known preparation standard. With the correct lighting, ventilation and access arrangements, UHP hydroblasting is particularly well suited to ballast tank and enclosed locations type work, Hydroblasting has made an impact with tanker Operators and offshore Operators. The ability to carry out surlace preparations without tisk of spark has obvious attractions. Hydroblasting has made significant inroads as a new marine maintenance technology and @ number of new products are available which will result in better performance and greater reliability Standards. As Ultra High Pressure Hydroblasting leaves the prepared surfaces slightly damp, new paint products are constantly being developed by the paint industry. Visual standards, prior to application, are also available both by industry bodies and by paint Manufacturers. ‘These standards define the visual UHP appearance of steel! substrates after hydroblasting, although experienced Quality Control Inspectors will agree that visual standards for ‘slightly damp’ substrates may cause some discussion during the process work. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doc. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part a England 1994-5,7 Page 22 of 25 @ elcomeler Top (Figure 7) Surface Profile Gauge Bottom (Figure 8) Profile Test Tape Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doe.No: TMA0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-5,7, Page 23 0! 25 @ elcometer Top (Figure 9) Surface Profile Comparator Bottom (Figure 10) Potassium Ferricyanide Test Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd, oo, No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1994-5,7 Page 24 of 25 @ elcometer Top (Figure 11) Skip Welds Bottom (Figure 12) Weld Spatter on Painted Steelwork Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doo No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 4 England 1904-5,7, Page 25 o 25 @ elcometer PART 5 PAINT AND PAINT APPLICATION SECTION NUMBER AND TITLE 4.0 OBJECTIVES OF PART 5 2.0 | MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS / DATA SHEETS 3.0 STORAGE 4,0 MIXING AND STIRRING 5.0 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 60 VISCOSITY 7.0 METHODS OF APPLICATION 8.0 WET FILM THICKNESS. 9.0 DRYING TIME 10.0 DRY FILM THICKNESS 41.0 CONVERSION OF WET TO DRY FILM THICKNESS 42.0 OVERCOATING TIMES 13.0 WASHING AND OTHER INTERCOAT PREPARATION 44.0 TESTS ON THE DRY FILM Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Aobinson Insin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Parts England 1994-5,7 Page 1 of 25 @ elcometer SECTION 1.0 - OBJECTIVES OF PART 5. To ensure that the paint is of the correct type and state, so that when properly applied, the material will give satisfactory long term protection to the steel substrate. In order to achieve the above objectives, it is necessary to ensure that the coatings are applied at the thickness and under the conditions recommended by the paint manufacturer or as specified by the Client. The coatings must be firmly adherent and uniformly applied to the properly prepared suriace without misses, inclusions, runs or other defects. ‘The following sections will detail the use of Manufacturers’ data sheets, storage of materials, the mixing and stirring of paints and materials, specilic gravity and viscosity. A brief discussion on paint application is also given along with wet/dry film thickness and the testing of coatings and linings. SECTION 2.0 - MANUFACTURERS’ DATA SHEETS. Data sheets provided by the paint manufacturer are the major saurce of information conceming the materials being used. It is essential that the Inspector has the latest data sheet for all the materials being applied on his project. ‘The data sheot, together with the specitication, will provide the Inspector with the information to draw up a set of quality control parameters. SECTION 3.0 - STORAGE. In the absence of specific instructions the following general guidelines should apply. Paint should be stored so that it is protected from the elements in such conditions that (typically) its temperature is maintained between 4°C and 27°C, Ventilation should be such that if condensation does occur on the tins then it will not lead to the containers being in prolonged contact with water, leading to the possibility of rusting. In addition, adequate ventilation will help to keep the solvent concentration at a low level, thus reducing any risks due to fire or explosion. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 5 England 1994-5,7 Page 2 of 25 @ elcomeler SECTION 4.0 - MIXING AND STIRRING. 4.1 Single pack paints, particularly those with heavy pigments such as zinc or micaceous iron oxide, must be thoroughly stirred prior to use to ensure: ~ No settlement of pigment on the bottom ~ No separation of solvent at the top Itis, therefore, essential to ensure that stirers will reach the bottom of the can. A further useful check is to examine empty cans to ensure that mixing procedures have been thoroughly undertaken. 4,2. Fortwo pack paints itis essential that: - The components are mixed in the ratio specified by the paint Manufacturer. - Very thorough stirring is carried out to ensure complete mixing of the components. (See Figures 13 and 14) Particularly for two pack materials it is recommended that mixing is carried out mechanically, using an air motor or spark proof electric motor for safety. The paint should be stirred for at least 5 minutes and, as with single pack systems, it is necessary to ensure that there is no settlement of pigment on the base of the can by using a stirrer of sufficient length. SECTION 5.0 - SPECIFIC GRAVITY. A test which may be carried out to check: ~ Paint has been thoroughly mixed - Paint has not been diluted 5.1 Equipment required: ~ Weight per gallon cup ~ Set of scales weighing up to 300gm to accuracy of 0.1 gm. 5.2 Procedure. ‘The weight per gallon cup comprises a straight sided cylindrical container made from metal which, when fitted with its special lid, holds exactly 100m! of liquid. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Lid, (Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan's England 1994-5,7 Page 3 of 25 @ elcometer The lid is designed so that when the cup is filled with liquid and the lid pressed firmly down, then excess liquid will be ejected from the small hole in its centre. Steps to follow are: 5.2.1 Weigh the cup and lid, empty, and record weight. 5.2.2 Fill the cup with paint to within 2mm of top. 5.2.3 Allow the paint to stand for 2 minutes to ensure the removal of all air from the paint sample. 5.2.4 Press the lid onto the cup, ensuring that some of the paint is ejected through the centre hole. If there is no paint ejected then it is necessary to remove the lid and add additional paint. 5.2.5 Wipe clean all extemal surfaces. 5.2.6 — Weigh the cup, lid and paint and record weight. 5.3 Calculation. Step 1 Weight of cup + lid + paint Step 2. Weight of cup + lid only Move the decimal point 2 places to the left and record the figure obtained as the specific gravity. Example No 1 Weight of cup + lid + paint 178.99m Weight of cup + lid only 44,0gm 134.99 SG. 1.349 Record value as 1.35 Example No 2. Weight of cup + lid + paint 139.39 Weight of cup + lid only 44.0gm 95.39m SG. 0.953 Record value as 095 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson lnvin Technical Support Ltd, Doe.No: TMA0147 Issue 02 Pans England 1994-5,7 Pago 4 of 25, @ elcometer Consult Manufacturer's data sheet to ensure that values oblained are in agreement with the Manufacturer's recommendations or guidelines. Manufacturer's data sheets may quote specitic gravity (S.G.), density, weight per gallon (rare these days) or weight in kilograms per 5 litres. Specific gravity and density have the same numerical values. For weight per gallon, divide by 10 to oblain SG (i.e. 13.2 Ibs per gallon = 1.32 S.G.) and for weight in kilograms per 5 litres divide by 5 to oblain S.G. (i.e. 6.4kg per 5 litres = 1.28 S.G.). ‘As a check on the accuracy of your scales and that you are using the correct technique, the determination of the S.G. of water should give a value of 1.00. If the determined value is lower than the value stated in the data sheet, the most probable reasons are insufficient mixing or the sample has been taken from the top of the can or improper addition of solvent. Alternatively, the material In the can Is not as stated on the data sheet. If available, another sample of the same material should be tested. In the event of a large difference between the determined value and that recorded in the data sheet, the material should be set aside until the reasons can be established. SECTION 6.0 - VISCOSITY. The following cups are available: BS flow Cup to BS 3900 DIN flow cups Ford flow cups to ASTM DIz00 ISO flow cups to ISO 2431 Zahn-flow cups. Lis, therefore, essential to ensure that the correct type and orifice size of cup is used. The Manufacturer's data sheet should state the cup to be used. Note. The viscosity of certain high-build materials, such as MIO or thixotropic materials, cannot be measured satisfactorily using a flow cup. It it is required to measure the viscosity of such materials, consult the paint Manufacturer. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issuo 02 Part § England 1804-5,7 Page § of 25 @ elcometer IMPORTANT Particularly for paints, temperature has a marked effect on viscosity. It is, therefore, essential that the sample to be taken and the viscosity cup are at a known standard temperature, usually around 20°C or 25°C. Ii a sample of paint is brought into a warm room from outside, it may take several hours and considerable stirring to achieve uniform ambient temperature. The usual method for the measurement of viscosity is to measure the time taken for the liquid to run through a small hole of known diameter from a container of standard volume, Apparatus: - Standard cup ~ Stopwatch Thermometer - Stand for cup Container for paint The cups are available in different sizes, i.e. BS flow cups Nos. 3, 4 and 5 are available. This information will be stamped on the cup and shall be recorded. BS Cup Method. - Warm or cool the cup and paint to the standard temperature. - Cover the hole at the bottom of the cup from the outside with the finger. - Completely fill the container so that some of the paint flows over the rim into the outer container. - Scrape off excess from the top of the cup using a flat blade. - Ensure that a container is under the hole. - Remove the finger from the hole and simultaneously start the stop watch. - Observe the flow of liquid, which should be as a smooth continuous stream. - When the smooth stream breaks to dropleis, stop the watch. Record. ~ Type and number of cup used. - Temperature at which measurement was undertaken. ~ Time in seconds through the cup. - Identification of sample with reference and batch numbers. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part § England 1904-5,7 Pago 6 of 25 @ elcometer SECTION 7.0 - METHODS OF APPLICATION. Check carefully that all areas are properly coated, particularly areas of difficult access where it will be necessary io use a mirror and torch. Look behind, undemeath and on top of areas being coated, check particularly that all comers are properly coated, This is the second critical state in the use of paint for the long-term protection of steel. The aim is to provide a smooth coat of uniform thickness which is free from any sags, runs, misses, blisters, inclusions or any other defect. As the Inspector, you are not concemed with the rate of working, but with the quality of the applied coating. It is not the intention of this section to comprehensively detail every facet of the application techniques listed, but merely to introduce them. It is expected that the Inspector will have a competence in tha safe handling and use of such equipment before reaching this stage of professional expertise. Application methods in general use are: - Brush ~ Roller - Conventional Spray ~ Aitless Spray Check that the material supplied is the correct grade for the application method proposed. Whore spray equipment is being used check that the tip or nozzle size, spray angle and pressure are as recommended by the paint Manufacturer. Brush Application - should be encouraged where the areas being coated are not straightforward. For areas where spray application is permitted, it will probably be necessary for the painter to use a brush to coat difficult areas, e.g. bolted joints, welds etc. This coat is often referred to as Stripe Goat. When completed the Stripe Goat will have placed an extra layer of paint over those areas which may otherwise not retain a full spray applied coat i.e. sharp edges etc. Roller Application - While this method is quicker than brush, particularly for large areas, the quality of the work is generally inforior to brushing fram the point of view of long term protection. Usually, the coating tends to be rather thinner and more porous (wicking effect) due to bits deposited in the film from the roller. MIO can cut {he fibres of the roller and cause contamination of the film, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 5 England 1994-5,7 Page 7 of 25 @ elcometer Painting Contractors prefer to use roller application rather than brush because of its faster application. If this method of application is permitted by the specification, it is essential that the Inspector keeps a very close check on film thickness, both wet and dry. Conventional Spray Application - Conventional spraying equipment utilises comparatively (compared to airless spray) low pressures to deliver atomised paint to the prepared surface. A simple description of a conventional spraying unit follows: Paint is drawn (sucked) under pressure of around 20 to 60 psi, to a spray head. This spray head forces the material through a narrow orifice where it is then mixed with a dual flow of air, The force of the air entering the paint stream results in fine atomisation of the material, which settles gently on the surface to be coated. ‘One disadvantage of conventional spray techniques is the level of overspray produced. Since the paint is very finely atomised, some of the droplets drift off away from the surface. This diift is called overspray. ‘A second disadvantage is the low quantities of paint which can be delivered and hence speed of working. The advantages are realised when a very smooth finish is demanded or when fine control of the spray is required. Conventional spraying then is very useful for coating operations on intricately constructed surfaces. Airless Spray Application - Airless application differs from conventional in several key respects. The quantity of coating delivered to the surface can be very high indeed making for rapid working on large or simple structures. The paint is delivered from a container, having been sucked into a pneumatic pump. This pump is typically of the piston operational type {though others are available), The piston of the pump is driven up and down, drawing paint into a compression ‘chamber and then delivering it at an increased pressure. Typically the air pressure driving the pump will be at around 80 to 100psi. The ratio of the paint deli sry to the driving air will vary depending upon the type of pump used, though is usually between 26 to 1 and 44 to 1. That means a 44 to 1 pump driven by 100psi will be capable of delivering paint at the spray head at 4,400psi. The force of the paint being delivered through a narrow orifice forms a droplet mist. This process requires no atomising air. Spray application generally allows greater actual application speed of working but it is necessary to carelully mask off and protect gauges, etc. and adjacent areas to protect from the effects of overspray, hence it is not always the most effective method. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part § England 1994-5,7, Page 8 of 25 @ elcomeler SECTION 8.0 - WET FILM THICKNESS. The following will be required: ~ Wet film thickness gauge (See Figure 15) - Material Manufacturers data sheet ‘The most common instrument for measuring wet film thickness is the Gomb gauge. The two outermost teeth of the comb are the same in length while the inner teeth are progressively shorter. The gauge is pushed firmly into the wet paint so that the outermost teeth make contact with the substrate steel or previously painted surface. ‘The gauge must be at right angles to the painted surface. The gauge is removed and the teeth examined. Some of the heads of the teeth will be coated with paint while the remainder will be uncoated. The wet film thickness, therefore, lies between the last tooth that is coated and the first tooth that is uncoated. This is determined by adding together the readings of the two teeth then dividing the number by 2. For calculating the dry film thickness, the mid point value between these two teeth shall be used. Note. It is important to ensure that the wet film thickness reading is taken within one minute (at the latest) of application. The teeth of the gauge should, at all times, be kept clean and free from dried paint Care must be taken to ensure that when measuring wet film thickness over relatively soft high build dry film, that the dried coating is not penetrated. Very quick drying paints are impossible to measure in this way and also the subsequent coats on top of chlorinated rubber, since the previous coats are softened, Several readings should be taken over a small area to obtain a reliable average value. The value obtained should be checked against the data sheet to ensure that the recommended dry film thickness will be achieved and that this value will satisfy the requirements of the specification, Painters should be encouraged to measure their own wet film thickness. Where this is not being carried out, it would be reasonable for the Inspector to suggest to the Contractor's Supervisor that his men be equipped with wet film thickness gauges and shown how to use them correctly. This will not only help to make the job of the Inspector easier but may also help the Painter. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 5 England 1994-57 Page 9 of 25 @ elcomeler Remember, it is easier to apply the required film thickness the first time than to build up coats or rub down excessive thickness. SECTION 9.0 - DRYING TIME. The period when: ~ Solvent is evaporating from the film - Curing by oxidation or chemical reaction is taking place Both the above are affected by: - Temperature ~ Ventilation (air movement reducing the concentration of solvent immediately above the surface) - Paint film thickness Generally, Manufacturer's data sheets quote three drying periods: Touch dry - When the film is sulficiently hard to permit measurement of dry film thickness and may be hard enough for the object to be carefully handled without damage. Overcoating Time - When the product is deemed suitable for overcoating without any adverse effects. Full cure - When maximum chemical resistance has been buill up within the coating The above drying definitions are dependent upon temperature and film thickness. ‘The Manufacturers assume that the coating has been applied at the recommended film thickness and excessively thick films will take considerably longer for all the solvent to evaporate from the coating. This is particularly so when excess solvent has been added to the coating. Similarly, coatings that cure by oxidation, Le. the oxygen must be absorbed from the atmosphere, will take considerably longer for a thick film to cure properly. Paint Manufacturers should quote the temperature at which the drying times are applicable. Generally, a laboratory temperature is quoted which may be 20°C (68°F) or higher. When paints are being applied on sie at ambient temperatures down to 5°C, it may be necessary to multiply the quoted drying times by a factor of 4 or more. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd., Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 5 England 1994-5,7 Page 10 of 25 @ elcomeler Paints sensitive to low temperatures are the convertible type, where drying is by chemical reaction within the film, Thus, epoxy, polyurethane and coal tar epoxies will take longer to cure at low temperatures. Particularly in the case of epoxy paints, itis, generally recommended that they will not be applied when the ambient temperature is below 5°C. Some typical examples of the effect of temperature and curing agents on curing limes are shown below. Amide cured epoxy - - {ull cure after 5 days at 30°C - full cure after 20 days at 10°C - dust dry alter 8 minutes at 30°C - dust dry after 30 minutes at 10°C Amine cured epoxy - full cure after 3 days at 20°C - full cure after 14 days at 10°C - full cure after 24 days at 5°C - overcoating time 6 hours at 30°C - overcoating time 48 hours at 5°C. Isocyanale cured epoxies are generally specified where application must be ca out at low temperatures. There are formulations available that can be applied at temperatures down to -20°C, although -10°C is more usual. As above, overcoating time and times to full cure are considerably lengthened at the low temperatures. A typical example gives: Substrate temperature 410°C 0°C 10°C Minimum overcoating time 4hrs 16 hrs 24 hrs Full cure Sdays Sdays 8 days Coal tar epoxies are similar to straight epoxies in that they are affected by temperatures. It should be noted that paints such as chlorinated rubber, which dry by solvent evaporation, will be affected by temperature, in thal at low temperatures, it will take longer for complete evaporation. Retention of solvents in chlorinated rubbers may affect the adhesion / cohesion of the primer, particularly zinc rich types. However, the difference between chlorinated rubber types and the epoxy types is that with the latter, the resistance propetties of the film may be adversely affected. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘©Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd., Dos.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 5 England 1994-5,7 Page 1101 25 @ elcometer SECTION 10.0 - DRY FILM THICKNESS. The measurement of dry film thickness is of considerable importance because: ~ Itis the only positive value which may be checked at any time after the event, without damage to the coating. - It may be written into the specification, Measurement of dry film thickness will normally be carried out using an electronic (see Figures 16 and 17) or magnetic gauge which requires calibration immediately prior to use. The following methods will be adopted for calibration of dry film thickness gauges: Zero and calibrate the instrument on steel whose surface profile matches the profile of the painted surface being measured. Some specitications may call for a flat plate to be used here, or even a smooth surface plate. Using shims of know thickness, calibrate the instrument over the range wi which it is expected that the measured thickness will ic, It may not always be possible to measure the surface profile on the same surface that is being coated, ie. it may already be primed or the coating operation completed. Information on the expected surface profile should be available from the specification or previous inspection reports. The ideal system, which should be followed wherever possible, is to obtain a small sample of steel about 15cm x 10cm and have this blast cleaned by the contractor at the start of the contract. This panel will then form a reference panel for the duration of the contract as to the surface profile standard that is agreed and a calibration panel for setting up dry film thickness measuring instruments. Alternatively use the sample panel production method indicated earlier in this Manual. Experiments have shown that when an electrcnic or magnetic dry film thickness gauge is calibrated on a smooth surface and then used on a grit blasted surface of 50 microns proiile, the difference in apparent coating thickness will be of the order of up to 26 microns on an actual coating thickness of 250 microns (10%) Having calibrated the gauge, an additional check to ensure the accuracy of the gauge is to measure the dry film thickness of the coating as required and then fe-measure the same area over a thin shim (25 or 50 microns) and ensure that the gauge correctly records the increased thickness. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd. Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Parts England 1994-5,7 Page 12 of 25 @ elcometer The calibration of the instrument should be checked at the start of each working period and whenever the dry film thickness is being measured on a new item. If the gauge is being used continuously on the same item, the calibration should be checked about every two hours. Bearing in mind the importance of the dry film thickness measurements, it is essential to ensure that sufficient readings are taken over the area to obtain a representative value. Following calibration of the gauge, readings should be taken. Take readings within a circle of 25mm (1 inch) diameter until three consecutive readings agree within 25 microns. Record the average of the three readings as one reading. Ona flat area, at least two point readings should be taken per square metre. ‘On complex shapes, the number of point readings should be increased appropriately and the Inspector should concentrate on the less accessible areas. Measurements should not be taken within 12mm (% inch) of edges, holes or adjacent steel work, unless there is good reason to believe that dry film thickness is significantly low in these areas, since there may be some ‘edge effect’ distortion of the gauge reading. It should not be anticipated that film thickness measurement will be low in these areas, since such areas should have received an additional stripe coat. The Client specification may indicate a specific method and system (such as a statistically corrected sampling plan) for the taking and recording of the dry film thicknesses. Having obtained and recorded an appropriate number of point readings for dry film thickness, it is necessary to consult the specification to determine exactly the requirements, i.e. whether the value should be mean, minimum, nominal or otherwise stated. 1 Mean value implies that the average of all point values recorded should be in agreement and above the value specilied. 2 Minimum value implies that all point values recorded should be in agreement and above the specified value. 3 Nominal value implies that the average of all point values recorded should equal or exceed the nominal value and there should be no value less than 75% of the nominal value (BS 5498 Section 19). Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 5 England 1994-5,7 Page 13 of 25 @ elcometer Unless the Client directly requests otherwise, the Inspector should quote mean and minimum values for dry film thickness. In addition to making a careful check on dry film thickness values to ensure that the coating is in compliance with the specification, it is also essential that the Inspector carries out a thorough visual examination, using a telescopic mirror and torch where necessary, to ensure that all areas are completely and uniformly coated. Any areas where there are sags, runs, blisters or misses should be marked up for appropriate action by the Contractor. It is not sufficient that the Inspector only identifies such areas but he must give clear notice of his findings, and where the specification demands it, pass instructions to the Contractor upon the action required, such possibilities may include:- Hand rub or sweep blast the surface to remove excessive coating thickness and to provide a key for good intercoat adhesion. Completely remove the coating applied and commence re-work as if for the first time. Ensure that additional coatings are applied within the Manufacturer's recommended over-coating times, having due regard to temperature. Washing or other surface pro-treatment as required Itis also essential to record when defects are remedied. SECTION 11.0 - CONVERSION of WET to DRY FILM THICKNESS. Wel film thickness (W.F.T.) Dry film thickness (D.F.T.) Example A - Volume solids is 37%, wet film thickness is 150 microns Dry film thickness is 150 x37 = 55.5 microns 100 Example B - Volume solids is 64%, dry film thickness is 50 microns Wet film thickness is 50x 100 = 92.5 microns 54 Protective Coatings Inspaction Manual ‘Robinson Invin Technical Support Lid, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 5 England 1994-5,7 Page 14 of 25 @ elcometer SECTION 12.0 - OVERCOATING TIMES. ‘As already indicated, the paint Manufacturer's data sheet will carry recommendations for minimum and, with certain materials, maximum times for overcoating. The data sheet should quote a temperature for which the values are applicable. It is essential that the Inspector notes the time intervals required and ensures that the Contractor operates within the limits stated. ‘A minimum overcoating time is required to allow solvent to evaporate from the coating and permit chemical reactions to take place - where this Is applicable. Whore re-coating has taken place too quickly, the Inspector should check for evidence of blistering or wrinkling, such defects may also be due to excessive film thickness and consequent solvent entrapment. When maximum overcoating times are stated these generally apply to coatings which cure by chemical reaction to give a film which has good resistance to chemical attack. It such coatings are not re-coated within the maximum time specified then poor adhesion of subsequent coats may result and it is generally necessary to sweep blast or use other methods for roughening the surface to provide a good key for the adhesion of the subsequent coat. Note. Overcoating times are dependent upon temperature for all types of paint. It is, therefore, essential to consull the paint Manufacturer's data sheet for information on the effect of temperature. Particularly for two pack materials where the maximum could be quoted as 3 days at 20°C then at high ambient temperature, i.e. 30°C, the maximum overcoating lime may be reduced to 1-1.5 days. However, the paint Manufacturer should always be consulted for detailed information on each paint system. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Rebinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 5 England 1994-5,7 ' Page 15 of 25 @ clcometer SECTION 13.0 - WASHING & OTHER INTERCOAT PREPARATION. Any coating which has been allowed to stand for some time prior to the application of further coats, e.g, items first coated in the works then finished on site, a thorough wash is recommended, A suitable washing liquid is 2% detergent solution, normally some propristary material is used. Such solutions should be made up using clean water and it is essential to ensure that the detergent additions are kept around the 2% value. The use of very concentrated detergent solutions could lead to more harm than good by leaving a film of detergent on the surface to be painted. Following a detergent wash with the use of scrubbing brushes to aid the removal of dirt, the surface should be liberally washed with a considerable quantity of clean fresh water. Note. Zinc rich paints, which are frequently used on off-shore locations, are particularly prone to the build up of soluble corrosion products if not recoated within 7 days (generally). Such coatings may require a water wash and scrub prior to further coating. Following a water wash, it is essential to ensure that the surface is completely dry before further coatings are applied. SECTION 14.0 - TESTS on the DRY FILM. 144 Adhesion, The strength with which one coating bonds to another can only be tested destructively. Tests of adhesion should only, therefore, be undertaken where there is feasonable suspicion that something has gone wrong, where the Client is in agreement with such tests and where means are available to ensure that the tested area can be adequately re-protected. Such tests will not, normally, be undertaken as part of an Inspector's routine evaluation. Two field tests for the adhesion of coatings are generally used as described overleal, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part § England 1994-5,7, Page 16 of 25, @ elcometer Cross-Cut Test (See Figure 18). Delails are laid down in BS 900 Part E6:1974, The coating is cut using a sharp blade having a specified angle (e.g. a Stanley knife) so that the cut penetrates to the steel substrate. A series of 6 or 11 lines are cut vertically and the same number of lines cut horizontally to give a box containing 25 to 100 squares. The distance apart for the lines is either 1mm or 2mm as agreed belween the interested parties. Generally, for film thicknesses up to 125 microns a 1mm spacing is used and the 2mm spacing is used for thicker films. Having made the cuts, the box of 25 or 100 squares is examined and the number of squares that are detached is noted. In addition to noting the number of squares that are detached, the layer of coating failure and whether the failure is adhesive (between layers) or cohesive (within the layer) should also be noted. ‘The adhesion / cohesion of the squares is additionally demonstrated by applying an adhesive tape over the test area and removing in a stipulated fashion. This may then be retained to indicate the results determined. ‘The British Standard lays down a classification for the test results according to the degree of flaking along the edges of the cuts. rect Pull-Off Test (See Figures 19 and 20). A ‘dolly’ made of aluminium alloy or similar is stuck on to the coating system under evaluation, using a suitable adhesive. After the adhesive has cured, the ‘dolly’ is removed by direct pull-off using a special tool and the force required is measured. Itis essential to ensure a good bond between the coated surface and the dolly. Both surfaces are cleaned and lightly abraded. ‘Araldite'- 2 pack adhesive, which sets in 24 hours, has been found to be satisfactory. If quick results are required use one-pack cyanoacrylate adhesive. On a good paint system, the quicker setting adhesives tend to break first and, under these circumstances, the test gives very litle useful information. Opinions differ as to whether the coating should be scored round the ‘dolly’ and there is no laid down ‘standard for guidance. For thicker film in excess of 500 microns, the paint should always be scored down to bare metal. For thinner films scoring is not essential, providing that the fact is recorded with the test results. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson invin Technical Support Ltd. Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Patt 5 England 1994-57, Page 17 of 25 @ elcometer 14.2 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual It should be noted that the ‘dolly’ is shaped with sloping shoulders. The jaws of the pull-off test grip under the square section end and it is, therefore, necessary to ensure that the ‘dolly’ is fixed to the coated surface as indicated. ‘The instrument measures the force (in kilograms per square centimetre [kg/cm?] PSI ‘or MPa) required to break the coating system. In addition to recording the force required for removal, further information may be gained by noting where failure occurs in the system and whether such failure is cohesive (within the film) or adhesive (between successive layers). Such facts should be recorded, together with the percentage coating adhering to the surface cf the ‘dolly’. The direct pull-off test will indicate the weakest link in a coating system from the point of adhesion but does not necessarily give information on the long term durability of the system. ‘The adhesion tests described have only a limited value, usually when comparing the relative performance of the same types of coating system from different paint Manufacturers applied under monitored conditions. Both the tests described are open to interpretation (and misinterpretation) and should, therefore, only be used following discussion and agreement with the Client. Note. The Inspector must conduct adhesion tests as specified and to the relevant adhesion standards (i.e. ASTM 03359, Part A for site and ISO 4624 for pull-off tests). Hardness/Cure. ‘The most usetul field test is the experienced Inspector's thumb nail, Coatings which are soft and ‘cheesy’ are definitely under-cured. Generally, the coating should be firm and hard to the touch with some resilience. It should be noted that it may take up to seven days, or longer in cold weather, for a coating to reach a satisfactory state of cure. Providing there is a gradual hardening of the coating then the drying/curing mechanism is taking place. However, if the coating remains soft then some fault with the material should be suspected, the most common being insufficient mixing and, in the case of two pack materials, the use of the component in the wrong proportions without stiring and/or outside the material's useful life (induction time, pot life). Generally, if the coating remains cheesy then there is no altemative but to effect complete removal and reapply using a fresh batch of the material. Robinson Irwin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 5 England 1994-5,7 Page 18 of 25 @ elcomeler The hardness of the coating may be evaluated using pencils graded for hardness. Pencils can be obtained ranging from 6H through HB to 5B (soflest). It is important to ensure that constant pressure is applied and this may be achieved either writing your signature or, more usually, using the pencil ground flat and exerting maximum pressure. There is no British standard method for carrying out the pencil hardness test so that if this test is used it is necessary to report the procedure adopted. The most common procedure is: Grind lead to a flat point 2 Hold the pencil vertically and draw down on the surface using maximum pressure. 3 Work from the softest to hardest pencil and record the hardness of the pen that will just mark the surface. ie. 3H marks easily 2H just marks H does not mark Pencil hardness value is 2H 44.3. Pinhole/Holidays. Where coating materials are being used to provide chemical resistance and particularly where access will be difficult when the surfaces are in service, e.g. tank internals, pipelines, the specification may call for some form of pinhole, pore, miss or holiday test to be undertaken. Such tests operate on the principle of establishing an electrical circuit through the metal at the uncoated point. The instuments used apply a DC voltage which may be varied with some instruments, through a conductive brush or sponge onto the coated surface under test. Ata miss in the coating, the circuit will be completed via an earthing strap to the test piece, and this will give tise to audible or visual warning. The voltage used is generally dependent upon the coating thickness under test, hence at high voltages there will be a tendency for the coating to break down at points of weakness, thereby creating damaged areas. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Ld, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pants England 1994-5,7 Page 19 of 25 @ elcometer Sponge Test (See Figure 21). There are two models currently available: ~ 9 volt sponge holiday detector for thickness up to 300 microns ~ 90 volt sponge holiday detector for thickness up to 500 microns Both models make contact with the surface using a damp sponge. The sponge should be such that excess moisture is not left on the surface, since this may give fise to ‘tracking’, ie. the water on the surface will conduct current to a pinhole some distance away from the sponge. Similarly, the coated surface should be dry to obtain reliable results. High Voltage Test (See Figure 22). The DC voltage is variable up to 30Kv, depending on tho instrument. At these high voltage settings, such instruments are easily capable of buming holes in the coatings. Hence, they must be used with ciscretion and only at the voltage recommended by the coating Manufacturer, or as stated in the Specification. If the Inspector is required to undertake pinhole detection and no voltage selling is recommended then a reasonable procedure is: Select a non-critical area of the coating, or if time and resources permit, have a sample panel cleaned and coated in accordance with the specification and data sheet. With the DC holiday tester appropriately earthed to the test item, gradually increase the voltage until the coating shows clear signs of breakdown as indicated by almost continuous sparking or other sign of coating failure. Set the voltage at 75% of the voltage required for breakdown, as above, and test the item at that voltage. Ensure that the instrument model number, voltage setting and areas tested are correctly recorded. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Invin Technical Support Lid., Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 5 England 1984-5,7 Page 20 of 25 @ elcometer Top (Figure 13) Mixing Two Pack Paints Bottom (Figure 14) Mechanical Mixing Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson lnwin Technical Support Lid, Doe.No: TMA0147 lasue 02 Part § England 1904-5,7 Page 21 of 25 @ elcomeler y Top (Figure 15) Wet Film Combs Bottom (Figure 16) Electronic Dry Film Thickness Gauge Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part § England 1994-5,7 Page 22 of 25 @ elcomeler Top (Figure 17) Magnetic Dry Film Thickness Bottom (Figure 18) Cross Cut Test Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Suppor Lid Doc.No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Part § England 1994-5,7 Pago 23 of 25 @ olcometer Top (Figure 19) Adhesion Pull Off Bottom (Figure 20) Hydraulic Adhesion Test Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson min Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pants England 1994.5,7 Page 24 of 25 @ elcometer Figure 21 Low Voltage Holiday Detector (Sponge) and Figure 22 High Voltage Holiday Detector along with Attachments Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part § England 1994-5,7, Page 25 of 25 @ elcometer PART 6 METAL COATINGS SECTION NUMBER AND TITLE 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 INTRODUCTION ALTERNATIVE TO PAINT CODES AND STANDARDS SELECTION OF METAL NINETEEN YEAR TEST LIFE EXPECTANCY OF COATINGS METAL SPRAY PROCESS SEALING OF SPRAYED METAL COATINGS ADHESION VALUES HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Doc.NNo: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 6 Page 1 of 19 Robinson inwin Technical Support Ltd, England 1994-5,7 @ elcomeler SECTION 1.0 - INTRODUCTION. Metal coatings are widely used to protect steel from corrosion. ‘Tin cans’, galvanised buckets, chromium plated car trim and copper plated pipes are examples of thoir use. In these notes only metals used for the protection of structural steel and components used for constructions will be considered. In this category there are three metals to be considered - - Zine ~ Aluminium/Alloys of Aluminium Cadmium Of these, zinc is used to a much greater extent than the other two. Cadmium has used for components, bul is being replaced due to its poisonous nature. Aluminium is employed as a structural steel coating. For corrosion control, specifically in the offshore industries, paints containing a high percentage of zinc, known as zinc-rich, are sometimes considered to be metal coatings, but since the influence of the paint binder is of considerable significance to the overall properties, it is more rightly considered as a type of paint. This section will detail the use of thermal sprayed coatings as an altemalive to organic and inorganic paints, codes of practices, inspection, testing, reports, recommendations and health and safety. The uses of thermally sprayed coatings are on the increase and the Inspector should be familiar with the processes and uses of these metals and applications. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Irwin Technical Support Lid. Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 2 of 19 @ elcomeler SECTION 2.0 - THERMALLY SPRAYED ALUMINIUM AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO PAINT SYSTEMS. Sprayed metal coatings have been found on exposure testing programmes to have superior life to paint systems assuming adequate preparation of steelwork and appropriate application procedures are carried out. Sprayed aluminium may be left exposed in many situations and, when sealed, may be regarded as a superior priming system for overcoating. Although both flame spray and are spray methods are available, arc spray, a newer method of application, has been shown to give faster ouput and superior adhesion. For fabricated structures, both methods may be used especially where access to difficult areas favours flame application and where broad plated areas favour arc spray. The application of thermally sprayed aluminium requires more applicator training than paint coatings together with additional attention to health and safely measures. However, major benefits can be gained by the use of a coating which is capable of being handled almost immediately after application, showing little damage when used as a fabrication coating and which can be applied to part of a structure (e.g. leaving weld areas) for later completion or repair. Sprayed aluminium has been shown to be effective for offshore structures as well as against corrosion under insulation, which might have become wet due to leakage of rainwater through the weather cover. Thermally sprayed aluminium works well on plant operating at elevated temperatures, coated with epoxy sealers up {0 120°C and with a silicone aluminium sealer above that temperature. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Rebinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd, Dos.No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Pant 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 3.0 19 @ elcometer SECTION 3.0 - CODES AND STANDARDS RELEVANT TO THERMAL METAL SPRAYING OF ALUMINIUM. EN 22063 Sprayed metal coatings (BS 2569) 180 1463 Metal and oxide coatings - measurement of coating thickness - microscopical method, ISO 2063 Metallic coatings - protection of iron and steel against corrosion - metal ‘spraying of zinc, aluminium and alloys of these metals. 1SO 2064 Metalic and other non-organic coatings - Definitions and conventions. 1SO 2178 Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates. Measurement of coating thickness. Magnetic method, ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes. Pulkoff test for adhesion, 180 8501 Preparation of steel substrate's before application of paints and related 1 1-# products. Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates. NPD Guidelines for corrosion protection of installations. Ns 476 Rules for the Approval of Surface Treatment Inspectors (Norwegian). NS 1975 Rules for the Approval of Surface Treatment (Norwegian). SS 2626 Thermal Spraying equipment - requirements and testing. SSPC Steel Structures Painting Manual Volume 1 & 2. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd., Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pants England 1994-5,7 Page 4 of 19 @ elcomeler SECTION 4.0 - SELECTION OF METAL; ALUMINIUM & ZINC. 4A Metals such as nickel, Monel, stainless steel and bronzes which are cathodic to steel should be used only if they are impermeable. These metals are used only for machine element work such as for pump plungers, pump rods, hydraulic rams, packing sections of steam turbine shafts, boat tailshalts, valves etc. ‘These metals should preferably be sealed with organic sealers. Aluminium and Zine. Aluminium and zine are the two metals recommended for atmospheric protection of iron and steel and also for protection in salt and fresh water immersion. Zinc is usually 99.9% pure and is not contaminated in the spraying process, The result is that metallised zinc coatings are much purer than those applied by hot dip galvanising, for instance, since zinc used in galvanising picks-up a considerable amount of iron as an impurity. Aluminium is often 99.00% to 99.7% pure aluminium and is used for corrosion protection work. Though 95% aluminium and 5% magnesium alloy is becoming popular today. Some other specialist work may require metal with a different alloy. For the protection of articles on a compeiitive basis with methods such as painting or plating, thin coatings of sprayed zinc are used. Zinc, 25 microns thick, provides excellent protection for small hardware items such as nuts, Screws etc., which can be prepared and metallised in tumbling barrels. While the cost of aluminium coatings is slightly less than that of zinc of equal thickness, aluminium requires more thorough surface preparation. Also aluminium is not recommended in thicknesses less than 75 microns. Therefore, where the cost of preparation must be kept at a minimum or where very thin coatings are sufficient, zinc should be used. Zine has a higher electrolytic potential than aluminium, and offers better protection on work which is not readily accessible at all points around it's surface. Small uncoated areas such as scratches or voids on the underside of impertectly headed rivets are protected electrolytically by zinc better than aluminium. Although zinc and aluminium are both classed as non ferrous metals, the thickness of coating of both metals applied to steel can be measured by magnetic or electro-magnetic gauges as both metals are not, themselves, magnetic. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA-0147 lesue 02 Part 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 01 19 @ elcometer SECTION 5.0 - AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY 19 YEAR CORROSION TESTS. AWS Tests Prove Superiority of Metallised Systems, In 1974 the American Welding Society completed a 19 year study of corrosion protection afforded by wire metallised aluminium and zinc coatings applied to low carbon steel. Here is a summary of the results: 1 Aluminium coatings 0.003 in to 0.007 in (0.08mm to 0.15mm) thick, both sealed and unsealed, gave complete base metal protection from corrosion for 19 years in sea water and in severe marine and industrial atmospheres. 2 Unsealed zine sprayed coatings required 0.012 in (0.30mm) minimum thickness to give complete protection in sea water lor 19 years. In severe marine wid industrial atmospheres 0.009 (0.28mm) of unsealed zinc or 0.003 in to 0.006 in (0.08mm to 0.15mm) of sealed zinc gave 19 years protection. a In severe marine atmospheres, application of one coat of wash primer plus one or two coats of aluminium vinyl enhanced the appearance and extended the life of zinc coating at least 100%. With aluminium, the sealing systems primarily enhance appearance, because both sealed and unseated systems showed no base metal rust after 19 years. The only sealed zinc panels tested in sea water were coated with chlorinated rubber. This seal coat did not prove effective. 4 Thin coals of metallised aluminium perform better; have less tendency to develop pits and blisters and therefore are expected to give extended lite. 5 Where aluminium coatings showed physical damage such as chips or scrapes, corrosion did not progress, suggesting the occurrence of galvanic protection. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson lnwin Technical Support Lid. Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 6 of 19 @ elcometler Results of AWS 19 Year Corrosion Test of Metallised Coated Steel. The coatings listed below afforded complete protection to low carbon steel panels. Type of Exposure Metallised Aluminium | Metallised Zinc Coatings Coatings 0.0003 (0.08mm) to | 0.12" (0.9m) unsealed oo | 0.0006" (0.15mm) sealed | | and unsealed | = ; 0.0003" (0.08mm) to 0.009" (0.2m) unsealed —e 0.0006" (015mm) sealed | 0.008" (0.08mm) sealed | *Po and unsealed | | 0.0003" (008mm) —_ to 0.009" (0.23m) unsealed | Industrial Atmospheric 0.0006" (0.1mm) sealed | 0.003" (0.08mm) sealed and unsealed Source: American Welding Society Notes: a Both below low tide and mean tide level. b Both severe marine and salt air. Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual England 1994-5,7, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 6 Page 7 of 19 @ elcomeler SECTION 6.0 - LIFE EXPECTANCY OF COATINGS. The life expectancy of a metal structure and the durability of its aesthetic appearance depend essentially on the quality of preparation of its surface and on the performance characteristics of the coating which is to be in direct contact with the steel. In this context zinc and aluminium play a fundamental part not only because of the inherent resistance to the aggressiveness of the external environment, but also by virtue of the exceptional active protection which they impart to the steel. These materials are comparable in cost to high performance paints yet when viewed over a 25-30 year life span offers huge savings in maintenance costs as shown below. Metal Spray ‘Two Pack (CRP) — One Pack (CRP) | Drying Oit 5 10 15| 20 | 26 Yrs | ° | (200 Microns) The chart illustrates the life expectancy of coatings (based on BS 5493). GRobingon Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 6 Page 8 of 19 England 1994-5,7 @ elcometer Thermal metal spray (like paint) has advantages and disadvantages over its use. Advantages Disadvantages Predictable life Environmental shop restrictions Supplies cathodic protection Blast cleaning essential Good abrasion resistance Operator skills, Can be sealed/top coated Immediate inspection There are many metals used in themal spray process although only two are generally used in the construction industry, their attributes include; Aluminium ~ High temperature resistant = Lightweight ~ Excellent resistance to polluted and marine environments - Forms oxide layer - Reduces corrosion Zinc - Excellent for cathodic protection Excellent resistance to mechanical damage Life proportional to thickness (except when sealed) Used in anti-corrosive primers Metals by Environment - Prior to the use of thermal spray metals, review of the environment must be considered. ‘Some metals perform better in one environment as opposed to another. It is prudent to research the local environment (i.e. acidic, alkaline etc.) Some environments will be obvious to the Designer or Contractor (i.e. polluted sewage tank, water tank etc.) Examples: a. In ahigh alkaline environment, zine coating would be the preferred choice of metal. b. environment, aluminium coating would be the preferred choice of standing the above, thermal spray coatings can be sealeditopcoated with a coating that will resist the given environment. Advice should be sought from paint Suppliers. Section 8.0 gives more detail on the use of sealers/topcoats. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invi Technical Support Le, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant England 1994-5,7 Page 9 of 19 @ elcomeler SECTION 7.0 - METAL SPRAYING PROCESS. The process for application of thermal spray metal is relatively simple and consists of the following stages: 1 Melting the metal at the gun 2 Spraying the molten metal onto the prepared substrate by means of compressed air 3 Molten particles are deposited onto the cleaned substrate, Alternative Application Methods. There are two main types of wire application available today namely, ARC SPRAY and GAS SPRAY. ARC - A pair of wires are electrically energised so than an arc is struck across the tips when brought together through a pistol. Compressed air is blown across the arc to propel the stream of particle onto the prepared work piece. GAS - In combustion flame spraying the continuously moving wire is passed through a pistol, melted by a conical jet of buming gas (propane or acetylene fuel mixed with oxygen). The molten wire tip enters the cone, atomises and is propelled onto the substrate. When using either process, operator experience will develop with time, but some general guidelines include the development of an optimum distance between the gun and substrate to maintain a satisfactory temperature at which the sprayed metal hits the surface. This distance, combined with the speed of lateral movement of the gun, controls the rate and hence thickness of metal deposited. In order to control an even thickness on large flat areas, small areas about 0.5m”, are marked out by the Operative with the sprayed metal and then ‘filled in’. Thickness checks are made regularly and areas lower than specification can be brought up to thickness immediately. As the spray application produces dust (especially the arc method), it is necessary to progressively clean in front of the sprayer to ensure fresh metal is deposited on clean surfaces. The operation becomes a two-man team, with co-ordination of cleaning, application and thickness checking, reducing Operator fatigue and maintaining production. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Robinson trwin Technical Support Ltd. Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 6 England 1994-5,7, Page 10 of 18 @ elcometer SECTION 8.0 - SEALING OF SPRAYED METAL COATINGS. There is a radical difference between ‘sealing’ and ‘painting’ coats. A sealer is of low viscosity and penetrates into the pores in the sprayed metal, preventing the penetration of an electrolyte to the substrate ‘through which the galvanic action is initiated! without necessarily adding to the total thickness of the protective scheme. Sealers/topcoats vary from project to project depending on environment, colour, requirements, track record and cost. As a minimum, one coat is usually recommended as this will penetrate the open pores and reduce the exposed area of metal and its corrosion. Some projects have been known to utilise 3 and 4 coats of paint up to 250 microns. Some typical examples of sealing/painting include: 1 Offshore Modules (underwater) 1 sealer cual - 25 microns D.F.T. 2 Offshore Modules (topsides) 1 sealer coat - 25 microns D.F.T. plus 1 topcoat - 40 microns D.F.T. 3 Petrochemical Steelwork 1 sealer coat- 25 microns D.F.T. and bridges 2 coals of hi-build epoxy at 100 microns DFT. per coat plus 1 coat of urethane acrylic The thicker the sealer coats, the smoother the surface will be, thus reducing dirt and grime. Sealer coats can be pigmented to obtain most colours, although at high temperatures, aluminium flake is generally used in a silicone binder resin. When reviewing sealer costs, the choice of thermal spray coatings will have a deciding factor. This was highlighted in the AWS 19 Year Report (see Section 5.0). The life of sprayed zinc is greatly extended by sealing, especially when immersed in water. The life of aluminium coatings is extended rather less, because during the early stages of exposure the aluminium becomes sealed naturally by the formation of hydrated oxidised films that block the pores. Sealing prevents the brown staining of thin (75 - 100 microns D.F.T.) aluminium coatings where this might occur. A lot of research and development has gone into the formulation of suitable sealers for thermal spray coalings. Most of the major paint Suppliers have satisfactory sealer coats which are generally of low viscosity formulation (to ensure good penetration into the thermal spray coating). Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Lid, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Parté England 1994-5,7 Page 11.01 19 @ elcomeler Although most sealer coats have relatively low volume solids (16-25%), their chemical resistance and mechanical properties varies between Suppliers. ‘Some projects specify the exact composition requirements of the sealer coat. The sealer coat is by far the most important coat if a number of coats are utilised. Application. Application of the sealer coats is by the usual methods i.e. brush, spray or roller, although some projects specifically request application of the sealer coat be conducted by brush to ensure full penetration of the sealer into the thermal sprayed coating, {tis important that the sprayed metal surface is {ree from loose particles, dust etc., and is quite dry and un-contaminated by soluble salts such as chlorides and sulphates that may be present in the atmosphere, To minimise the risk of airborne contamination, the sealer coals should be conducted as soon as practicable i.e. as soon as the thermal spray has cooled and the dry film thickness is acceptable. It is important that the Contractor is fully aware of the specification requirements for the sealer coat. Some common terminologies used in specifications include: - Fully seal the thermal metal spray - Apply two sealer coats to the thermal metal spray ~ Obliterate thermal metal spray with a suitable sealer coat - Fully ‘wet’ substrate leaving a continuous dry film Notwithstanding the above, the sealer coat should be applied as directed by the paint Suppliers in respect of thickness, type of application etc., with the emphasis on. achieving a continuous closed film, especially on awkward locations. Poor application of the sealer coats can lead to ‘rust staining’; although not detrimental, this does took unsightly. It must be remembered that the really effective treatment is the first coal. The daily work schedule should be planned to allow for all areas that have been metal sprayed to be sealed before atmospheric contamination occurs, particularly dust or condensation. Dust should be blown off with clean, dry air and preferably be vacuum brushed, As previously mentioned, it is at the Client's discretion to paint on top of the sealer. Certain Organisations involved with thermal spray technology believe painting on top of sealer coals is not necessary and additional paint is therefore uneconomical. Other Organisations specify 2-3 coats of paint on top of the sealer coat. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 6 England 1994-5,7 Pago 12 of 19 @ elcomeler ‘One particular danger with thick coats of paint on thermal sprayed coatings is ‘moisture absorption’ through the paint, leading to blisters and ultimate paint breakdown. SECTION 9.0 - ADHESION VALUES. Gas application can achieve values of over 600 PSI /4.05MPa ‘Arc sprayed aluminium can be achieve values over 1000 PSI /6.76MPa A pull off strength of approx. 1500 PSI / 10.14MPa is often specified for arc spray. The reasons for specifying high adhesion values are varied and range from the perception that increased adhesion equals increased service life to the need to have high adhesion values to ensure that the metal spray is retained when subsequent applications e.g. fireproofing and thermal insulation are later removed. Further work on the satisfactory level of adhesion standards is on-going in different parts of the world where metal spraying is widely used and an industry standard may well eventually emerge. Abrasives. Suitable abrasives for preparation of carbon steel to be aluminium or zinc metal sprayed include:- Chilled iron grit ~ Crushed slag ~ Aluminium oxides Silicon carbides Aluminium silicates SECTION 10.0 - METAL COATINGS - HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT. Health & Safety and Environmental considerations in Aluminium Metal Spraying. Experience over a number of years has shown that thermal spraying of aluminium and zinc results in little serious health or safety problems, but like many other industrial processes requires attention to application procedures and equipment to avoid hazards. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 13 of 19 @ elcomeler 10.1 Thermal processes involve the use of highly concentrated heat sources, and spraying produces dust. In certain instances toxic, flammable or explosive hazards may be present and care needs to be taken in the burning of gases or high intensily electric energy from the arc process. Precautions are reviewed under separate headings which would apply to one or more lypes of process. Compressed Gases. The usual gases used in flame spraying are acetylene or propane with oxygen, and the cylinders should be stored securely and full containers separated from empty ‘ones. Oxygen should be stored separately from other gases. Pressure regulators should always be fitted to eylinders in use and only connected to the equipment using the special hose supplied Electricity. Although the open circuit in are spraying equipment does not usually exceed 50 volts, it is normally connected to 440 volt supply mains and therefore connections should be made by a competent electrician. During metal spraying dusts can be created which in worst cases can cause short circuits and therefore earthing and appropriate circuit breaking measures should be ensured. Radiant Energy. Thermal spraying involves electromagnetic waves and precautions should be taken against ultra-violet energy, especially where the brilliant blue light from the electric are, produced in electrical welding or melting of metals, which has high U.V. concentration. The eyes especially should be protected, not only those of the operator, but also those of other operatives and Inspectors. Operatives should wear dark goggles and visors at all times, other people in the area should wear dark safely glasses. Safety in Application of Metal Sprayed Coatings. Current Regulations. There are no national regulations that specifically cover metal spraying but most European countries have regulations which control aspects of the metal spraying process and specifiers need to be aware of the potential hazards. Most of the processes will be covered by legislation intended to reduce danger to Personnel or to protect the environment. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Robinson win Technicel Support Ltd. Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 14 of 19 @ elcomeler 10.1.1 In the UK, the Health & Safety at Work Act, the COSHH Regulations and the Environmental Protection Act etc. Main considerations are: - Dusts - Health ~ Environment ~ Plant & Equipment - Training Dusts. From an Health & Safely aspect several problems or hazards are caused through the dusts produced whilst metal spraying. The quantities of dust evolved in the process is very much dependant upon the efficiency of deposition of the process as it is set up. For example, in are spraying very high amperage can produce massive amounts of unstable energy at the wire melting head and this resulls in a none uniform spread of the molten wire and hence poor deposition, similarly the poorly controlled use of gas on the flame spray situation. The molten wire which is not deposited on the surface of the object b2ing sprayed will cool in the atmosphere and form dust particles. This is not the only criteria to affect the evolution of dusts, but does illustrate the point. Dusts can pose a hazard because of a combination of particle size and concentration in the immediate atmosphere. High concentrations of many dusts are known to be hazardous, but aluminium metal spraying dust is particularly onerous, since aluminium is so explosive / flammable in given forms. Airborne concentrations of as little as 35 mg/m? have been known to result in explosion and fire when subjected to a source of ignition This last figure of 35 mg/m® is not quite as fixed and clear cut as it appears since the concentration at which the mixture may become explosive will vary dependant upon the particle size. The size one may expect from a spraying operation can range from sub-micron, which is respirable level dusts, up to 30 - 50 microns. As a very broad rule of thumb, the larger the particle size the greater the concentration required to become explosive. This dust explosion problem may become apparent long after the actual spraying operation is complete. Dusts will collect on the floor, on ledges or in ducts around the spraying area and this can be reintroduced as airbome dust through kicking up on peoples feet or sweeping operations. Again the concentrations will need to be considered to determine explosivily. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Robinson Irwin Technical Suppor Ltd Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 150! 19 @ elcometer 10.1.2 Extraction is the method most usually used io maintain dust levels below the explosive limits. The extraction must be sufficienlly efficient to ensure all smaller size particles are removed from the air during operations, The quantities required to be extracted should be calculated using the efficiencies of the spraying as a guide, Dust build up in the extraction ducts is a particular hazard which should be considered whilst designing the equipment layout. Handling of dry dusts causes some problems when extracted dusts are collected in ‘a hopper or chamber. Obviously the chamber will have a high concentration of dust and must therefore be intrinsically safe to avoid explosion risks. When the dusts are removed from the collection chamber and also when dusts are collected from the floor of the spraying area, spark free methods should be employed. The material needs to be sealed into containers and air excluded if possible. Because of the risks associated with dusts of this nature, a secure storage area and disposal method should be developed One partial solution to the extraction and collection problem is to utilise a wet system of dust collection. This would typically involve the use of extractors with wet fillration systems and a tank to hold the wet dust. This in addition to wetting of floor deposits to make it easier to collect without clouding up. This solution is partial since it only maintains the dust at low levels whilst the dust is wet and also, aluminium dust will release a quantity of hydrogen gas whilst wet. If this is sealed into containers then obviously the gas will expand to pressurise the container. Health. The types of concems common to metal spraying operations revolve around protection of Personnel local to the operation. The process of arc metal spraying Produces large quantities of U.V. light energy. This can damage the eyes in a very short period of time without the person being aware of it immediately. Protection is really only possible through the use of dark lens glasses or visors, to a similar standard used during welding. ‘The process also gives off a quantity of ozone. The ozone is believed to dissipate within feet if not inches of evolution and in most circles is not considered significantly harmful to the Operator or others. The real harmful aspects of the spraying operation come to the fore when one considers the respirable portion of the dusts evolved, Respirable dust is a major hazard and can only reasonably be protected against by the use of Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE). Full breathing equipment enclosing the head is the only acceptable protection when using arc spray equipment and full visor protection when gas spraying. The equipment should be air fed, though a back up filter pack would be valuable in case of air supply failure. Protective Coatings Inspaction Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo. No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Part 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 16 of 19 @ elcomeler 10.1.3 The possibility of absorption through the skin or even skin penetration by particles must be considered a real risk. To this end preferably all areas of an operators skin should be adequately covered and protected. The likely effects of over exposure to the substances used in both arc and gas metal spraying include: - Metal Fume Fever - Arc Eyes - Skin rash when penetrated by metal particles Some discussion has been raised over the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease being caused by the build up of aluminium in the body and the brain in particular. However, currently the UK H & SE have not made this official and will not condone it as fact. In the short term however the implementation of zero ingestion as a target for Operators and others will protect against this if itis, in the future, considered to be a contributory factor to disease. Environment. Environmental protection has become a major factor in the evaluation of the use of metals as a corrosion prevention coating medium. In many respects the potential environmental concems are diminished when coating with metals since no solvents are used in the manufacture or application of the wire. Often however this factor is diffused by the application of a solvent based sealer or colour coats of paint, applied later in the protection coating system. The main points of concern are the release of airborne dusts and the handling and disposal of other dust particles produced and collected manually or automatically. Airborne Particulate. The Environmental Protection Act dofines quite clearly the quantity and amount of particulate which may be released to the almosphere in the UK. Currently the figure is 50 mg/m? and is similar in most European countries. The most effective method of controlling the outfall of particulate is through the use of full enclosure operating areas. Enclosure. Full enclosure can be developed in several ways; most common is the workscope being within the confines of a workshop with sealed access, but also a tented type of system can be effective. In either case the movement of air must be controlled to ensure any movement is from the outside of the enclosure to the inside. The best way of ensuring this is to use an air extraction system oreating a negative pressure internal to the enclosure. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Part 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 17 of 19 @ elcometer Extraction. Obviously any extracted air will have to be fillered to ensure the exhausted gasses have a quantity of particulate below that acceptable in the area or country of operation, Systems must be put in place which shut down production when the negative pressure enclosure is breached or the fugitive emissions reach above the sel levels. Monitoring. Monitoring of the emissions must be carried out either continuously or regularly, dependant upon your area authority or country regulations. Often this revolves around the measurement of outiall from the exhaust of the extraction units, or regular monitoring of the dispersement of particulates in a given area around the work site or location. In this last instance a great deal of environmental sampling may be required. Waste Particulate. The handling and disposal of waste material may cause particular concern since itis still in a state from which it may evolve into flammable dust clouds. This can be caused by poor handling techniques during collection or by poor storage where it is released into the almosphere later in the handling cycle. The potential gas propagation from damp aluminium storage is also a consideration. Disposal. The disposal of the dusts produced and collected may pose a problem in some countries. In the UK for example, small quantities may be land filled as non-hazardous waste. This method is constantly reviewed by each individual area authority so may not be the case everywhere. Quantities of over 1 ton can be re-cycled economically, though some waste handling companies may store and amalgamate your waste with that of other producers to make up the minimum quaniities required Other forms of disposal include amalgamation of the waste into some other substance where it will be totally encapsulated and so sealed, followed by disposal into a hazardous waste land fill site; Sealing in solid containers and again land filled as hazardous waste. 10.1.4 Plant & Equipment. A thorough understanding of the mechanics and operation of the metal spray equipment is essential to its safe use and maintenance. In the case of both arc and gas metal spraying equipment the potential for fatal accidents is always present. Arc. All arc spraying equipment may present a hazard and be dangerous simply because of the use of high voltage clecticity. In itself the equipment is designed and built, generally, to be totally safe. The potential danger arises when the equipment is not maintained properly or when the operator is untrained in the setting up or handling, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘©Robinson win Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 18 of 19 @ elcometer 10.1.5 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Iruin Techni Doo.No: The vollage used at the spray head is fairly low and is often considered by inexperienced Operators to be insignificant, though in reality the operating current inside the spray energiser unit is lethal if improperly treated. ‘The air feed to the equipment must be maintained as clean as possible to ensure both proper operation and also to restrain potentially flammable substances being fed into the delivery system. Component breakage must be allowed for and potential misfeed of wire both at the spray head and in the wire feed system can cause injury to the operator. Earthing of the equipment is obviously a major concern when high amperages and voltages are encountered. The energiser units must be maintained in a clean area otherwise the cooling fans will draw in large quantities of the particulate sprayed. ‘This may cause a short circuit or worse in the energiser unil. Gas. The safe operation of yas eyuipment Is perhaps more widely respected due to its common use in fabrication industries. The handling of gas equipment and gas bottles is adequately discussed in the Briish regulations. Safe handling procedures are available in most countries. The mixing of gas and the poor maintenance of gauges etc. seem to account for most incidents invalving gas metal spraying. In both gas and arc metal spraying the potential for burns is obviously huge. The processes both produce suflicient energy to destroy flesh instantly if contact is made with the melting area of the spray unit. The surfaces sprayed can also cause bums to operators and others working around them, since heat is retained in the surlace for some considerable time following spraying. The temperatures of a medium deposited thickness of aluminium on a 3 - 4 mm thick steel surface may be around 80 - 120°C. Training. Most training for health and safety of metal spraying is undertaken during production or discipline training. General safety training is obviously essential but added to this should be more in-depth understanding of the specific hazards of metal spraying processes. The extra hazards can entail noise, high pressure gasses and air, ultra violet radiation, working with electricity, operation of breathing equipment, high temperature operation, negatively pressurised full enclosure and extraction. The most suitable method of instiling the knowledge and requirements of the higher safely standards is through a special training programme designed around a particular project. With the larger projects this is possible and cost effective though with the smaller ones a more generic form of training is required Trainees must show a basic level of competence in the operation of the safety systems invalved in the process. Competence should preferably be demonstrated by tesling and observance on the work scope. 3! Support Lid. TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 6 England 1994-5,7 Page 19 of 19 @ elcometer PART 7 HEALTH AND SAFETY SECTION NUMBER AND TITLE 4.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK 3.0 DUTY OF EMPLOYER 4.0 DUTY OF EMPIOYFF 5.0 CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH 6.0 RISK ASSESSMENT 7.0 CHECK LIST FOR A NEW CONTRACT 80 CHECK LIST FOR A NEW SITE 9.0 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 10.0 PROTECTION OF EYES 41.0 FIRE 12.0 PAINTS - CODE OF PRACTICE FOR SAFE HANDLING 13.0 PERSONAL PROTECTION ADVICE 14.0 SCAFFOLDING Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd., Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 7 England 1994-5,7 Page 1 of 17 @ elcometer SECTION 1.0 - INTRODUCTION. This Part defines the general description of Healt and Safety. The painting/coating Contractor is responsible for the health and safety of worktorce and Personnel Every person is responsible for their own safely, which of course includes the Quality Control Inspector. This Part of the Manual details the requirement of the Contractor and gives typical statements and responsibilities that are legislation. This should be read in conjunction with the main Introduction shown at the beginning of this Manual. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and Risk Assessment are detailed along with checklists, Personnel protection, tire protection, safe handling, personal protection advice and scaffold, The painting Inspector must be aware of the basic fundamentals of safety and the tisk of using hazardous chemicals and solvents. Remember everybody is their own Safety Officer and if you are unsure of anything do not be afraid to ask someone more knowledgeable. Health and Safely procedures and data sheets must be reviewed prior to commencement of work, especially in confined locations such as tanks, ships holds: and double bottom etc. The Contractor conducts safely assessments on the hazards to Personnel (Including the painting Inspectors). These are issued to production and quality control. SECTION 2.0 - THE HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ACT 1974. This Act aims to promote the health, safety and welfare of all persons at work. One: of the purposes of the Act is to involve everybody, whether Employer, Employee, self-employed, Manufacturer of plant, equipment or materials, to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safely and welfare of all persons. ‘The term ‘reasonably practicable’ has many definitions. In general it is accepted to mean using ‘Best Available Techniques Not Enteiling Excessive Costs’. Excessive, in turn, is often considered in relation to risk. i. If a result would be fatal without investment, then no cost may considered excessive. If however, the best a ble technique’s are simple training or respiratory protection equipment, you would not be expected to invest in massive new extraction equipment etc. This is just a very broad guide and it is for the Courts to decide, case by case, what is reasonable and what is not. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Aobinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo, No: TMA-O147 Issue 02 Pan 7 England 1984-5,7 Page 2 of 17 @ elcometer ‘There are specific duties and responsibilities set down by the Act for both Employers and Employees and these are outlined. It is important to remember that both Employer and Employee have an obligation in law to comply with the relevant requrements of the Act. it is possible that prosecution could be brought on the Employer or Employee, even if no accident has taken place, on the grounds that reasonable care has not been exercised. This Part contains advice and guidance ‘or all Employees to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, their health, safety and welfare. Complete compliance with a particular section should be regarded as only a minimum requirement. The nature of our business means thal the working conditions for Inspectors are variable. The Inspectors are, therefore, expected to think for themselves beyond the minimum requirements, to obtain any necessary help or training to ensure the health, safety and welfare of themselves and all other persons who may be affected by thelr acts or omissions. SECTION 3.0 - DUTY OF EMPLOYER. 1 To ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of his Employees. 2 To provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and weltare at work of his Employees. 3 To conduct his business in such a way so as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that persons not in his employment who may be affected, thereby are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. 4 To provide information as necessary to persons who are not his Employees on undertakings that may affect their health and safety. with 5 Prepare and revise, as necessary, a willen statement of his general pc regards to health and safety at work of his Employees. 6 Arrange for the implementation of that policy, defining clearly the role and responsibility of Management. 7 Provide all necessaty protective and safety clothing and equipment at no charge to the Employee. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Dor.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 7 England 1994-5,7 Page 3 of 17 @ elcometer SECTION 4.0 - DUTY OF THE EMPLOYEE. 1 To take reasonable care for the health, safety and welfare of himselt, his fellow Employees, Employees of Clients and Contractors and other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions. 2 To co-operate with his Employer to enable him (the Employer) to carry out his obligations under the Act. 3 Touse properly, and maintain in satistactory condition, all items of equipment andor clothing provided by his Employer in the interests of health, safety and welfare. 4 To make himself aware of and observe all safely provisions, whether statutory, as laid down in the Company's rules in this booklet or those applying to his place of work at the site of a Client or Contractor. SECTION 5.0 - CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO. HEALTH (COSHH) (UK). This legistation was enforced in 1988. It is the responsibility of the company to: 1 Assess the potential risks of exposure of Personnel to substances hazardous to health, whether used by themselves or by others at a particular work site, also, to inform others potentially affected by exposure to hazardous substances used during performance of a task 2 Prevent or control the exposure of personnel to substances hazardous to health. This is possible through one or more of these measures. = Elimination of exposure risk through elimination of substance. ~ Minimisation of risk by use of engineering control methods. Such as extraction, - Substitution of the material for a less hazardous material. ~ Protection of personnel via personal protective equipment, Le. gloves, goggles, breathing apparatus equipment etc. 3 Ensure as far as possible, that all personal protection equipment supplied is properly worn by training Employees and also that any such equipment is examined, maintained and tested. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd., Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issuo 02 Part 7 England 1994-5,7 Page 4 of 17 @ elcometer Maintain regular surveillance as the health of all Personnel working in high risk areas. Train and inform all Company Employees in the requirements of the regulation, implementation of the assessment results and the use of protective equipment and measures in their task areas. Ensure engineering control measures pul in place are maintained as effective. This would include testing of the extraction systems and proving of the breathing air as pure etc. ‘See Figure 23 for Typical Example of COSHH Assessment, SECTION 6.0 - RISK ASSESSMENT. ‘The advent of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 has prompted Contractors to adopt risk assessment procedures. All Companies with five Personnel or more must undertake written assessments of the risk/incident or injury, whilst undertaking activities associated with the workscope. All work locations will have to be assessed to show any potential risk to working Personnel. ie. A Painter spraying paint in a confined area is a high risk and steps must be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk wherever possible. Risk assessments are conducted by the Supervisors and Management, who must be trained in the development of risk assessment. The painting/coating Contractor should have a risk assessment procedure available. SECTION 7.0 - CHECK LIST FOR A NEW CONTRACT. In their preparation for undertaking a new contract, the Inspector should ensure that the items detailed below have been fully covered. The Inspector should bear in mind the location of the contract. The regulations with regard to health and safety, may be significantly different in other countries. 7.4 Main Documents. ~ Specification ~ Manufacturers Safely Data Sheets ~ British or Intemational Standards Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 7 England 1994-5,7 Page 5 of 17 @ elcomeler 7.2 Specifications. Health and Safety requirements. Additional requirements that may be necessary but that are not laid down in the specification. ‘Any omissions should be brought to the attention of the Client. The Specification may place certain responsibilities for health and safety onto the Inspector. He must, therefore, ensure thal he has received the necessary training and equipment to enable him to undertake these responsibilities. 7.3 Safety Data Sheets. ‘The particular health and safety requirements of the coating materials should be studied. If the information is not provided or is inadequate then the Inspector should consult the Manufacturer. The Inspector should study the information provided and ensure that he has received the necessary training and equipment to enable him to compa with any health and safety hazard that may arise due to the material 74 Instruments. The Inspector's standard instrument kit should be in correct working order. The Inspector should consult the specification and data sheets for any additional tests that may be required and ensure that he is in possession of the necessary equipment. Any special test equipment may pose an additional hazard, i.e. is the equipment intrinsically safe? The Inspector must, therefore, ensure that he has received the necessary taining in the use of such equipment and understands any potential hazards that may be involved. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pat England 1904-5,7 Page 6 of 17 @ elcometer SECTION 8.0 - CHECK LIST FOR A NEW SITE. What is the: ~ evacuation signal? ~ evacuation procedure? Where are: ~ nearest fire alarms? - fire-fighting appliances? assembly points? Do you know how to operate the fire alarms and fire-fighting appliances? What immediate first aid facilities are available on site in event of an accident? What are the site requirements regarding the wearing of protective clothing? What additional protective clothing does the job require? Do you know the name, location and internal telephone number of the site Safely Officer? Is the site a ‘flame source free’ area or does it contain such areas within its boundary? The regulations with regard to equipment containing batteries, metal objects that could cause sparks and clothing (particularly nylon) should be checked with the site Safety Officer, prior to entry. Ensure that you are familiar with the site regulations with regard to smoking. The regulations applying to ‘No Smoking’ areas shall be strictly observed at all times. SECTION 9.0 - PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. 94 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Duty of the Employer. To provide any necessary clothing or equipment for the health, safety and wolfare of the Employee at no cost to the Employee. To ensure that the Employee undersiands the functions and limitations of any clothing or equipment provided for his health and safety at work @Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd., Dos,No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part? England 1994-5,7 Page 7 of 17 @ elcometer 9.2 93 Duty of the Employee. To use, in the proper manner, any item of clothing or equipment provided by the Employer for his health and safety. To ensure that any item of clothing or equipment provided for health and safety at work is maintained in a serviceable manner and is renewed when necessary. Examples of Protective Clothing. Safety Helmet - Should be adjusted to fit comfortably and fitted with an elastic strap to go under the chin. The helmet should be checked regularly for signs of cracking or other damage. In the event of cracks appearing or if a hard blow is sustained, even though no damage is apparent, the helmet should be replaced. Eye Protection - The type of protection required will depend upon the hazard. BS 2092 states the requirements for general purpose eye protection and protection against chemical splashes, dust, gas, impact from high speed flying particles and {lying molten metal. Face Masks - Will be required when applying material by spraying. For certain materials and grit blasting it is necessary to use a face mask having its own air supply under positive pressure. Overalls - Provide a first line of defence against spillage. In addition, they should reduce the potential hazard due to loose clothing, e.g. ties or loose sleeves. Nylon overalls should not be worn due to risk of sparking from static electricity. Boots - If properly chosen will reduce chance of slipping. Protective toe caps will minimise the hazards due to falling objects. Some contracts will require the use of safely boots without nails. Noise - For certain specified jobs, ear defenders may be required. SECTION 10.0 - PROTECTION OF EYES. The Protection of Eyes regulations impose statutory requirements for both Employers and Employees: The Employer must provide approved eye protection and maintain an adequate stock for this purpose. The Employee must use the protection provided and ensure that in the event of loss or damage, the protection is replaced. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd., Doe.No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Part 7 England 1994-5,7, Page 8 of 17 @ elcomeler All spectacles, goggles and face screens should confirm to the appropriate section of BS 2092. If you are already using eye protection that is not marked with the British Standard ‘Kitemark’ and BS 2092, it should be discarded and approved eye protection purchased. The British Standard provides the following classilications: ~ Impact Grade 4 - (Higher resistance) - Grade 2 - (Lower resistance, but thought to be sufficient for most General Engineering Hazards) - Chemical - Dust Gas - Molten metal and hot solids penetration Based on the above classifications, there are three types of protection available: Spectacles - These provide only a minimum amount of protection, but do have certain advantages, even for wearers of prescription spectacles and can be worn over these for considerable periods. Goggles - Depending upon the type of ventilation and lens constuction. They are manufactured for protection against hazards classified above, usually protection is provided against a combination of hazards. Face Screens - Provide similar eye protection to goggles. Alll Inspectors and other Staff who may visit sites should have a pair of spectacles to BS 2092. Goggles approved according to BS 2092 - ICD, should be worn when you are involved in the following opers ~ Blast cleaning Handling of liquids in open vessels ‘Spraying of liquids or metal = Power wire brushing or grinding ‘The above list is nol complete since it is up to the individual to recognise hazardous operations or situations and to ensure that the appropriate protection is used. Remember that you are protecting your eyes. If in doubt, you should consult the Safely Officer for the site where you are working. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd. Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part? England 1994-5,7 Page 9.0117 @ elcomeler SECTION 11.0 - FIRE. 44.4 Prevention is better than Cure. To start and maintain a fire, the following are essential: Means of ignition, usually heat or a spark. Fuel - the material must be capable of supporting combustion and in the right form, e.g. a full can of paint with the lid secured in the stores is less hazardous than paint being sprayed. Oxygen - Reducing the oxygen content of the air in the vicinity of the flame will cause the fire to die. A reduction from 20% (normal) to 15% may be sullicient. The Inspector should, therefore, note that solvent vapours associated with paints, thinners or cleaners are particularly hazardous and should be treated with particular care. It is important to ensure that a means of ignition is not provided where these materials are being used. Points to Note. ~ No smoking in the vicinity - No naked flames, e.g. welding torches - No sparks, e.g. electrical contacts, nailed boots on steel, tools dropped on the steel deck 11.2. Inthe event of a Fire, ~ Raise the alarm - Ensure that the area is evacuated ~ Cut off any source of power, e.g, electricity, gas, compressed air - Restrict the supply of air by closing all doors and windows ~ Use the available emergency fire extinguishers, providing that you do not place yourself in danger Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘GRobinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd., Doe.No: TMA:0147 Issue 02 Pat7 England 1994-5,7 Page 10 of 17 @ elcometer SECTION 12.0 - PAINTS - CODE OF PRACTICE FOR SAFE HANDLING. Consult and follow the Manufacturer's data sheets. These should contain health and safely data for the specific materials. In addition, the Supplier may issue a general health and safely data sheet. Where applicable, consult and follow the Personal Protection Advice for the use of marine paints and compositions. This booklet is issued by the British Coatings Federation. Know the probable hazards and symptoms connected with the paints with which you are working. Be aware of the first aid remedies. Solvents. With regard to Health and Safety it is necessary that the following terms are understood: - Maximum Exposure Limit (M.E.L.) ~ Lower Explosion Limited (L.E.L.) ~ Flash Point (F.P.) MEL. Represents the concentration of a substance in the atmosphere below which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed during their normal working hours without adverse effect to their health. Some typical values are detailed below: ppm mgima Benzene 10 32 Toluene 100 375 Xylene 400 435 White spirits < 575 ‘Turpentine 560 Petroleum - 2000 Note. These values are concentration of in the atmosphere and have been drawn from the UK published figures at the time of wriing. These figures are reviewed almost annually, therefore your own countries most recent figures should be consulted prior to the use of this information. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 7 England 1994.5,7 Page 11 of 17 @ elcometer LE.L. Represents the lowest concentration of vapour in the air that can be ignited to result in explosion. Thus, M.E.L, and L.E.L. are important during the application of paint, particularly spray painting in confined spaces, since both represent a measure of concentration. Good ventilation is clearly important and the paint manufacturer's safety data sheet should give guidelines. As example consider the figures noted below, purely as a sample; For each litre of paint applied then: 2970 cubic metres of air is required to reduce the vapour concentration below the concentration resulting in the M.E.L. 71 cubic metres of air is required to reduce the vapour concentration below 10%. of the L.E.L. This 10% figure is chosen to allow for inconsistent concentrations in a given area i.e. small pocket of high concentration in a drain etc. The cubic metres in these examples, relates to the quantity of air either in the location during application (room size) or flowing through the area during the cure of the material. The methods of calculating these factors should be studied and practised before attempting to base the safety of Personnel upon your results. FP, The FP of a solvent or solvent mixture is the lowest temperature at which vapour is given off in sufficient quantities to form an explosive or inflammable mixture with air. Clearly F.P. and LE.L. are inter-related. F.P. is a guide for the storage of paint, while L.E.L. is significant during application. It is important, therefore, that sources of ignition should be eliminated during paint application. ‘Some examples of ignition sources are: - Welding, buming, cutting or grinding operations - Smoking - Nylon overall or plastic containers - Stee! tools oF nailed boots Paints under Pressure. Particularly when using airless spray equipment at pressures above 750 psi, it is possible (o inject paint or solvent into a hand or other part of the body. The immediate effect is to leave only a small puncture wound, but if proper treatment is not carried out promptly, the paint and particularly solvent can cause swelling which may lead to amputation. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd. Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 7 England 1994-5,7 Page 12 of 17 @ elcometer Action, Seek immediate medical treatment and report the fact that a quantity of paint or solvent has been injected under the skin. SECTION 13.0 - PERSONAL PROTECTION ADVICE. The British Coatings Federation have published a booklet with this title which recommends the personal health and safely equipment that should be worn by Operatives and Personnel in the immediate vicinity of paint application. The scheme is only strictly applicable to marine paints and compositions. Paint containers will be marked with the symbol of the form: PPA 26 First Digit. Represents the health hazard that may be due to the solvent. ‘The range is 0-3, depending on the quantily of air theoretically required to dilute the solvent vapour from one litre of paint in order not to exceed the TLV, ‘The required air quantity range set for each digit is - 0- less than 100 cubic metresfitre - 1 - 100-399 cubic metresilitre 2- 400-799 cubic metresilitre - 3- more than 800 cubic metresilitre Second Digit. Represents the healthtoxicity hazard that may be due to the resins, pigments and other components in the material. The range is 0-6, depending on the severity of the hazard: 10 - contains no other ingredients than harmless pigments only -/1 ~ contains ingredients essentially without risk -/2 - contains known or suspected hazardous pigments or resin -/8 - contains more hazardous blends of pigment or resin -/4 - contains hazardous ingredients 5 - in higher concentrations or of a +16 - more toxic nature Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 7 England 1994-5,7 Page 13 of 17 @ elcometler For each classi methods listed. ation, there are four working environments and two application The personal protective equipment recommended range from: 0/0 - (Brush application, good ventilation) - gloves and eye protection 316 - (Spray application, limited ventilation) - gloves, eye protection, air-fed hood, skin protection Note 1. Eye protection and gloves are always recommended. Note 2, Dust masks are a minimum recommendation for spray appli If the containers are marked with a PPA number, further information concerning the recommended personal protection equipment should be obtained from the Manufacturer. At present, the PPA system refers only to marine paints and compositions, the absence of such markings should not be interpreted as indicating the absence of hazard due to the material. SECTION 14.0 - SCAFFOLDING. The following notes provide only general guidance concerning the safely aspects of seatfolding and access. As a painting Inspector, you are not generally required to take any responsibility for erection or maintenancet scaffolding. The notes, therefore, are guidance for the safety of yourself and others on scaffolding already erected. Ladders. A ladder shall rest on firm, even ground and be erected so that the ladder is at an angle of about 75° to the horizontal, i.e. a slope of 4 vertical to 1 horizontal. For a ladder resting on a wall 2.4 metres (8 feet) from the ground, the foot of the ladder should be 60cm (2 feet) from the wall. ‘The ladder should rise at least 1.070m (3 ft. 6 inches) above the stepping off point. Thus, to gain access at a point 2.4 metres from the ground, the ladder should ideally be 3.5 metres (11 feet) long. The ladder must be firmly secured in position. The best method is tying at the top, since this will prevent sideways slippage, as well as outward slippage at the bottom. ‘Alternatively, side guys can be secured to anchorages at or near ground level. By itself, a sandbag or stake at the bottom of the ladder should only be regarded as a temporary fixing. Protective Coatings Inspoction Manual ©Robinson Inwin Technical Support Ltd., Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part? England 1994-5, Page 14 of 17 @ elcomeler Ladders which have badly worn or broken rungs or split stiles should not be used. Any faults or cracks should not be filled with putty and the ladder should not be painted so that any faults may be clearly seen. ‘The rungs of a ladder are designed to support the weight of a man and whatever load he may be carrying. The rungs shall not, therefore, be used to support scaffolding planks. Similarly, ladders should always be supported on their stiles and not on the rungs. Scaffolding. Scalfolding will normally have been erected by a specialist firm who will be responsible for its maintenance. Alternatively, the Contractor will appoint a competent person. The Construction (Working Places) regulations 1966 require that scaffolds shall be inspected regularly and a The Construction (Working Places) Regulations 1966 require that scaffolds shall Le 1evurd of the inspection held on the site. Every scaffold should, therefore, be inspected before use, alter adverse weather conditions which may affect ils stabilly and at least once every week. Particular attention should be paid to fixings and the condition of placing of scaffold boards. ‘A record of the inspections should be kept in Register F91-Part 1. If there is any doubt conceming the safety of scaffolding, the following publications should be consulted: = Safety in Construction Work (HS Executive pamphlet 6D) = British Standard Code of Practice 97 Parts 1-3 Metal Scaffolding ~ British Standard 1139 Metal Scaffolding Operators Code of Practice issued by PASMA (aluminium scaffolding) Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part? England 1994-5,7, Pago 15 of 17 @ elcometer COSHH ASSESSMENT | assessmenr DATE ASSESSED BY: B.SMITH Jan. 94 l BARISAF/XXO1 REV. NO. 01 | SUBSTANCE GENERIC NAME: Sample SUBSTANCE COMMON NAME: Sample MOST HAZARDOUS CONSTITUENT: — Sample | FORM OF SUBSTANCE: Solid/Liquid/Gas/Vapour/Powder | | [TYPE OF HAZARD: —_Gorrosivertarmful/Toxte/ExplosivelGarcinogenle/Radioactive/Other | Joc. TYPE LONG SHORT | | ors oo 75 ppm-mgima | MEL | recoumtenDeD use Use only as recommended by the Manufacturers. | THIS MAY CAUSE SENSITISATION THROUGH REPEATED SKIN CONTACT, INHALATION OR | | ousr conracr. | | | LimeD To FOLLOWING TASKS: Spray/BrusvPollerTrowellOther (tate): | STORAGE: SPILLAGE: | BUND ALL SPILLAGE WITH ABSORBENT INERT MATERIAL | CLASSIFIED AS FLAMMABLE: CONTAINER DISPOSAL: | LAND FILL DISPOSAL OF CURED AND SEMI CURED PAINT CONTAINERS BY LICENSED WASTE CARRIER - MAY BE CLASSIFIED AS HAZARDOUS WASTE IF STILL IN LIQUID FORM. SITE ARRANGEMENTS: | HAVE A SKIP AVAILABLE ON SITE, OR STORE IN A SECURE LOCATION UNTIL | “COLLECTED AND REMOVED. ‘SUBSTANCE MAKE UP | | FORMIN STORAGE: Solid/Liquid/Gas/Vapour/Powder FLASHPOINT: XX0G RAG 10% | NoTES: | CAN BE ABSORBED THROUGH UNBROKEN SKIN Page 1 of 2 Figure 28 Typical COSHH Assessment Form Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 7 England 1994-5,7 Pago 16 of 17 @ elcomeler ASSESSMENT NO: | BARISAF/KXO1 REV. NO. 01 ee | ASSESSMENT DATE | ASSESSED BY: B.SMITH | SUBSTANCE HAZARDS LIBERATES IN PRESENCE OF: INCOMPATIBLE WITH VAPORISES WHEN CONTAINER OPEN | INSOLUBLE IV Waren | | HEALTH EFFECT OF INMALATION: —FIRST-AD: | HEADACHE, DIZZINESS & NAUSEA REMOVE TO FRESH AIR AND KEEP AT REST | HEALTH EFFECT OF INGESTION: FIRST ADD: | ‘ABDOMINAL PAI REFER TO HOSPITAL/DOCTOR -DO NOT INDUCE | | vous HEALTH EFFECT OF SKIN CONTACT: FIRST AID: | MAY CAUSE DERMATITIS: RINSE WITH COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF SOAP AND | | Waren | | | HEALTH EFFECT OF EYE CONTAC’ FIRST AID IRRITANT: RINSE WITH COPIUS AMOUNTS OF WATER (AT teasr 10 mNUTES) | an PRECAUTIONS FOR USE PRE BRUSH APPLICATION: 3M 8810 MASK | GLOVES BARRIER CREAMS | EYE PROTECTION | PPE ROLLER APPLICATION: 3M 8810 MASK | GLOVES BARRIER CREAMS | EYE PROTECTION | PPE SPRAY APPLICATION 3M 4251 MASK | GLoves BARRIER CREAMS EYE PROTECTION | PPE TROWEL APPLICATION NA NoTEs: EXTINGUISH FIRE WITH CO”, FOAM OR DRY POWDEF FLAMMABLE, NO SMOKING WHEN IN USE. REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND WASH PRIOR TO EATING, DRINKING OR SMOKING. | Page 2 of 2 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd. Doe. No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 7 England 1994-5,7 Pago 17 of 17 @ elcometer PART 8 GLOSSARY (Upgrade) Abrasive. Term used for the blast cleaning media. Chilled iron grit, blast shot, sand elc., are all examples of abrasives used in the coatings industry. Absorption. The process of soaking up. Being absorved. Some materials and substrates are more absorbent than others. Accelerator. Any substance which increases the speed of a chemical reaction. In the paint industry the term usually indicates materials that hasten the curing of a resin system. Accuracy. The agreement between a measurement and the actual value e.g. a coating thickness gauge with an accuracy specilication of + 5% of reading will give values between 95 and 105m on a 100m coating when calibrated correctly. Acidic. Used to describe the chemical nature of a substance which neutralises alkalis and which must contain hydrogen. Acidic soluions have a pH of less than seven. Acidic materials tum litmus paper red. Adhesion. The degree of attachment between a paint coating or vamish film and the underlying material with which it is in contact. The latter may be another film of paint (adhesion between one coat and another) or any other material such as wood, metal, plaster, otc. (adhesion between a coat of paint and its substrate) Air Drying. ‘A substance which dries through oxidation by absorption of air and molecule growth. Generally preceded by solvent evaporation. No curing agents (other than air) are necessary. Airless Spray. The process of alomisation of paint by forcing it through a fine orifice at very pressure. This effect may be aided by the vaporisation of the solvents especially if the paint has been previously heated. The term is not generally applied to those electrostatic spraying processes which do not use air for atomisation. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Suppor Ltd Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1904-5,7 Page 1 of 22 @ elcomeler Alkali, Used to describe the chemical nature of a substance which neutralises acids. Caustic material. Alkaline solutions have a pH of more than seven. Alkaline materials turn litmus paper blue. Alkyd, A synthetic combination of an alcohol and an acid. The name derives from the al in alcohol and the cid in acid (the name should really be alcid). Alkyd resins are used in large volumes in the coatings industry. Ambient Temperature. ‘An ambient temperature is a term used to describe the surrounding, or room, temperature. Amine Adduct. An amine curing agent is an example. These are usually combined with resins. Anaerobic. Lacking free oxygen. This usually refers to the slate of the electrolyte adjacent to the metal structure. Anchor Pattern. (See also Density of Profile). The texture and degree of roughness of a blast-cleaned surface. Anion. An ion with a negative charge, formed when an atom gains electrons in a reaction. Non metals tend to form anions. Anode. That part of the surface in an electrolytic cell which is usually subject to corrosive attack. Anti-Fouling. Name applies to a substance (usually a paint) which is used to stop sea life fouling attaching to ships, rigs, pipes etc. Anti-fouling paints can be toxic release or special surface tension property coatings. Aqueous. Consisting largely of water; dissolved in water. Asphalt. A residue from the petroleum distilling industry. Can be used for coating pipelines etc. Atom. The smallest indivisible particle of an element than can exist. Simply described as the ‘building bricks’ of which everything is made. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual © Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 2 of 22 @ elcometer Backfill. A low-resistance moisture-holding material immediately surrounding a buried anode which is used lo increase the effective area of contact with the soll, Binder. The non-volatile film-forming portion of a paint; it binds or cements the pigment particles together and adheres the coating to the substrate. Bitty. The term used to describe bils of skin, foreign matter etc., projecting from the surface of an appliod coating. Could be an application or product problem, Bituminous Paints. Originally, the class of paints consisting essentially of natural bitumens dissolved in organic solvents; they may also contain softening agents, pigments and inorganic filers. They are usually black or dark in colour. The term ‘bituminous’ has come to include bitumen-like products such as petroleum asphalt. The tern is ol generally used for paints based on coal tar or coal far pitch. Blast Cleaning (See Figure 24). ‘An abrasive is directed at high velocity at the surface being cleaned. For steel the abrasive may be steol or iron, of angular or spherical shape, and in a range of particle size. Mineral abrasives are also used. Bleeding. Used to describe the process of diffusion of a soluble coloured substance into a coating. An undesirable discolouration is usually the outcome. Selective sealer coats can prevent this. Blooming. ‘A wihitening deposit similar to that on a grape. It causes the loss of gloss and creates a dull effect on the paint. It is sometimes possible to remove this blooming simply by wiping the surface with a damp cloth. Generally caused by a reaction to moisture during curing of a paint film Calcareous. A product which contains lime. Cathode. Thal part of the surface in an electrolytic cell which does not usually suffer corrosive attack. Cathodic Protection. The prevention of corrosion by moans of an impressed current, or sacrificial anodes which produce a flow of current stronger than, and in opposition to, the flow which results in corrosion. It can only be used on items buried in damp soil or immersed in waler, i. in an electrolyte Proteotive Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robingon lnwin Technical Support Ltd Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 3 England 1994. Page 3 of 22 7 @ elcometer Cation. ‘An ion with a positive charge, formed when an atom loses electrons in a reaction. Hydrogen and metals tend to form cations. Chalking. The formation of a friable, powdery layer on the surface of a paint film caused by disintegration of the binding medium due to the action of weathering, The chalking of a paint film can be considerably affected by the choice and concentration of the pigment. Checking. See ‘Cracking’ Chlorinated Rubber Paint. A pigmented solution of plasticised chlorinated rubber which dries mainly by ‘evaporation of the solvent. Chromating, Treatment of light alloys by chemical solutions normally containing chromic acid and/or chromates in suitable acid medium. This treatment modifies the surface to give improved protection against corrosion and to serve as a good base for ‘subsequent paint coats. Cissing. A defect in a wet coating which leaves areas of the dried film with either holes through the whole of the coating or attenuated holes. This defect is common on substrates contaminated with grease, oil and silicone. Coal Tar/Epoxide Paint, ‘A combination of coal tar pitch and epoxide resins with an amine or polyamide resin as a curing agent contained in a separate pack. The two components are mixed just before use. Cohesion. The forces which bind the particles of paint or varnish film together with a coherent whole. Colour Fast. The ability of a product to maintain its colour. Non fading. Compatibility. The ability of two or more substances to combine satistactorily. Copolymer. See ‘Polymer’. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 4 of 22 @ elcometer Corrosion. The chemical or electrochemical reaction of a metal with its environment resulting in ils progressive degradation or destruction. Cracking, Generally the spliting of a dry paint or vanish film usually as a result of ageing. The following terms are used to denote the nature and extent of this defect:- Hair-Cracking. Fine cracks which do not penetrate the top coal; they occur at random. Checking. Fine cracks which do not penetrate the top coat and are distributed over the surface giving the semblance of a small pattern, Cracking. A breakdown In which the cracks penetrate at least one coat and may be expected to result ultimately in complete failure. Grazing, Resembles checking but the cracks are deeper and broader. Crocodiling or sometimes referred to as Alligatoring, A drastic type of crazing producing a pattern resembling the hide of a crocodile. Curing, The process by which a coating becomes hard and insoluble by heat, chemical reaction, U.V. curing etc. Curing Agent. An additive which promotes the curing of a film. Curtaining. Another term for sags and runs, although generally used when the defect is of a large or uniform nature. Defects. Flaws or faults in a coating or on a substrate. (See Part 10 for Table of Defects and examples), Delamination. The separation of layers. Could refer to paint coatings, i.e. the total delamination between coats due to foreign matter contamination. Density of Profile (See also Anchor Pattern). ‘The number of peaks per unit area _on an abrasively blast cleaned surface. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd. Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-5,7 Page § of 22 @ elcometer Dew Point. When air containing moisture is cooled below a certain temperature, some of the moisture will condense. It will form as a dew on any surface below this temperature. The actual temperature at which this happens depends on the relative humidity of the air and is called its dew point. Differential Aeration. ‘The unequal access of air to different parts of a metallic surtace, resulting often in the stimulation of corrosion at areas where access of air is restricted, Diluent. ‘A volatile liquid usually added to paint coatings during manufacture. Although not a true solvent, a diluent can be used in combination with true solvents to lower viscosity and increase the bulk. Dolly. A device, usually made from metal, which is used with a test instrument for assessing the adhesion of coatings to a substiate. The dolly is altached to the surface by adhesive and a force applied by the instrument to remove it and the coating from the substrate. Driers. Substances which, when incorporated in relatively small proportions in paints or varnishes based on drying oils, bring about an appreciable reduction of their drying times at ordinary temperatures. These substances are usually compounds of manganese, cobalt or lead. Driving E.M.F. (Galvanic Anode System). The difference between the structure/electrolyte potential and the anode/electrolyte potential. (E.M.F. is Electro-Motive Force and is measured in volts). Drying. The process of the change of a paint trom the liquid to the solid state, due to the evaporation of solvent, chemical reactions of the binding medium, or @ combination of these factors. Dryspray. Particles of paint which have dried out after leaving the application gun, prior to attachment to the substrate. Dryspray effect is a visual roughness on the surface and can lead to adhesion related problems of subsequent coats. Earth, The conducting mass of earth or of any conductor in direct electrical connection therewith. A connection, whether intentional or unintentional, between a conductor and the earth. Verb: To connect any conductor with the general mass of earth. Note: ‘Ground’ sometimes used for ‘earth’; both include expanses of natural water. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 6 of 22 @ elcometer Efflorescence. ‘A crystalline soluble white salt deposit usually found on the outside of bricks and ‘cement substrates. Elflorescence is formed when crystals lose part of their wator. A powdery substance is left on the substrate. Electrode. A conductor of the metallic class (including carbon) by means of which current passes to or from an electrolyte. Electrolyte, ‘An acid, base or salt, which, when dissolved in water, splits up into charged particles, so that the solution conducts electricity. Also applied loosely to the solution itself, e.g. rain water made acid by industrial pollution or contamination by salt in marine atmospheres. Electrostatic Spraying. Methods of spraying in which an electrostatic field is created between the work to bo: coated and the atomised paint particles. The charged particles of paint are attracted to the article being painted, The electrostatic field of force is used in some processes to effect the atomisation of the paint. Powder coatings may also be applied by electrostatic coating. Element. The basic component of all materials. A pure substance which cannot be broken down into anything simpler by chemical means, There are 104 elements currently known to man Alll are found in the Periodic Table. Emulsion. To give an apparently homogeneous material, one liquid is dispersed in a second liquid in the form of minute drops. If the droplets remain permanently dispersed the emulsion is said to be stable and ceriain compounds are added as stabilisers because of their power to keep the droplets dispersed. Emulsion Paint, Generally, paints in which the medium is an ‘emulsion’ or emulsion-like dispersion of a solid organic binder in water. Industrially, the name is mainly restricted to those paints in which the medium is an ‘emulsion’ of a synthetic resin. Polyvinyl acetate emulsion paints form a typical example. Endothermic. ‘A reaction in which heat energy is taken up from the surroundings. A fall in temperature occurs. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Lil, oo.No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-57 Page 7 of 22 @ elcomeler Epoxide Resin Paint. ‘A two-component paint consisting of pigmented solution of an epoxide resin, which (ust before use) is mixed with a curing agent, e.g. an amine, polyamide or isocyanate which is stored in a separate pack. Atter mixing, the paint has a limited pot life which may be as short as 5 minutes. Epoxy Ester Paint. A pigmented solution of an epoxide resin which has been mocitied by combination with a fatty acid. This type of paint does not require a curing agent and is a single pack material. Erosion, Eroding or being eroded. The wearing away of a surface due to extemal forces, @.g. rocks in the sea or a paint film exposed to wind blown sand ete. Etch Primers. Priming paints which are generally supplied as two separate components which require to be mixed immediately prior to use and remain usable for a limited period only. The mixed paint contains carefully balanced proportions of an inhibiting pigment, phosphoric acid, and a synthetic resin binder in a mixed alcohol solvent. ‘They are generally used on galvanised or non-ferrous surfaces. ‘They give a corrosion inhibiting film which is a very good basis for the application of subsequent coats of paint. Although these materials are referred to as primers, the films which they give are so thin that it is better to consider them as etching solutions, and follow them with more orthodox types of primer. These primers can also be known as wash primers. They are very sensitive to water during and immediately after application. Exothermic. A reaction in which heat energy is released to the surroundings. A rise in temperature occurs. Extender. ‘A material in powder form. Used in conjunction with pigments in paint for its film forming properties and to avoid settlement during storage. Usually cheaper than the true pigments. Ferrous. Contains iron. Filiform Corrosion. Sporadic, small, thread-like corrosion products which tend to form beneath thin and semi-permeable films. A corrosion cell is developed within the thread. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pan 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 8 of 22 @ elcomeler Flame Cleaning. The application of an intensely hot flame to steel resulting in the removal of millscale and the dehydration of any remaining rust, leaving the surface in a condition suitable, after wire brushing, for the application of paint, which should be applied while the steel is still warm. Pictorial standards of Flame Cleaned steel are available within ISO 8501 (BS 7079 : 1988). Flexibility. The ability to bend without damage. A general requirement for certain coatings, e.g. pipeline coatings. Foreign Matter. A term used in the coating industry to describe contamination, e.g. grease, oil, silicone, dust, dirt, etc. Galvanic Action. A spontaneous electrolytic cell reaction in which the metallic anode corrodes. Galvanic Anode. ‘An electrode used to protect a structure by galvanic sactificial action. Galvanised Steel. A form of corrosion protection in which steel is dipped in molten zinc which then acts as a sacrificial coating, protecting the steal. Used a lot in the construction industry. Steel size is restricted to the size of the galvaniser's bath. Generic, Characteristic of; belonging to a particular family, Examples of paints i.e. epoxies, polyurethanes etc. Grit Blasting. See ‘Blast Cleaning’ Groundbed. A system of buried or submerged electrades connected to the positive terminal of an independent source of direct current, in order to lead to earth the current used for the cathodic protection of a buried or immersed metallic structure. Hardener. ‘An agent used to effect the hardening of a synthetic resin system. High-Build Paint. A paint (e.g. single or two pack paints) which, because of its thixotropic or other qualities, can be applied in a single coat at thicknesses in the range off 120 microns and upwards). Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Support Li. Doe No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Panta England 1994-5,7 Page 9 of 22 @ elcometer Holidays. Skipped, missed or damaged areas, left uncoated with paint. Hydroxyl. Solutions containing hydroxyl ions. Chemical radical OH. Hygroscopic. Used to describe a substance which absorbs water. Chemically described as a substance which can take up to 70% of its own mass of water without dissolving or becoming wet. Impressed Current. The current supplied by a rectiier or other direct-current source (specitically excluding galvanic anades, e.g. silicon iron anodes) to a protected structure in order to attain the necessary protection potential. Impact Resistance. The ability of a paint film to resist a sudden blow. Incompatibility. The inability to mix or adhere together. Sometimes used in the coatings industry to describe different generic types of paint which should not be mixed. The opposite to compatible. Induction Time. For certain two pack paints, the mixed materials must be allowed to stand for a certain time before the paint is applied. The period of standing after mixing is referred to as the induction time. It is generally half to one hour but will depend on the components. The data sheets for two pack materials must be checked to determine whether an induction time is necessary and, if so, the Inspector must check that the mixed material is allowed to stand prior to app! Inert. Without inherent power or action, Chemically inactive (not reactive). Inert Pigment. Pigments which remain relatively inactive or unchanged in paints; they may play an important part in controlling corrosion due to their typical laminar (plate-like) shape which increases the barrier effect. Typical examples are leating aluminium or MIO, Infusible. See Thermo-setting, Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Invin Technical Suppor Ltd., Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 8 England 1994-57, Page 10 of 22 @ elcometer Inhibitive Pigments. Pigments which retard or prevent the cortosion of metals by chemical or electrochemical means, as opposed to a purely barrier action. Zinc chromate, zinc phosphate, metallic or red lead and metallic zinc are examples of pigments with ye action. Inorganic. ‘Any substance entirely derived from minerals or metals. Not derived from living materials. lon. An atom, or group of atoms, carrying a charge of positive or negative electricity. Laitance, Loose friable product sometimes produced on the surface of new laid concrete. Laitance is generally detrimental to coating systems and must be removed by blast cleaning, acid wash etc. Lead Paints. Paint containing more than § per cent of soluble lead or lead compound (expressed ‘as PbO) of the dried pigment when tested by the method prescribed in ‘Statutory Rules and Orders 1926, No. 1621 of the Lead Paint Protection Against Poisoning Act 1926. Lead Restricted, ‘A description used by certain Government Departments to signify paints which are not lead paints within the meaning of the ‘Lead Paint Protection Against Poisoning ‘Act 1926’. New legislation is being enacted to restrict the use of lead paint in buildings, especially where children have access Leating. A term used to describe orientation of pigments. Usually flat, in horizontal planes, e.g. aluminium flakes in heat resistant paints. Low Alloy Steel. Assicel generally with a carbon content not exceeding 0.2 per cent, to which a small percentage of alloying elements including copper, chromium, nickel, silica, etc., up to a total of, say 3 por cont have been added, to improve its mechanical properties, corrosion resistance or both. Mastic. ‘An adhesive composition. Loosely used to describe a plastic filler, stopper or putty. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Suppor Ltd Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1904.5,7 Page 11 22 @ clcometer Metal Spraying. The application by spray of a coat of metal (usually zinc or aluminium) onto a prepared surface (usually grit-biasted mild steel). The metal to be sprayed is rendered molten by passing it in wire or powder form through a flame or electric arc pistols which project semi-molten metal onto the surface by a jet of compressed air. The collective physical conditions, such as temperature and humidity, at a small specified location, e.g. a bridge or even paris of the bridge since the conditions from point to point may vary significantly. Mil, A unit of length commonly used in the U.S.A. equal to 0.004 inch (1 thou). Tho metric equivalent is 0.025 mm or 25 microns. Mild Steel. Steel with no deliberate alloy addition and with a carbon content not exceeding 0.25 per cent. Millscale. The oxide layer produced when steel is formed during the hot rolling process. This scale is cathodic to steel and must be removed prior to applying a paint system. Miscible. The ability to form or blend together. Chemical term. Monel. An alloy of nickel, copper and aluminium which hasexcellent anti corrosive properties. Often used where corrosive chemicals are present. Monomer. The unit molecule from which a Polymer is bull up. Mud Cracking, Used to describe a defect produced in highly pigmented paint systems, e.g. zine silicate. An appearance of dried mud caused by over application, rapid curing etc. MvT. Moisture Vapour Transmission. The rate at which moisture is transmitted through a substance. Neoprene Paints. Paints based on pigmented solutions of the synthetic rubber, neoprene (palychloroprene), a vulcanising agent being added before use. Neoprene painis are used mainly for industrial maintenance painting for service under conditions of severe chemical exposure. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd., Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 12 of 22 @ oelcomeler Non Ferrous. A substance which does not contain iron, Opposite to ferrous. Often applied to metals e.g. brass, aluminium, certain types of stainless steel etc. Non Volatile. The solid part of a paint left after the solvent has evaporated. Oil Length. The ratio of oil to resin in a vamish medium normally expressed in terms of parts by weight of oil to one part by weight of resin. Oleo-Resinous. Generally refers to varnishes composed of vegetable drying oils in conjunotion with hardening resins, which may be either natural or synthetic. Orange Peel. The term given to the visual appearance of a paint finish because it resembles an orange peel or skin. Gan be attributed to flow characteristics, poor application etc, Organic. Any substance consisting of, or derived from, matter which has lived. Organosol (c.1 ‘Plastiso!’). A dispersion of finely divided resin particles in an organic liquid which may be wholly or partly volatile. After application the coating is heated and the resin particles with any non-volatile portions of the carrier are fused to a continuous film. Osmosis. Diffusion of tluid through a semi-permeable membrane into another fluid. Transfer of liquid. Osmotic Blistering, The formation of blisters under a paint film which contains moisture. (See Osmosis). Overspray. Generally waste. Particles of paint which have not hit the desired target. Common to air and airless spray application methods, especially if used near awkwardly shaped items. Oxide, Compound of oxygen with another element (usually a metal) or with radical. Passivation. The act of making something inert or unreactive. Corrosion term. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘@Robingon Irwin Technical Support Ltd. Dos No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Pant é England 1994-5,7 Page 13 of 22 @ elcometer pH Value. A logarithmic scale used to indicate the relative concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions in an electrolyte, hence a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. pH? is a neutral solution, higher figures indicate increasing alkalinity and lower figures indicate increasing acid strength, Phenolic Resins. Phenolic resins are the products of condensation reactions between phenols and aliphatic aldehydes, usually formaldehyde. The term includes both the simple condensation products (pure or 100 per cent phenolics) and those modified with resin or resin esters. Phenolic resins are reacted with drying oils to produce media for paints. Some phenolic resins are used in solution either alone or in combination with e.g. alkyd or epoxy resins as media for industrial stoving paint. Phenolic Resin Paint. A paint containing as binder a phenolic resin, either alone or modilicd by combination with, for example, drying oils, alkyd resins or epoxide resins. It is usual to distinguish between pure phenolics with no other resin additions and modified phenolies, in which the added resin is often resin. Phosphating. The formation of a thin phosphate coating, usually as a pre-treatment for painting or coating purposes. Pickling. A process where steel and other metals are dipped in a solution (usually acid) for cleaning. Pigment. The insoluble solid particles dispersed in a paint, which give the dried film its characteristic properties of colour and opacity and influence durability in various environments. Pigment Volume Concentration. Described as the amount of resin required to fully wet out the pigment particles (i.e. the oil absorption). Sometimes known as P.V.C., but not to be confused with Polyvinylchloride. Pitting Corrosion. A particularly dangerous type of corrosion because, though the attack may be small, its concentration in isolated deep pits may cause serious damage, e.g. pipes may be holed. Plasticiser. A paint ingredient used to improve the flexibility of a material. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Lid, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant 8 England 1994-5,7, Page 14 of 22 @ elcomeler Plastisol (c.f. ‘Organoso!’). Dispersions of finely divided resin particles (often polyvinyl chloride or copolymer) in a plasticiser or mixture of plasticisers. After application, the coating is heated and the plasticiser diffused into and softens the resin particles which fuse to a continuous film without significant loss of volatile matter. Polarisation. The production of counter-electromotive force at metal surfaces due to the passage of electric current through an electrolytic cell Polyethylene (polythene). A colourless thermoplastic material composed of polymers of ethylene. Polymer. Alatge molecule built up by the union of a number of smaller molecules. Vinyl resins are examples of true polymerisation. The name is frequently applied to large molecules produced by any chemical process. Homo-polymer. A true polymer in which molecular unis from which it is built are all of the same Kind. Polyvinylchloride - PVC - is an example. Co-polymer. A true polymer in which molecular units from which itis built are of two or more Kinds. Polyvinyichloride-acetate, as employed in vinyl paints, is an example. Polyurethane Resins. Polyurethane resins are made by crossiinking saturated polyesters with isocyanates or polyisocyanates. These resins are usually supplied in two packs to be mixed immediately before use but they may also be found in single pack paints. Polyvinylchloride (PVC). A colourless thermoplastic material composed of polymers of vinyl chloride. Commonly known as P.V.C. Not to be confused with Pigment Volume Concentration. Potential. Relates to a metal immersed in a conducting medium. The voltage of the metal, relative to a standard electrode, produced through the tendency of the metal to enter the medium as ions and to displace hydrogen. Pot Life. The period after mixing during which the mixture of resin and activator or hardener of a two-pack paint remains usable and fully effective. Some two-pack paints, e.g. etch primers remain usable, ie. they can still be applied, even after they have become ineffectual. The Manufacturer's data sheet must be consulted and these should quote pot life at a particular temperature, usually 20°C. Particularly in hot climates the pot life will be considerably shortened. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Irvin Technical Support Lid Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 15 o 22 @ elcometer Thus a material having a pot life of 4 hours at 20°C may only have a pot life of 15 hours at the temperatures experienced in the Middle East. Full details should be sought from the Manufacturer. Pre-Fabrication Primer. An organic film-forming material, which may contain a pigment (aften metallic) that is applied to a steel surface directly after surface preparation generally by blast-cleaning, and which does not have to be removed prior to welding. Although it is intended only to provide temporary protection, it should be compatible with the permanent protective systems, Primer. The first complete coat of paint of a painting system applied to an unpainted surface, as an integral part of the permanent protective system. Protection Potential. The more negative level to which the potential of a metallic structure, with respect to a specified reference electrode in an electrolytic environment, has to be depressed in order to effect cathodic protection of the structure. PVC. See either Polyvinylchloride or Pigment Volume Concent Reference Electrode. An electrode, the potential of which is accurately reproducible and which serves as a basis of reference in the measurement of other electrode potentials. Relative Humidity. The amount of water vapour that air can take up depends upon it temperature. The amount it actually contains is usually expressed as per cent Relative Humidity, i. the percentage of the amount the air could sustain at the particular temperature. Rust. Reddish or yellowish-brown coating formed by oxidation of iron. Sacrificial Anode. ‘Synonym for ‘galvanic anode’. Saponification. This term normally refers to the formation of a soap by the reaction between a fatty acid ester and an alkali. In protective coatings, saponification refers to the decomposition of the medium of a paint or varnish film by alkali and moisture in a substrate, e.g. new concrele or rendering based on cement, sand and lime. Coatings used in conjunotion with cathodic protection are also liable to saponification. in very severe cases the film may be completely liquified by saponification. In situations like those quoted, saponification resistant paints should be used. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson invin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 16 of 22 @ elcometer Sensing Electrode, A permanently installed reference electrode used to measure the structure/electrolyte potential and to control the protection current. Shelf Life. The time that a paint will keep in good condition on the shelves of a shop or stock room. In the case of two component paints, before mixing. Sherardizing. A method of coating steel or cast iron arlicles. The articles are heated with zinc dust for several hours. Shop Primer. ‘An anti-corrosive temporary primer applied in the works (during stee! rolling). This primer protects the steel plates {rom corrosion during the construction phase of a project. Short Oil ‘A low ratio of oil to resin in a vamish medium. Short Oil Alkyd. ‘An alkyd resin containing not more than 40 per cent of cil as modifying agent. Short Oil Varnish. ‘An oleo-resinous vamish containing not more than 1.25 parts by weight of oil to 1 part by weight of resin, in finished varnish. Shot Blast. See ‘Blast Cleaning’ Silicone Resins. A class of synthetic resin produced trom organic compounds containing silicon. Not to be confused with the silicate medium used in zinc silicate paints. Soffits. Stee! beams used for bridges and other structures are usually manufactured for strength combined with lightness in the form of an -beam. The bottom edge of the bottom flange is called the soffit. Solids or Total Solids. The non-volatile matter in a coating composition, ie. the ingredients of a coating composition which, after drying, are left behind and constitute the dry film. Solution. A liquid in which a substance can be dissolved. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robingon win Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 17 of 22 @ clcometer Solventless Paints or Varnishes. A term used to describe organic coating materials which contain little or no volatile thinner, Solvents. Liquids which are used in the manufacture of paint to dissolve or disperse the film-forming constituents, but which evaporate during drying and therefore do not become a part of the dried film. They are used to control the consistency and character of the finish and to regulate application properties (see Thinners). Spreading Rate. The area covered per unit amount of paint applied. Spreading rate should be expressed as square metrellitre at a given dry film thickness. Stray Current, Current flowing in the soil or water environment of a structure and arising mainly from electric power or traction installations. Such stray current can pass from the environment into the structure and vice versa. Corrosion can result. Stripe Coat (See Figure 25). Most specitications, call for the application of a stripe coat. This is an extra coat of material usually applied by brush, to build up thickness along edges of beams, around nuts and bolls and in less accessible areas. The stripe coat is generally applied as an additional undercoat and should be of a contrasting colour. Stainless Steel. A steel containing sufficient chromium, or chromium and nickel, to render it highly resistant to corrosion, Some stainless steels can be non magnetic and are therefore considered to be non ferrous substrates for the purpose of coating thickness measurement. ‘Substrate. A general name given in protective coating pra coated, e.g. steel, wood, conerete, ete. to the base material being Sulphate-reducing Bacteria. A group of bacteria found in most soils and natural waters, but active only in conditions of near neutrality and freedom from oxygen. They reduce sulphates in their environment, with the production of sulphides and severe corrosion, Surface Profile, The depth from peak to trough of a blast cleaned substrate prior to painting. Synthetic, A substance not occurring naturally. Artificial. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd., Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 18 of 22 @ clcomeler ‘Temporary Protectives. Malerials used to protect metal surfaces during fabrication, transport and storage, and which are sometimes readily removable, if required, by stipping or cold application of common solvents. The significance of the term ‘temporary’ lies in the ready removability of the protective and not in the duration of its efficiency. Thermo-Setting. Organic coating materials, which on heating become insoluble and intusible. ‘Thermo-Plastic. Organic coating materials, which will soften under the influence of heat and may become fluid. Thinners. Volatile liquids which may be added to paints and varnishes to cheapen and to facilitate application or aid penetration by lowering the viscosity. ‘They must be completely miscible with the paint or varnish and not cause precipitation of the non-volatile portion ether in the container or in the film during drying. Thinners should only be added by the User in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions (see Solvents). Thixotropic Paint. A paint with a special structure of ‘body which undergoes a temporary reduction in onsisteney during application. This allows the paint to be spread easily but to resist the formation of runs when heavy coatings are applied. In the decorating field these paints are called ‘non-drip' (see also Viscosity). ‘Two Pack Paint. ‘A paint or lacquer, the materials for which are supplied in two parts, which must be mixed in the correct proportions before use. The mixture will then remain in a usable condition for a limited time only. The two parts of a two-pack paint are usually supplied in the correct relative proportion either in entirely separate containers of appropriate sizes or in a single Container divided into two compariments. (The term dual-pack is often used to describe the latter type of container). Undercoat Paint. The coat, or coats, applied to a surface alter priming, filing, etc., or after the preparalion of a previously painted surface, and before the application of a finished coat. An undercoat should possess good hiding power and a colour leading up to that of the finished coat, and should otherwise be that of the finished coat, and should otherwise be suitable for use with the other paints in the system. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd. Dos.No: TMA.0147 Issue 02 Pant 8 England 1994-5,7 Page 19 of 22 @ elcometer Valorising. The application of an aluminium coating to steel by heating the material in aluminium powder at 700 to 900°C (1300 to 1650°F) Vehicle. The liquid portion of paint, in which the pigment is dispersed; it is composed of the binder, the solvent and any thinner present Vinyl Resins. Resins formed by polymerisation or compounds which contain the vinyl radical (CHeCH). Vinyl resins may be applied as solution in organic solvents, as plastisols, organosols or emulsion (aqueous dispersion) form (see Emulsion Paints). Vinyl Paints. Paints containing a co-polymer e.g. polyvinylchloride and polyvinyl acetate. Viscosity. The internal resistance to flow possessed by a liquid. It is determined by measuring the force required to shear the liquid, ie. to move one layer over another in orderly flow without turbulence at a defined rate. Most paint solvents, and many oils and varnishes, are termed Newtonian liquids, that is, when they are tested in suitable viscometers at a fixed temperature, their rate of flow (shear) is proportional to the shearing force. The viscosity of these liquids at a fxed temperature is thus constant, For most paints and other pigmented materials the rate of flow (shear) is not proportional to the shearing force, but may vary with the time and rate of shearing force. For these materials only an apparent viscosity, a figure which refers only to the behaviour of the material under the particular circumstances and precise conditions of measurement, can be determined (see also Thixotropic Paint). Volatile. The fluid content of a material which evaporates, e.g. the solvent in a paint. Opposite to non volatile. Volume Solids. Non volatile proportion of the paint or coating (normally expressed as a percentage). Wash Primer. See ‘Etching Primer’ Water Borne. A general name for a paint material which uses water as the solvent. These products have temperature and humidity constraints and contain small amounts of organic solvents, Piotective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pant England 1994-5,7 Page 20 of 22 @ elcometer Weathering Paints. An alternative name for finishing paints. In many protective painting schemes the only difference between the undercoat paint and the finishing paint is one of colour. They are interchangeable and their function is to provide weather resistance to the paint systom as a whole. Wet Film Thickness. The paint film thickness immediately after application. The wet to dry film thickness relationship is governed by the volume-solds ratio. White Spirit. White spirit is the most commonly used thinner for paints and varnishes. It consists of straight-run or blended petroleum hydrocarbons and has a boiling temperature in the range 150°C to 200°C. Wrought Iron. Iron of very low carbon content (0.02 to 0.03%) and, in the case of British wrought irons, with a high slag content and a characteristic laminated structure. The fundamental difference between wrought iron and steel is that, whereas steel is cast into ingots, wrought iron is removed from the furnace in a semi-molten plastic condition and is formed into bars or billets under a steam hammer. Little, if any, wrought iron is now used in new structures. Zinc Phosphate. A paint pigment used in anti-corrosive paints. Zino Rich Paint (or Primer). A priming paint in which the pigment is predominantly finely divided metallic zinc. The metallic zinc content of the dry film should not be less than 90% by weight Zinc Silicate Paint (or Primer). A paint in which the pigment is predominantly metallic zinc, but the binder consists of ‘an arganic or inorganic silicate, The dry film, in either case, being wholly inorganic. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Invin Tachnical Support Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1994-5,7, Page 21 0! 22 @ elcomeler Top (Figure 24) Blast Cleaning Operation Bottom (Figure 25) Application of Stripe Coat Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 8 England 1904-5,7 Page 22 of 22 @ elcomeler PART 9 APPENDICES 1.0 FORMULA / CONVERSIONS / PAINT ARITHMETIC ETC. Basic Formula - Paint Coverage Formula for Calculation of Surface Area :3 Paint Arithmetic ‘4 Conversion Charts ‘5 SI Conversion Factors ‘6 Non SI Units and Quantities 8 9 a 4 -l 1 Volume Chart Weight - Pounds / Kilos Linear - Feet & Inches / Metres Conversion Tables Easy Guide to Conversions Centigrade to Fahrenheit Microns to mil / thou 1 1.2 1 1 4 1 1.7 Weight of Steel Plates 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 BGRIS 2.0 DAILY INSPECTION REPORTS 3.0 BASIC CORROSION 3.1 Principles of Corrosion 3.2 The Corrosion Battery 3.3. The Strong Acid Corrosion Battery 3.4 Galvanic Corrosion 3.5 Galvanic Series 3.6 Crevice Corrosion 3.7 Pitting Corrosion 3.8 Corrosion under Millscale 3.9 Electrochemical Nature of Attack Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robineon Irvin Technical Suppor Ltd., Doo.No; TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 9 England 1904.5,7 Pago 1 of 45 @ elcometer SECTION 1.0 - FORMULA / CONVERSIONS / PAINT ARITHMETIC. 1.4 Basic Formula - Paint Coverage. To obtain: 1 Wet Film Thickness. x 100 = Wot Film Thickness Volume Solids eg. ‘50 Microns D.E.T. x 100 = 125 Microns W.F.T. 40 % WIS 2 Dry Film Thickness. Wet Film Thickness x Vol i = Dry Film Thickness 100 eg. 150 WET. x 37% V/S = 55.5 Dry Film Thickness 100 3 Volume Solids. Dry Film Thickness x 100 = Volume Solids Wet Film Thickness eg. 20 DET. x 100 = 40% Volume Solids 50 WET 1.2 Formula for Calculation of Surface Area. Pipes. The surface area of a pipe is calculated by mutiplying the diameter (D) by 3.142 and then multiplying the resultant sum by the overall pipe length. A=38.142xDxL Spheres. The surface area of a sphere is calculated by multiplying the square of the radius by 3.142 by 4. A= 4 x3142 x RP Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ©Robinson Invin Technical Suppor Ltd, Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Panto England 1904-5,7, Page 2 of 45 @ elcomeler Cylindrical Tank. The surface area consists of the oylintical shell (9.142 x D x H ) added to the two flat ends (3.142 R”) x2 No. A= 3.142xD XH + (3.142 x Rx 2) Domed end of Tank. Az2x8142xAXh R= radius H = height of segment Cube. ‘A.cube has six sides which are all identical squares. Total surface area is six multiplied by the square of the length (a) of one of the sides. ie. AXAX6 Triangle. The surlace area of a triangle is: Area = BxH 2 Cone. Area of the curved surface of a cone is: Area = 3.142xDxS 2 Ring. Area = 3.1a2R?-a.1ae Trapezium. Area = (A+B) 2 ( Ellipse. d= minor axis, D = major axis Area = 3.142xDxd 4 Beam. Area of beam: A+ (2B-C) x length x 2 Protective Goatings Inspection Manual Robinson inuin Technical Support Lid Doe.No: THA1AT Issue 02 Panto England 1994-5,7 Page 30145 @ elcometer PIPE Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Doc.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 9 Page 4 of 45 SPHERE He DOMED END OF TANK —B— TRIANGLE ©Robinson Irnin Technical Support Ltd. England 1994-5,7 @ elcomeler CONE fl H 4 3 B— TRAPEZIUM eg | ul —B BEAM Protective Coatings inspection Manual Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 9 Page 5 of 45 RING ELLIPSE €Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, England 1994-5,7 @ elcomeler 43 Paint Arithmetic, Wet Film Thickness. 1 litre = 1000 cubic centimetres Volume of paint a Area involved x wet film thickness = AxW AxW = a constant for 1 litre = 1000 (ccs) A (sq.cms) eg. What is the wet film thickness if one litre is agplied over 10 sq. metres (1 sq. m= 10,000 sq. cms.) w = 1000 = 10%c¢m (=0.01cm) 10,000 x 10 Since 1 micron = 10 cm ( 0.0001 om) Ww = 2 om 10% When dividing subtract indices therefore -2 minus -4 (minus quantities) become plus. 10(-244) = 10° = 400 microns Rule. 4 litre of paint ( or liquid ) applied at 1 micron thick would cover 1000 sq.m or at 400 microns thick would cover 10 sq.m. (pro-rata). Volume Solids & Weight Solids. Most paints comprise of solids and liquids, the solids being the vehicle (varnish or binder) plus pigment and filler, these are the non volatiles, the liquid or solvent part are those materials which evaporate when the paint has been applied. ie. The volume solids is that proportion of the paint that will be left on the ‘substrate after evaporation of the solvent has taken place, taking into account their volumes. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘GRobinsen ievin Technical Support Ltd, Doe.No: TMA-O147 Iseue 02 Pan England 1994-5,7 Page 6 of 45 @ elcometer The weight solids is the proportion left merely by the weight of solvent having evaporated. A typical alkyd paint has the following formutation:- % by weight Binder 55.0% Solids retained White Spirit 35.0% Solvents evaporate Xylene 10.0% 100.0 The weight solids is therefore 55% since white spirit (35%) and Xylene. (10%) are volatiles, however the volume solids will be different, it we determine the volume of Density %by Weight Density % by Volume (gms) Binder 55 gms 106 gmicc $1.9 ces White Spirit 35 gms O78 gm/cc 44.9 ces Xylene 10 gms 0.86 gm / ce 11.6 ce 100 gms --The volume of the solid partis 51.9 cc ~The volume of the solvents is 56.5 cc 108.4 ce We can calculate two properties a) the volume solids and b) the density of our paint, thus: a) Volume Solids S19 108.4 = 47.9% b) Density = Mass = 4100 Volume {08.4 = 0.92 gms/eo Knowing the volume solids tells us how much shrinkage will occur on drying, 47.9% will be retained, 52.1% be lost. If 100 microns is applied (i..) wet film thickness, 47.9% of 100 microns will be the dy film (D.F.T) thickness = 47,9 microns Protective Coatings Inspection Manval Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, DociNo: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 9 England 1904-5,7 Page 7 of 45, @ elcometer c) Calculation of Quantities of Paint required for a specified film thickness over a specified area, Wet area = ‘A sqm Total Required DFT = =X’ microns, Volume Solids of Paint = Vo % R = quantity in lites R = AxX litres 10V This formula can be interchanged to calculate the theoretical D.F.T or any other unknown. Suppose a Contractor says he has applied 500 litrs of Paint with volume solids 60% over 1000 sq. m. R = Axx (DFT) = 1ivxR 10V Theoretical D.F.T = 10 x 6¢ 5 = 300 microns 1000 ‘These figures are purely theoretical and are based on the following factors:- - The film thickness is uniform ~ The substrate is very smooth (like glass) and is completely non absorbent. ~ No paint is lost during application (i.e.) overspray etc. When we are comparing the relative costs per unit area there is no need to allow any compensation for toss, merely calculate the coverage per unit volume which will achieve the specified dry film thickness using the formula:- R = Axx 10V The total cost or cost per unit (say per sq. m) can be calculated. For Example: Compare costs using Paints A, B and CG to achieve 375 microns D.F-T over 15,000 sq. ms. Paint A Epoxy, volume solids 57%. Cost perlitre £1.35 Paint B Epoxy, volume solids 50%. Cost per litre £1.22 Paint C Epoxy, volume solids 59. Gost perlite £1.19 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Invin Technical Support Lid Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 9 England 1994. Page 8 of 45 @ elcomeler Calculations for Total Cost: Paint A: 15000 x 375, 10 x 57 98681 x = 1.35 £13,322, Paint B: 415000 x 375 10 x 50 1142501 x 1.22 £13,725 Paint C: 15000 x 375, 10 x 59 0 “95341 x 1.19 £11,345, By using Paint C, one would save approximately £2,000, unless other factors are considered important enough, Paint G is the obvious choice from pure initial cost. However a record of bad deliveries, inferior materials, poor quality control, poor after sales service etc. should also be considered if any of these factors exist. When the Estimator has decided, they must then make allowances for losses which increases his requirement of *9,534 litres according to the following factors: Depth of Profile. On blasted surfaces optimum amplitude 75 - 100 microns, however 150 - 200 microns would require more paint to fill the troughs and cover the peaks, since dry film thickness measurements are taken from the peaks. This would obviously cost more and has to be weighed against the possible increase in mechanical bond. In cases where the profile amplitude is less (e.g,) 20-30 microns even when the standard of blasting is high say Sa there is a danger that there will not be enough mechanical bond. Irregularity of Shape. Obviously with complicated shapes, it will be much more difficult to obtain uniform ns and prevent loss due to overspray. Where a minimum dry film thickness is specified one should aim at a slightly higher average to allow for variations in film build. Overspray. Even on relatively uncomplicated substrates can amount to 5% even wilh airless spraying. General Losses. Due to over running pot life, pilfering, spillage etc. Absorbent Surfaces. Cause penetration of the paint. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd. Dos No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 9 England 1994-5,7 Page 9 0 45, @ elcomeler Even with ‘on the job’ inspection, measurement of wet and dry film thicknesses and well trained operators one should add 25-33% to the theoretical quantity, when airless spray techniques are used. With roller and brush application there will be no losses with overspray or irregularity, however profile, localised over thickness and general losses still may account for 20-25%, When one compares solventless coatings with the normal or conventional solvent bound types, one will invariably find that the former is much more expensive than the latter, however one must consider for a given film thickness the coverage rate will be much higher with the solventless type. ie, Solventless pure epoxy (actually contains 2.5% solvent) VS = 97.5% @£4.50 per litre Conventional pure epoxy vs = 60% @£2.60 per litre Coverage per 250 microns dt 1) OR = Ax = Rilitre per sq. m (A=1) 10V 4 = squns.per litre R 4 = 10 = 3.9sq.mperiitre R Ax 2 4 = 10V = 2.0 sq. m per litre R AK Cost per sq. metre at 250 microns D.F.T. 1) Solventless £4.50 e115 3.9 2) Conventional £2.60 £1.90 2.0 In this hypothetical case the use of the soWentless material, although more expensive in cost per litre, actually works out cheaper. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issuo 02 Panto England 1994-5,7 Page 10 of 45 @ elcomeler Note. On specific gravity, density and weight per gallon - The above terms are sometimes confusing and although used regularly in place of each other there are strict differences. Density. The term is used to denote the weight per unit volume (i.e.) in gms per cc. Water has a maximum density of 1.000 gm / cc at 4°C. Above and below this temperature it becomes less. Specific Gravity. Mercury Metal has a density of 13.6 gm per ce is therefore 13.6 times as heavy as water which brings us to the specific gravity definition, which is really a ratio of the weight of any volume of material over an equal volume of water. eg. Wt of cc of Mercury is 13.6 gm wt of 1 oc of Water is 1.0 gm . Specific gravily of mercury is 13.6 (not 13.6gm/cc) Weight Per Gallon(W.P.G). Multiply the Density by 10, this gives the weight in Ibs, per gallon (e.g.) water, density, 1.0 gm /oc. WP.G = 1olbs Density x 1000 = 1000.gms/ 1000 ces (1000 ces = 1 litre) Since - (1 Kilo 1000 gms) 1.0 kilogram / litre (1 kilo 2.2 Ibs) 2.2 Ibs / litre (ile = 1.76 pints) = 2.2 Ib/ 1.76 pints ({ gallon = 8 pints) 2.2 x Blbs/galion = 101bs 1.76 It is indeed fortunate that a nice round figure like “10° is produced, otherwise calculations would be much more difficult, imagine water having a density of say 1.14 gm / cc or 11.4 Ibs / gallon. Itis hoped that the above notes explain some of the terms and calculations used in application of surface coatings. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual @Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Paro England 1994-5,7, Page 11 of 45, @ elcomeler Q.1 Ifa paint was applied with W.F.T. of 100m and a D.F.T. of 501m was obtained what is the volume solid %? VS% = DEL, x 100 = 680x100 = 50% WRT, 1 100 Q.2 — Whatis the V.S% if a paint with a D.F.T. of 43m was originally applied with a 72m WF VS% = DET. x 100 = 438x100 = 59.7% WET. 1 2 3° What W-F.T. would be applied to leave a D.F.T. of 150 using a paint with 65% volume solids.? W..T. = 400 x DET = 100x150 = — 230um VS% 1 65 Q4 What area would 15 litres of paint cover leaving a D.F.T. of 45um if the volume solids amounted to 62%? Area = Volume = 45,000 = 205.4 m® WT 73 WF 00 x DET. = 100x45 = 73ym vs% 1 62 Q.5 What volume of paint would be required to cover 29 m? if the VS was 73% and a D.F.T. of 114m was obtained? Volume = W.F.T. x Area =? x29 (WLF.T. not given, obtain using alternative formula). WAT. = 100 x DEI = 100x114 = 156m vs 1 73 «Volume = 156 x 29 = 4524 cm? (Divide cm? by 1000 4524 = 45 litres to obtain litres) 1000 Note. It may be that the information provided will be in the imperial quantities, it will be necessary 10 convert it to metric equivalents before progressing further. Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Robinson Irwin Technical Support Ltd, Dos.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part 9 England 1904:5,7 Pago 12 of 45 @ elcomeler The following conversions apply:- Multiply thous vy Divide um by Multiply inches by Divide mm by Multiply m by Divide yd by Muttiply gallons by Divide litres by Q.6 What is the D.F.T. using 3.4 gallons of paint to cover answer in wm? 3.4 galls x 45 = 15.3 Litres, Ba yd? + 1.2 = 28.3m* WRT. = Mol = 153x100 Area 28.3 DRT. - YS% x WET, 100 1 Protective Coatings Inspection Manual Doo.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Part9 Page 13 of 45 25.4 25.4 25.4 254 1.2 1.2 45 45 to obtain um (microns) to oblain thous (0.001") to obtain mm (millimetres) to obtain inches to oblain yd> (square yards) to oblain m? (square metres) to obtain litres to oblain gallons B4yd? if the V.S% is 46. 45300 = 541 ym 28.3 4G x541 = 249um 400 @Robineon Irvin Technical Support Ld. England 1994-5,7 @ elcomeler 1.4 Conversion Charts. Conversion Chart Inches x 254 = Millimetres Millimetres x 0.0304 = Inches Feet x 03048 = Metres Metres x 32808 = Feet Square Inches x 645.16 = Square millimetres ‘Square Feet x 0.0929 = Square metres Square Metres x 10.7639 = Square feet Cubic Feet x 28.3168 = Lites Litres x 0.0353 = Cubic feet Gallons x 45460 = Lites Litres x 0.2200 - Gallons Ounces x 28.3495 = Grams Grams x 0.0353 = Ounces Pounds x 0.45359 = Kilograms Kilograms x 22046 = Pounds Pounds per sq, ft x 4.8824 = Kilos persq. metre Kilos per sq. meter x 02048 = Pounds per sq. feet Pounds per cu. feet x 16.0185 = Kilos per cu. metre Kilos per cu. metre x 0.0624 = Pounds per cu. feet Fahrenheit to Celsius (°F - 82) x 0.55) Celsius to Fahrenheit (°C x 1.8 + 32) Btu per hour x 0,293 Watts Walls x 0.8598 Kilocalories per hour Kilocalories per hour x 1.1630 Watts Kilocalories per hour x 3.9680 Btu per hour Kilocalories /hour /°C x 2.2044 Btu/hi?F Btu per hour x 0.2520 Kilocalories per hour Blu per hour per °F x 0.4536 Kilocalories per hour per °C Watts x 34121 Blu per hour Btu/Sq. ft. / he x 3.155 Watts per sq.metre Watts / sq. metre x 0.3170 Blu/sq. fV hr Blu/ineh/sq. {t/hu/°F x 0.1442 Waltsimeter?C Btu/inchi/sq.ft/hi/?F x 0.1240 Kilocalories/metre/vC Kilocatories/sq.metreyhi/?F x 8.0636 Blufinchisq.fviuisF Blu/sq.fUhd°F x 4.8824 Kilocalories/sq.metre/hr/ °C Kilocalories/sq.m/he/?C x 0.2048 Btu/sqattn?F Blu/sq.itu/?F x 5.678 Walts/sq.metre/°C Walts/sq.metre/°C x 0.1761 Btu/sqtvnE Tons refrigeration x 9516.85 = Walls Sq.lthr. °F/BtU in x 6.9335 Squm.h/°Ciwatts Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Teshnical Suppor Lid, Doe.No: TMA-0147 Issue 02 Pano England 1994-5,7 Page 14 of 45 @ elcometler 4.5 SI Conversion Factors. - - QUALITY | UNIT ] CONVERSION FACTOR | Lenatn | in 25.4 mm | i 0:3048.m |iya oardé im | fathom 1.8288m tenain 20.1168 m | 1 mile 1.609 34 km | 1 international nautical mile 1.852 km | 1 Uk nautica ne 1859 18 ke | Area tin’ Saste-ome | +t? 0.092 903 m? | yd? 0.836 127 m* Vacre 1046.86m = 0.404 G86 ha (hectare) 1 54. milo 2.580 99 kan?» 258.999 ha Volume TUK mini 0.0591298 en | 1 UK fluid drachm 3.55163 cm? 1 UK fluid ounce 28.4131 cm? | US ti eunce Bares ont | | 1s qu pin 4373.76 cm = 0.4732 dn (= te) | 4 US ay pint 580.610 em = 0.5508 dn? 1 Imperial pint 568.261 cm? = 0.5682 dm? | + UR gaton 1201 US gation | . 4.54609 dm? | 1s gation 0.898 UK galon | 3.785 41 dm? | 1 UK bu (bushel) 0.036 3687 m® = 96.3687 dm? 1 US bushel 0.035239 1 m? = 35.2891 dm? tin? 16.3871 cm? | te 0.0283168 8 ty? 0.764855 m° | 1 board foot (timber) 0,00235974m® = 2.35974 dm? 1 cord (timber) 3.62456 m* 2nd. moment of 1 in’ 41.6231 cmt | sroa ue 10,00863097 m= 86.9007 dnt Moment of 1 Ib ft? 0.0421401 kg m? inertia 4 shag #2 425582 ko me + gran 0108479009 = 64.7909 mg Mass 4 seam (voi) 1I7105 9 = 0.00477185 kg | Grech (apathy 3.87839 = 0.003 887 £9 Ko 4 ounce (toy oF apeth) 31.1025 9 = 0.031 1095 kg 14 0z (avoir) 28.9495 kg \ip 0.483 592 S7kg {sug 145909 ka 1 shea (US huncrod weight) 25.3502 ko | {ev (UK hundred weight 50.8023 49 | 4 UK ton 4016.05 ko | 1.016 05 tonne \ 4 short ton 2000 > 807.185 ko 0.907 tonne | (Exact values are printed with an asterix) Protective Coatings Inspection Manual {Robinson Invn Technica Suppor Lis, Doc No: TMA 0447 tate 02 Pat 9 England 1806-57 Page 15 of 45 @ elcometer 4.6 Non SI Units and Quantities / Some Common SI Units. | Following is a selection of units which are not coherent with Si, but which are | defined in terms of SI. aay | ae | Quantity | Name of Unit | symbot Definition | Length angstrom A 10} am Length micron i 108 m=tm Volume | litre I 109 m= dm? Energy erg e 1075 Energy kilo watt hour KWh | 1 kWh=3.6 MJ Pressure bar bar 10 Pa Pressure torr 1.01325 x 10° Pa =193.32237 Pa M 760 | Concentration | molar Mx mol dav Magnetic Flux | maxwell | 10 Wb Some Common SI U QUANTITY | er DEFINITION | Area ‘square met mm | hs mo is Density, mass kilogram per cubis metre | ‘aim | Curent density ampere per square metre | | xchange currant dansity ampero par square meira ren | | Electiic charge density coulomb per cubic metre Ci’ | | Electric flux dansity coulomb per square metre Clim? | | Power densiy walt per square metre |Win | Permitivity farad per metre Fim | | Thermal conductivity | walt per metre kehin wink) | | Faraday constant | coulomb per mol Cimot | Protective Coatings Inspection Manual ‘Robinson Irvin Technical Support Lt. Doe.No: TMA-O147 Issue 02 Panto England 1994: Page 16 of 45

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