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Entrepreneurship Development or growth refers to the process of

enhancing entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through structured
training and institution-building programmes.

Agencies:DIC (District Industries Centres )

SISI (Small Industries Service Institute)
EDII (Entrepreneurial Development Institutes of India)
NIESBUD ( National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small
Business Development)

District Industries Centres

Role of DIC in developing Entrepreneurship
Identification of Entrepreneurship
Selection of Projects
Assistance to Raw Material Supplies
Assistance to Village Artisans and Handicrafts

Small Industries Service Institute

Role of SISI in developing Entrepreneurship
Technical Information
Technical Training

Entrepreneurial Development Institutes of

Role of EDII in developing Entrepreneurship
Develops programmes for entrepreneurial training and development
Develops innovative training techniques for trainers

National Institute for Entrepreneurship and

Small Business Development
Role of NIESBUD in developing Entrepreneurship
National/International Forum for Exchange of Ideas and Experiences
Developing Entrepreneurial Culture

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