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Diversity throughout Education

According to Merriam-Webster, diversity is the state of having people
who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or
organization(Diversity). This meaning of diversity was found in numerous
activities and presentations across campus. The Zuzu acrobats showed their
cultural diversity with their love of music, style of dancing, and different
language. They even taught the attendees a phrase of Swahili: Jambo rafiki.
Hakuna matata. There may not have been any language taught in the
presentation on Bolivia, but there was discussion on the diversity with
clothing. From clothing alone, a womans marital status and area of living
can be identified. The speaker also told us about the recycling of US clothing
to this area and the regions sole ability to produce quinoa. Though these
presentations were quite entertaining and informative, the more impactful
covered a serious topic.
The presentation with by far the largest impact was the speaker on
FASD, or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Many thoughts about these children
had been about their varying facial features, slower comprehension, and
shorter appearance. Never had thoughts gone to these childrens
comprehension being equal to ours, just focused strongly on concrete
details. The speaker spoke of her son having difficulty with a seemingly
simple task: get a round paper plate. He brought back a paper bowl and was
understandably confused when told to try again. Confused and frustrated, he
brought back a red square plate and was told to come back with a white,


round plate. When he did procure the plate he simply stated that the plate
was a circle, not round. In his mind a bowl, like a ball, is round whereas the
flat plate was a circle. This boy didnt have any less intelligence. He only
thought in a more concrete way than most people, recognizing a 3D
structure associated with round and a more 2D structure associated with
The most prominent takeaway is that patience is an underrated virtue.
These higher need children, while remaining the jewel of families, take a
specific mindset to understand and patience to aid them. Also, these
childrens thoughts are not lesser, only different than what one might think.
Some of those youths describe their minds as having walls blocking
information or being like a scratched disk. They know they have the
comprehension, but it might be evading them or is locked away behind those
walls. Teachers have to take all this into account when helping a higher need
child flourish in the classroom.
As a teacher, planning lessons needs to include all the various types of
children in your classroom. Teachers must make examples relevant to the
knowledge of the children, such as excluding farm lingo when teaching within
a city district. The lessons have to include a mixture of concrete thinking to
solidify the concepts within abstract learning. Mostly, however, a teacher
needs to think ahead of the diversity present and find a way to
accommodate every student.


Overall, to help support a diverse classroom, just smile and try. Trying
is where everyone starts and where everyone ends up when something fails.
Having a good attitude will make it easier and put the children at ease. They
dont need perfection, just someone to support them through their


Diversity within the classroom is a larger challenge when you have
higher need children involved. It doesnt mean, however, that a teacher
cannot overcome this hurdle and help these students flourish alongside
others. Teaching for the support and encouragement of all students will help
diversity become a blessing. Lessons are made to support all students in
hopes of including every child. Diversity reminds teachers that differences
are everywhere and need to be acknowledged in a safe setting. Within a
classroom, a teacher can assure every child a fair shot at learning to their


Diversity. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster online. Retrieved from

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