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Intro to Computers Syllabus

Ms. Mallory

Introduction to Computers
Instructor Contact Information
Name: Ms. Mallory
Room #: 16
Email Address:
Course Description
In this course we will cover a wide range of topics, including Internet safety, privacy and
security, relationships and communication, cyberbullying, self-image and identity,
information literacy, and creative credit and copyright. We will also learn about the parts
of computers and talk about computer science and engineering. Practical skills will
include digital photography (using Canon EOS Rebels T3i), filmmaking using a variety
of software (Keynote, Final Cut Pro X, iMovie), the Google Apps suite (Mail,
Documents, Forms, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Drawing), and typing. You will be
challenged to practice skills required of 21st century learners, as well as think about
different technologies as a tools that can help you learn, think and grow throughout your
life. Twice a week we will be using reading software in class (Empower 3000, Rosetta
Stone or Lexia) to support our 11th grade reading goals in order to raise your lexile by
200 points over the year and help you pass your English CAHSEE.
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following:
Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative
products and processes using technology;
Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes;
Identify trends and forecast possibilities;
Use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the
learning of others;
Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a
variety of digital environments and media;
Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems;
Apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information;
Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information
from a variety of sources and media;
Understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice
legal and ethical behavior;
Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and
Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity;
Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats,
including visually, quantitatively, and orally.

Intro to Computers Syllabus

Ms. Mallory

Required Texts and Supplies

You will not be required to purchase any texts or supplies for this class. We will use very
expensive equipment, including computers, DSLR cameras, professional ENG video
cameras, microphones and sound equipment. I expect all students to treat this equipment
with respect, and you may be asked to replace any equipment you break. You are
expected to come prepared each day with a binder, a pencil, and positive attitude.
Major Assessments:
o Letter About Myself 2.0 You will write a four (4) paragraph letter to
your teacher, and revise several drafts during the first week of school. You
will take an online test to determine what type of learner you are, and
describe your previous experience, interests and needs as a learner in
computer class. (25 Mastery points, 25 Growth in English points)
o Design a Survey You will be asked to brainstorm topics for a survey that
you will develop and then administer to your classmates. You will write
ten (10) questions, using three (3) different question types, get at least ten
(10) people to take your survey, and then graph and analyze the data to
present in an infographic. (25 Mastery points)
o Digital Citizenship Presentations 1 & 2 You will work in groups of 4-5
to create two (2) digital presentations about the different aspects of being
digital citizens in the 21st century. You will then present your topic to the
class. (25 Mastery points)
o Love Letter to a Place You will identify 5 elements of culture, and write
a paragraph about these elements for your home city, state or country. You
will then find still images of your place and create a video with your voice
narration and music. (25 Mastery points, 25 Growth in English points)
o Book Trailer You will work in groups of 5 to develop storyboards, write
a 2-minute narration (summary) of a book from English class, and film a
persuasive trailer. You will choose a director, video person, actors, and
editors to make a complete video trailer for the book. (25 Mastery points)
o Computer Take-Apart Presentations We will use tools to open working
computers and remove the Sound Cards and Ethernet Cards, and see
where the Motherboards, CPUs and Hard Drives are located. Then we will
put them back together and make sure they work! You will then present
posters in groups about the parts of the computer. (10 Mastery points)
o Hour of Code - You will complete an Hour of Code to learn the basic
skills of computer programming. You then have the option to do the 10
hour class online for 10 extra credit Mastery points. (25 Mastery points)
o Immigration Nation Essay & Video For your Portfolio Project you will
write a five (5) paragraph essay about your immigration experience. You
will then choose one topic from your essay to make a 2-minute video
about your story through a professional interview using professional
cameras and equipment. (25 Mastery points, 25 Growth in English points)
o Digital Portfolio Website You will upload all of your projects to show
your work for the year! (50 Mastery points)

Intro to Computers Syllabus

Ms. Mallory

Daily Assignments:
o You will write your Do Now at beginning of class, and we will have
various quizzes, worksheets and activities throughout the year that I will
usually tell you about ahead of time. We will also keep journals, and you
can use the art center in the class to draw, write or collage in your journal.
o All daily assignments help prepare you for larger Mastery assignments and
tests. If you miss a day of school, I have a binder with the daily
assignments and it is your responsibility to come and get any missing
assignments from me and complete them outside of this class.
o We do not have homework in this class, but I expect you to be on task
during the entire period. You will be asked to compete any unfinished
classwork outside of class.
o If you are missing work, please come talk to me so that you can make it up
for either partial or total credit.

Grading Policies
Grading Criteria: You will be graded on both daily participation and classwork, as
well as on major assignments, quizzes and tests throughout the semester. You will
receive progress reports every two (2) weeks that must be signed by your parents
or caretaker and returned to your advisor for a grade. You will receive quarterly
and semester grades in all of your classes.
Grading Scale: All assignments will be graded with points and weighted based on
their category (Mastery, Growth in English, or Homework/Classwork). Mastery
accounts for 50% of each students grade and applies to all assignments in which
you are able to demonstrate your knowledge through either a project or
assessment. Growth in English accounts for 30% of the grade and will be
measured through essays, writing assignments, and completion of your reading
software goals. Homework/Classwork accounts for 20% of each students grade,
and will include attendance, work completed in class, participation and behavior.
Class Participation: You will receive 5 points each day in class for your
participation. Each time you are verbally reminded to meet expectations and/or do
your work will result in a loss of one point for that daily grade. You can get 25
points participation points each week as part of your homework/classwork grade.
Extra Credit: There will not be any formal extra credit assignments. However, if
you are unhappy with your grade on an assignment, you can talk to me to redo the
work or make up missing assignments. You should have a valid excuse for
missing the original assignment before you come and talk to me.
Class Policies
The following are my expectations, responsibilities and routines for the class:
Attendance: You are expected to attend class every day. You will receive 5 points
each day for arriving on time, 3 points for being late, and 0 points if you have an
unexcused absence.

Intro to Computers Syllabus

Ms. Mallory

Tardy: You are expected to be seated and writing your Do Now by the time the
second bell rings. If you are not in your seats and working, you will be considered
tardy for that period.
Bathroom Pass: You must raise your hand and request the pass to go to the
bathroom or office. Only one student may be out of the room at a time.
Food and Drinks: There is no food or drinks allowed in the computer lab for any
reason. This includes water. Any student eating during class or found with open
liquid containers will have to stay during lunch or after school for detention. This
will also result in a loss of behavior points for the day.
Beginning of Class: You are expected to come into class, sit in your assigned
seats, turn on your computers, and open your OUSD Gmail accounts to complete
your Do Now in the first 5 minutes of class.
Homework: We do not have homework in this class, however, everyone is
expected to be working during the full period. If you do not complete your work
during class time, you will be asked to complete the assignment as homework.
Group work: We will collaborate in groups for several major projects throughout
the year. You will be graded on your participation in the group work, as well as
your ability to communicate and work well with others. Because many of our
major assignments are completed in peer groups, working together with others is
a large part of each students grade in this class.
Cell phones: You are allowed to use your cell phones for translation only, and
must have your phones lying flat on the desk at all times. If you are using your
cell phone for anything other than translation, I will keep it for the rest of the
period. For a second violation I will keep your phone all day.

Academic Support
I am available to talk during lunch or my prep period, so please come ask me questions!
You may email me with any questions you have throughout the year

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