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Auster folk

Humanoid, giant
Size: large (+2 str, -2 dex, -1 to ac & att rolls, -4 to stealth checks, +1 to CMD & CM,
space 10 by 10 ft, reach 5 ft) (7 rp)
Speed: Normal (30 ft)
Ability scores: greater paragon ( +4 str, -2 dex, -2 wis) (2 rp)
Auster folk are intelligent and very strong, but tend to be stubborn and brazen when
they have made up their minds
Automatic languages: Austerian
Bonus languages: common, draconic, Giant, Sylvan
Racial traits:
Advanced dex (4 rp)
Advanced con (4 rp)
Stubborn (+2 on will saves vs. mind effects) (2 rp)
Static bonus feat (power attack) (2 rp)
Natural attack (gore, 1d8) (1 rp)
Powerful charge: when charging, natural attacks deal double the normal damage dice,
and you add 1 times strength to the damage. (2 rp)
Total: 24 rp (Racial points)
ECL: 2

The Auster folk is the first, and only, race that the dragon god Colrath ever created.
He created them to be mighty warriors and proud artisans, to revel in the arts of the
world, but the art of war most of all. They are not gods, nor immortal, but since they
were created not by a god, but by one of the celestial dragons, they are not quite
mortal either. Long-lived and hardy, they were to be the dominant species of the
mortal plane, but Colrath soon saw that they could not keep up with the progress of
the dwarves, nor the elves, and least of all the young human race. They were simply
to rooted in their traditions, and although they reveled in combat and feats of
strength, they had no desire for conquest or the bickering of the other races. So, upon
hearing their pleas, Colrath took then to a secluded island, where they could live in
peace, and form their society as they wanted.

To the Auster folk, Colraths existence is common knowledge, after all he created them.
For millennia they have kept their peace and their secret, and whenever some unwary
seafarers have come upon their island home, they have helped them from the
shadows, to get them away quickly and without revealing themselves.

Auster folk are very open when it comes to choosing classes.

Their strong physiques make them ideal warriors, but just as many become rangers
and monks.
There are not many spellcasters among the Auster, not due to prejudice, but simply
because the talent is fairly uncommon amongst them. About 8% of the Auster show
magical talent.
Rogues are also fairly uncommon, as the Auster folks lack dexterous grace.
All classes and occupations are welcome amongst the Auster folk, however.
A common Auster folk proverb says Be what you want, be yourself, and be the best
you can be

Auster folk are tall, statuesque individuals, built like humans, just larger.
They are darkskinned, with hair color ranging from white to ash-blonde, and their eyes
are commonly purple or red.
They are almost all very wellbuilt, some of it natural, but mostly due to hard labor and
physical training from a young age.
they could go for being human/giant halfbreeds, if not for the large horn in the middle
of their forehead. These horn are commonly 20-30 cms long, and are extremely hard,
even harder than the Auster folks bones. They can therefore be used as weapons in
combat which the Auster folk do with deadly effect.
The average Auster folk male is between 2,8 and 3 meters tall and weigh about 180
kg, while the women are about 2,5 and weigh about 150 kg.

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