Persuasive Essay

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AlexaRae Strong

William Greer
Persuasive Essay (Same Sex Marriage)

Legalizing same sex marriage has been a hot topic these past few years. Although it isnt
a new topic, it has made its way out of the shadows. More people are taking a stand today than
ever before. It has become more common to discuss in conversations and to see on the average
day. LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) communities have made themselves more
known and there are centers all over the United States with California having the largest location.
It is a place of support and acceptance for these individuals. Same sex marriage should be
legalized nationwide and be considered a civil right. Marriage is an important part of this life,
and who better to share it with then somebody you love? Along with this, there are many
personal and societal benefits of marriage.
This world is constantly changing and we make new discoveries every day. Same Sex
marriage is becoming widely accepted, and this is a step forward in the right direction. Eighteen
countries have approved the freedom to marry for same-sex couples nationwide (Netherlands,
Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark,
France, Brazil, Uruguay, New Zealand, Britain, Luxembourg and Finland), while two others
have regional or court-directed provisions enabling same-sex couples to share in the freedom to
marry (Mexico and the United States). (, 2015). In the United States, there
are 37 states that recognize same sex marriage (Refer to the pie chart on the right), and 13 states

that do not recognize same sex marriage (12 by constitutional amendment and state law, and 1 by
constitutional amendment only) as of March 2015. (, 2015). The fact that more than
half of the United

States is open to same sex marriage should be an eye opener. We are living in a time of positive


With any social justice issue there are going to be different sides, and a common solution
is agreeing to disagree. Respecting the opinions of others and educating yourself on issues that
are important to you can better help you understand your own opinions. Stepping outside and
looking in can really give you a different prospective. Consider this example; Say you are against
same sex marriage, and you find out a close friend or family member is a homosexual, also, they
have a partner and are wanting to get married. Would your thoughts change since you know this

person and see how important it is to them? You might be a little more open about gay rights and
same sex marriage. Could you truly know unless you were in this type of situation though?
A major issue is the argument of if same sex marriage should be considered a civil right
or not. It is an issue because as a citizen, you have right to do what you want, when you want to
do it as long as it is not affecting anyone else negatively or against their will. We are self-made in
this country and freedom is what we are known for. Not being able to marry someone of the
same sex goes against your civil rights because you are being told you cant do something (*if
there is no law against it). According to the individual state law, same-sex marriage is completely
legal or it isnt. Within that law, the real concerns stem from people and their personal belief
systems. Same sex marriage should be considered a civil right, in writing.
The most controversial issue is from a religious standpoint. There are religions against
same sex marriage, and religions that are for same sex marriage. I consider this to be the
argument of same sex marriage and freedom of religion. The 1st Amendment says that laws wont
be made based on what the bible says, and in the same breath churches do not have to abide by
and accept things based on laws (*within valid reason). Church is separate from state. The state
cant ask the church to change, and civil rights dont apply within the church. Religion is meant
to bring people together, not separate them. To help accompany the law, a person can at the least,
respect the rights of others, even if they conflict with their personal viewpoints. There are plenty
other laws/rules that arent consistently followed today along with exceptions being made, so
why be selective? Should a person change their belief system if same sex marriage isnt
The third major issue is violation of natural law. This deals with the people living by
traditional societal beliefs, and following gender and marriage stereotypes/traditions. For

example, that procreation is between a man and a woman. This is the ideal outlook. If that is so,
why can infertile couples still marry? Just like single mothers and fathers can raise children,
same sex couples should be able to do the same. Same sex marriages can allow the opportunity
to adopt and raise children to form more families. The popular TV show, Modern Family
portrays this image very well. A concern is that children being raised by same sex parents
provides an unhealthy environment. Not all heterosexual marriages are perfect. There are many
concerns with any marriage such as high divorce rates, many marriages in ones life, short
marriages, and/or bad marriages, and these should not be overlooked. A healthy/loving family
is a happy family. Another important aspect of marriage is the benefits. If married under the law,
these benefits are available to homosexual married couples. All marriage perks and exceptions


The 14th Amendment of the United States constitution is at large focus for this issue. The
14th Amendment says: No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges
or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws. (Cornell, 2015). Specifically in this Amendment is the Equal
Protection Clause. This clause prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction
the equal protection of the laws. (Cornell, 1992). In other words, there cannot be state laws
specific to certain groups or types of people. An example would be, you cannot have a set of
laws for the rich, and another set for the poor, (blacks/whites, marriage licenses for opposite-sex
couples/same-sex couples etc.). Something to consider, should we categorize every different type

of marriage, for reasons other than love? A look back in history, marriage was used to create
alliances between countries and elites, to connect power families/relationships, and not
necessarily for the reason of love. Also,
arranged marriages were quite common, and
are still around today in some places. Is this
what marriage is about? Why have it be


There would not be anything to change in the constitution. What is needed is detail so
that it can be understood and clear instead of being a controversy. In the end I believe it would be
strong. Discrimination is a problem today in regards to this issue. It is violating homosexuals and
their rights as a human being. Any form of discrimination is wrong, and this happens in the
workplace, health centers, and in a persons personal life. With the legalization of same sex
marriage nationwide, there would then be less discrimination, and homosexuals would not look
at themselves as second class citizens. If different religions can coexist and surround each other,
why cant different marriages? All so similar, but looked at so differently. Marriage is about love.
You dont have to agree with it, but you should respect it because times are changing and its
legal in what seems like most places now. We were all made so differently, and the differences
are what makes this life so successful. The different mindsets, and ways of living should all be

appreciated. If it isnt harming you and does not affect you, why should you care? Be who you
want to be, marry who you want to marry.

Cornell University Law School. "Equal Protection." Legal Information Institute. N.p.,
1992. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. "The Freedom to Marry Internationally." Freedom to Marry. N.p.,
Mar. 2015. Web. 13 Apr. 2015. "37 States with Legal Gay Marriage and 13 States with Same-Sex Marriage
Bans - Gay Marriage -" Pros & Cons of Controversial Issues. N.p., 04 Mar. 2015.
Web. 15 Apr. 2015.

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