Lesson Plan - Inro

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Subject: Language Arts

Date: March 16, 2015
Critical Inquiry Question:
Time: 55 min
SLOs: From the Program of Studies

Instructional Objectives: (Not outcomes, but lesson objectives. Not a description of

lesson procedure, but an indication of what students will know or be able to do by the
end of the lesson).
Students will be able to identify what digital citizenship is and what they will be learning
about over the course
Students will be able to establish an understanding about where their knowledge is about
digital citizenship
Identify what they know about digital citizenship verbally and written
Key Questions:
What is the focus question for this lesson? What are some related questions?
What is digital citizenship?
Mystery box: packet of seeds, plug in (extension cord), mirror, sheet of paper, magnifying
glass, strainer, tattoos, notebook, soap, band aids, dog leash, padlock, toothbrush (or
Kleenex), permanent marker, toothpaste.
30- booklets
Smart board
Prepare mystery box
Pull up woordle on a tab
Print off 32 digital citizenship booklets

Lesson Procedure:
(Use numbered or bulleted steps. Indicate lesson introduction, development and
conclusion if that helps clarify the flow of the lesson. Write it with enough detail that a
substitute teacher could teach the lesson.)

1. Inform students that starting Wednesdays class, they will be doing daily 5 every
morning. They can look through the books provided or they can bring their own
book in.
2. Woordle- Go around the class and everyone will say a word that they associate
with digital citizenship. A student will volunteer to type it into woordle. Save this
and print it.
3. Ask two students to pass out digital citizenship booklets
4. Define Digital Citizenship and have students record it on their work booklets.
a. The norms of appropriate, responsible technology use.
5. Complete mystery box activity. On the back page of their work booklets, they will
record objects from the mystery box and their meaning
6. Students must fill in the chart in their work booklet as objects are presented
7. Students will then write a simile My media life is like a . . . and draw a picture
to go along with it on the blank page in their workbook. If they finish early, they
can read.
8. Closure: Write a question you have or something you would like to learn about
regarding digital citizenship in your work booklets

How will you know if students met your lesson objectives? What are you looking for in
this formative assessment?
Pre-assessment- simile and woordle (identify what students know and where their
interests are in this topic)
Lesson Reflection:
This is a space for notes after youve taught the lesson.

Permanent Marker
Everything that you put online is permanent....even if you hit the delete button
after posting. Odds are someone has retweeted, favorited,or taken a screenshot
of the material if it was questionable.
Imagine the information that you are putting online is like the toothpaste coming
out of the tube. Once it is out, it is almost impossible to get it all back in the tube!
The padlock is to remind students to set strong passwords and to set up
passcode locks on all of their digital devices. "Lock 'em down" as we like to say
in our Digital Citizenship lessons.
I tell students to think that passwords and kleenex are very similar in the fact that
you NEVER want to share passwords.
Packet of Seeds
That what they are doing now could have an impact on them in the future. I want
our students to think about the "seeds" that they are sowing as they traverse the
world wide web. Could it grow into a bigger problem? Or is their plant going to
be a strong, positive representation of who they are?
Plug In
I used a six foot extension cord and cut it so that I have the male and female end
together. I stress to students that it is okay to "unplug" (unplug as you are
discussing). We don't have to be connected all the time! Get outside and be a
Imagine having the mirror attached to your computer/device. If you looked in it
and saw someone in the reflection, would they approve of what you are doing or
saying online?
Sheet of Paper
One of the most powerful items in the kit. I had read about this idea in a blog,
and I enjoy using this with students. I take a new sheet of paper and hand it to a
student instructing them to wad it up into a ball. I then tell them to throw it on the
ground....stomp on it. I then have them pick up the piece of paper and I unravel it
in front of the class. I tell the student that ruined the piece of paper to apologize
to the piece of paper for destroying it. I get some weird looks and giggles, but
after the student apologizes to the piece of paper I tell the students that the piece
of paper represents someones heart that has been cyberbullied. We can

apologize all we want, but the emotional scars that remain inside DON'T go
Magnifying Glass
Remember when first impressions started with a handshake? Now they start with
Google. People are using Google to find out information about us. What will
show up when someone searches you on Google?
The amount of information on the internet is amazing! As digital citizens, your
students have to be good at "straining" out the bad stuff, what is real, what's not
and finding material that is applicable to their search/use of the internet.
I am planning on using the term "Digital Tattoo" this year instead of "Digital
Footprint." I have always displayed an image of a footprint in the sand when
discussing this issue, but footprints in the sand can be washed away. Tattoos are
a lot harder to get rid of.
I simply tell students to imagine all of the things they do while online. Now
imagine if it were kept in a journal. Would they be comfortable if anyone could
read that journal?
Too many times I see students that are posting, tweeting, retweeting information
that is NOT appropriate. Remind them to keep it clean!
Band Aids
The mistakes kids make today will be Googleable. Hopefully our mistakes won't
be too big. If a Band Aid won't help, then we have a problem!

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