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This process recording assignment fits competency 2.1.1. Competency 2.1.1 is to

identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself according. This process
recording is the sole document of a role play in class. I was able to conduct myself
as a professional social worker providing counseling to a 27 year old female going
through a divorce. I was able to enact the first interview with the client and I
succeeded in fulfilling different aspects of the social work values. Values such as
empowerment, establishing trust and providing resources to the client were fulfilled
in this initial interview with the client. The actual enactment of being a social
worker helped me understand what my future career is going to like and what to
expect in different situations. I learned to always be prepared when interviewing a
client because they are likely to have many questions that they need answered. I
also learned to always expect the unexpected. Every individual is different. The
situation might be the same but they way they perceive different aspects of the
situation can vary. I was pleased to hear the feed back from the professor and
classmates. To my surprise my nonverbal communication was excellent. My body
language showed interest and total focus on the client. Also, my smile made it
easier for the client to feel comfortable and welcomed. I learned that it is
acceptable to be nervous during the first interview but that it is important to be
competent and confident in your practice as a social worker. It is crucial to stay
calm and to be an active listener in order to be better able to help the client. It was
a great learning experience for me. Goals for future development include
controlling my reactions to the clients story and to use paraphrasing more in order
to ensure understanding between the client and myself. After practicing this role
play I feel confident in my readiness for professional social work practice. As a
student I felt a sense of achievement after completing this assignment. I learned a
great deal of information about social work interviewing skills and social work
practice. The practice behaviors achieved were to advocate for the client access to
the services of social work by proving the initial interview. The practice of personal
reflection and self-correction to assure continual professional development was
addressed in the process recording assignment. Attending to professional roles and
boundaries was achieved by the enactment of the social worker role, as well as
demonstrating social work demeanor and behavior, appearance and
communication. Engaging in career long learning was achieved by the experience
of the role play and understanding that every individual is different. The use of
supervision and consultation was achieved by receiving critiques from the professor
and other social work classmates. Overall this process recording fulfills competency
2.1.1 because the enactment of the social worker role served me as preparation for
my future career as a social worker. The practice behaviors that I must assume
were practiced and critique in order to grow and improve as a professional social
worker in the future.

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