Home Letter Assessmenscience T

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Dear Parents,
We have just completed our Science Unit on Forces and Movement. The following chart gives an overview of your childs
achievement on various learning activities completed during class. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs. Hrycenko

Success Criteria:
I can

Demonstrates and
applies knowledge and
skills with limited

Demonstrates and
applies knowledge and
skills with some

Demonstrates and
applies knowledge and
skills with considerable

Demonstrates and
applies knowledge and
skills with thorough

assess the impact of safety devices

that minimize the effects of forces
conduct investigations into forces
that cause an object to start moving,
stop moving and determine the
effects of increasing or decreasing
the amount of force
identify a force as a push or a pull
that causes an object to move
identify how different kinds of
forces (e.g., magnetism,
gravitational force, friction) can
move, slow or stop an object
identify ways in which forces are
used in their daily lives



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