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ECE 418/518, Spring 2015

Homework Set #2
Due Monday, April 20

Textbook problems from Jaeger, 2



3.15 diffusion barrier

4.1 diffusion of phosphorus
4.3 Boron diffusion and sheet resistance
4.10 - on-chip resistor
5.1 Boron implant

In the lab, we will be using a spin-on diffusion source. Basically, we spin on a liquid,
which, after baking is best described as a 450 nm thick layer of SiO2 containing about 7%
phosphorous. The wafer is then heated to 1100 C for 30 minutes to allow the
phosphorous to diffuse from the SiO2 into the silicon.
For this doping process:
6. Determine whether a constant source or limited source model would be more
appropriate (justify your answer!)
7. Based on your decision above, determine the resulting phosphorous doping profile in
the wafer (plot in MATLAB or equivalent).
8. What is the total dose in the Si after the diffusion step? What portion of the
phosphorous that was in the SiO2 has moved into the Si? How does this jibe with your
answer to question 6?
9. If the Si wafer is originally P-type (Boron doped, <100> orientation) with resistivity
2.4 -cm, determine the junction depth and sheet resistance of the doped layer.
10. Model* this process in Atlas and compare the results of junction depth and sheet
resistance to your calculated values.
Plot the phosphorous concentration (in both the SiO2 and Si) versus depth before and
after the 1100 degree diffusion step.
Does the concentration in the SiO2 change significantly during the process? How does
this jibe with your answer to questions 6 and 8?
* In Atlas you can generally produce a device structure in two different ways. You can
either specify exactly what the structure is, e.g. by specifying the material and doping
profile, or you can model an actual process such as constant source diffusion of
phosphorous for 1 hour at 1100 degrees. Since this class is about processing, in general
when I ask you to model something I want you to model the actual process. For this
problem, that would mean modeling the deposition of the P-doped SiO2, the drive-in at
1100 degrees and the etching away of the SiO2.

Graduate level (518 students only) homework assignment.

The product data sheet for the P509 spin on dopant we will use gives the sheet
resistivities expected for different diffusion times and temperatures. From this data can
you determine the proper diffusion model (i.e. limited source or constant source) and
dose (concentration N0 for constant source or Q for limited source model)?

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