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The measurement in social work research assignment on drug abuse screening test
fits competency 2.1.6. Competency 2.1.6 is to engage in research informed
practice and practice informed research. The measurement in social work research
assignment on drug abuse screening test is the perfect example of engaging in
research informed practice and practice informed research. In this assignment I
conducted research on a drug screening test survey. Many surveys are not as
reliable as they seem to be. Many questions were worded in a way that was likely
to cause confusion to the population it was made for. In this assignment I chose a
drug abuse screening survey and made it into a more user friendly survey. I
learned great deal from this assignment. This assignment taught me to be
conscious of the population that is taking the scientific inquiry. I taught m how o
measure the outcomes of the surveys. The practice behavior of utilizing research
evidence to inform practice was met by this assignment. The surveys were the
method used for research evidence to inform the practice to be provided. Another
practice behavior achieved was utilization of practice to inform scientific inquiry.
Applying what I have learned from working with substance abusers I was able to fix
the scientific inquiry to continue to provide better practice for the substance abuse
population. This assignment provided me with better insight of the overall process
of scientific inquiry. Overall measurement in social work research assignment on
drug abuse screening test fulfills competency 2.1.6 because it displays the actual
engagement in research informed practice and practice informed research.
Applying competency 2.1.6 will ensure a better understanding of the populations
served as well as how to conduct scientific inquiries that will be more accurate to be
able o apply them in practice.

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