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SRU Good News for Feb.

18, 2015
SRU student wins Blue Key Honor Society
Natalie Niccolai, a Slippery Rock University communication major from Canonsburg, has
been awarded the Presidents Award for her outstanding leadership and service to the Blue
Key Honor Society.
Chris Sevierdes, national director of the organization, presented the award at the Smith
Student Center. The honor is among the highest honors presented by the society.
Niccolai was nominated for her work on Blue Key service projects including the Walk-a-Pup
project with the Butler County Humane Society, coordinating a fundraiser for SRUs Up til 2
for St. Jude and a giving-tree project at the SRU Health Center benefitting the Salvation
Army. She is now working on a cystic fibrosis fundraising event.
She is currently serving as an intern at the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust.
The Presidents Award honors a current or past Blue Key chapter president considered an
outstanding collegiate member of the honor society. The award goes to the leader who has
presented as a standard bearer and role model, and recognizes the recipient as an
outstanding collegiate member of the society who has exemplified the values inherent and
perpetuated the ideals as set forth in the preamble to the bylaws of the fraternity.
The society is a premier honor society recognizing college students at senior institutions of
higher education for balanced and all-around excellence in scholarship, leadership and
service. There are currently 20 members in the SRU chapter.
Slippery Rock University provides students with a comprehensive learning experience that
intentionally combines academic instruction with enhanced educational and learning opportunities
that make a positive difference in their lives.
Editors Note: The successes of our friends and colleagues at the University are something we should
all celebrateand share. The University Communication and Public Affairs Office offers a daily Efeature to share a good news story about a person, program, activity or service associated with
Slippery Rock University. When good news happens to you, please let us know so we might share it
with others. Submit items through campus e-mail to: -Do not reply to this email
This email is distributed by the Office of University Communication and Public Affairs.

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